
Ask Representative Gowdy about the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel

The information contained in this report is both stunning and frightening. However, to many in the DEA ranks and US intelligence community, this report will ring true and many of these personnel will be shocked at the revelations which will follow. Much of the material presented in the first part of this series is contextual in background in order to provide a high degree of legitimacy to the claims from a DEA whistleblower.

This material is the type of information that gets the Breitbart reporters of the world liquidated. Subsequently, I have taken careful steps to compartmentalize the material and distribute it to confidential sources. The information that I am going to reveal will see the light of day whether it comes from this column or someone else’s article.

‘There are many good people, who are loyal to the United States, who work for the Drug Enforcement Agency. However, the DEA, as an entity is both complicit in the fall of this country and will be active participants in the process.

Contacted by DEA Special Agent

Some time ago, I was contacted by a DEA special agent who is still on active status with the agency. His stated reason for coming forward is that he will not be a participant in the planned demise of the United States in which the DEA, as well as other federal agencies, will be complicit by their covert and overt participation.

Much, not all, of what is about to be revealed in this report, has already been revealed in confidential reports to key Congressmen such as Issa and Gowdy. Yes, that would be the same Trey Gowdy who is grilling the IRS on missing emails. This is the same Trey Gowdy who “prosecuted the full range of federal crimes including narcotics trafficking rings, bank robberies, child pornography cases, and the murder of a federal witness. He was awarded the Postal Inspector’s Award for the successful prosecution of J. Mark Allen, one of “America’s Most Wanted” suspects… This is the same 7th Circuit Solicitor, Trey led an office of 25 attorneys and 65 total employees. During his tenure, he started a Violence Against Women Task Force and a Worthless Check Program, enhanced and expanded Drug Court, and implemented a Drug Mother Protocol designed to assist expectant mothers break the cycle of addiction. This is the same Congressman that champions himself, on his Congressional webpage as a champion in the war on drugs, but completely ignores verifiable notifications from my whistleblower source regarding DEA complicity in allowing drug trafficking into the United States, covering up both the trafficking and the subsequent money laundering operations.

Gowdy knows and Congressman Issa also knows the operational details that I am going to reveal both in this report, and in subsequent reports. Yet, neither Congressman will touch this issue with a 10 foot pole as they grandstand over a “pretend” Benghazi investigation and “gee, what happened to the IRS emails?”

A Cartel You Have Never Heard About

My DEA source was involved in drug interdiction in Peru, which is the leading cocaine producer in the world with 325 metric tons of operation. One of his main jobs consisted of developing confidential sources (CS) into actionable intelligence information which could be used toward retarding of the blossoming drug trafficking business in Peru.

The Peruvian police and military only intercept 3-5% of the gross drug traffic and that is by design. It gives the appearance that something is being done, while a drug trafficking empire is being established in this country to a degree never imagined in the past.

Senior DEA officials are running interference for a massive drug organization known as the SANCHEZ-Paredes drug cartel and it is based out of Peru. However, not many Americans will have heard of this cartel. Yet, they have been around since 1976 and are more massive that any of the Mexican drug cartels in terms of the size and impact of its operations.

This drug cartel is protected by the Peruvian military. Coincidentally, my source tells me that the U.S. military has increased training exercises with the Peruvian military. In yesterday’s article, I revealed that the Mexican military is also increasing its training activities with the American military in the same manner. This is a case of the same song second verse. We know the Mexican military is completely compromised by the Sinaloa’s. I have some independent confirmation of the same being true in Peru, exclusive of my source that the Peruvian military is being trained on how to protect drug shipments and defend their drug turf by the U.S. military. I know of two other reporters who are working on different aspects of this story and they will soon be published, so I will defer to them until later next week after the expected reports are filed in the media.

The Peruvian Pattern Is the Same As the U.S.

The TSA would have you believe that there is a terrorist who wants to kill every American boarding an airplane, so we should allow our children and wives to be groped by the pot bellied perverts at the TSA. They would have you believe that al-Qaeda is everywhere. Any investigative reporter worth their salt knows that al-Qaeda is a CIA front and participates in regime change operations from Libya to Syria to ISIS in Iraq.

The forces of al-Qaeda are nothing but the “boogey man” designed to make us give up more and more of our rights on a progressive basis. The same strategy is being employed in Peru through an organization known as Sendero Luminoso. The activities from Sendero Luminoso serve to cover the drug trafficking and money laundering activities of the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel.

Sendero moves the cocaine across the Andes to the Sanchez-Pareds.  Another CS stated the Sanchez-Paredes are now the primary source of supply for Sinaloa cartel and the still ongoing Fast and Furious operations, which took the life of Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. That means that Eric Holder’s pet project is not dead.

How the DEA is Facilitating Drug Trafficking

DEA senior officials are fully complicit in these operations. Let’s examine the leadership of Patrick Stenkamp who formerly served as the Regional Director (aka Special-Agent-In-Charge) in Peru. Peru now serves as the regional headquarters for the DEA in the region since Bolivia kicked the DEA out. Also, Peru has taken over the title of “King on Cocaine” from Columbia.

As Regional Director, Stenkamp decided what cases to pursue and which to conveniently ignore. According to my source, Stenkamp fired the last three special agents who dared to investigate the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel. This group operates with impunity under the watchful eye of DEA leadership and if DEA special agents want to prolong and advance their careers, they better play along or they will end up like the three agents who tried to investigate the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel, out of a job.

My previous investigation looked into the role that Sinaloa’s played with regard to the present immigration crisis and it revealed three significant details:

1. As reported yesterday, the Sinaloa’s have been connected to terrorist organizations since 2007 as reported in the MSM.

2. The Sinaloa’s, along with MS-13 have received paramilitary training at camps outside of San Salvador along with military grade hardware (e.g. RPG missile launchers, AK-47′s and anti-tank weapons. This is all supplied by the terror organization of Hamas and Hezbollah.

3. The Sinaloa’s and Los Zetas drug cartels are using MS-13 gang members as assassins in removing political and law enforcement obstacles in Mexico. The Border Patrol has repeatedly said that MS-13 members are being processed into the United States by the thousands by the Border Patrol who are being told to look the other way, by DHS directives, when it comes to processing MS-13 gangsters into the United States.

The Goal Is to Turn the U.S. Into a Narco-Terrorist State

America is in the process of being transformed into the same type of narco-terrorist state as we see in Mexico. Let’s consider the public drug trial of Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla.

“Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, the Sinaloa cartel’s “logistics coordinator” and son of a principal Sinaloa leader, asserted in court documents that Guzman is a U.S. informant and Sinaloa was “given carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago.”

“Niebla also alleged that Operation Fast and Furious was part of an agreement to finance and arm the cartel in exchange for information used to take down its rivals”. The details of the unholy agreement between the DEA and the Sinaloa cartel was that the DEA would allow 80% of all drug shipments into the United States in exchange for intelligence information on the other drug cartels. Why would the DEA want intelligence on the other cartels, yet, they would allow the Sinaloa cartel to continue with their drug operations right under the noses of the DEA. “The agents stated that this arrangement had been approved by high-ranking officials and federal prosecutors,” the Zambada-Niebla lawyer wrote”.

After being extradited to Chicago in February 2010, Zambada-Niebla argued that he was also “immune from arrest or prosecution” because he actively provided information to U.S. federal agents.

Niebla “The DEA said it was OK to run drugs into America”.

Niebla also alleged that Operation Fast and Furious was part of an agreement to finance and arm the cartel in exchange for information used to take down its rivals. This resurfaces the issue that Attorney General Eric Holder knew about the gun-running arrangements in Fast and Furious as we all knew he did.

The only plausible explanation serving to underlie this operation would be that DEA is protecting the drug trafficking corridors for the banking elite that has hijacked our government.  The information supplied by the Sinaloa’s about their rivals protects the elites shipments from competition. Part Two of this series will explore the details of the money laundering arrangements which will expose this unholy arrangement.


In summary, drugs are supplied from the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel, who in turn ship the drug to their middle men, the Sinaloa cartel. The DEA is completely aware of this relationship and actively protects the business arrangement

My source also informed me that the members of the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel travel freely to and from the United States where they own homes and do not pay taxes to the American government. Meanwhile, we continue to get felt up at the airport by the TSA in order to protect us from these kinds of terrorists. This should make your blood boil.

And what happened to Patrick Stenkamp? According to my source, he was implicated in a hit and run accident involving a Peruvian national and was removed from his position. Stenkamp eventually went to work for Chevron which is very interesting in itself. If you recall the Anthony Sutton and Patrick Wood book, Trilaterals Over Washington, you will remember that Chevron is an old guard mainstay of the Rockefeller empire. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Part Two will reveal money laundering details connected to these arrangements which involves major U.S banks and senior level government officials.

May I suggest that the readers write to Issa and Gowdy and ask them what they are afraid of?

Dave Hodges is the host of the popular weekly talk show, The Common Sense Show, which airs on Sunday nights from 9pm – Midnight (central) on the Republic Broadcasting Network and its 29 affiliate stations. Dave also hosts a website (www.thecommonsenseshow.com) in which he writes daily articles on the geopolitical state of affairs both nationally and internationally. The theme of Dave’s show and website centers around exposing the corruption and treason which has invaded the presidency and Congress as well as their corporate and banking benefactors. Dave is an award winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor. He is also a former college basketball coach who retired as the winningest coach in his college’s history. A mental health therapist by training, Dave brings a broad based perspective in his fight against the corrupt central banking cartels which have hijacked the US government. Dave and his wife, Nora have one son and they presently reside in rural Arizona approximately 25 miles north of the greater Phoenix area. Dave was drawn to the fight for freedom when the globalist central banking forces, led by Senator John McCain, attempted to seize his home and property and that of 300 of his neighbors, without one dime being offered in compensation. This attempted public theft of private property was conducted for the purpose of securing cheap land in which the globalists intended on putting in an international highway through their area known as the Canamex Corridor. Dave’s community appointed him the spokesperson and eventually his community won their fight against the bankers and their front man, Senator McCain. This event launched Dave’s career as a broadcaster and an investigative journalist. Dave’s website presently enjoys over a half a million visitors every month.

The article DEA Insider Reveals How Agency Protects Drug Trafficking For The Elite published by TheSleuthJournal - Real News Without Synthetics

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