
While in public the European Union says that Britain needs to leave as soon as possible, in private the EU would prefer the British to stay and surrender.

(The Real Agenda News) Heads of State and Government of Twenty-seven Member-States of the European Union (EU) have said that the United Kingdom can only access the single European market if it accepts the “four freedoms” the unelected bureaucracy demands, among them the so-called freedom of movement of goods, persons, services and capital.

This demand implies that Brussels would still accept Britain into its kingdom as long as it bows to becoming a consumer of slave-made goods, a ghetto for millions of refugees and a market for laundering money.

In a joint statement adopted at its first meeting without the United Kingdom, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, headed the 27-member group that says they regret the decision of the British people to leave the EU.

The EU says they respect the decision and emphasize that, despite the vote, the UK will remain a member of the Union with all rights and all obligations until the day the Brexit is actually completed.

The statement further explains that Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is the legal basis for the exit of the UK and should be the British government which must formally notify of its activation, although the other 27 members “want this to happen as soon as possible,” Merkel said.

The leaders also make it clear that, before the official notification of the desire of the UK to leave the EU (Brexit) arrives, “there can be no negotiations,” the statement adds.

The leaders also point out that the European Council will adopt the guidelines for the negotiation process and that it will play its role the along with the European Commission and the European Parliament, in line with the Treaties.

“We all agree that the Commission with its technical knowledge and its possibilities, naturally plays a central role,” said the chancellor.

Moreover, the 27 indicate that the UK should present its intentions about the design of future relations with the EU and reiterated that access to the single market “can only be granted under the acceptance of the four fundamental freedoms”.

As for the European project without the United Kingdom, the Heads of State and Government say they are determined to meet the challenges of the XXI Century, while saying explaining the so-called historical relevance of the Union and the need to provide citizens with welfare and safety, said Merkel.

“We’ve talked a lot about the three themes: internal and external security, protection of external borders and migration and job creation, growth and competitiveness,” she said, with special attention to young people in Europe.

Leaders agreed to address these issues in more depth in a new informal meeting in September in Bratislava.

The leaders want to build on a strategic agenda on EU priorities “to discuss the next steps and the necessary reforms, in which some aspects should have more emphasis and where they should accelerate or intensify work to achieve the goals” Merkel said.

This agenda involves the same working basis for the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council for this legislature and focuses on job creation, growth and competitiveness, greater political role and protection of citizens, energy policies on climate change and energy and climate, freedom, security and justice and the Union as a leading player on the world scene, she recalled.

All of this has been part of the plans since the inception of the EU decades ago. However, none of it has been achieved because those are not the real plans for EU members. The real agenda behind the EU is exactly where the EU is now. Consolidation of political and economic power in the hands of a small elite.

The post Brussels Wants Britain To Be Europe’s Ghetto appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

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