
The term “organic” can be defined as “of, relating to, or derived from living matter”. So, when we look for an organic crib mattress, we look for something that just says organic because it’s suppose to be healthy and safe for our children. You may be surprised to know that not all crib mattresses that are labeled as organic are truly 100% organic.

That’s right, even though your crib mattress says it’s organic, it’s probably not 100%. This is why it is important to understand what is actually all natural and what isn’t. My goal is to present you with crib mattresses that are either 100% natural or very close to it. I want to make sure you are getting something that is true to the claim of being completely organic. We bought and tested multiple crib mattresses that are considered to be the top in their class, a few of the ones I really liked are mentioned below. Some were given to us to test for free but this doesn’t affect our rankings. In fact, the crib mattress we gave top marks to was one we paid for. Read on to find out which one it is.



Comparison Table

What Makes A Crib Mattress Organic

There Are No PVC’s With Phthalates

Say No To PBDE’s

CertiPur Explained

Is Organic Right For Baby

How To Buy An Organic Crib Mattress

Read That Label!

Is It Certified?

Organic Crib Mattress Reviews

Naturepedic No Compromise Organic Crib Mattress

Newton Wovenaire Crib Mattress

Colgate Eco Classica III

Moonlight Slumber Little Dreamer

Lullaby Earth Healthy Support Crib Mattress

The Ideal Choice

5 Best Organic Crib Mattress Comparisons








6 x 27.8 x 52 inches

10 pounds

30-day Amazon Return


Read Our Review

Newton Wovenaire

28 x 5.5 x 52 inches

11 pounds

30-day Amazon return


Read Our Review

Colgate Eco

51.7 x 27.2 x 6 inches

9.4 pounds

30-day amazon return


Read Our Review

Moonlight Slumber

53 x 29 x 7 inches

11 pounds

30-day Amazon return


Read Our Review

Lullaby Earth

52 x 27.5 x 6 inches

6.8 pounds

Limited lifetime warranty


Read Our Review

What Makes A Crib Mattress Organic?

Before you make the choice to buy that mattress for the baby’s crib that is labeled as “organic”, one must know how to tell if it is actually organic or not. It is quite easy for manufacturers to make this claim, but here is how to know for sure.

There Are No PVC’s With Phthalates

The majority of crib mattresses on the market have a Vinyl covering that helps with waterproofing. But, what you may not know, is that when babies breathe in these plasticizers and absorb them through their skin, they are being exposed to multiple health effects which can include asthma, cancer, kidney and liver damage, and more, Here is why.

PVC is a type of thermoplastic that is made of 57% chlorine and 43% carbon which is obtained from oil or gas by ethylene. In combination with Phthalates, crib mattresses become quite toxic since this group of chemicals has been known to be endocrine disruptors. This is especially deadly if a child is a dialysis patient, a hemophiliac, or people who have received blood transfusions.

PVC is also one of the most toxic plastics used to date. The combination of petroleum and chlorine in this is known as a human carcinogen. Carcinogen is a substance that can lead to cancer and this is why it is better to steer clear from any organic crib mattress that contains vinyl. Not to mention, if it contains vinyl, it probably isn’t 100% organic.

Say No To PBDE’s

PBDE’s are the main fire retardant used in most crib mattresses, have been for decades. These chemicals break down over time and release themselves into household dust. Babies are especially exposed since they breathe the air while sleeping directly on the source, absorb it through their skin, and from crawling around or touching things that have dust on them.

PBDE’s can cause immune suppression, developmental delays, behaviour changes, cancer, and more. I don’t know about you, but I would prefer my child to not be sleeping on something that could potentially make them sick. Now, since all crib mattresses must be flame retardant, they will have some kind of chemical on them. If it is considered an organic mattress, it will be labeled as CertiPUR-US Certified. This is very important to look for because it validates the organic nature of the mattress.

CertiPur Explained

On your organic crib mattress, you may see the word “polyurethane”, and all of a sudden think, ‘Oh no! It’s not completely organic!” There’s no need to worry, as long as your mattress has that CertiPUR-US certified label on it.

All of the certified flexible polyurethane foams are analyzed and tested twice in one year. They are then re-certified each year after. All CertiPUR-US certified foams are made without PBDE’s, TDCPP or TCEP flame retardants, mercury, lead and other heavy metals, formaldehyde, phthalates, ozone depleters, and have been tested for low VOC emissions for indoor air quality.
So, before you go sending the crib mattress back, sit back and take a few deep breaths. As long as you see that CertiPUR-US certified sticker, your mattress is still organic.

Is Organic Right For Baby

Are you still on the fence about choosing organic over the cheaper, yet more harmful, crib mattress? Let me take some of your frustrations away by providing you with some Q&A type materials for you to ponder.

Do you want to get what you pay for?

Usually, when you find a cheap mattress, it only gives you the minimum, which includes harmful chemicals that could potentially harm the child. Yes, organic mattresses are going to be a little more expensive than the name brand that you can get at your local discount supermarket. Although it will cost more, you are getting more which includes a healthier sleeping environment, a safer sleeping surface, and peace of mind.

Does the child have allergies?

If the child suffers from allergies, organic is the way to go. Traditional crib mattresses can contain chemicals that will trigger allergies in children. Organic mattresses are made from materials that are meant to cut down on these allergies. They also help to naturally keep dust mites at bay, which can also trigger an allergic reaction.

Is the environment important to you?

Since most of these organic crib mattresses are made with all natural products, they can be recycled. Traditional mattresses can emit harmful chemicals that may deplete the ozone and the earth. Imagine what that can do to the child?

Is SIDS a concern?

“SIDS”, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is a huge worry to parents and caregivers. Several scientists have claimed that the toxic gasses that come from crib mattresses can be inhaled or absorbed by the baby and lead to crib death or SIDS.  Organic crib mattresses tend to have a lower SIDS rate than traditional mattresses that release toxic gasses. So, to reduce this risk, invest in organic.

How To Buy An Organic Crib Mattress

Okay, now that I have given you the rundown of what organic really is and what to stay away from, here are a few quick things to know before you purchase that “organic” mattress.

Read That Label!

The description on some mattresses may be deceiving. It may tell you that it is organic, but just because it says it is, doesn’t mean it is completely. Some of the materials inside of that mattress are still chemically treated or there are natural materials that have toxic, synthetic, or chemically-laden materials that follow.

If the mattress has bamboo in it, it’s most likely not organic because the bamboo needs to be chemically processed. So, in order to ensure it is genuinely organic, read all of the labels very carefully. Only the fibers in the materials need to be organic in order for a company to call it that.

Is It Certified?

Remember earlier how I mentioned CertiPUR-US? This is one of the things to look for along with a Greenguard Certification. This certification ensures that the mattress has gone through extensive testing through some of the world’s most comprehensive and rigorous standards for low emissions of VOC’s into indoor air.

There are two types of certifications: Greenguard and Greenguard Gold. Greenguard is what was just mentioned above and Greenguard Gold includes health based criteria for all other additional chemicals. It also requires a product to have lower VOC emission levels to ensure that the product can be used indoors.

If your crib mattress has a Greenguard Gold certification, it is most likely going to be organic, but just make sure you check those labels.

Organic Crib Mattress Reviews

Naturepedic No Compromise Organic Crib Mattress


6 x 27.8 x 52 inches

10 pounds

Dual Firmness


Greenguard Gold certified

30-day Amazon Return

The Naturepedic No Compromise is one of the few organic crib mattresses that can stay true to their claim. Yes, the mattress is in fact encased in a waterproof cover, most commonly found with traditional crib mattresses, but they have made theirs with a food grade polyethylene material. This is so pure that it meets food contact standards. It also has a 2-stage dual firmness for years of growth with your child.

Not only is is food grade approved, but it also functions as a dust mite and bed bug barrier. I know that I would not want my child sleeping on a mattress that could inhabit bed bugs, so I can definitely appreciate this feature. Naturepedic also uses the purest organic cotton fillings that have been U.S. grown and certified.

Worried about allergens? Don’t be. Naturepedic created this mattress with an Allergen friendly design. There is no wool, latex, or soy, which can be highly allergenic.It has also been tested for chemical emissions and is certified organic by the Global Organic Textile Standard.




Fits perfectly in U.S. standard size cribs


100% organic


Easy to move



Complaints of it being too small for standard for some standard cribs

Claims of it being too soft

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Newton Wovenaire Crib Mattress


28 x 5.5 x 52 inches

11 pounds

Infant to toddler use

Water resistant

Greenguard Gold certified

30-day Amazon return

The Newton Wovenaire is a one-of-a-kind crib mattress. This mattress has been recommended by Dr. Jim Sears and many other pediatricians for the health and safety of your baby. This is 100% breathable which reduces the risk of SIDS by so much. I love the idea of this because I am always worried about my baby’s breathing while he is sleeping.

The breathable design allows for babies to breathe right through the mattress and it also helps air to circulate better to avoid overheating. No more waking up with damp backs or wet hair.

The Wovenaire is also 100% washable! That’s right, you can take the cover off and throw it in the washer and you can hose down the inside core which is made with a food grade woven plastic. This makes for a much more hygienic sleeping surface and is sure to increase the life of the mattress.



100% washable

100% organic

100% breathable



Parents feel much safer

Doesn’t need a crib sheet

Can be recycled




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Colgate Eco Classica III

Not 100% organic. The cover is 100% organic, but the insides are eco-friendly


51.7 x 27.2 x 6 inches

9.4 pounds

Infant to toddler use

Water resistant

GREENGUARD Gold certified

CertiPUR-US Certified

30-day amazon return

If you are looking for an affordable, dual sided crib mattress, the Colgate Eco Classica III may be the right fit for you. This crib mattress is GREENGUARD Gold and CertiPUR-US certified. This means that it has been tested for no harmful emissions and the foam is safe for use in crib mattresses and toddler beds.

The Colgate surpasses thee two finger test which means that the mattress has a nice snug fit in the crib. If the mattress isn’t snug, the baby could become entrapped. The Colgate also has a multi-layered dual firmness design. There is an infant side that is super firm and the toddler side which is a little more soft. You can use it for baby and once they are ready for a toddler bed, just fli it over and it is ready to use.




Comfortable for both baby and toddler

Fits well in standard cribs

Easy to change sheets

No odor

Soft to touch



Not completely organic

Complaints of bad stitching

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Moonlight Slumber Little Dreamer

Not 100% organic. Made with eco-friendly materials.


53 x 29 x 7 inches

11 pounds

Infant to toddler use


GREENGUARD Gold certified

CertiPUR-US certified

30-day Amazon return

Moonlight Slumber’s Little Dreamer Crib Mattress is another mattress in the line of eco-friendly mattresses that is dual sided. This mattress had no harsh chemicals, hypoallergenic, GREENGUARD Gold certified, easy to clean and is bed bug/dust mite resistant.

The extra firm infant side makes for an ideal sleeping surface for your baby. The firmness helps your baby with their development while they are using their crib. They use that firmness for safety and to push up when learning to crawl, walk, and roll over.

The toddler side is nice and plush so that your toddler is comfortable while they sleep. It also is made with a medical quality fire barrier, a water stain and odor resistant fabric, and is made with plant based foams that is eco-friendly.




Babies sleep well on it

Fits cribs snugly


Easy to clean

Good quality



Both sides seem too hard

Not completely organic

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Lullaby Earth Healthy Support Crib Mattress


52 x 27.5 x 6 inches

6.8 pounds

Infant to toddler use

GREENGUARD Gold Certified

Limited lifetime warranty

The Lullaby Earth Healthy Support crib mattress has all of the features and benefits you would be looking for in a healthy mattress. There are is no Vinly, PVC’s, or polyurethane foams in it and it is naturally flame retardant without the harsh chemicals and barriers. The core and the surface are made with 100% food grade polyethylene (don’t worry, that’s a good thing).

This mattress is also recyclable and made from the two most common materials recycled to this day. Along with this, you will also be getting a waterproof and easy-to-clean sleeping surface for baby and toddler. If anything happens, just wipe it clean and it’s ready to be slept on.

The optional 2-stage design is also a great feature. I like this one because I have a little one who is set to be transitioned in the near future and I won’t have to go out and buy a new one for him.




Lifetime limited warranty

Easy to change the sheets

Babies sleep fine on it


Less expensive than others



Complaints of dents

A little too firm for some

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The Ideal Choice

There can only be one winner and I dislike that all of them are so great. If I were to go with my parenting instincts and take all of the research and facts into consideration, I would definitely have to go with the Newton Wovenaire. I have to go with this one because it is the most breathable, and can cut that risk of SIDS down dramatically. It is 90 percent air by volume and is 100% washable.  For everything that you are getting with this mattress, which includes peace of mind, that $300 price tag shouldn’t make you cringe too much.

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