
{ photo c/o Fashionlush }




Some amazing readers/friends/fellow bloggers have done some fabulous, oh so cute reviews of The Skinny Confidential Bombshell Body Guide.

The guide has changed my body in my so many ways so it was cool to read about how the guide is changing bodies all over the world ( one reviewer is from Thailand! ). TSC Bombshell Body Guide is 27 minutes and I’m going to be honest here: I’ve literally done the guide in my underwear, in my bedroom, while Michael was pretending not to watch a Vanderpump Rules reunion part 2 out of his peripheral.

Basically I created this guide with celebrity trainer, Jaime McFadden, because they’re the exact workouts every woman on the go needs: quick, simple, effective.

Anyway here’s a further explanation of the guide:

For a full in depth post on the guide, click here & here. And to see how I utilize TSC Bombshell Guide on vacation, click here.

Also, when I’m feeling better I’ll do a full post on how ( & where ) the guide has changed my body. Pictures and all. Let’s just say my under arms don’t flap in the wind, waving anymore.

Ok, now let’s check out the reviews, shall we?

1.} Fashionlush:

Let’s start with my GF, Erica Stolman of Fashionlush. Erica is super creative so of course she made a rad post about a marble book cover for her printed out body guide. SO INSANE ( Erica: can you make me one, lol ).

Erica says…

Here are a few reasons I’m so into the BBG::

» Time is money & I know first hand that Lauryn gets that, which makes this routine so on point. The workouts are 27 minutes long, 3x a week… easy peasy.

» You can do all the workouts from home & all you need is a set of 5 pounders and a chair/bench.

» Jamie McFaden (trainer to the stars) collaborated on this project. She worked with Jillian Michaels, who has the most rocking bod on the planet, so that’s pretty damn cool.

» There is a full blown online community to talk about your fitness goals, ask questions, swap recipes, get support, & share tips with Lauryn & the other members.

» Results are FAST. Within two weeks my definition & tone were on point.

» These workouts lean you out rather than bulk you up. I have this thing with my legs, they are naturally thin, but not in a cute way (they are weak & need some serious tone-age). Most workouts make my legs look BULKY, so I end up cheating my way through the leg workout, which pretty much defeats the whole purpose. This routine gives me the tone, minus the body builder type bulk that I hate.

♥ Full review found on Fashionlush.

2.} Skinny Girl Standard:

Jordan Nettleship of Skinny Girl Standard is so cute. She uses the guide on her iPad. WHICH I LOVE. How fun is that? All she has to do is bring her iPad anywhere, pull it out, put on some music & sweat. EASY.

Jordan uses Target 5 pounds weights & is loving the nutrition/recipe section. This means A LOT coming from her because she’s a seriously amazing cook.

Jordan says…

I’m sure you’re already familiar with the Bombshell Body Guide The Skinny Confidential launched this week, but just in case you’re not, let’s celebrate together as I explain. We health-conscious gurus have been waiting for this day – for someone to revolutionize the fitness game so it isn’t a bunch of running and swimming. Because Lauryn has dedicated her life to helping all body types – athletic, coordinated or neither – shed fat and lose weight, she has designed a program that is easy to follow, simple to apply and actually works. Like, makes you feel pretty and kind of – I don’t know – presidential, or something. Like you could run a country. It’s like when you think you’re only good at eating chips and watching Lost on Netflix, and then you suddenly realize you can lift weights and jog without hating yourself. Yeah, it’s like that.

The thing I love most about the 28-week Bombshell Body Guide is that you get step-by-step instructions on how to do a workout right. There is a wrong way to workout, y’all. Lauryn has packed this guide full of descriptive photos. You are told to do something, and then she’s right there on the page, showing you. There’s also a very brilliant low-calorie menu with food that tastes GOOD and KEEPS YOU FULL! And y’all know me – I’m somewhat of a harsh critic when it comes to good-tasting, low-calorie food.

I feel incredible, I look leaner. I can feel the muscle growing inside my arms, legs and glutes. I’m making delicious, easy-to-follow recipes. My husband called me “smokin’,” the other day. Oh, and I am like…not bloated. Which is so weird, because my body has this weird love affair with retaining water, but anyway…

♥ Full review on Skinny Girl Standard.

3.} Miss American Made:

Jordan of Miss American Made is a hottie with a body already BUT she is still loving the guide so far. Jordan uses the guide at home on her iPad because she’s working two jobs so it’s difficult for her to find time to go to the gym. Five pound weights is all she needs!

Jordan says…

You can eat or drink whatever you want ( within reason ), I love a cheeseburger as much as the next girl, which is great because so does Lauryn! She encourages you to have cheat meals, but make healthy choices most often. There are tons of yummy recipes with easy to follow instructions and pretty pictures. Oh, and they are totally man-approved, my boyfriend LOVES the food from this program. Most importantly, you don’t have to completely cut out the alcohol!

Lauryn offers tons of yummy cocktail recipes, Skinny Confidential approved!

The great thing about this plan is it was designed for the girl on the go. All you need is a pair of hand weights. Either 2, 3, or 5 pounds depending on your fitness level and you’re good to go. I do my workouts around the house, outside, literally anywhere! It’s so convenient.

The workouts are intense, but doable. I already mentioned that each workout is only 27 minutes. Lauryn included various moves from her fitness background. Expect to feel like you just got all the best moves from a Pilates, yoga, & barre class + some traditional workouts like squats and burpies. Each day is a different routine, through out the week you will have worked every little nook and cranny in your body.

♥ Full review on Miss American Made.

4.} The Brunette Ecoholic:

Sabrina of The Brunette Echoic says she found the workouts super intense but pushed herself mentally & kept going. She’s glad she did. See why below.

Sabrina says…

I’ll be honest, I’ve tried other fitness and nutrition guides over the years, some were meh and one I loved, but almost all of the exercises were just not a good fit for my back issues and the recipes on some of the plans were either boring, extremely restrictive or required lots of crazy and expensive ingredients that I just didn’t want to be bothered with!

I don’t want to diet, I want a healthier lifestyle! Enter the TSC Bombshell Body Guide!

Created by one of my favorite bloggers ever, Lauryn Evarts of The Skinny Confidential and fitness and health guru Jaime McFadden, this guide seems like it was designed for people like me- busy, dealing with injury or chronic pain, not wanting to spend lots of time prepping or cooking meals, but still wants results while enjoying yummy foods!

The guide is a 28 week fitness and nutrition program that consists of 27 minute workouts that you do 3 days a week and includes some of the most amazing, easy to make, addictively delish recipes you’ll ever find (obsessed with the chia seed jam)!

I’ll admit, I was a bit nervous about the exercise portion, especially since I was taking this on right when my back had gone out in the worst possible way! BUT, I braved it anyways as soon as I was able to stay off the couch. I focused on the exercises I knew I could do (lunges, planks, arms) and before I knew it, I was able to do more! This is a big freaking deal for me! Just when I thought I was going to have to pack it in and give up, I dug in my heels and kept going..and found myself getting stronger! Which of course, made me want to keep doing them and trying more of the exercises!

The best part, is that you don’t need fancy equipment, just two 3-5 pound weights and a bench or a chair, so you can do these exercises in your living room while you are watching tv! I love that Lauryn’s instructions for the exercises are so easy to follow that even if you have never exercised in your life, you can pick these up right quick! They’re also effective and I mean you see results faaaasssst! I also love that you only need to do them for 27 minutes, 3 days a week – so even if you are uber busy, there is still time enough to do them..I mean come on, it’s the amount of time it takes to watch a sitcom!

♥ Full post on The Brunette Ecoholic.

5.} WellnessTam

Tamara Reisch of WELLNESSTAM review is awesome because she basically broke down the guide in to sections. Easy, breezy. Check it out:

Tamara says…

The members only online community has to be my favorite part. The online page has everything needed to succeed with the plan. Lauryn keeps members updated on the latest blog content, and frequently checks in (like multiple times per day) to answer questions and cheer us on. On the social forum, members share TSC-approved recipes, workout tips, and support. There’s also a place to track your progress.

There’s no chance of getting bored on this program – there is SO MUCH content! The guide is made of two parts, for a total of 28 weeks. In addition to the guide, there are a number of targeted workouts also available to members (8 complete workout programs!).

Another bonus – the guide has such gorgeous graphic design, making it a joy to flip through.

The program does not push certain protein powders or fad foods that are full of chemicals and other junk. Instead, there are recipes that focus on real and wholesome ingredients, and are a breeze to make. You can play around with the recipes and come up with your own healthy meals & snacks.

On the Bombshell Body guide, you never repeat a single workout. How amazing is that? Each workout only lasts 27 minutes, and is completed three times a week. They consist of a warm up, a series of fast paced circuits, and a cool down. The workouts are fun and fly by. They are always progressively taking you to the next level, so you improve constantly, but it is never outside your ability.

♥ Full post on WELLNESSTAM.

6.} Mean Little Minx

Christa Larkin of Mean Little Minx had a pretty, delicious review! First off, doesn’t this orange juice look good ( I think I’m going to make some carrot & orange juice now…yum ).

What’s new? Wellll now since you brought it up- I’m really, really excited to be collaborating with one of my favorite entrepreneurs a& wellness guys, Lauryn Evarts of The Skinny Confidential. Miss Evarts just came out with her own health & fitness guide.

Now there are about a million & one reasons I like this guide, but a huge one for me personally is that you don’t have to be a let’s say ‘master chef’ to quickly whip up these recipes.

And that’s exactly why I like the style of this guide. Everything is so simple, quick, & health.

Oh, the fact that’s it’s ‘pretty’ makes me want to log in.

So it really leaves you with no excuses.

You do have time to make these recipes, & you can do the workouts anywhere, so you have zero reason not to get it done!

♥ Full post on Mean Lil Minx.

7.} Simply Life

Amanda Spoden of Slimplify Life talks about how she’s decides to make no more excuses & put on her big girl panties. Apparently TSC Guide gave her a little kick in the ass. Oh, & her oatmeal looks bomb too:

Amanda says…

Today is Day 1 of the TSC Bombshell Body Guide for me.

Lauryn gave me a link to 10 reasons to do it, and here are the top 2 that finally got me:

“Stop being a pussy” – aka. put on the big girl panties and just try it. “Challenge yourself” – aka. dig around the excuses and really push your limits. Game on girl.

It may not work for me but I’ll never know unless I try it? Right?? These 27 minute exercises are spelled out perfectly and I cannot wait to see my progression!

♥ Full post on Slimplify Life.

8.} Star Systemz

Courtney Bentley of Star Systemz is the cutest! Plus she’s lives in Thailand (!!!)…so jealous! This girl is a fitness expert so this review meant a lot to me.

Courtney says…

Time: Time is a valuable commodity and this program gets it! The recipes are QUICK and delicious without the use of a gazillion ingredients! I also love a quick workout and with each workout only at 27 minutes there is NO reason to skip it! You can literally look at the clock at 4 PM and say ok by 4:30 I will be in and out + feeling like a bombshell!

Recipes: Yummy, delicious and like I mentioned before QUICK! I love her chia seed jam recipe, chicken skewers + the Paleo Breakfast Plate which had to be my favorite. The food is delicious, healthy and possible to whip up! Most of the ingredients were readily found where I live in Thailand except for a few but because there were SO many options it made it easy for me to pick something else! The food fits all the macronutrients you will need to tighten up but still have power for your Bombshell workouts!

Lifestyle: One of the reasons I really admire Lauryn is because she is a REAL girl without the facade of eating “perfect” all the time. She travels, she sips Coronas and wine + will enjoy some chips if she feels like it.

She really emphasizes the “lifestyle” component throughout her blog but even more so in the guides.

I believe that for someone to stick to the plan they have to see the program as a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix.

♥ Full post on Star Systemz.

Here’s two more fun reviews by Brittany of Not Another Blonde & Coco Welsch of CooCoo For Coco. Also, all the DASH Dolls just got TSC guide & I’ll share their reviews soon too!

Lately I’ve been kind of blogging through The Bombshell Body Guide’s Instagram, check it out here. This new Instagram account is purely fitness/wellness/health related so think recipes, diet tips, & fitness updates. Share your photos via Insta so we can feature you with the hashtag #tscbombshellbody.

Oh!! And I’m giving away 20 more guides to any blogger babes who want to test it out & share a real deal review through our affiliate program! Leave your blog URL & e-mail below if you’re interested.

For $10 dollars off TSC Guide, use TSCHEARTSYOU at checkout. E-mail bombshellbody@theskinnyconfidential.com with any questions or suggestions.

Until next time,

lauryn x


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