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Unlike those western novels and old advertisements of the Marlboro man, men today neither want or need dry leathery skin to be macho.

In fact, most men, like most women, want skin that is supple, moist and looks young and healthy.

Character lines are all well and good but looking younger than your years and having healthy skin has its advantages. So, just how do you find a good natural moisturizer for men’s facial needs?

The first step in finding an effective and good quality moisturizer for men is knowing what ingredients we want to see in a moisturizer and the ones we don’t want to see.

You would be surprised at the number of skin care companies today selling skin moisturizers whose products actually contain ingredients that dry out skin and even damage it over time.

Most of these types of ingredients are chemical based or synthetically produced. This is why it is always a better alternative to choose a moisturizer with all natural ingredients.


What you Do Need in a Man’s Moisturizer

An effective men’s face moisturizer should do more than simply lock in the skin’s natural moisture. While that is important, you also want a moisturizer to help heal damaged skin as well as include ingredients that will keep your complexion younger looking and more supple.

A really great moisturizer should contain natural oils that soak into the layers of your skin, healing it and ingredients that specifically help maintain collagen and fight aging.

Before applying your moisturizer, keep in mind that you should have cleansed your face properly so that all dead cells are removed and your skin better absorbs and makes good use of the face moisturizer. A good idea for cleansing is a foaming facial cleanser for men.

Back to moisturizing now, some of the best moisturizers will contain some or all of the following ingredients:

Some form of coenzyme Q10. This ingredient stimulates your own collagen and elastin production which helps your skin feel and look supple as well as prevent wrinkles.

Phytessence Wakame is a sea kelp that increases the levels of hyaluronic acid which acts as the glue for the collagen and elastin.

Natural oils such as jojoba and grape seed oil sooth your skin and contain natural antioxidants that fight the free radicals which is one of the leading causes of premature wrinkles. So, both of these natural oils keep the moisture in your skin, making it more resistant to aging. Specifically grape seed oil is effective for repairing skin around the eyes and even stretch marks.

Manuka honey, which has antibacterial properties, soothes the complexion, leaving it feeling soft to the touch.

Natural vitamin E is a well known antioxidant which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, prevent the appearance of age spots and in general make less visible the skin’s aging signs.

In addition to specific ingredients, you want to make sure that for any ingredient to provide benefits to your skin, there has to be enough of the ingredient to actually do the job it is meant to do.

Also, too many companies use filler ingredients, so they can reduce the amount of the more effective and expensive ingredients that their product contains while still charging a superior price for an inferior product.

Finding a men’s moisturizer that suits your skin best may take a little time and effort on your part, but when you see and feel what a really good moisturizer can do for both the health and the looks of your skin, you will be glad that you made the effort to find a suitable product.

Check Out What Men Review About Xtend Life Facial moisturizer


What are the Strong Points of Xtend Life Facial Cream for Men ?

The “Age Defense Active Facial Fluid” for men by Xtend Life meets the criteria for a natural and effective facial moisturizer for men.

It combines a number of active natural ingredients that each of them works on its own and synergistically to boost your skin’s resistance to aging, sagging and dullness.

According to the company, powerful antioxidants work together with clinically proven ingredients which penetrate deep into your skin and work towards stimulating the growth of new skin cells, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines as well as regenerating collagen and elastin.

Xtend Life men’s facial moisturizer has also been proven to soothe skin and reduce redness or inflammation, repair damaged skin, reduce age spots and rough skin. And all that keeping its contents free of chemical synthetic ingredients which can dry, irritate and even age the skin faster.

1 Year full Money back Guarantee is also provided to you if by any reason you are not completely satisfied with the product you have bought.



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