The Primal Show Episode #9 Former FDA Investigator & Author Gary Collins & CEO of Julian Bakery, Inc. Heath Squier talk with Jason Poston about his Mr. Olympia Bodybuilding competition coming up in 6 weeks. Jason reveals how he is gluten free and follows a Paleo Ketogenic diet. He also gives many great weight loss tips that help you achieve or maintain your ideal weight.
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Jason Poston
Heath Squier: Welcome to The Primal Show with today’s guest, Jason Poston. Is that how you pronounce your last name, Jason?
Jason Poston: Poston, my friends call me “Postman,” whatever you want to call me.
Gary Collins: [laughs]
Heath: And co‑host, Gary. Today, we’re going to be talking with Jason Poston about how he stays fit, and what he recommends to his clients to get in incredible shape.
If anybody has a chance to go on his Instagram page, it’s filled with his amazing meals, and his clients are getting incredible results. He is going to be competing in the Mr. Olympia.
We wanted to learn a little bit more about what you’re doing…
Jason: Thanks.
Heath: …in order to get in shape.
Jason: There you go.
Heath: [laughs] It’s amazing. Tell us, Jason, what are you doing right now to compete? How far away are you from getting into the Mr. Olympia contest? How many weeks out are you?
Jason: The show is September 19th. Currently, actually, let’s see. Today is Friday. I’m exactly six weeks out.
Normally you’ll see a lot of competitors preparing 12 weeks. Some of the big heavy‑weight bodybuilders, they’re prepping all year. Some of the females with slower metabolisms, they’ll start dieting earlier.
I’m very lucky. I attribute it a lot to a little bit of genetics, my parents were both lean, but also my diet and my lifestyle. I just started dieting last week. It’s a benefit when it comes to show time because I’m a lot more rested, and I haven’t withered and beaten down my body as much.
Six weeks out and I’m very excited this year. Actually, NBC is going to be airing and filming the whole show. They’ll film it. It seems like they’re going to have two episodes. They’ll show the Olympia on two different days a few weeks later, right there on NBC. That fires you up, right there.
Heath: That’s awesome. You’re six weeks out right now. Can you tell us a little bit about what you’re doing in order to begin that massive cutting phase? I would assume you’re in the cutting phase right now. Can you tell us, walk us through maybe, what your diet is like? Also, keep mind everybody, that Jason is a diabetic. You’re a Type I?
Jason: Yeah, a Type I diabetic.
Heath: Are you controlling your diabetes through your food? How do you regulate? Obviously you watch the amount of carbs you take in to not have too much of a spike, but can you tell us how, what you’re eating right now, and also what you’re doing in order to get into that cutting phase?
Jason: Rule number one when you’re trying to reduce body fat, is you want to keep your insulin response stable and your insulin spikes low. How you do that is a low‑carb diet.
There are ways of cutting with higher carbs. You have all these different “guru diets” nowadays, but the fastest, most consistent way for me to lose weight right now is to create insulin sensitivity.
I have to inject my insulin every time I eat. You guys, your pancreas is producing insulin every time you eat and when your blood sugar starts to rise. The only difference is I have to bring in insulin from an outside medicine. You guys, the average person’s pancreas is still working.
How I do that is by, especially in the mornings, starting off with a low‑carb breakfast. I’ve been doing lots of egg whites. I’m a big believer in organic food, raw, natural, untouched, unaltered by man. Probably 8 to 10 egg whites. A lot of protein.
When you’re on a low‑carb diet, I recommend increasing protein intake because there is a percentage of your protein that’s going to be utilized for energy, especially as a Type I diabetic. We estimate about 30 percent of my protein is actually being used as glycogen and energy. A big protein breakfast. Lots of vegetables.
If I’m in a huge hurry I will use protein powders, protein shakes. Recently, I’ve been turned on to the Paleo Pure.
I like the egg white protein mixed with some Greek yogurt, and then I’ve got to flavor it up. I’ve got a sweet tooth, so I’ve got to add PB2 or some type of healthy fat. Coconut oil, stevia, whatever can sweeten up a little bit when I do shakes or the yogurt.
The main thing right now is lower carb, especially in the mornings because, as a Type I diabetic, there’s something called “dawn phenomenon” where your blood sugar rises every single morning, meaning a lot of diabetics will wake up with high blood sugar.
The blood sugar starts to accumulate at night. Were dosing different insulins to keep it down, but the last thing you want to do in the morning is flush it with a ton of carbs unless you have a big leg day or a big cross‑training day. That’s the only time I would recommend.
Every single meal, low carbs. I’m doing 25 to 50 grams of carbs a day. Some days zero, but where I replace that is with a lot of fiber and a lot of healthy fats.
Gary: Have you used a gluten free diet in the past, or do you currently follow a gluten free lifestyle today?
Jason: Yeah. I actually haven’t really spoke about this publicly but last year I started having some issues with my intestine and some digestion. It’s real. This is real life stuff that happens from gluten sometimes.
I had bloody bowels and stuff like that. I know it’s gross, sorry, but it’s true. This type of stuff happens. It happened in the off‑season when I was overdoing my carbs. I wasn’t doing a crazy amount of carbs but what I noticed was I was doing a lot of glutinous products.
As soon as I took that away, everything settled. All my issues, all my symptoms, they all subsided. I can’t say that’s going to happen for everyone.
I do have a small allergic reaction to gluten. I just process food so much quicker when it’s gluten‑free, whether it’s the gluten or whether it’s food that’s just raw from the earth. My stomach definitely absorbs and I’m able to grow and keep muscle on better.
Gary: That’s pretty common in general. I think that most of the American population has an issue with gluten. I always tell people it’s not gluten in and of itself because there’s gluten in a lot of food items as far as that’s in nature. Obviously through grains that we would eat here and there, depending on your ethnic or racial background, where you lived in the world.
The ratios would be different but it’s the amount of gluten that we’re pumping into our bodies because everything, ketchup, salad dressing, you name it, has gluten in it now because they use it as a thickening agent.
It’s just we’re exposed and bombarded by it all the time. With that, is there a difference? I want to try and talk about the macronutrient ratio as far as off‑season, before you’re coming into a competition. What are the ratio differences between your carbohydrates, protein, and fat as opposed to when you’re leaning down? Do you have a formula? I know a lot of bodybuilders do.
Jason Poston Competing
Jason: Yeah, I really do. When I first started competing I was very regimented. It was written down. It was also because of the disease, as well.
All my doctors wanted feedback. I was a walking lab rat. They wanted to know, “How do you do it?” I couldn’t understand. There are just not a lot of people that have the body composition I do.
I also believe they can do it. It’s just a matter of my system and the program and just eating and living the way I do.
Right now, it’s 50 grams of carbs a day, but Gary, I’ll change that if my blood sugar tends to be high. I’ll drop it down. If there’s blood sugar floating around in my blood then I’m not going to go and dose more insulin to help bring that down, which is called a correction, and then influx more carbs in.
I’m basing that on my blood sugar levels every day but 9 times out of 10 it’s 50 grams of carbs before my workout. I really like a sweet potato. That’s typically it every single day right now, a sweet potato.
It’s 50 grams of carbs a day, 50 grams of protein every single meal, and then I try to get anywhere from 8 to 16 grams of fiber every single meal except for post‑workout. That’s usually where I’ll just…
Gary: …absorption, right?
Jason: Yeah.
Gary: The fiber’s slowing it down.
I come from the old days. Just to give you a hint, I grew up when Arnold Schwarzenegger was still competing. I met Shawn Ray back in the day when he was huge.
I come from a bodybuilding background as far as I was into athletics for football, baseball, basketball. I actually did some bodybuilding back in the day in the military when they had teams. I’m pretty familiar with the diet but I’m just curious how that changes with a type one diabetic.
It’s a lot different now. We loaded with a lot more carbs back then, especially off‑season. That’s why I was curious to see what your levels are.
Jason: How did your results go by loading extra carbs?
Gary: We exploded like a whale. Literally, everyone in the off‑season, back in the day some of the bodybuilders at the gym I was at, some of the professionals who had come in. You couldn’t even recognize them. They would literally bloat up a 100 pounds. They would add 75 to 100 pounds in the off‑season and then try to lean it all back down.
They were massive. They just looked like bowling balls when they came in. You couldn’t believe they would lose that much weight in order to compete.
Jason: That puts so much strain on all the organs and the heart, also your mind. Having to cut and take away calories like that. It’s changed a lot. I know a lot of my bigger bodybuilder friends are staying leaner. There’s a lot of influence that I have on them too from staying lean. They see me. I’m still growing into my shows.
I’m still gaining a few pounds every year, the same amount as if I were to go and load a whole bunch of carbs. The thing is with bodybuilders and physique in all these divisions, you need to stay lean, you need to look good. You never know when a company might call you and say, “Hey, can you do this shoot”? There’s really no purpose or need, “I’m actually in off‑season. I’m bulking right now.”
There actually is no point in that anymore, as far as I’m concerned. You might as well stay lean, gain some body fat in order to have your joints and ligaments healthy and your brain functioning better. The old school tricks of loading carbs and gaining a ton of fat, it’s definitely not my style.
Gary: The thing was, they were really unhealthy. A lot of these guys ended up having heart attacks, strokes. They had some serious health issues. It was interesting to see the magazines, the way they worked back then. They would only shoot during their lean downs, so you would only see them at competition and as they’re leaning down.
You’d see these photos recycled throughout the year until competition came back again and they could do photo ops. You’d see them, and there’s no way no one’s taking any pictures of them. They’re massive.
Heath: Jason, what do you think about a ketogenic diet, which a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon and mixing that with a Paleo diet where you’re constantly in a state of burning fat as energy?
Jason: I’m a big believer. I’ve tried it. I pretty much live it, especially in a few weeks. If I need to, I will go completely zero carb. I’ll stay full. I’ll have tons of energy for my workouts, not as much if I ate a whole bunch of Pop‑Tarts before my workout. Obviously, that’s a temporary surge of energy, but there are the drawbacks of doing that. I first studied and read a bodybuilder called Dave Palumbo.
Dave knows that I used to read all his articles and read his books on ketogenic dieting, because I couldn’t understand how this massive bodybuilder was 250 pounds shredded, and yet he was zero carb. I’m like, “What is this ketogenic diet all about”? I actually tried it before diabetes. I tried it. I wasn’t educated enough. I love the ketogenic diet, I just have to recommend, educate yourself on the proper steps to do it.
Educate yourself on many, many healthy facts so that you understand the benefits. That’s what I find most is when people, “Oh, I tried the ketogenic diet. I got flat and I had no energy.” You probably didn’t research your potential on how many fats you could intake. When I’m keto, I can eat 30‑40 grams of fat each meal. It’s awesome.
Gary: You have to be able to utilize it. Your body has to be able to use the fat as energy. If you’re a sugar burner, you’re not going to be able to access and be able to synthesize that fat and be able to metabolize it the same way that someone’s whose fat adapted. It’s a completely different process. To give you an instance of how long that’s been around, it was 1994, I want to say.
That was the coach of the bodybuilding team for the military back then in Pensacola, Florida. One of the main competitors was doing a ketogenic diet. I had no clue what it was. I didn’t understand any of the concepts. I’m, “This guy’s eating bacon, and he’s eating all this fat and butter.” The dude was just ripped. It still didn’t click in my brain, so I’d go out and eat three bagels, the usual.
Jason: It’s fun to see what you can get away with. Unfortunately, six weeks out, I can’t gamble. I gambled earlier this year. I was eating bacon. I was eating the So Delicious low‑sugar coconut ice cream. I didn’t even post a lot of this. I’m not public about it because I don’t want to rub it in other people’s faces. Also, I don’t want to give away a lot of my tricks.
Jason: At one point, it’s time to start stepping out and realize the potential of promoting my diet regardless of if other competitors are able to catch on and shred up more. You can get away with some crazy stuff. I definitely recommend following guys like Gary, myself, Heath, other ketogenic experts and nutritionists.
Just see what you can get away and see the benefits. You feel, you think and you react and everything so much better. Life is overall just more energetic on the keto diet, but you just have to do it right.
Gary: That’s very key. Have there ever been any bodybuilders following a ketogenic or Paleo or Primal diet?
Jason: I’m in the physique division which still is bodybuilding. We’re building our body, we just pose different. We don’t get to squeeze. It’s more you’re creating that aesthetic classic bodybuilding look out there.
Gary: It’s more athletic. I always called it more of an athletic division. The big guys don’t look athletic. [laughs]
Jason: We have our looks and they have their look. Right now, it’s a fun little battle. They like to knock us and stuff, but I know I’m working hard. I don’t see a lot of bodybuilders. I know, for instance, the past Mr. Olympia, eight‑time winner Ronnie Coleman, he would often drop carbs going into a show for six weeks and have zero carbs just to get that conditioning.
If anyone knows who Ronnie Coleman is, he was extremely conditioned and the largest man on earth. Then again, he would have extremely high carb days all off‑season. He took that route, but there are not a lot of bodybuilders that explore the low‑carb life. I have a teammate, Juan Morel. He’s known for his epic Sunday cheat days. Juan eats 20 to 30,000 calories every Sunday.
Gary: Oh, my God.
Jason: Ice cream. The YouTube video has gone viral. Our athlete videos usually have maybe five, six. I think one of mine got 10,000 views. He’s up, in like a few weeks, it’s at 80,000 views. It’s crazy. I don’t know what to say about it other than he’s just a genetic freak. He’s the example.
Bodybuilders are still doing a lot of carbs, more is better, but I do have a few friends that are bodybuilders and they’re not doing the same, more is better. They’re actually eating less food and growing the healthier way nowadays.
Gary: That cyclical carb loading’s been around a long time. There are so many theories behind it. Like I said, I grew up with bodybuilding and more, I guess, traditional sports, so I’m pretty familiar with some of the cycling that they used to do, and it was. It was massive carb‑loading. It would go down to zero carbs, and then all of a sudden, for three days, they’d eat as many carbs as they could get, and it went with their training cycle.
People understand that if you’re into bodybuilding or physique contests, you basically are a biochemist. You have to know your body inside and out. I’ve never seen any ‑‑ some of the most intelligent people on how the body works are in the bodybuilding field.
With that, I think if you could relate, far as ‑‑ I get a lot of push‑back in some of the people who go, “What does bodybuilding have to, far as the lifting, do with me? I’m just an everyday person,” the people I work with. I’m showing them shoulder‑press, bench‑press with dumbbells.
I’m giving them what I call the old Arnold principles of lifting. It was basic movements, with some compound movements mixed in. They go, “Why am I lifting like this?” I go, “Because this is how you would lift in nature, believe it or not.”
A squat is, in nature, I don’t load them up with a barbell or nothing. I don’t do that, but far as gorilla squats, which is grabbing a dumbbell between your legs and doing a squat that way, and shoulder‑press, bench‑press, curls. They don’t even understand curls. I go, “Well, you’d hold a baby, and you’d hold items. That’s a curl.”
Carrying logs, that is actually a curl. I always try and relate that to people on how the traditional exercises actually are part of a normal lifestyle, far as what you would do in everyday.
Jason Poston
Jason: I agree. Yeah, we talk about it all the time, the fitness models, people in the industry, my friends who are supplement company owners. Everyone in the industry who’s been here for a while agrees. They’ve got it right. Back in the Arnold days ‑‑ I just watched “Pumping Iron” the other day, so that’s why I’m talking about this.
Gary: I have it on VHS, still. Kid you not.
Jason: I love it. It’s great. I wish, I hope that one day that camaraderie ‑‑ we’ve got it in physique, but in the bodybuilding, I hope we see that camaraderie. Just lying around on the beach talking about their next workout and taking naps on Venice Beach, that was great.
Back to what you were saying. The compound, the basic fundamentals of building your body is something you never want to lose. You can go into the cross‑training and the CrossFit, and you can go into the functional core training and all these different exercises that have been made up over the years, but if you just go back to the old Icarian equipment, the old, basic “Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding…”
Gary: [laughs]
Jason: You build your body on that, and then you can go other spokes away from the main wheel with the functional training, but just don’t forget what the core of your body needs.
Gary: That’s interesting. The Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, I had the first version, and then someone stole it way back in the day, and I have the newer version that’s 10 years maybe 15 years old. It gives you the basic exercises that I tell people, “These are the core exercises.” These are the exercises that you would mimic if you were living in the wild with a loincloth.
Pull‑up ‑‑ you’d have to pull yourself up a tree. You’d have to shoulder‑press to lift things over your head, to put a roof on your structure. Everything, and it’s how you put them all together, and people just don’t get that. They think bodybuilding’s nothing but massive guys pushing mass amounts of weight, and there’s no real‑life way to transition that in.
I go, “Absolutely not.” These guys got it far better than most of the new athletic, I call, things that are out there, the crazy training regimens. I just go, “What are you doing? That’s just a waste of time.”
Jason: No. It’s very basic. I still use just the traditional movements, like the dead lift, for instance. People, they pick up stuff every day, all day. My dad the other day, he’s like, “I can’t do dead lifts anymore.” I’m like, “You can’t pick up stuff off the ground?” My dad’s in great shape. He played sports five days a week up until five years ago. He’s 55, 56.
Don’t forget those fundamentals. When you start saying, “I can’t do this anymore, I can’t do that,” just figure out why you can’t do it. Because if it’s an exercise such as a squat, maybe like you said, you don’t need to put a barbell on your back, but you still should be practicing sitting down on a bench and standing up, keeping those joints and ligaments interacting with each other, with the muscles. Never neglect…
Gary: That’s what I tell people, too. You don’t have to load it up with weight. It’s just you have to use the movement, because it’s a natural movement. You’re young. You’ll understand when you get older that we say we can’t do stuff all the time. It’s just a great excuse. That way I don’t have to pick something off the ground that’s heavy for someone else. I just say, “I can’t do that anymore.” [laughs] You get wiser.
Jason: [laughs] That’s what my dad’s doing.
Gary: You just get smarter. [laughs]
Heath: Jason, there’s a lot of people probably watching that may look at your Facebook page and you and your physique, and obviously, as a guy, we’re all envious of the people that have six packs. In that same tone, what could you recommend for people that are really looking to shed abdominal fat, from a diet and maybe exercise and a supplement point of view?
What could you maybe pass on to people that would help them in overcoming that abdominal fat so that they could start to see their abs?
Jason: A lot of people, I get the basic questions like this all the time. Rule number one, and everyone’s different, but if I could give one piece of advice ‑‑ get up in the morning and get active. Before we came on your show, I simply walked to my favorite coffee shop. That’s my morning cardio. Sometimes it’s, obviously, a little bit heavier. I’ll run stairs.
Five days out of the week, I’m simply just walking, every morning, on an empty stomach. Just get up. Be active. Burn some blood sugar. Let the fat burning start to kick‑start for the day. Raise your metabolism.
Then another thing you can do to supplement that is by adding caffeine. I’ve got my coffee here. I like a big kick, so I’ve got Americano, and there are three or four shots of espresso.
Heath: I’m with you. [laughs]
Jason: Everyone has their tolerance. Kick‑start the morning with caffeine ‑‑ I like it from a natural source ‑‑ and cardio. Then that way, it gets your mind going, gets your blood flowing. Don’t overdo it. If you’re on an empty stomach, there’s no need to run and do all sorts of high‑heart‑rate activities. You’ve got to be advanced in your macros and knowing your food a little bit better before you start doing that.
Just get up, be active, and then have a lean, low‑carb, healthy‑fat breakfast. You’ve just started the day with a huge momentum. Right there will impact your life drastically.
Keeping the carbs, I’d say for women, maybe ‑‑ not the carbs, I’m sorry, the fat. Keeping the fat, 10 to 15 grams of fat in the morning. It depends on your body weight, but 20 to 30 grams of protein. Lots of dark, leafy vegetables. It’s simple, like that.
Then you’re going to feel more energy. You probably should feel your metabolism on fire. You’re going to be like, “I’m hungry.” If you’re hungry, that’s good. Your body is eating up the stored fat.
Three hours later, have another lean protein, low‑carb, vegetable meal, and the same thing. By that time, you might be ready for some carbs, if you’re going to go to the gym later and lift some weights. I definitely recommend weights. I don’t care if you’re my grandma’s age and you’re 80, or if you’re 14 years old and you’re just getting started. I definitely promote lifting weights.
Lifting weights is cardio. The definition of cardio is just the elevation of heart rate. I could sit here and flap my hands like this and clap all day while we’re on video, and my heart rate is elevated. That’s cardio. Why not get out there, lift weights, increase dense muscle tissue, increase your metabolism, and overall, just have a stronger bone and joint structure, and also get the cardio out of weights as well.
Gary: We’re pretty close on our beliefs there, Jason. I’ve been preaching this for a long time. It’s the simple phrase of less is more. People over‑complicate this so much. I use walking with a lot of my clients, too, and I say the same thing. I go, “Just go walk. Take a 30‑minute walk at lunch, or every night, take the dog and the kids and get out and walk for 45 minutes.”
That’s all it takes, and they just can’t believe that that’s what helps them get healthier and get their metabolism going.
Walking is something we have completely lost. They think they got to go out there and do wind sprints right out of the go, and they’re 50, 60 pounds overweight. They haven’t worked out in years. They think they’re going to go out there and do high‑intensity interval training with the trainer who just got his certificate and was working at the car wash three weeks earlier, and they end up blowing a knee out.
I’ve watched it. I’ve literally watched clients, other guys train people, and watched them get injured as I’m watching them. Catastrophic injuries, life‑altering. You can see, they’ve just blown a joint completely out, and you’re like, if he would’ve just got up and went and walked for 30 minutes, we could’ve avoided this whole thing.
Jason: It’s like your motorcycle. I got a motorcycle in the garage. I ride it every day, or most days, but if I let that motorcycle sit there for a year, would I, a year from now, go crank it up and just haul butt down the street? No, and that’s not what you do with your spine and your knees when it comes to running. It’s huge.
I get sad when I go to the lake right down the street and I see overweight people running. It’s because I know that they’re just damaging the joint. They need to get rid of that weight. Running is athletic. You need to learn how to run properly, and when your body’s healthy as well.
Heath: We just had a show the other day talking about a lot of people that are overweight. They haven’t even reached their own optimal weight or look, and yet they’re dispensing advice on how to lose weight. You probably see that a lot, people dispensing weight loss, and yet they’re heavy themselves.
We think that there are a lot of people that are giving just poor advice before they should. Do you see that at all in your industry?
Jason: Absolutely. It’s very frustrating, because it’s such a wholesome, organic lifestyle. We’re all trying to do great things. We’re trying to help people, but then you see people that shouldn’t be giving advice and shouldn’t be doing that. How do you tell them, “Hey, you’re giving bad advice”?
It’s not my job. I’ve got an idea, and this is, you know what? I’ll release my idea out there, because I want somebody to do it and somebody to do it respectfully. I want a social‑media‑police website, where people are lifted up for being great trainers, doesn’t matter who it is, like, “Hey…”
For instance, say Gary started the website, Social Media Police or whatever, or Listen up, the trainer he sees in his local area, he’s like, “Man, this guy has 15 transformations. I’ve seen all his clients in great shape, great form. I hear great feedback. Let’s lift him up on the page. He deserves it.” Then you got the other guy, the bad Heath.
Heath: [laughs]
Jason: [laughs] He’s been training his clients to CrossFit, and they just started last week, and he’s already got them doing snatches and hang cleans, and he’s got them running around the block, and he’s staring at his cell phone the whole time, and saying, “Oh, good form.” They’re killing their low back and totally damaging the life.
But bad Heath trainer won’t even hear anything about it, because they’re going to be done training, and he’s on to the next person teaching them bad habits.
Those are the type of people. Also, the bad nutritionists out there who are giving copycat or cookie cutter diets, sending hundreds of the same diets out to the same girls out there, damaging their metabolisms. In the worst case scenario, even telling them to take pharmaceutical drugs in order to get results. I want to see a social media police website. Last thing those people would look.
Jason: [laughs]
Gary: Problem, Jason, is we’d crash it in one day, because there are so many fitness and nutrition experts or think they are. We would never get anything done. We’d have to hire an entire military force to go out there and run the thing. That’s the sad thing I find today, too. I know people in our genre, in the industry, get a little frustrated with me, and I get frustrated with them.
My attitude is, “You can’t give advice before you’re an expert.” I don’t know how you can be an expert when you’re 23, and you just got out of college, and you’re out of shape. You’re trying to tell us, “You’re picking on the young people,” and I go, “No, I’m an older guy. I had to spend decades learning this before I even was comfortable with the word expert.”
If you’re interested in it, you should learn it from the people who know it. Go to get an internship. Work at a well‑respected gym or personal trainer who’s been out there a long time. Don’t jump out and read a couple books, and get a couple magazines, get this $95 certificate and say, “Hey, come here. I’m going to do my new training regimen out in the park. Let’s go. I don’t know anything of what I’m doing. Let’s go. I’ll get injured.” [laughs]
That’s what I get as they’re dangerous, and I’m not here to rip on people. I’m sure you’re not either, Jason. I tell them with anything. I was in law enforcement in the military for two decades. I wasn’t comfortable being called an expert in that until I was probably well into 10 years into my career. I was comfortable with it then. I knew what I was doing.
Did I know everything? Absolutely not. I still don’t know everything. In health, I would never claim that.
Heath: It’s a general concern for other people. It’s integrity. I started training when I was 21, and I was scared to do nutrition or to help populations that I wasn’t an expert in. I stuck with the general population, housewives, CEOs, the blue‑collar workers, and I wanted to help get them healthy. I went and I got a Performance Enhancement Specialist Certification. I started helping athletes.
All my friends were college athletes. I was like, “Let me help you turn into pro,” so I added more and more at a time. I didn’t keep telling people, “Hey, you want to compete in a bodybuilding show? Yeah, I’ll train you. I’ll do that. Come on. I need the money.” That’s where the integrity has to fall in, and there is a benefit in passing on someone and telling people, “No, I don’t have the answer to that, but let’s research it together. Let’s find someone who can help you, and I’ll help you with what I know.”
I totally agree there. Don’t try to take on everyone. Don’t try to be the jack of all trades when you are not that.
Gary: Or write a book.
Gary: That seems to be the new trend. I don’t know anything, but I’m going to write a book about everything I really don’t know. That’s dangerous. That’s a good idea. I would like to see if we could ever figure out how to do it. It would be like an Angie’s List of Health.
Jason: As above it every company would want to put, “If this site is only going to promote the real health advocates out there, we want to promote our product.” I talked to a friend of mine, Liz Gaspari. She and her husband owned Gaspari Nutrition, and she was all about it. The other side you could compare it to, which I hate to even mention this stupid website. It’s god‑awful is
They blast club rats, and ravers, and people in the party atmosphere. They make fun of people, but this would be more with a positive influence. We’re trying to lift up the people who are helping change the world through, fitness, and health, and nutrition. We’re also trying to police, like the government polices the rule‑breakers. We want to police the rule‑breakers, too, if we can.
Heath: A yelp of trainers where you can book them online. You can see their reviews. You can see their transformations.
Jason: Most reviews are tainted anyway. The top, number one trainer in the world, it’s usually run by the Certification Program. ASM, they used to have that. I’m an ASM Certified, and they used to have that. The number one trainer in the nation, top 10, they were all ASM trainers.
Gary: Rich Gaspari. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I grew up. Rich Gaspari was competing back in my day, too, and Ronnie Coleman’s been around a long time. People don’t understand he’s an older guy. He was around when Shawn Ray was around. It’s interesting to hear these names that I grew up with who are now considered the experts of bodybuilding and physique now.
I’m trying to think of all the names. Labrada, he was competing.
Jason: Lee Labrada?
Gary: Yeah, all those guys. Shawn…What was it? Lebrun.
Jason: Shawn Ray? Kevin Levrone.
Jason: Kevin Levrone was a mentor of mine and gave me some confidence in this year going into these shows. I hadn’t won a show yet. I was having a hard time trying to get motivated to win something where a panel of judges were in control. I always had the mentality to go in my best, train hard, don’t be outworked, don’t lose in the diet battle every single day, don’t cheat on my food.
Kevin is a good advocate for bodybuilding, because he’s done a lot of different things. He was with my company Gear Nutra. I respect Kevin a lot. Shawn Ray has a show this weekend. It’s probably going on right now or tomorrow in Maryland. I posed the guy right here on Skype for that show.
Heath: That’s awesome. Tell us a little bit about where people can find you? I know you have an Instagram page Are there other places? Do you have a website yet? Are you working on one?
Jason: Yeah. I’m not big on the name websites. I’ve had it and took it down. I’m in this whole fitness industry for everyone. My thing is, “None of us is as strong as all of us,” and I want to help change the world through everything I’ve succeeded in and everything I’ve learned.
I have Teaminfernofit is basically a personal training and online training website. You can go and purchase your plans with one of my five coaches. My goal is to have an online trainer or a personal trainer for every population of people. Right now I’ve got two very educated very successful emails, Charlene and Christina.
Team Inferno, we’re doing a lot of transformations and having a lot of success helping people with the Paleo diet. All my trainers have different philosophies, but I’m definitely a big advocate for promoting the low carb, high fiber, high protein, Paleo gluten‑free lifestyle. Because it works for me, all of the guys you’ll see on the Instagram, or on the Inferno Instagram, or the Facebook page, they’re all shredded, lean, and muscular and the girls, too, on a low‑carb lifestyle.
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