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Job Search Strategies

with Valerie Sutton


In this course, author Valerie Sutton shares the latest techniques to find jobs efficiently and effectively. This course teaches you how to develop your profile and brand, seek advertised and unadvertised positions, network successfully to broaden your circle, and work with recruiting professionals. Valerie includes strategies for both the online and offline worlds.

Along the way, discover smart strategies to match your interests with your search and manage your time in order to maximize results.


Valerie's top five job search tips

Determining which online job boards to use

Posting your resume online

Maximizing the impact of your profile

Improving your visibility with a blog, workshop, or conferences

Leveraging your network

Establishing relationships with recruiters


Valerie Sutton is a thought leader in career theory and student services in university settings. An experienced career coach within the MBA and education sectors, she has an expertise in applying research to practice, by utilizing technology to help create a "career consciousness" with her clients. As a Director of the Career Services Office, she has oversight of services that reach over 900 students annually at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Valerie's prior experience includes the Fox School of Business at Temple University, the Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, and the Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. Valerie is qualified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, CareerLeader assessment, and has knowledge of the Strengthsfinder assessment.

Her interest is in training and development of individuals and teams in managing their career progression and understanding market demands, as it relates to recruitment and retention of employees. Through the use of career theory and coaching techniques, her goal is to teach individuals to take the initiative and lead the success of their own career. To learn more about Valerie visit her LinkedIn profile.


Subject: Business, Business Skills, Career Development

Level: Appropriate for all

Duration 37m 56s

Released: Aug 23, 2012

Product Link: http://www.lynda.com/Business-Business-Skills-tutorials/Job-...

Elite / VIP: Now

Extreme / Power User: Now
Users: Never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)

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