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Photoshop CC Essential Training

with Julieanne Kost


Learning how to use Adobe Photoshop efficiently and effectively is the best way to get the most out of your pixels and create stunning imagery. Master the fundamentals of this program with Julieanne Kost, and discover how to achieve the results you want with Photoshop and its companion programs, Bridge and Camera Raw. This comprehensive course covers nondestructive editing techniques using layers, masking, adjustment layers, blend modes, and Smart ob
jects. Find out how to perform common editing tasks, including lens correction, cropping and straightening, color and tonal adjustments, noise reduction, shadow and highlight detail recovery, sharpening, and retouching. Julieanne also shows how to achieve more creative effects with filters, layer effects, illustrative type, and the Photomerge command for creating panoramas and composites.


Using Bridge to batch rename files and add keywords and me
tadata to photos

Viewing, rating, filtering, and creating collections to isolate your best work

Comparing raw and JPEG file formats

Retouching and automating workflow with Camera Raw

Navigating documents and the Photoshop interface

Understanding file formats, resolution, canvas size, and print size

Cropping, straightening, transforming, warping, scaling, and resizing images

Selecting, stacking, aligning, and grouping layers

Making precise selections using the Marquee, Lasso, and Brush tools

Using Refine Edge, Quick Selection, and layer masks to isolate soft edge ob

Improving tone, contrast, and color selectively

Converting to black and white and tinting images

Retouching blemishes, smoothing skin, whitening teeth, and brightening eyes

Retouching with the Liquify, Content-Aware Fill, Healing Brush, and Patch tools

Merging multiple exposures

Making nondestructive changes with Smart Filters

Adding texture, edge effects, and drop shadows with blend modes

Working with type

Creating, modifying, and combining shapes using the Shape tools

Adding layer effects

Saving and sharing images via contact sheets, web galleries, and Save For Web

Editing video and audio clips

Panning and zooming still photos


Since joining Adobe in 1992, Julieanne Kost has learned her craft through hands-on experience and now serves as Adobe's Principal Evangelist for Photoshop and Lightroom.

Julieanne is also the founder of www.jkost.com, publisher of the Daily Photoshop and Lightroom Tip, author of Window Seat – The Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking, and the host of "The Complete Picture," a Lightroom and Photoshop training program on AdobeTV. She speaks at numerous conferences and industry events, as well as photography workshops and fine art schools around the world.

In her work, Julieanne combines a passion for photography, a mastery of digital imaging techniques and a degree in psychology, in order to construct a world similar enough to appear familiar, yet obviously an interpretation of the physical reality that surrounds us. She has had several exhibits of her work and holds an A.A. in Fine Art Photography and a B.S. in Psychology.


Subject : Photography

Level: Beginner

Duration 13h 49m

Released: 17 June  2013

Product Link: http://www.lynda.com/Photoshop-tutorials/Photoshop-CC-Essent...

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