
The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. (Isaiah 50:4 NLT)

Victor, the leader of LETRA* Paraguay and his wife, Cristina, have extensive education in linguistics and theology. They are working with six MTTs** in the translation project. Together, Victor, Cristina and the Aché translators are working on the book of Luke for the production of the “JESUS” film. Following good progress on Luke and the “JESUS” film, the team members will work independently to translate the books of the New Testament. They will be assisted by two Paraguayan men who are also members of LETRA. The team hopes to finish the translation of the New Testament and the major books of the Old Testament during the course of this project.

The “JESUS” film in the Aché language has drawn crowds in four communities. As word spreads, other communities are asking the team to come and show it in their location, too. Praise God for speaking to people’s hearts through the “JESUS” film in the Aché language. Pray for God’s Word to impact many lives as the team shows the film in Aché communities.

Praise the Lord that hundreds of Aché speakers of all ages have God’s Word in their hearts through the Scripture memorization contests. Ask the Holy Spirit to use the memorized verses to draw them closer to Jesus.

Pray that a consultant can travel to Paraguay to check Hebrews and Revelation. Pray for the editing, final tweaking, and printing of the Aché New Testament. Continue to pray for the audio recording of the New Testament by Hosanna Ministries. The team hopes to accomplish this by the end of the year.

*LETRA=Latin American Alliance for Translation

**MTT=Mother Tongue Translator

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