Sass 3.3 (Maptastic Maple)
Today, we're pleased to announce that Sass 3.3 (aka Maptastic Maple) has been released! With over 500 commits and 35+ new features it's safe to say that this is a significant release.
To make it easy to understand some of the exciting new features in Sass 3.3 we've summarized them in the sections below. Click on an item in the list to jump straight to it:
New map data structure
Sass source maps
Parent selector suffixes
New @at-root directive
Improved if() semantics
Backwards @for loops
Multiple assignment in @each loops
New map data structure
The most significant change to the language in this update is the addition of the Map data structure! If you've used regular programming languages like JavaScript or Ruby you may know that a Map is sometimes called a Hash. They store a mix of key/value pairs:
You can retreive values from the map with the map-get() function:
Maps can also be used instead of keyword parameters:
For more info about Sass maps see the changelog and read Jason Garber's article, Sass maps are awesome. Also if you are interested in the history of the syntax, check out this awesome issue on GitHub where the syntax is proposed and discussed in detail.
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Sass source maps
Sass source maps are a hot new feature in Sass that make it possible to view the Sass source files inside the browser instead of just the compiled CSS (currently this only works in Chrome). And with the proper configuration you can actually edit the files inside of your browser, too!
I don't have time to detail how this works in this post, but read Google's documentation on Working with CSS Preprocessors or Sam Richard's article Debugging Sass With Source Maps. Or, if you are more visual, watch Chris Eppstein show this off in his talk The Mind-blowing Power of Sass 3.3 (in which he also shows off many more amazing Sass 3.3 features).
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Parent selector suffixes
The ampersand operator has a long and celebrated past in the Sass community. It makes it possible to write code like this:
It's now possible to use a parent selector with a suffix to append to the selector
Previously, this would have caused an error in Sass, but no longer!
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New @at-root directive
A new directive has been added to Sass that allows you to "unwind" nesting and insert something at the highest level. Simply prefix a selector with the @at-root directive and it will ignore previous levels of nested selectors:
The @at-root directive can also be used with a block. This means that the previous example could have been written:
By default @at-root will only bust out nested rules, but it can also be used to remove the effects of @media or @support blocks. For instance:
Would produce the following output:
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Improved if() semantics
If you're not a heavy user of Sass you probably haven't come across the if() function before. Sass does have the @if control structure:
Which is useful for multi-line conditionals. But it also has the if() function which can be used for simpler constructs:
In most cases how this function works is pretty transparent. Unfortunately, it can lead to errors on older versions of Sass. To see what I mean, consider this function:
Above, if we passed two arguments to my-function() the second will be assigned to $param-2. If we only pass one argument to my-function() an empty list will be assigned to $param-2. Or that's our intention.
In previous versions of Sass, however, an error will be raised when only one argument is passed because the expression nth($args, 2) will be evaluated regaurdless of the conditional. And since only one argument was passed nth($args, 2) is trying to index a non-existant item in the $args list which causes an error.
On older versions of Sass the execution works like this:
Evaluate result when true
Evaluate result when false
If conditional is true, return result-when-true
If conditional is false, return result-when-false
Sass 3.3 has made the if() function more of a language construct so that it works like this:
If conditional is true, evaluate and return result-when-true
If conditional is false, evaluate and return result-when-false
For most people this won't make a lot of difference in how you write Sass, but if you are a heavy user of the if() function these improvements should make you quite happy and you have Chris Eppstein to thank for his work to make this possible.
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Backwards @for loops
A significant and welcome change contibuted by Rob Wierzbowski is the ability to write @for loops that count down instead of counting up:
Which would output:
Previously, this would have failed silently with no output.
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Multiple assignment in @each loops
One improvement that might be easy to overlook is that @each loops now support multiple assignment. What do I mean by that? Take a look at this example:
Basically, multiple assignment for @each is good news for when you find yourself dealing with lists of lists. @each can now destructure assignment based on the elements of the sub-lists.
Here are the iterations for the loop in our example:
First time through: $animal: puma, $color: black, $cursor: default
Second time: $animal: sea-slug, $color: blue, $cursor: pointer
Third time: $animal: egret, $color: white, $cursor: move
Check out the Sass docs on multiple assignment with each for more info.
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And, much, much more!
These are just the highlights of some of the new features in the latest version of Sass. To get the full scoop, you'll need to read the changelog yourself!
Prefer video? Here's Chris Eppstein presenting, The Mind-blowing Power of Sass 3.3: