What’s happening events must be open to the public, of general interest, 60 words or less, and received at least two weeks prior to the event. Please include ticket prices, if any, and a phone number or website where readers can obtain more information. Email notices to info@thesarniajournal.ca
Wednesday, Oct. 19
Diabetes Cooking
Second session of a free three-month series focusing on the basics of healthy eating for diabetes prevention and management. Led by registered dietitian. All skill levels welcome. Last session on Nov. 16. West Lambton Community Health Centre, 429 Exmouth St., 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Limited enrollment. To register, call Janice at 519-344-3017 ext. 259
Cooking Buddies
West Lambton Community Health Centre’s free cooking class for children ages 6 to 12. Location to be announced. 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Held third Wednesday of every month until April. Limited spaces. To register, call 519-344-3017, ext. 237
Coffee and Conversation
EFT Presentation (often known as ‘tapping’), a process of stimulating the body’s meridian points with the fingertips to heal physical and emotional ailments. Mallroad Library, 1362 Lambton Mall Rd., 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-542-2580
Photography Workshop
For ages 9 to 13. Combine fitness and art in an interactive fast-paced photography workshop. Instructors will guide short jogs through the community. At Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St., 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Free. To register, call 519-336-8127 or 519-344-2062
Brain Injury
The Brain Injury Association Sarnia-Lambton will hold a free community information night on financial planning with associates from DNA Financial at the VON Building, 1705 London Line, 6:30 p.m. Park and enter from back lot. To attend, call 519-337-5657 or email info@sarniabiasl.ca
Dinner & Raffle
Roast beef dinner at Canon Davis Memorial Church, 380 Russell St. N., 5 p.m. Cost, $15, includes raffle tickets.. To reserve, call 519-344-9531
Horticultural Society
Gardener Marg Dudley will discuss The Challenges of Shade Gardening at a Sarnia Horticultural Society meeting. Redeemer Christian Reformed Church, 5834 Blackwell Sideroad, 7 p.m. All welcome. For more call Barb at 519-332-5837.
Thursday, Oct. 20
Anger Management
An eight- week series held Thursdays until Dec. 8 at the West Lambton Community Health Centre, 429 Exmouth St., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Identify anger triggers and patterns and practice positive and effective anger management skills. To register, call 519-344-3017 ext. 237
Conflict Resolution
Bring your lunch and learn strategies on how to communicate and resolve conflict in relationships. Twin Bridges NPLC, 109 Crawford St., 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Thursdays until Nov. 10. Register at www.tbnplc.com or 226-776-9030
Diabetes Prevention
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free workshop for people at high risk of developing diabetes. 1150 Pontiac Dr., 9:30 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Pasta Fest
To support Italian earthquake victims, the Dante Club holding a Pasta Fest at 1330 London Rd., 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Includes focaccia, pasta, meatballs and salad. Cost $12 adults, $8 for children. Tickets at Dante Club. Take out meals available. For more, call 519-542-9311
Film Screening
Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery screening The Wicker Man. Series recommended for mature viewers only. 147 Lochiel St., 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Free. To register, call 519-336-8127
Potluck Lunch
Fellowship of the Least Coin at St. Luke’s United Church, 350 Indian Rd. S., 12:30 p.m. Bring your own plate, cup, silverware and a dish to share. Followed by service with a guest speaker from the refugee committee. For more, call 519-344-1781
Baha’is of Sarnia
Speakers Josee and Gord Britton will discuss “Our Spiritual Journey” at a spiritual assembly of Bahá’ís of Sarnia meeting. Sarnia Library, 124 Christina St. S., 7 p.m. All welcome. Light refreshments available. For more, email lsaofsarnia@gmail.com
MADD Candlelight Vigil
In remembrance of loved ones killed or injured by impaired driving, MADD Sarnia-Lambton holding a candlelight vigil at the Point Edward Optimist’s Hall, 210 Monk St., 7 p.m. Candles provided. Memorial table on which to place photographs of loved ones. For more, call 519-339-9962 or email office@maddsarnialambton.com
Friday, Oct. 21
Start of a seven-show Theatre Sarnia production of Rock of Ages, a romance told through rock and roll hits. Performances on Oct. 21, 22 and 26-29 at 7:30 p.m., and an Oct. 23 matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets, $35 adults, $17.50 youth. For more, visit www.imperialtheatre.net or call 519-344-7469.
Beginning Experience
Sarnia Beginning Experience support group weekend for anyone suffering the aftermath of being divorced, separated or widowed. For more, call 519-331-8859 or 519-337-5553 or visit www.sarniabeginningexperience.org
Star Viewing
Sarnia chapter of the Royal Astronomical Society holding a free public star viewing night at Mike Weir Park from sunset until 11 p.m. Look through telescopes or bring your own binoculars or telescopes to look at the stars. For more, email mr_scope2@hotmail.com
Lunch & Learn
Deadline to register for a Nov. 3 talk by two
Occupational Health Clinics For Ontario Workers ergonomists on work-related health hazards and increased use of cell phones and laptops in the workplace. Free, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 171 Kendall St., Point Edward. To register, call Ann at 519-337-4627, ext. 2322.
Saturday, Oct. 22
Go ENG Girl
Free event for girls in Grades 7-10 interested in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Students learn from female professionals, academics and students while participating in engineering activities. Info sessions and lunch for parents. Great Lakes Secondary, 275 Wellington St., 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Register at http://www.eng.uwo.ca/outreach. For more, contact Joanne at joanne.moniz@uwo.ca or 519-661-2111, ext. 86988
Fish Fry and Dance
Pickerel Fish Fry and Dance at Corunna Legion, 350 Albert St. Dinner 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., dance at 7:30 p.m. until midnight. Entertainment by Kim and Vic. Tickets $18. advance tickets only. All welcome, wheelchair accessible. For more, call 519-862-1240
Fall Bazaar
St. Benedict’s CWL fall bazaar at St. Benedict’s Parish Centre, 1011 Oak Ave., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Items include knitting, sewing, baking, deli, cakes, treasures, jewelry, and books. Also available are turkey pies, spring rolls and chili. Luncheon available with soup, sandwiches, muffins. Fore more, email Jackie at jmdetailleur@yahoo.ca.
Makerspace Sewing
For ages 8 and up. Make a ghost using Makerspace equipment. Sarnia Library, 124 Christina St. S., 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-337-3291
A screening of Frankenweenie at 12 p.m., make-up artists, zombie walk at 2 p.m., followed by zombie fashion show and 14A movie Fido at 3:30 p.m. All ages, but under 18 zombie walkers must have permission slip or be accompanied by adult. Free admission, accepting food donations. Sarnia Library, 124 Christina St. S. Must pre-register by calling 519-337-3291
Gadget Gallery
Questions about using Lambton County Library’s digital resources? Bring your gadgets in to find out how. Camlachie Library, 6745 Camlachie Rd., 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more, call 519-899-2202
Trivia Night
Rotary Club’s 5th annual after-hours trivia night at DeGroot’s Nurseries, 1840 London Line. Doors open at 7 p.m., trivia begins at 8 p.m. Food, auction and door prizes. Cost $25 or $200 for table of 8. To register, email afterhourstrivia@gmail.com or call 519-381-3469
Comedy and Hypnotist
Bright’s Grove Optimist Club presents hypnotist and comedian Jeff West. All proceeds to support club projects. Huron Oaks Golf Course, 2587 Lakeshore Rd., 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. Includes light buffet, karaoke and door prizes. Tickets are $35. For more, visit www.brightsgroveoptimists.com
Medium level, three-hour hike of Ausable Trail. For details and sign up, visit www.lambtonoutdoorclub.org/hiking
Water Witching
Learn about the history of water witching and to witness a demonstration by Brian Litchy at Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. To register, call 519-336-8127
Halloween Dance
At Camlachie Community Centre, 6767 Camlachie Rd., 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Open to all. Cost $30 for non-members of Sarnia Ballroom Dancing Club. For more, visit www.sarniaballroomdancingclub.ca
Gadget Gallery
Lambton Library’s travelling gadget gallery offers assistance on topics from navigating online catalogues to downloading and streaming media. Bring tablets, laptops, eReaders and login information for the Apple or Google Play Store. Camlachie Library, 6745 Camlachie Rd., 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more, call 519-845-3324, ext. 5221
Sunday, Oct. 23
Bazaar and Bake Sale
The Dante Club hosting a fall bazaar and bake sale in the Main Hall, 1330 London Rd., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Local vendors with crafts, makeup, jewelry, knitting, gift items and more. Homemade Italian sweets and hot lunch for eat in or take out. For more, call 519-542-9311
Peace in Palestine
Toronto-based Holocaust survivor and peace activist Suzanne Weiss will discuss dismantling barriers and speak for peace in Israel, 10:30 a.m., Central United Church, 220 George St. Lunch and question and answer period to follow. All welcome. Freewill offering appreciated. For more, call 519-344-4561 or email janet@central-united-church.org
JNAAG Family Sunday
Create moon reflectors using tin foil and cardboard, based on Maggie Groat’s work. Free, open to all ages. At Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. For more, call 519-336-812
Monday, Oct. 24
Woodland Plants
Dr. Jenny McCune will discuss her search for rare woodland plants in Southern Ontario at a Lambton Wildlife meeting. See photos and learn how to identify them. Free, all welcome. Refreshments, social gathering at 7 p.m. followed by presentation at 7:30 p.m. YMCA Careers and Learning Centre, 660 Oakdale Ave. For more, visit www.lambtonwildlife.com
Cooking Class
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free cooking class on Cooking For One at 1150 Pontiac Dr., 9:30 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Diabetes Prevention
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free workshop for people at high risk of developing diabetes at 233 Cameron St., Corunna, 1:30 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Free Movie
Showing Hotel Transylvania 2 at Sarnia Library, 124 Christina St. S., 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. For more, call 519-337-3291
Herb Society Meeting
Herbs in the Kitchen will be discussed t a Lambton County Herb Society meeting. Twin Lakes Terrace, 1310 Murphy Rd., 7 p.m. For more, call 519-845-1727
Abstract Painting
Sarnia Artists’ Workshop presents an introduction to abstract painting with Regina Gudelis. First Christian Reformed Church, 1105 Exmouth St., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost, $60 for workshop for non-members. For more, visit www.sarniaartistsworkshop.com or email sarnia.artists.w@gmail.com
Cancer Screening
Free cancer screening awareness presentation at the Strangway Centre, 260 East St. N., 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. To register, call 519-332-0656.
Professional Engineers
Last day to RSVP for Professional Engineers Ontario Lambton Chapter’s Oct. 27 fall meeting at Lambton College Residence and Event Centre, 1485 London Rd., 6 p.m. Socializing, finger food buffet, chapter business. David Woodill will discuss Robotics Challenge high school program. To RSVP, contact Phil Lasek at 519-841-1221 or phil.lasek@shell.com
Tuesday, Oct. 25
Healthy Weights
Rapids Family Health Team ioffering a free five-week program designed to make permanent lifestyle changes and manage weight. 233 Cameron St., Corunna 9:30 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Cooking Class
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free cooking class on Cooking For One at 1150 Pontiac Dr., 1:30 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Mental Health Breakfast
Safe Communities Sarnia-Lambton hosting a breakfast provided by the Knights of Columbus. Our Lady of Mercy Church Hall, 390 Christina St. N., 7:30 a.m. Tickets $20. Silent auction with proceeds to Women’s Interval Home and Lambton Circles. Tickets by calling Dante at 519-312-3865 or “Good Morning Sarnia” page on www.eventbrite.ca
Historical Society
The rediscovery of the nine binders detailing history of Canatara Park to be discussed. All welcome. Light refreshments. At The Story, 179 Christina St. N., 7 p.m. to 9p.m. For more, visit www.sarniahistoricalsociety.com
Wednesday, Oct. 26
Child Car Seat
Lambton Public Health and community partners holding a child car seat clinic. Seats must be installed prior to attending. Parents must bring their car seat manual, vehicle manual and child to the clinic. At Corunna OPP, 392 Lyndoch St., Corunna, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more, call at 519-344-2062, ext. 2346
Cooking Class
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free class on Recipe Makeover at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 437 Colborne Dr., Corunna, 10 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Quit Smoking
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free seminar to help quit smoking with free nicotine replacement therapy at 233 Cameron St., Corunna, 1:30 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Ladies Assessment of Current Events is a monthly discussion series focusing on current events at Bright’s Grove Library, 2618 Hamilton Rd., 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-869-2351
Quarter Auction
Sarnia Airman’s Club holding a quarter auction with vendors at the 403 Wing/Navy Club at 1420 Lougar St. Doors open 5:30 p.m., auction at 7 p.m.. For more, call 519-344-8050
Painting Workshop
For ages 9 to 13. Learn about the storytelling tradition with local First Nations artist Moses Lunham. See a Norval Morrisseau painting and let your inspiration run wild on canvas. Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St., 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Free. To register, call 519-336-8127 or 519-344-2062
Death Café
A group-directed discussion about death and associated topics in a confidential space. 7 p.m., McKenzie and Blundy Funeral Home. At 8 p.m. ,guest speak Dr. Glen Maddison to discuss palliative care. Free, open to all. For more, or to RSVP, contact Heather at deathcafesarnia@gmail.com or call 519-331-3944
A Cappella Chorus
Seaway Sound’s Sweet Adelines fiyur-part a cappella singing chorus meets Wednesdays at St. Francois Xavier School, 901 The Rapids Pkwy., 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. No musical experience needed. For more, call Kelly Graham at 519-383-5582
Transition Fair
Options for teens with special needs following high school is the focus of a Transition Fair at Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School, 1257 Michigan Ave. Dinner 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., fair from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For more, contact Jennifer Howell at 519-542-3471 ext. 291 or jhowell@pathwayscentre.org. Register at www.2016teentransitionfair.eventbrite.ca by Oct. 20
Thursday, Oct. 27
Cooking Buddies
West Lambton Community Health Centre’s free cooking class for children ages 6 to 12 at All Saints Anglican Church, 178 Hill St., Corunna, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Held the last Thursday of every month until April. Limited spaces. To register, call 519-344-3017, ext. 237
Artist Talk
Allyson Mitchell will discuss her feminist/queer art projects. Free. Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St., 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. To register, call 519-336-8127
Fright Night Concert
Lambton Concert Band presenting “Fright Night” at the Sarnia Library Auditorium, 124 Christina St. S., 7:30 p.m. Tickets, $12 adults, $6 children and students, available from band members or by emailing promotions@lambtonconcertband.com
Friday, Oct. 28
Hot Soup, Cool Jazz
Sarnia Community Foundation presents an evening of music by the Brennan-Williams Trio and dinner at the Riding Club, 980 Riding Club Lane, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Selection of hot soups and bread. Cash bar. Tickets $20 and only available in advance by calling the SCF office at 519-332-2588
Quit Smoking
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free seminar to help quit smoking with free nicotine replacement therapy at 1150 Pontiac Dr., 10 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Tween Craft
For ages 7 to 12. Enjoy PA day with a craft at Mallroad Library, 1362 Lambton Mall Rd., 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-542-2580
Gallery PD Day
Children can spend a day with artistic activities, stories, and films. Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St. Drop-off is 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., pick-up is 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Cost $55 for non-members. Bring a peanut-free lunch. To register, call 519-336-8127
The post Week of Oct. 20 appeared first on The Sarnia Journal.