Have you ever had blogger burnout? What a coincidence, me too! Chances are, if you’re a blogger, you’ve been a victim of the infamous blogger burnout. But today I’m here to share 75 writing prompts to avoid blogger burnout! Yay!
Hopefully after this post you’ll have so many ideas in your head to run with and you won’t have writer’s block for a very long time! Fingers crossed.
Also, stick around after the post to enter a $50 gift certificate to Michaels. What a great day
And now.. let the prompts begin!
Home Living/ Home Decor
1. What’s your favorite room in your house and why?
2. If you had unlimited funds, what are the biggest changes you would make to your house?
3. What was a “must-have” credential when you were house hunting or apartment hunting?
4. How do you and your significant other compromise when it comes to home decor?
5. What’s your most prized possession when it comes to home decor? A painting? A kitchen table that was handed down to you? Why is it so important to you?
6. What DIY project are you most proud of? Why?
7. A round-up of 10 projects from Pinterest that are on your to-do list.
8. What color do you always find yourself incorporating into your style?
9. What home decor “fads” have you loved, and which have you hated?
10. How to make your home”guest ready” for a short-notice guest.
11. What are 5 essential cleaning tips that you utilize regularly in your home?
12. Are you a bed maker? Why or why not?
13. Why is landscaping important for a home?
14. What are some affordable ways to dress up your landscaping?
15. A round-up of items used in creative places–for example, framed wrapping paper as a “painting.”
16. What’s your favorite dish you’ve ever made?
17. What’s the first thing you ever cooked, or “mastered” in the kitchen?
18. What’s the dish that your significant other insists is the best dish you make?
19. What’s your favorite family recipe, handed down?
20. What’s your favorite nationality of food? (accompanied with a recipe perhaps)
21. What is your go-to appetizer for dinner guests?
22. What’s your go-to dinner for dinner guests?
23. What’s your go-to dessert for dinner guests?
24. What’s a recipe that’s easy to make in bulk for parties?
25. What’s your “guilty pleasure” or food you like to indulge in despite the calorie count?
26. What are 5 ways you practice a healthy lifestyle when it comes to eating?
27. A round-up of 10 family dinners you can cook in under 30 minutes.
28. 5 tips on how to improve food photography.
29. A round-up of weird foods that you wouldn’t think go together, but absolutely do (like my PB&J Bacon Burger Sliders).
30. The most exotic food you’ve ever eaten, and how you felt about it.
31. A round-up of 10 foods you’ve never tried, but really want to.
32. A round-up of 10 foods you would never try in a million, gajillion years.
33. A recipe for an interesting twist on your favorite cocktail.
34. Which cooking utensils/appliances do you absolutely need in your kitchen?
35. How to deal with your families’ different taste bud preferences.
36. What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken?
37. If money wasn’t an issue, what would be your dream trip?
38. What country do you most want to visit?
39. Which culture do you find most interesting?
40. What are your 5 essential must-have items packed when you travel?
41. How to avoid over-packing.
42. What excites you about traveling?
43. How to pack for a romantic getaway.
44. How to plan a romantic getaway.
45. A round-up of the 10 best underrated romantic vacation spots.
46. A guide on the best things to do in the city you live in.
47. Be a tourist for one day in your city and write about your experiences.
48. Do you have an absolutely terrible vacation story? Did something go terribly wrong but you learned from it?
49. How to travel safely in a certain city.
50. How to make the best of travel photography.
51. 10 Secrets to happiness.
52. 5 tips for a more productive life.
53. Tips for throwing an awesome party.
54. How to live life stress-free.
55. Why you should marry your best friend.
Blogging/ Social Media
56. 10 ways to beat blogging procrastination.
57. How to get more page views on your blog.
58. How to grow your social media challenges without paid advertisements.
59. How to best utilize paid advertisements.
60. How to first start monetizing your blog.
61. How to make the transition to a self-hosted blog.
62. Why is important to make connections with other bloggers?
63. How to make connections with other bloggers?
64. Why did you start blogging?
65. What are your favorite things about blogging?
66. What are your least favorite things about blogging?
67. How do you develop your writing ideas? What’s your process?
68. What’s your greatest inspiration when it comes to writing?
69. A round-up of tips from others bloggers, (like my post, Blogging Tips from 25 Expert Bloggers)
70. Which hashtags do you find work the best to get you exposure?
71. Which blogger inspired you to start blogging, and why?
72. What aspirations do you have for your blog?
73. What marketing strategies have you tried that have failed?
74. How to create the best pin-worthy images and content.
75. Have you had a “breakthrough” blogging moment?
I hope these prompts help you get over some blogging procrastination! But before you go type your little fingers off, make sure you enter the giveaway below! I’m teamed up with some of my absolute favorite bloggers to be able to give away a $50 gift card to Michaels. YAY! I know I literally could shop in Michaels all day, and I know that you probably feel the same way To enter, follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter at the end of this post! Good luck!
A huge thanks to the fabulous My Cooking Spot contributors who made this possible!
Ashley of 3 Little Greenwoods | Marcella of Marcella Roses | Erin of The Blue Eyed Dove
Lindsay of My Creative Days | Cat of The Rustic Willow | Erin of My Crafty Spot
Giveaway runs from 4/16-4/24. All entries will be verified! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The post 75 Writing Prompts to Avoid Blogger Burnout + a Giveaway! appeared first on The Rustic Willow.