My wife said she heard on the radio today that Fukushima was leaking 18 times as much radiation as they had said. And this shows us that it was a 'cover up' by the authorities.
A quick look at the news websites suggests that there is a leak in some water tanks but that they like making things up a bit....
.....radiation readings at the contaminated water storage tanks and pipe Saturday. The four locations are the bottom of three tanks and a pipe connecting tanks in separate area.
The highest reading as 1800 millisieverts per hour at the bottom fringe of the tank. 220 and 70 mSv were measured at the bottom of other two tanks. And TEPCO said they found a dried stain under the pipe with 230 mSv/h radiation measurement.
One drop of liquid fell when a staff member pressed on insulation material around the pipe. But TEPCO said no contaminated water leak is expected as there were no change in the water level in tanks'
...the highest levels measured were so-called beta radiation, which quickly dissipates over short distances and is easily shielded through the use of thin sheets of metal and foil.
"Since beta radiation is weak and can be blocked by a thin metal sheet such as aluminum, we think that we can control radiation exposure by using proper equipments and cloths," the company added.
This has not calmed my wife, who presumably thinks the world is about to end in a radioactive meltdown. Is there a simple beginners guide to reading about radiation and the effects on people anywhere?
This is a good graphic but does not explain decay or how far radiation can go or is diluted in the sea.
Where do I point her to get a better understanding?