Our April Expert is the incredible Melissa Ambrosini! Named a ‘self-help guru’ by Elle Magazine, Melissa’s work has inspired women across the globe through her live events, books, booming online community, game-changing online program Get Your Glow On, meditations and keynote talks. Inspiring women to live their wildest dreams and create a heart centred life and business is her mission. In her signature straight-talking style, Melissa teaches women how to master their inner Mean Girl, smash through limiting beliefs, and ditch the self doubt so that they can start truly living the life of their dreams.
Welcome, Melissa!
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Witnessing women transform their lives, have breakthroughs, ah ha! moments, realisations, following their dreams, launching their dream business, falling pregnant, getting healthy and going from living in a place of fear, to a place of love. What could be more rewarding than witnessing that type of powerful transformation. It truly lights me up and is what makes my heart sing. I wouldn’t change what I do for anything. I love it!
What is non-negotiable when it comes to your health?
There’s a few such as eating organic, drinking clean water, meditating, moving my body in a loving way each day, self care, using organic toxic free products, choosing loving and healthy thoughts, feeling the sunshine on my face each day and making sure I belly laugh every single day. These are my daily non-negotiables that make me feel fabulously healthy.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Jess Ainscough was and still is my biggest inspiration. She taught me so much about life, love, passion and being of service and continues to be my biggest teacher today.
When you’re having an off day, what motivates you?
Whenever I am feeling a little flat I always go and do something off my Self Love Menu (which you can download for free from my website), the Self Love Menu is designed for those times when you are feeling a little less motivated. It’s super important to be gentle with yourself when you feel like this, then go and fill yourself up. I love connecting with nature, doing a few yoga moves, meditating or just sitting a breathing. This really helps me come back into my body and almost always once I have taken a few moments for myself the motivation and inspiration comes flooding back in.
What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?
I couldn’t narrow it down so here are 28 things I would tell my 18-year old self about health, wealth and love in the hope that I could spark some curiosity and plant a seed for her future…
1. True wellness starts in the mind. The thoughts you think are more powerful than anything (including the food you eat).
2. Daily movement is essential for happiness. The key is to enjoy it or don’t do it at all. Find something you love or find the love in what you are doing.
3. Meditation is the best kept secret on the planet for sanity, relationships, happiness, work, and creativity.Try it!
4. Your body is your temple! Treat it accordingly.
5. Your health must be a priority. Without it, you’ve got nothing.
6. The media is really good at selling you loads of toxic products and foods that you don’t really need. Don’t buy into it. Keep it simple, baby!
7. You can make money out of following your dreams.
8. Money is just energy. Don’t put too much power in it and don’t let it dictate your decisions; let your heart do that.
9. You don’t need to go to uni, do a masters, get five degrees or come from a rich family to start something that matters and to be ‘successful’ (whatever your definition of success is). All you have to do is find what lights you up and do that. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
10. The more you give, the more you get (but don’t give to get).
11. Having an abundant mindset is a daily commitment and is imperative in order to experience abundance in all areas of your life.
12. Having a good relationship with money is vital.
13. Investing is a good idea as long as you have fun with it.
14. Anyone can run their own business, all you gotta have are balls.
15. Reading, learning, growing and evolving is what we are here for. Make sure you continue to educate yourself. If you are not growing you’re dying.
16. The work you do in the world is your self-love barometer.
17. Discover your passions and purpose in life… then live them..
18. When you show up with a desire to serve and add value, you become a magnet for money.
19. True love starts from within.
20. Self-love is a daily commitment and needs to be executed with conviction.
21. Self-care must be a priority and at the top of your to-do list.
22. Making love with your soul mate can change the biochemistry of your entire body.
23. Your soul mate will come when you are bursting with love for yourself first.
24. Your relationships are a reflection of you and you are a reflection of the five most prominent people you spend your time with.
25. How worthy you feel is reflected in all areas of your life, included your love life.
26. Choosing love over fear is essential and it’s a moment-to-moment practice you need to embrace with your whole heart.
27. Finding the love in every situation is imperative in order to grow and evolve.
28. Choosing to do all things out of love instead of fear will make your life infinitely better.
What is your biggest passion in life?
Being love and giving love. These are two things I feel so deeply passionate about and things I want to continuously embody and give to the world. It lights me up from my core and I believe this is why I am here on earth.
What do you think we can do now to improve the environment and the health of our future generations?
Oh there are so many things we can start to do today such as:
1. Heading to your local farmers’ markets and getting your weekly produce from them.
2. Switching to chemical free home and beauty products.
3. Recycling.
4. Stop consuming as many material products. Try not to buy anything new for a month and just use what you have.
And remember that you vote with your dollar. Every time you purchase something you are saying I believe in this product or service.
You can find Melissa on her website and social media, links below! Stay tuned for next months feature, who we will be interviewing will be announced in the coming weeks!
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