
November is the Great American Smoke Out

Quitting is hard, but you can increase your chances of success with help. The American Cancer Society can tell you about the steps you can take to quit smoking and provide quit-smoking programs, resources and support that can increase your chances of quitting successfully.

Need Support to Quit?

Try the Quit For Life Mobile App. Sustain your American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout® with a pocket cessation program: the Quit For Life® mobile app brought to you by the American Cancer Society. You don’t have to participate in the Quit For Life program to use it. The free app gives smartphone users a downloadable tool that supports them throughout the quit process, helping them set a quit date, identify reasons for quitting, and conquer cravings once they’ve quit. The app, available via cancer.org/smokeout, is on both iOS and Android platforms. For extra support, quit with a friend! Quit together. Win together. Quit like a champion™. Visit cancer.org/smokeout or call 1-800-227-2345, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Additional information from the State Health Plan is available at:https://shp.nctreasurer.com/Medical Benefits/tobacco-cessation-benefits.pdf

If you are interested in consulting with a healthcare provider to discuss tobacco cessation, call Health Services at 227-7640 to schedule an appointment to review strategies and products that can assist you with your goal.

Nutrition Event: Vegetarian Awareness

Thursday, November 3:  11am – 1pm, Courtyard Dining Hall

Come learn nutrition information and skills related to vegetarianism.

November 14th – December 31st

You are invited to join the 11th annual Holiday Challenge. Rather than focusing on trying to lose weight, this FREE seven-week challenge provides participants with tips, tricks, and ideas to help maintain their weight throughout the holiday season. This program is covered by the NC State Health Plan. Register at www.esmmweighless.com(click the Holiday Challenge tab).

Tuesday, November 15:  5:30pm,
Harris Regional Hospital Cafeteria

Come learn about primary care and wellness. Light refreshments available
. Space is limited, RSVP by 11/8 by calling 844-414-DOCS

WHEE Wellness Classes

Aqua Group X in Reid Pool

Aqua Group X is only $25 for CRC Non-Members and $10 for CRC Members and includes every water class Monday-Thursday 5:30 – 6:15pm for the entire semester. Please register at the Campus Recreation Center. Bring your Cat Card to all classes. No swimming skills necessary. All equipment provided. See staff in the Reid equipment cage for Reid locker usage.

Wellness Wednesday Flow Yoga

Wednesday, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30:  12:10 – 12:50pm, CRC Studio 2

This vigorous yoga class links basic and advanced yoga poses together into an intense flow sequence. Regular class attendance builds strength, flexibility, and stamina, creating a sense of overall well-being. FREE for WCU employees. Please present your CatCard at the CRC front desk and for a day locker.

Monday,  Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28:  5:30 – 6:15pm, CRC Studio 1

Tuesday,  Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29:  11:30am – 12:10pm, CRC Studio 1

Easy-to-follow, dance-fitness party exhilarates the senses in a high-energy cardio blast that leaves you invigorated, refreshed and full of life. FREE for WCU employees. Please present your CatCard at the CRC front desk and for a day locker.

More Wellness Opportunities

Ramsey Activity Center (RAC) Concourse

Get your daily walk in rain or shine. 5 laps around the outside of the concourse = 1 mile. Doors open at 6am and close at 6pm Monday–Friday (Concourse walking usage is subject to facility events).

Reid Pool

Reid Pool is available for free to all WCU employees with the presentation of your Cat Card. Please check the Campus Recreation Center website for hours.

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