
BLOOD ASSASSIN (The Sentinels #2) by Alexandra Ivy-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 30, 2014

They are the outcasts of humanity. Blessed with power. Cursed by fate. Driven by passion. The Sentinels have returned. . .

Out Of The Shadows

At six-foot-three and two-hundred-fifty pounds, Fane is a natural born guardian. A flawless mix of muscled perfection and steely precision, he has devoted years of his life to protecting a beautiful necromancer. But after she found love in the arms of another, Fane has been a warrior adrift. He swears allegiance only to the Sentinels. And no woman will ever rule his heart again. . .

Into The Fire

Not only a powerful psychic, Serra is that rare telepath who can connect to minds through objects. When the daughter of a high-blood businessman is kidnapped, Serra agrees to help. But when she stumbles onto a conspiracy involving secrets sects and ancient relics, her life is in mortal danger–and Fane is her only hope. Is the warrior willing to risk his body, his soul, and his heart, for Serra? Or will one last betrayal destroy them both?


REVIEW: BLOOD ASSASSIN is the second full length installment in Alexandra Ivy’s contemporary, adult, The Sentinels paranormal, romance series focusing on a rare supernatural species known as high bloods –blessed (and cursed) with powers and magical abilities. To protect the high bloods from themselves and discrimination from the outside world, the ‘freaks’ and ‘mutations’ are secluded in the domed city of Valhalla organized with a social infrastructure and hierarchy of Sentinels. This is Fane and Serra’s storyline, and can be read as a stand alone without too much difficulty. Alexandra Ivy weaves background history into the storyline and introduces the novel with an overview about the Sentinel warriors and guardians.

Fane is a Sentinel Guardian, an alpha male whose last assignment ended when the woman he protected for years fell in love with a human (Born in Blood-Sentinel #1). Hoping to return to Tibet for some meditation and reflection, Fane will be confronted by the woman of his dreams, Serra, knowing that he will never be good enough for the beautiful psychic who calls to his soul. Serra is a strong, confident woman who is in love with Fane, and takes every opportunity to ensure that Fane is wholly aware. It is only when Serra disappears does Fane realize that he will never be able to live without the woman he loves.

The storyline focuses on the hunt for a missing four year old child. Molly is the daughter of Bas-a wealthy high blood whose history is known to only a few. Bas will sacrifices everyone to ensure his daughter is safely returned and in this Serra will be Bas’s chosen sacrifice. Serra is ‘called in’ to search for the little girl but there is a price upon Serra’s head. If she is unable to locate Molly, her life will be forfeited. Enter Fane, who agrees to aid Serra in the search for the missing child knowing that both will be targeted for destruction when the girl has been found. Serra’s psychic abilities will be put to the test as she hunts, not only for Molly but for the people responsible.

The relationship between Serra and Fane is one of friends to lovers. Fane has been reluctant to reveal his true feelings to Serra but when the woman he loves risks her life for that of a four year old child, Fane wants more from Serra-he wants forever. The sex scenes are sensual and hot, although limited in number as the storyline focuses on the retrieval of a missing child and uncovering the identity of the people responsible for the attack against the supernatural powers. The world building continues to center on the stereotyping and prejudices against what is considered ‘abnormal’. The preconceived notions about the supernatural powers have resulted in the protective confines of Valhalla but there are those who are not willing to play by the rules. The Sentinels are an elite group of warriors, trained by Tibetan monks, whose job it is to protect and defend the supernatural powers against their enemies and themselves.

The secondary and supporting characters include the all-powerful and all-knowing Mave (Lana); Wolfe (the leader of The Sentinels ) and a man who is more than attracted to the Mave; and Bas whose past is dark and dangerous with too much blood on his hands.

Alexandra Ivy weaves an intricate tale of kidnapping, death, revenge, betrayal, witches, psychics, magic and love. The twists and turns throughout the story find the reader pulled from one scenario to another as well as the possibility of outlining some future storylines. There are a number of immortal and supernatural powers introduced including sexy warriors, psychics and a witch that has the ability to trigger the end of the world. There is mystery, suspense and action rolled into a romantic storyline about two people meant for one another-in this world and the next.

Reading Order
Out of Control
Born in Blood
Blood Assassin

Copy supplied by Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy

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