
By homeopath Marie McLoughlin

We are living in a time where the environment we inhabit is becoming more and more toxic to us. This is due to many factors, most of them created by corporate greed and a desire to monetise every natural thing, from the water we drink to our weather and our fertility.

We have no real idea what impact GMOs will have on our health, long term. Nor what nano-tech will unleash. But what we can do is optimise our individual vital force – we are designed to survive after all!

As a homeopathic practitioner, patients come to me with specific problems which are uniquely theirs. For example, one baby’s eczema is totally different from another baby’s. My headache will be completely different from yours. Homeopaths treat the individual’s symptoms, not the named condition.

But certain things are common to all of us and there is a range of cell salts called Biochemical Tissue Salts.

Tissue Salts were identified by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler (1828 – 1898). He discovered that when a human cell is reduced to ashes, it exhibits 12 minerals.

This chart shows the action of each mineral salt upon the body; taken (with some tweaking) from Margaret Roberts, Tissue Salts for Healthy Living (Spearhead).

1. Calc Fluor: Elasticity and flexibility, toning, strength and resilience of muscular and connective tissue, bones, tooth enamel and walls of blood vessels.(I use this for plumping up skin and getting rid of wrinkles too, how very superficial of me )

2. Calc Phos: A cell builder, this is an excellent tonic and growth developer and supporter. It maintains body functions and aids recuperation. It is needed for blood, connective tissue, teeth and bones.

3. Calc Sulph: Nature’s cleanser, a blood purifier, it dissolves discharge, drains tissue, heals and clears suppuration., an eliminator, it works particularly on the liver, blood and bile. (Great for teenage spots!)

4. Ferrum Phos: The breath of life, the oxygen transporter; anti-inflammatory, anti-haemorrhage, cooler of inflamed overheated conditions. It assists the formation of red blood corpuscles and strengthens the blood vessels.

5. Kali Mur: This is a great decongestant, aids liver function, sluggish conditions, a glandular tonic, blood and lymphatic conditioner. Clears catarrh and is especially helpful when combined with Calc Sulph. Supports nerve tissue.

6. Kali Phos: A nerve nutrient and a natural tranquilliser, it lifts the spirits and restores a feeling of well-being. Gives emotional balance, pain reliever; important for heart, brain tissue and intracellular fluid. (For patients on chemotherapy and radiotherapy, this is a must!)

7. Kali Sulph: Transports oxygen supports liver function. Helpful for skin, especially eczema. Gets rid of mucous.

8. Mag Phos: Anti-spasmodic. Natural pain reliever for cramps. Nerve relaxant. (Great for menstrual pain, and leg cramps.)

9. Nat Mur: For the correct distribution of fluid in the cells. For deep emotions, grief and depression. Swollen extremities, water retention. Runny nose, watery eyes, hay fever and mucous membrane symptoms improve with Nat Mur.

10. Nat Phos: Balances acidic systems. Reflux and heartburn benefit from this biochemical cell salt. It treats arthritic pains and stiffness. A mood lifter, and stress reliever.

11. Nat Sulph: Along side Nat Mur, it is nature’s diuretic. A toxin cleanser and liver decongestant.

12. Silica: Strengthens connective tissue. Assists mineral assimilation. Improves memory (must remember to take it!) Great for the middle to late years.

The company, New Era, who sold these 12 tissue salts in the UK, was bought by Merck (I believe) and now we can’t get them very easily. Some Homeopathic pharmacies are trying to fill the need. That speaks volumes to me -  they are obviously a direct threat to Big Pharma’s bottom line as they actually cure disease.

Here are some outlets in the UK that still stock tissue salts.

Nelson’s Pharmacy sell Dr Reckeweg  tissue salts – the single salts and all 12 combined. These are hard tablets and if you are used to the soft ones you may not like them. Cost £5.95 for 20gm bottle plus £3.95 p & p
www.nelsonspharmacy.com   Tel. 020 7629 3118

Ainsworth’s sell Schussler tissue salts in soft tablets. 25gm bottles containing approx 200 tablets. All 12 single salts plus all 12 combined. Cost £12.90 plus £4.50 p & p. Ainsworths have a pharmacy at 43 High Street, Caterham (Tel. 01883 340332) as well as in Central London (tel. 020 7935 5330), if you want to collect them in person.

Helios Pharmacy will make up the single tissue salts and all the combination ones in soft tablets, pills, granules or hard tablets personally for you. You can request the size that you want. Prices start at £4.50 for a 4 gm bottle. Click on  ‘Homeopathic Remedies made to order’ on their shop webpage.There are branches in Tunbridge Wells (Tel. 01892 537254) and  Covent Garden in Central London (tel. 0207 379 7434).  www.helios.co.uk

Revital, the health food store, also sell Dr Reckeweg’s tissue salts.

Further Reading

The Biochemic Handbook – How to get well and keep fit with biochemic tissue-salts


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About Marie McLoughlin

My name is Marie McLoughlin, I live in London, England, where I work as a classical homeopath. Please do contact me if you think I can help you or your family.


Phone: 0208 543 6942

Email: marie.homeopath@talktalk.net

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