
Forget your AV rating or Avvo score – what’s your WOM rating?

WOM stands for “Word of Mouth” and that – coupled with client referrals -- is the single best marketing tool for small business, according to data extracted from a series of Bank of America Small Business Owner Reports:

If you are unaware of how clients really feel about their experience with your firm, you are missing a juicy piece of low-hanging fruit that could boost your referral rates and bring new clients in your door without much effort on your part.

So how do you identify your best client referral sources?  A client satisfaction survey is a great way to get feedback that will help you identify good potential referral sources as well as improve upon areas of your firm you probably weren’t even aware needed improvement. 

There are free survey services out there (SurveyMonkey.com) that can help you implement a quick email survey among your current client database.  If you use an email marketing service like Constant Contact, these also have survey forms you can use to perform the same function.  No matter what tool you use, here are some good questions to ask in your survey:

What was your first impression of the firm? Of your attorney?

How were you initially treated during your first in-person meeting?

What do you believe is our biggest strength?

What do you believe is the area where we need the most improvement?

Out of the following 5 areas, which ones do you anticipate needing in the next year?

Were invoices sent out on a regular basis to you?

Were you ever surprised by the amount on an invoice?

What are some ways we could better serve you?

Would you recommend us to your friends or colleagues?

Are there any other comments, suggestions, complaints, or concerns you would like to let us know about?

I also recommend that you implement an “exit interview” process after each case or legal matter is concluded; this can allow you to address any issues with your client that could prevent a negative review either online or via word-of-mouth.

Once you have gathered a list of good potential client referral sources, you need to educate them on what your ideal client looks like.  If you practice more than one area of the law, make them aware of all your practice areas.  Then incentivize them to refer you by offering a free consultation to anyone they send your way and thank them with a small gift (Starbucks or Amazon.com gift card) for remembering you.


Free Report: 4 Myths That Keep Attorneys From Building A Referral-Based Practice

Referrals are the lifeblood of many law practices, and building a good referral program takes a proven process.  Stephen Fairley unveils the 4 Myths That Keep Attorneys from Building a Referral-Based Practice in his new free report.  Read and discover:

How to determine the best source for your referrals

How to explain your ideal target market to a referral source

How to get referrals from other attorneys

Whether online directories are a good referral source

How to network effectively

And much, much more!

Click now for your free report on 4 Myths That Keep Attorneys from Building a Referral-Based Practice.


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