
I'm pretty sure it's not too serious, but my red congo puffers pectoral fins went from clear to bright red. I know that it's a RED Congo puffer, but since I bought him his find were transparent. The pH was pretty high, but nothing else was wrong, so I added some acid buffer. Here's the list:
1. pH 9.0
Nitrate 0.3
Nitrite and Ammonia 0
2. 28 gallon custom hex, only tank mates are horned Nerite snails and some red cherry shrimp(food)
3. I feed him 1 earthworm and human shrimp per week, and I add 2 red cherry shrimp to the tank every few days. I change the tank water 50% every other week. I use basically every type of conditioner from API and Tetra.
4. No recent changes in the tank, but I added an African lily pad around a month ago.
5. The aquarium has been set up for around 6 months, and I cycled it by using an old filter, adding Tetra QuickStart, and letting it run for a week with snails and shrimp before I added the puffer.

Statistics: Posted by pufferjw — Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:05 pm

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