Steve Mills, the Prudent Marketer, and his series of LinkedIn training courses and seminars at The LinkedIn Academy, have found a higher level of relevance recently after a report revealed the extent of LinkedIn’s lead generating capabilities. A recent HubSpot study attempting to find out how effective the most popular social networks were in directly driving leads found that LinkedIn had by far the highest visitor-to-lead conversation right; almost three times higher than Twitter and Facebook. The conversion rate stood at 2.74%, dwarfing Facebook’s 0.77% and Twitter’s 0.69%, in a survey of more than 5,000 business across the UK.
Steve Mills, the Prudent Marketer and founder of The LinkedIn Academy, says, “LinkedIn has proven itself to be the number one social network for professionals hoping to generate leads to their business’ websites. When someone visits the site, they are more likely to be in a business-focused mind-set, and will be actively searching for business-related content, giving businesses a much higher chance of achieving a conversation. The range of seminars and training sessions we offer at The LinkedIn Academy help individuals learn how to use LinkedIn to generate leads and how to get the best from this incredible resource without putting themselves out of pocket.”
LinkedIn has become popular as a professional social network for those looking to share products and services as well as promote their own offerings. This filters out all of the chatty status sharing and personal photos of families and holidays and gets down to the nitty-gritty of business and commerce. However, this does leave individuals with much more competition, and much more of a struggle to be noticed among the sea of similar professionals.
With a variety of training methods to choose from, including webinars, face-to-face tuition at his specialist events and a LinkedIn DVD programme, Steve Mills has made sure that those who wish to learn how to use LinkedIn for lead generation can learn in the way that they see most appropriate. Some will benefit from phone conversations where Steve Mills himself will carry out an assessment of business needs over the phone, whilst some will find more use in sitting through a webinar and taking their own notes.
There are also a number of workshops available to book, where attendees learn everything there is to know about the world of LinkedIn and how to utilise it most effectively. From setting up a business account to getting recommendations from influential figures in certain sectors, the in-house LinkedIn workshops allow professionals to become properly educated in the benefits of this wonderful resource and can give them an exciting new way of reaching out to new clients and generating leads.
For more information about Steve Mills, the Prudent Marketer, and to discover some of his personal marketing tips, visit
About Steve Mills
Steve Mills helps clients to create more leads. Over the past 17 years, Steve has built a reputation for helping businesses to market themselves using his ‘Marketing without Money Formula’. Never one to take unnecessary risks for himself or his client, Steve is now known as The Prudent Marketer.
Steve established his reputation by training thousands of business people in how to market themselves without a budget. He has spoken to audiences all over the world and authored three highly successful marketing books as well as writing articles for many leading business magazines. He is the founder of The LinkedIn Training Academy which provides training, coaching and mentoring, through video, audio, workshops and webinars.