
mr_anderson wrote:

mightyz wrote:

Rawkspider wrote:


more and more people are inevitably becoming consigned to what critic Henry Giroux calls “zones of abandonment and social death, where they become unknowables, with no human rights and no-one accountable for their condition”.

I suppose if you're in Ranelagh, moving from Sydney Parade to Stepaside does seem like consignment to the gulag.

Stepaside is a joke. High density development in the middle of nowhere with very narrow country-mountain roads guiding to it.
Irish planning the best of the world as always.*

*if you compare Ireland to Northern Ireland country side.

Stepaside has d'LUAS.
I've rented a few there and none of the tenants worked in town.
They were either Sandyford or Cherrywood.

It definitely serves a need.

LUAS ? try to do 25 minutes walk in rain. This place is a planners drunken mistake.

http://la.streetsblog.org/2014/10/31/co ... mployment/

Statistics: Posted by mightyz — Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:00 pm

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