
Being successful is a matter of our mindset. In an easy way you can have a millionaire mindset, too. Just follow what other rich people do!

BUT. Your journey doesn’t have to stop here. There is much more to learn to build a millionaire mindset. And if you’re ready to take this step, than I have something for you.

Both Rob and T. Harv Ecker have been traveling around the world teaching people the secrets to becoming financially free. If you feel you can benefit from it, then check out the event’s page. It’s called The Millionaire Mind Intensive, and it will change your life! How do I know? Because I attended it myself. And it had a huge impact on how I live my life, and… my bank account.

They will hold a few events around the world in November. To learn more, click on the place closest to your home, and learn more.

- See more at: http://psychologyformarketers.com/how-to-develop-a-millionaire-mindset/#sthash.yt0zNiZN.dpuf

My siblings and I grew up in financial poverty and lacked a lot of the things most kids take for granted in other circumstances, especially in surroundings more developed than the small Dominican town where we grew up.  The irony is that people would actually comment that “we acted like rich kids.” We wore hand-me downs, worn out shoes, out-grown clothes, so to me, this seemed strange. It wasn’t like we were pretending to be rich or even could get away with it. There is something to that concept.

Have you ever stopped to think what makes people seem like they have money?

How can you tell someone is a millionaire?

Is there such thing like a millionaire attitude?

I am certain there is such a thing, but it is more than just a general attitude, it is like a set of attitudes and habits, which is called a Mindset. I think that is what our teachers and people in the community saw in the Fernandez kids: a desire to be more, a desire to overcome, grow, and become.

With that in mind, I want to explore what it takes to develop a Millionaire Mom Mindset, so you can discover, live, balance, monetize, and radiate your passions. I assure you it is possible for you. Millionaire moms are not smarter or more capable than you or have more limbs and/or organs. Sure they were all made in God’s image just like you did, and as far as I know, they all have 24 hours each day.

The secret of millionaire moms is that they have learned to develop a different relationship with money and “make themselves” implement simple, yet powerful daily habits in all areas of their lives. Here are the favorite 5 millionaire mindset insights I have learned:

In his audio book The Power of Self Discipline, Brian Tracy teaches that millionaires practice delayed gratification. They believe you ought to “spend as much time investigating the investment as you would spend earning the money that it would cost you.” Wealth is built slowly, not overnight. During the first couple of years of single motherhood, I remember my kids at times wanted something and I refused to declare the words “we can’t afford it.” The solution was making a “things I want” journal where they would illustrate, with stick figures at the time, what they wanted. There was a 30-day revision and usually they didn’t even want most of it anymore. I learn so much from my kids, so I have been able to benefit a lot from that principle.

I’ve heard that the average adult spends 2-3 hours each month studying and thinking about their money. In contrast, self-made millionaires spend around 20-30 hours per month thinking, studying and planning their finances. Online banking, budgeting, bookkeeping activities, meal planning, and looking for spending patterns take a great deal of my time… and it has a big pay off. I believe that provident living breeds peace, and while I may not enjoy the numbers deal, I do enjoy the feelings that come as a results (and the ones that don’t, too!).

Millionaires have two rules about money “Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.” Millionaire moms are expert negotiators and spend money carefully and consciously. Society paints a picture of a millionaire being a person who spends mindlessly, but if you think about it, they are millionaires because they consistently KEEP the money they earn, and they did that by consistently living below their means, saving, and avoiding debt. I personally believe that debt equals misery and that interest is like a merciless slave master that steals our joy and our peace.

If there was a lesson we all learned from Rich Dad, Poor Dad [ the bestseller by Robert Kiyosaki that also applies for moms ] is that millionaires are focused on self-improvement. Being a constant learner is sure to get you started on a millionaire mom mindset journey.

Millionaire moms are Positive Moms. They cast out their inner-bully demons and negative self-talk. Millionaire moms use the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind to create their life blueprint filled with joy, balance and success, on their own terms.

Do YOU want to develop a Millionaire Mom Mindset?

The millionaire mom life I’m talking about is not just financial independence and wealth. I am talking about freedom that goes beyond monetary success. It is about having what YOU deeply desire, having it in abundance, and enjoying it every day of your life.

God has plans to PROSPER you and He wants to do that in THIS life and in the way YOU will experience joy.

Poet Rumi once wrote “What you’re seeking is seeking YOU” and I believe that. If you find yourself yearning for a vision, God has created the provision for you to see it manifested.  Change you mindset and your life is going to inevitably change to the same extent.

I admit that developing a millionaire mom mindset takes a great deal of Clarity, Courage, Confidence, and Consistency,  get our millionaire on, [ It's not an Elayna blog post unless there's alliteration ], but the most important C of it all is Community – YUP that makes 5 C’s. Even though the steps to becoming a millionaire aren’t rocket science or brain surgery, but they become difficult when we are not in a supportive environment, surrounded by people, mentors, and partners who challenge us to grow, and pursue our greatness purpose.

What does your millionaire mom dream look like and who will support you in your journey?

BE POSITIVE and You'll BE Powerful,

Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM

Thank you for visiting The Positive MOM blog! I'm a vegan Latina #foodie homeschooler mommy of 3 living in Texas, passionate about mentoring moms around the world so they can create JOY, BALANCE, and SUCCESS on their OWN terms! Please SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and SHARE!
Copyright © Elayna Fernández-Bare 2009 - 2014


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