K. C. Boyd, is the author of Being Christian - A Novel,: A black comedy guaranteed to take you on a wild and frightening ride deep into the dark side of the religious right. It is available on Amazon in multiple formats.
She is the go-to blogger for religion, hypocrisy, and all things church v. state. You can read her earlier posts on The Political Carnival here and more about who she is on her own website here
The Weekly Upchuck June 21, 2015
Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues
#CoatHangerNightmares Some still remember horrors of illegal abortion
#TheyreComingForYourBirthControl House Republicans Propose Stripping Family Planning Services From Millions Of Low-Income Women
#BuhBye Anti-Abortion Extremists Would Rather Women Die Than Go to Planned Parenthood
#SoundsLikeTreasonToMe A federal appeals court blocked Arkansas’ 12-week abortion ban, but the future state’s attorney’s won’t take no for an answer
#GOPCredo “Love The Fetus, Hate The Child”
WhosProLife? 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Denied Abortion: The Horrific Realities of Abortion Bans
Begin The Crusades
#GodsArmy Army Says Chaplain’s In-Uniform Promotion of Jesus Book Violated Rules
#AndThis USAF Defecates On Its Regulations Yet Again: Flag Ceremony Unlawfully Promotes Ole’ Time Religion
#CeptHeDidnt Pastor who says he died and went to heaven to speak at upstate New York public school
#MaybeShesTheSaneOne Ex-homeschoolers say Dozecal was abused by homeschooling parents
GrowingUpCultic Christian Homeschoolers Promote Child Marriage
#NextGenDownTheToilet 33 Jaw-Droppingly Stupid Multiple-Choice Questions from the Christian Education Curriculum
Fifty Shades Of Hate
#UncleTom Black pro-gun pastor, E. W. Jackson, tells Fox: ‘Hate crime’ means shooter is prejudiced against ‘biblical views’ — not race
#ForTheLoveOfGod 30 of the Most Violent Exhortations from the Bible, Torah and Quran
#HittingBottom Sandy Rios of The American Family Association: Obama ‘Enjoyed’ Charleston Shooting
#EwwwwJackson Fox News pastor EW Jackson links gay people to #CharlestonShooting, says they created anti-Christian climate
#OilySickSlick Texas Oil Exec Stops His Car to Punch a Gay Pedestrian Unconscious
Fifty Shades Of Lies And Propaganda
#OrkinMan Tom DeLay fears martial law is coming, hails Cliven Bundy over armed standoff
#OrkinRedux Tom DeLay pledges to defy the “ten” justices on the Supreme Court over marriage equality
#FalseFlag Lindsey Graham downplays race after black church shooting: People ‘looking for Christians to kill them’
#Goebbelesque Why (Racist) Conservatives Only Talk About ‘Religious Liberty’ Re Charleston
Fifty Shades Of Stark Raving Mad
#PropheticPoop Apparently, American Pharoah’s Triple Crown is a prophetic sign that Christians are poised to take over the culture
#NastyRacistAssholes NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor’s vote against guns in churches
If Media’s The Message
#HasHeReadTheBible? Fox pundit warns of polygamy if marriage laws aren’t based on ‘scripture’
#TheComfortOfHate Ray Comfort has a new movie coming out aimed at helping Christians defend their “convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage.”
#MarxistInTheFOXhole Fox host freaks out over ‘Marxist’ Pope Francis: He is ‘the most dangerous person on the
#SavageIgnoramus Michael Savage: Pope Francis Like False Prophet ‘Directing Mankind To Worship The Antichrist’
#AmberGrainsOfHomophobia Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson furious about the LGBT “freak show,” Caitlyn Jenner’s transition
#HereATrollThereATroll Houston man trolls airwaves with anti-gay ads
#DoocyDoozer Fox’s Steve Doocy: In the wake of Charleston, we must arm our pastors and priests.- it’s an attack on Christians
#TruthBusters Fox News contributor dismisses claim that #CharlestonShooting was racial hate crime, says it’s about abortion rights
Israel, End Times And Hagee
#SpawnOfBill Anne Graham Lotz says gay marriage is Satanic and pushing the world into the End Times
#BecauseEndTimes Greg Laurie on Israel and End Times Prophecy: ‘America Needs Israel More Than Israel Needs America’
#DanceWithTheirDevil Israeli schools are using a Bible curriculum designed by Hobby Lobby’s team of Evangelical scholars
#WakeUpDiaspora! Israel’s Religion Minister: ‘Reform Jews Are a Disaster to the Nation’
#ComeOneComeAllAndJoinTheApocalyse When it comes to inciting a clash of civilizations, no one trumps the fundie Xtians
#BeginTheEnd Israel Church Set Ablaze in Possible Jewish Extremist Attack
#UppingTheAnte Netanyahu refuses U.S. request to disavow Michael Oren’s claims Obama abandoned Israel
LGBT Issues
#BoycottLouisiana Bobby Jindal will not be deterred: Standing firm against SSM
#WhatAFeteItWillBe 175,000 Pledge To Party If Anti-Gay Australia Couple Divorces Over Same-Sex Marriage
#WhyAreThereSoManySongsAboutRainbows? Homophobic “Christian” Threatens to Call Police On Widow
#InTheirFaces Baltimore Woman Vows To Make Her ‘Relentlessly Gay’ Yard Even Gayer After Homophobic Note
Politics Nation
#BatsInHisBelfry Greg Gianforte, aspiring Republican governor of Montana, urges college students to reject policy that favors savings plans and retirement options because, like Noah, Christians have “an obligation to work” until they are hundreds of years old
RememberThis? Jebya Tells Pamela Geller He Will ‘Trust His Brother’ to Deal With the ‘Islamic Threat’
#PureFroth Rick Santorum says he will fight a court ruling for gay marriage as part of “protecting children”
#BringsToMindPedophileForHuckabee Rick Santorum asked about child molestation, answers by boasting about his opposition to gay marriage
#PartyOfFools Why Bush, Rubio Can’t Quit the Radical Right
#SprigOHate FRC’s Peter Sprigg cannot support Donald Trump in his run for president because Trump invited Catilyn Jenner to be a judge at the Miss USA Pageant.
#BecauseTheyVote If US nones are growing, why does the Republican campaign often feel like a revival meeting?
#BecauseGOP Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane?
#LovesGlocksHatesHumanity Huckabee: If Only Somebody in That Prayer Meeting Had a Concealed Carry…
#RacistToTheMarrow Lindsey Graham: The Confederate flag is “part of who we are” in South Carolina — even if “it’s a racist symbol”
#NeverForget Jeb Bush Brags About Interfering In Schiavo Case At Conservative Conference
#HawkALoogie Huckabee: ‘One Racist Lunatic’ Doesn’t Mean The Confederate Flag Is Problematic
#RacistPedophileLovingPig Huckabee: South Carolina Can’t Be Racist Because They Elected Haley And Scott
#BigFrothyPussy Rick Santorum won’t say if he thinks the Confederate Flag should come down. His opinion is that he should keep his mouth shut and look the other way. Rick Santorum is a coward.
Religion Gone Mad Gone Bad
#BarelyLiterate How Christian Fundamentalist Homeschooling Hurts Kids
#Pot:Kettle Rick Santorum tells demon-obsessed lawmaker that Iranians can’t be trusted because they’re theocrats
#ExcommunicateJebya Jeb Bush Lectures Pope Francis on Climate Change
#HaveALittleTreason The Religious Right’s Full Page Denunciation of the United States Constitution
#JabbarsJab Kareem Abdul Jabbar Slams Prosperity Gospel and Creflo Dollar
#WordSalad The ‘Natural Family’: The Latest Weapon in the Christian Right’s New Global War on Gays
#HireTheClown Apparently the right of Christian business owners to discriminate against gay customers in the name of “religious liberty” now extends to birthday parties.
#BecauseChristian The Other Terror Threat: Right-wing Extremists
#SpawnOfBillSpew Anne Graham Lotz Says Terrorist Attacks Are Just God’s Way Of Demonstrating His Love
#BookTheirAsses Watch how proud these preachers are to get arrested for being obnoxious street trolls
Addendum to their Bible:
#LostBookOfTheBible? Christian Right issues anti-LGBT manuals teaching legal discrimination
#HeartbreakIsRacistMurder Huckabee: “Heartbreak” Of Charleston Is “It Happened In A Church”
Sausage Makers And Their Sausage
#HotMess GOP Rep. Jody Hice claims that secularism breeds Big Government, divorce, crime and gang violence
#StateElectionsMatter Michigan lawmaker Gary Glenn wants school officials held criminally liable for teaching students about homosexuality
#AndHeNeverWIll Iowa’s Governor Branstad is the only man in the state who can authorize payment for an abortion He’s never done so.
#PersistenceAndTheLongGame Michigan Republicans Cindy Gamrat & Todd Courser introduce bills setting the stage for “RFRA for Marriage”
#GoodChristianManspeak Bobby Jindal Attacks President Obama’s Gun Violence Comments As ‘Completely Shameful’
#RacistPigs Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham and Rick Perry have all defended states flying the Confederate flag
#RememberPencesFolly IBM Punishes Louisiana For Governor’s Anti-Gay Executive Order
#Just Sayin’ Huckabee: “Palling Around” with Child Molesters?
#ExplainsALot Rachel Dolezal’s Father, a Young Earth Creationist, worked for KenHam.
#BringsToMindTheDuggars Rachel Dolezal’s brother faces trial for alleged sexual abuse of a black child.
Science/History – - Or Not
#TangledUpInMiley Creationist Ken Ham on Miley Cyrus’ sex life: If evolution is true, why not involve an animal?
#Truthbomb The Founders Loathed Superstition and We Were Never a Christian Nation
#Boom! How Pope Francis just destroyed the GOP’s religious con artists
Theocracy Rising
#WontStand Michigan And North Carolina Republicans Enact Un-Constitutional Theocratic Laws
#AntiAmerican Matt Staver: Christians Must Stand Their Ground, ‘Disobey’ Unjust Laws Limiting Religious Freedom
#WhatsNext?TheGuillotines? When the Creation Museum is named a ‘top workplace,’ we’re in trouble
#TheocracyRisen Sen. James Lankford will receive the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship’s Distinguished Christian Statesman Award at a ceremony on Capitol Hill
#GameOn Southern Baptists declare ‘spiritual warfare’ on Supreme Court with resolution denying marriage authority
#BiblicalLaw Texas GOPers Take Anti-Constitutional Position on Supreme Court and Marriage
#GrandOldPukes NH GOPers demand RNC official shut up or resign after learning she supports gay marriage
#TheocracyAlert Jeb Bush Says Catholic Dogma Trumps US Government
#GohmertsTheocraticPile Louie Gohmert tells the Supreme Court: Jesus’ law more important than constitutional law
Supreme Court Won’t Review Mandatory Ultrasounds
‘God is not a magician’: Pope says Christians should believe in evolution and Big Bang
Two Catholic U.S. bishops resign in child sex abuse scandal
Pope Francis to meet with gay activist
Maine’s Republican-controlled Senate rejected new abortion restrictions
Arizona Doctors Won’t Have To Lie to Patients About ‘Abortion Reversal’—For Now
South Carolina 20-Week Abortion Ban Won’t Include Rape or Incest Exceptions. At Least.
Victory in Toledo! Clinic To Stay Open!
Iowa Supreme Court: Telemedicine Abortion Ban Is Unconstitutional
Federal judge says NYC buses and subways can refuse to display Pamela Geller’s anti-Muslim ads
For Faithful, Social Justice Goals Demand Action on Environment
The post Your Weekly Upchucks: Shocking Religion News by Author @KCBoyd3 appeared first on The Political Carnival.