
Please welcome back regular guest contributor, author of Being Christian and the go-to blogger on religion, hypocrisy, and all things church v. state,  K.C. Boyd. You might remember her from her earlier posts. You can link over to her site here for the rest of this post. It’s well worth a look, because I left out a ton of great upchuckable stuff, including antidotes! These are but a few of her weekly "where religion meets your rights" collection:

Your Weekly Upchucks: The place where religion meets your rights

The Weekly Upchuck September 28, 2014 – Special Addition ‘Value’ Voters Summit

Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues

Sorry Chuck,But It’s Voter Apathy That Put Us Here: Religious Right Waging A Full Scale Assault On ALL Birth Control Thanks To Hobby Lobby

Got A Hanger Chuck? Fifth Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Closes Due to Targeted Budget Cuts

Stealing Dignity Chuck: 6 Women on Their Terrifying, Infuriating Encounters With Abortion Clinic Protesters

Christian Nation

The Transparency Of Puke: Religious Conservatives Finally Admit What They Really Want Out Of Hobby Lobby (Hint: Barefoot & Pregnant)

Hells Bells And Lukes Pukes: What Happens To Christianity When People Stop Believing In Hell?

Uh-Oh Chuck-O: Pew Poll Finds Americans Want More Faith in Public Life

Fieling Fundie: Sean Fieler, the Little-Known ATM of the Fundamentalist Christian, Anti-Choice Movement

Right Hand Of Puke: Time For God’s Chosen Ones To Rule And Reign With Him

Seriously Chuck. This One’s A Must-Read: The Chilling $1-Billion-a-Year Right-Wing Conspiracy You Haven’t Heard Of

Tale As Old As Chuck: “The story of the politicized religious right is one of the biggest untold stories of our time.”

Boynk-ing Fundie: Top FRC official, Jerry Boykin, reports that the Jews are ready to convert any day now


Shining Upchuck: Although author Steven King hints there is ‘Intelligent’ Design, he chooses “to believe in God, but has serious doubts.”

Adam Spews All Over Eve’s New Dress: The Creation Museum, “which is devoted to a literal, historical reading of the first book of the Bible, is in itself a forward operating base in the conservative war against legalized abortion, gay marriage, and the belief that man is at least partially responsible for climate change (the creationists’ retort being that God will not allow man to destroy a world that he created).”


Chuck U: Between anti-taxers, schools-for-profit and Christers, do our kids have a chance? Creationism is just the start:How right-wing Christians are warping America’s schools

Not The Onion, Chuck: In Texas Textbooks, Moses Is a Founding Father

You Call Dem Teachers Chuck? You Call Dis School? The scary pseudoscience I was taught at a Christian fundamentalist creationist school

Indoctri-Upchuck: Colorado Teachers Protest Having To Teach Koch Backed Extreme Right-Wing Indoctrination

Viral Upchuck: AP History: CO school board member proposing ‘patriotic’ curriculum was following TX example


Congressman Hopeful (R-Ka-Ka) Gordon Klingenschmitt says that ISIS was prophesied in the Book of Revelation and is a sign of the End Times

Lively Puke: Scott Lively: (MY) “Campaign Manager is the Holy Spirit, & He has His own plan & purposes for my run for Governor of Massachusetts.”

The Stink Of Upchuck: Because They Think Women Have No Brain, Virginia Candidate Who Backed Forced Ultrasound Tries To Win Them Back

Congressional Quack Attack: Wife Of “Duck Dynasty” Cousin Running For Congress: I’ve Seen LGBT People Cured

Oozing Hypocrisy: Conservatives are always trying to win over Jewish voters. So why do they keep holding a major event on the Jewish holidays?

Background Puke: Running from his science background, ‘Duck Dynasty’ Nephew Touts Himself as ‘Prolife’ Hypocrite

Freedom To Puke On The First Amendment? Pulpit Freedom Sunday: Encouraging pastors to break the law and preach politics from the pulpit

Splat On The Constitution: New app allows pastors to compare church membership with voter registration files to see who needs recruiting

It Can Happen Here Chuck: Brazil’s evangelicals gain clout, close to electing first president

Fifty Shades Of Hate

Gods Hates Equality Chuck? Houston RR Group Says Supporters of Equal Rights Ordinance Are ‘Enemies of God’

Is That Vomit In Your Molotov? Molotov Mitchell says that “Imam Hussein Obama” is being anti-Semitic when he uses the term “ISIL.”

Todays GOP (GOPuke): 15 Values Voter Summit Speakers Who Think The US Is Becoming Nazi

Ducking The Poop: Duck Dynatsy Bro/GOP Congressional Candidate: Atheism, Post-Modernism Contributed To Sandy Hook Shooting.

Froth: Rick Santorum slams Muslims: ‘You don’t see Baptist ministers going on jihad’

Fifty Shades Of Stark Raving Mad

Who Spiked His Cheerios? ‘It belongs to God!’: Pat Robertson snaps at ‘liberal’ viewer who wants to tax churches

Blah, Blah, Spit-Up. Repeat. Blah, Blah, Spit-Up. Repeat: Tony Perkins: Obama Is Not A Christian But ‘Overly Sympathetic’ To Islam

Waaaay, Chuck: 1 in 4 Pastors Have Struggled with Mental Illness Ask me, I’d say it’s more like 3 out of 4.

Frickin’ Whacked Out Of His Mind: Rick Wiles: Obama Protecting ISIS, ‘May Be The Islamic Mahdi’

Nucking Futs: Drive a Lexus? Their “F series will provoke lust, unleash wrath, incite envy, & elicit pride” sending you ustraight to Hell.”

If Media Is The Message

Male Headship Poop: Fox News explains why contraception is bad and tobacco is good: Because men, that’s why.

Sliding On A Pool Of Vomit: ABC’s Laura Ingraham Is Worried About Date Rape And Misogyny, Suggests Starting With How Girls Dress

Israel, End Times And John Hagee

Ma Nishtana Chuck: Jews used to b known & admired for debating difficult issues. Now, Talk in Synagogue of Israel and Gaza Goes From Debate to Wrath to Rage

Genetically Predisposed Toward Upchuck: John Hagee: ‘If You’re Not for Israel, You’re Biblically Ignorant or Not Christian’

Eenie-Meenie-Mynee- Puke: Fox Whines About So-Called Bigoted Christians Being Persecuted In Canada

Lies, Propaganda and Random Hypocrisies

Lies From The Pukes of Hell: America’s Christian Heritage Under Threat, Say Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Tony Perkins at ‘Star Spangled Sunday’

The Hypocrisy Of Upchuck: So Much For Religious People Being More Righteous

A Slippery Step Further: Atheists Have Stronger Family Values Than Evangelical Christians

Exterminator Sprays Spew: Tom DeLay says POB refusing to act against ISIS because he is secretly a member of Code Pink

Oh, Pish-Tosh: David Lane declares that “until America restores the authority of the Bible in public education and the town square, our freedom hangs in the balance.” – See more at:

The Matter With Kansas Is that They’re Always Upchucking: Kansas ‘Family Values’ Republicans Resort To Auctioning Off Sex Toys To Fill Budget Hole They (Brownback) Created


Patty-Cake, Patty-Cake Pukers’ Man: “Little Jewish radical,” eh? Got anti-Semitism, Pat? A ‘Little Jewish Radical’ Responds to Pat Robertson

Religion Gone Bad

Vey Ismir Chuck: ‘Chained wives,’ refused Jewish divorces by their husbands, take to social media

Fisch-ing For Upchuck: Bryan Fischer Wants To Require All Immigrants To Convert To Christianity

Because Jesus. Because Upchuck: Southern Baptists Kick Out Gay-Friendly Church

Pukey-Lukey: Why Right-Wing Christians Think They’re America’s Most Persecuted

Cultic-Chuck: Bodyslamming for Jesus: Inside the Bizarre World of Christian Wrestling

Same Sex Issues

Saudi-Like BMV Chuck: Texas woman denied driver license because of her same-sex marriage

Cleopatra – - And Elizabeth Taylor – - Would Hurl! Egypt Goes After Gays to Silence Islamist Critics

Sausage Makers And Their Snausage

The Upchucking Cruz-Mobile: “When this country was founded, it was founded on the radical concept that our rights don’t come from kings, queens or governments, but our rights come from Almighty God.”

Turning In His Grave Chuck: Frank Wolf (R-VA)-Christians May Have to Follow MLK’s Example, Go to Jail, to Protect Religious

What’s Up With That Chuck? Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers’s Death to Defend Restrictive Texas Abortion Law

Oozing Oily Hypocrisy: “Kissing congressman” Vance McAllister: Blessed I have a Christian wife

‘Tide’ Of Vomit: Lawmakers plan student prayer bill in Alabama; concerns raised over constitutionality

Flipping Demented: Congressman Denies Making Controversial Comments About Gays, Forgets The Entire Thing Is On Tape


Gag Reflex Engaged: Pennsylvania priest held on sex tourism charges

Dixie Dishes The Poop: Dixie D’Souza Says Her Husband Dinesh Lied to Everybody

Ewwwww-Chuck: Arrested Catholic Archbishop’s computer contained over 100,000 images of children

Do As I Say, Not As I Puke: Police arrest Texas pastor after domestic violence call

Supremes And Lower Courts

SCROTAL Bias? Showing how intertwined religion is w/political life, disputes over religion return to Supreme Court

SCROTUS, Time TO Break Out Our Worry Beads: Heaving A Big ‘OY,” Is the right to worship in NYC public schools headed to the Supreme Court?

Scrotal Puke: Why voting matters/ Why You Can’t Trust The Supreme Court, In Three Quotes

Um, Duh-Chuck: Despite judge’s ruling, Ten Commandments are religious, not secular


The Pope Gave This Man A Promotion And He Could Dramatically Change The Focus Of The Catholic Church

Pope Francis denounces ‘perversion’ of religion to justify violence

Religion can be ‘dangerous and lethal’, warns Bishop of London

Justice Kagan Performs Same-Sex Wedding

Judge rules in favor of Same Sex Marriage in, of all places, Louisiana!


New Orleans Episcopal priest welcomes new Planned Parenthood.

Sick to death of the ‘Dumb-Down,’ Colorado students walk out to protest conservative ‘censorship’ of AP history

Pennsylvania State Senator Comes Out As Gay: ‘Get Over It. I Love It. It’s A Great Life.

Good Call! Football coach sidelined over prayer

How the Christian Right Is Getting Beat at Its Own Game, By Satanists of All People

Pope Francis fires conservative Paraguay bishop who promoted priest accused of abuse

Thanks to the 1st Amendment, Pennsylvania County Must Not Prosecute Teen For ‘Desecration’ Of Jesus Statue

Choice Quotes From the 2014 Value Voters Summit

Thanks Go To RightWingWatch and PoliticalResearch .org

Jerry Boykin says Obama doesn’t trust military leaders b/c they love America, which is something he can’t understand

Ted Cruz: Iranian leaders are “swilling Chardonnay” with Obama administration officials

Ted Cruz waxing nostalgic about his faux-filibuster against Obamacare

Multiculturalism, diversity, fairness, whatever” are not “American values”

“If Israel goes down, we all go down. Israel are God’s people. It’s a moral issue.” – MG Bob Dees

Michele Bachmann says America is engaged in “spiritual warfare” against Islam

Michele Bachmann to Obama: Islam is the problem and you need to ‘declare war on it’

Oliver North links opposition to gay marriage to his speech on national security

Ollie North challenges ACLU to sue soldiers for praying

Bachman insists: “I am a normal, real person.

Ted Cruz demands Congress repeal Common Core, which is something Congress never passed

Rand Paul says American civilization will collapse due to abortion rights

Also from Rand Paul: ““America I believe is in a full-blown crisis – a spiritual crisis.”

More Rand Paul: “What America really needs is a revival.”

Panelist warns of “Islamic sanctuaries” of Nashville, Dearborn, Greenville & Lackawanna

Gary Bauer claims Obama “more interested in protecting the reputation of Islam than saving the lives of Christians”

Bauer went on to categorize all Muslims from several nations, including Iran, as “bloody” and murderous.

Frothy spews to ‘values’voters: Rick Santorum: businesses pushing pro-gay “re-education

Frothy Rick warns “dictatorial… secular statists” are destroying America

More Froth: Santorum truly sounds like he’s calling for all-out war with the entire Islamic world. Says “the reason they’re winning is because they’re the ones willing to sacrifice.”

Rand Paul: he 1st Amendment is not about keeping religious people out of govt, it is about keeping govt out of religion

Brian Brown: GOP will win more elections if they run anti-gay candidates like Rick Santorum

Jerry Johnson of National Religious Broadcasters thinks Americans are living under a “self-imposed Sharia law” on issue of gay marriage

Highly moral #VVS14 rents booth space to not-so-moral felon Dinesh D’Souza.

Kelly Shackleford, President, Liberty Institute says that religious employers and employees should be able to discriminate against employees and customers who don’t conform to their religious beliefs.

“Rand Paul: Obamacare tries to separate our faith from our businesses. Thanks goodness for the [Hobby Lobby] Supreme court ruling.”

Sarah Palin says the anti-gay, anti-Muslim, old white crowd at #VVS14 is “the most slandered group in America today”

And: “We can keep faith in our one nation because it is under God.”

And: Liberals support a “screwed up, Orwellian leadership.

And: Liberals are afraid of me and “common sense ideas”

And: Liberals are “the truly prejudiced folks”

And: In Alaska we are “choppin wood, butcherin a moose or something”

Bobby Jindal: Obama pushes “envy, class warfare, dividing us, redistribution”

Bobby Jindal 2016 slogan: “It’s the culture, stupid!”

And Little Bobby continues: Liberals fail to “recognize the dignity” of “all God’s creation.”

And: Jindal claims there is an “unprecedented assault on our religious liberty rights” in US, cites Hobby Lobby

FRC’s Jerry Boykin wishes “cowardly” US Christians would be brave like ISIS terrorists

EW Jackson, the unsuccessful GOP nominee for Virginia Lt Gov in 2009: Marriage equality supporters are liars who defy God’s truth.

More EW(www): “How dare you try to redefine an institution that God himself ordained?”

Erick Erickson: people who believe in evolution “worship science” and think “we’re primordial goo.”

Increasingly deluded Benham brothers once again compare themselves to Mideast Christians facing violent persecution from ISIS

David Benham, who once called gay people Satanic “filth,” claims he is the real victim!

Alan Robertson of Duck Dynasty: God is using our family to restore American culture in this time of crisis

Just for the record, Alan Robertson just noted that Phil Robertson looks like Osama bin Laden family to restore American culture in this time of crisis

Mike Huckabee says evangelical Christians failed God by not successfully voting Obama out of office in 2012

Mike Huckabee: states should defy court rulings in favor of marriage equality

Mike Huckabee says the Mideast conflict is a showdown between “the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac”

Jim Bob Duggar promoting anti-choice legislation in Tennessee and the Ohio ‘heartbeat bill,’ which bans abortion in nearly all cases

The Duggar clan sings singing a song about how everyone deserves to go to Hell.

Back To The Huckster: Mike Huckabee tells #VVS14 that Christians must vote to ensure that America will “bow its knee before a holy God”

An A.M. EWwwwwww: E.W. Jackson says 1000 years from now, marriage will still be one man & one woman “because God ordained it that way!”

Rios tells #VVS14 that after 9/11, the nation turned back to God … but now, thanks to liberals, God is being purged from society.

Sandy Rios slams the “Boston Strong” response to the Marathon bombing, for not recognizing that God is the source of all strength.

That’s more like it! Rios tells #VVS14 that “the Muslim Brotherhood has deeply infiltrated our government.”

Ryan Bomberger tells the #VVS14 audience that the Founding Fathers were “extremists,” just like the groups hosting this conference.

Apparently it is up to “citizen journalists” like Ryan Bomberger to tell the truth, because actual journalists don’t fear God.

Mat Staver tells #VVS14 that the contraception mandate is forcing Americans to literally participate in genocide.

Mat Staver very much wishes that Benjamin Netanyahu was an America citizen so that he could vote for him for president!

Mark Levin tells #VVS14 that evangelicals are “the most tolerant people I deal with”

Mat Staver says that the contraception mandate means that America is worse than Rwanda and Nazi Germany

Staver says he loves everyone, but “every once in a while it’s time to act like Jesus with the money changers.” (Is he advocating whipping Liberals?)

Literally 20 seconds after calling same-sex parents “straight from the pit of hell,” Staver says “we would never run an ad in the Washington Post calling people haters.”

Rep. Jim Bridenstine claims Obama is aiding and training Al Qaeda terrorist

Todd Starnes tells #VVS14: “You have a friend at Fox News”

Starnes says America is targeting only one religion for persecution, and that’s Christianity. He also says Obama is treating the American military as a “social experiment petri dish.”

Starnes: “Christian boys and girls are facing unbelievable assault”

Starnes says that public universities and schools should be able to preach Christianity to non-Christian students who are required to be in attendance.

Brigitte Gabriel: Islam is like Nazism

Brigitte Gabriel: “cancer of Islamic barbarism” is “rising worldwide”

Brigitte Gabriel: Obama is “blind to terror, ignorant to terror… catering to terrorists, inviting terrorists to the White House” #VVS14

Brigitte Gabriel intends to turn her anti-Islam Act for America organization into “the NRA of national security” groups.

During Gabriel’s talk, an audience member just said “we should kill all the Muslims.” All the audience members around her murmured “yeah.”

Glenn Beck: We could burn every school book, you can learn everything you need in the Bible!

Beck wrote his own intro to the bible, talking about how the government isn’t biblical enough. He’s reading it from inside a real bible, elevating his words to “scripture status.”

Top issues for #VVS14 voters: 1st: Religious Liberty – 39%, 2nd: Abortion – 24%, and 3rd: Marriage (no percentage given.)

Congressman Jim Bridenstein (R-OK) “Absolutely nowhere in the constitution or the 1st Amendment is there separation of church and state.” He also says that if we remove the word ‘god’ from the pledge of allegiance, it would officially establish Atheism as the national religion.

Liberty Institute Session:

Liberty Inst says they work in 4 different areas: public arena, schools, churches, the military. They say that religious liberty has nothing to do with individual rights, but about the right of churches and pastors to “expand outside of the walls of the church.”

Liberty Institute is really leaning on the rules that pastors cannot give religious sermons at public school graduations. According to these Christian Right groups, their own religious liberty is violated if they are not allowed to preach to non-Christian students were are required to be sitting in the audience.

Liberty Institute says they are “winning” the battle of Religious Liberty. Sadly, that’s very very true. The Left has yet to figure out how to truly speak to the truth about Religious Liberty

The post Your Weekly Upchucks: Shocking Religion News by Author @KCBoyd3 appeared first on The Political Carnival.

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