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Archaeology and the Bible (Illustrated) by George Barton $2.99

It is the purpose of this book to gather into one volume the most valuable information of all sorts that the excavations in Bible lands have afforded, and to put it in such form that it may be of service to the pastor and Sunday-school teacher. An attempt has been made so to present the material that one may not only have the wealth of illumination for Biblical study that exploration has produced, but also that he may possess an outline of the history of the exploration and of the countries sufficient to enable him to place each item in its proper perspective. The book is over 700 pages and is amply illustrated. It is a pleasure to publish this new, high quality, and affordable edition of this timeless book.


Archaeology and the Bible (Illustrated) only $2.99!

Discovering God: The Origins of the Great Religions and the Evolution of Belief by Rodney Stark $0.99

In Discovering God, award-winning sociologist Rodney Stark presents a monumental history of the origins of the great religions from the Stone Age to the Modern Age and wrestles with the central questions of religion and belief. Charting the rise of religion from Stone Age spirituality to the spread of Christianity in Africa, Asia, and South America, Stark asks---and answers---a wide range of age-old questions. If God was present from the very beginning, why did he wait to reveal himself? What caused the Axial Age? Why do many belief systems share similar features?

Winner of the 2008 Christianity Today Award of Merit in Theology/Ethics.


Discovering God: The Origins of the Great Religions and the Evolution of Belief only $0.99!

Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design by Stephen Meyer $3.79

Signature in the Cell is a defining work in the discussion of life’s origins and the question of whether life is a product of unthinking matter or of an intelligent mind. For those who disagree with ID, the powerful case Meyer presents cannot be ignored in any honest debate. For those who may be sympathetic to ID, on the fence, or merely curious, this book is an engaging, eye-opening, and often eye-popping read. Named one of the top books of 2009 by the Times Literary Supplement (London), this controversial and compelling book from Dr. Stephen C. Meyer presents a convincing new case for intelligent design (ID), based on revolutionary discoveries in science and DNA. Along the way, Meyer argues that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as expounded in The Origin of Species did not, in fact, refute ID.   ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design only $3.79!

The Dark Side of Charles Darwin: A Critical Analysis of an Icon of Science by Jerry Bergman $3.49

A single man stands behind the greatest deception in history. Charles Darwin's ideas still penetrate every aspect of our culture, including science, religion, and education. And while much has been made of his contribution to the evolutionary hypothesis, little has been publicized about the dark side of the man himself and how this may have impacted the quality and legitimacy of his research. This daring and compelling book takes its readers behind the popular facade of a man revered worldwide as a scientific pioneer, and unveils what kind of person Darwin really was.
Thoroughly documented, this book reveals Darwin's less-than-above board methods of attempting to prove his so-called scientific beliefs, and his plot to "murder God" by challenging the then-dominant biblical worldview.


The Dark Side of Charles Darwin: A Critical Analysis of an Icon of Science only $3.49!

God Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents God (multiple authors) $2.99

God Under Fire refutes the claim that major attributes of the God of historic Christianity are false and outdated. This book responds to some increasingly popular alternate theologies and the ways in which they cast classical Christian theism in a negative light. Featuring an impressive cast of world-class biblical scholars, philosophers, and apologists, God Under Fire begins by addressing the question, “Should the God of Historic Christianity Be Replaced?” From there, it explores issues as old as time and as new as the inquest into the “openness of God.” How, for instance, does God risk, relate, emote, and change? Does he do these things, and if so, why? These and other questions are investigated with clarity, bringing serious scholarship into popular reach. Above all, this collection of essays focuses on the nature of God as presented in the Scriptures and as Christians have believed for centuries. God Under Fire builds a solid and appealing case for the God of classical Christian theism, who in recent years—as through the centuries—has been the God under fire.  ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> God Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents God only $2.99

Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus by J.P. Moreland (editor) $3.99

Who is Jesus? What did he do? What did he say? -Are the traditional answer to these questions still to be trusted? - Did the early church and tradition "Christianize" Jesus? - Was Christianity built on clever conceptions of the church, or on the character and actions of an actual person? These and similar questions have come under scrutiny by a forum of biblical scholars called the Jesus Seminar. Their conclusions have been widely publicized in magazines such as Time and Newsweek. Jesus Under Fire challenges the methodology and findings of the Jesus Seminar, which generally clash with the biblical records. It examines the authenticity of the words, actions, miracles, and resurrection of Jesus, and presents compelling evidence for the traditional biblical teachings. Combining accessibility with scholarly depth, Jesus Under Fire helps readers judge for themselves whether the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus of history, and whether the gospels' claim is valid that he is the only way to God.  ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus only $3.99!

Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment (multiple authors) $3.99

Of all the teachings of Christianity, the doctrine of hell is easily the most troubling, so much so that in recent years the church has been quietly tucking it away. Rarely mentioned anymore in the pulpit, it has faded through disuse among evangelicals and been attacked by liberal theologians. Hell is no longer only the target of those outside the church. Today, a disturbing number of professing Christians question it as well. The implications of the historic view of hell make the popular alternatives, annihilationism and universalism, seem extremely appealing, but the bottom line is still God’s Word. What does the Old Testament reveal about hell? What does Paul the apostle have to say, or the book of Revelation? Most important, what does Jesus, the ultimate expression of God’s love, teach us about God’s wrath? Hell may be under fire, but its own flames cannot be quenched by popular opinion. This book helps us gain a biblical perspective on what hell is and why we cannot afford to ignore it. And it offers us a better understanding of the One who longs for all people to escape judgment and obtain eternal life through Jesus Christ.

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment only $3.99!

The God I Don't Understand: Reflections on Tough Questions of Faith by Christopher Wright $3.99

If we are honest, we have to admit that there are many things we don’t understand about God. We do not have final answers to the deep problems of life, and those who say they do are probably living in some degree of delusion. There are areas of mystery in our Christian faith that lie beyond the keenest scholarship or even the most profound spiritual exercises. For many people, these problems raise so many questions and uncertainties that faith itself becomes a struggle, and the very person and character of God are called into question. Chris Wright encourages us to face up to the limitations of our understanding and to acknowledge the pain and grief they can often cause. But at the same time, he wants us to be able to say, like the psalmist in Psalm 73: “But that’s all right. God is ultimately in charge and I can trust him to put things right. Meanwhile, I will stay near to my God, make him my refuge, and go on telling of his deeds.”  ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

The God I Don't Understand: Reflections on Tough Questions of Faith only $3.99!

Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home by Glenn S. Sunshine $3.99

People often talk about worldview when describing the philosophy that guides their lives. But how have we come by our worldviews, and what impact did Christianity have on those that are common to Western civilization?
This authoritative, accessible survey traces the development of the worldviews that underpin the Western world. It demonstrates the decisive impact that the growth of Christianity had in transforming the outlook of pagan Roman culture into one that, based on biblical concepts of humanity and its relationship with God, established virtually all the positive aspects of Western civilization. The two-pronged assault in our time on the biblically based worldview by postmodern philosophy and the writings of neo-atheists has made it even more crucial that we acknowledge and defend its historical roots.  ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home only $3.99!

Worldviews in Conflict: Choosing Christianity in the World of Ideas by Ronald Nash $3.99

This world is a battlefield in the arena of ideas. The prize is the heart and mind of humankind. In this book, Ronald Nash outlines the Christian way of looking at God, self, and the world. He holds that worldview up against the tests of reason, logic, and experience, particularly discussing the problems of evil and the alleged "nonsense" of the historic Christian doctrines and of Jesus' incarnation and resurrection. He finds the Christian worldview sound and urges Christians to equip themselves intellectually to defend the faith on that battlefield. He particularly hits the attractions to our generation of naturalism and the New Age movement, pointing out their weaknesses and pitfalls as well as those of older worldviews. "Christian theism," he writes, "is a system that commends itself to the whole person"; but he stresses that a great difference exists between "belief that" and "belief in."   ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

Worldviews in Conflict: Choosing Christianity in the World of Ideas only $3.99!

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