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10 Keys to Witnessing to Cults by Ron Rhodes $3.99

Open the Door. Expert author Ron Rhodes helps to dispel believers' feelings of insecurity when confronted with cults. 10 Keys To Witnessing To Cults will prepare you to witness in a loving, respectful and informed way to the cults at your door, your work, or your neighborhood. Tips include spotting common objections cultists are trained to answer, strategic questions to ask, and easy ways to demonstrate Jesus' deity, plus much more.


10 Keys to Witnessing to Cults only $3.99!

555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered by Barry Davis (editor) $3.95

A Resource Manual for those looking for Answers. One of the great benefits of reading God's Word is the way that it makes us think. If you're like most people, when you read the Bible you are forced to begin to face issues and situations that you never have before. And that is a great thing! But sometimes you run up against some Scriptures that leave you scratching your head...it's not easy reading accounts that were written in a different culture, with customs, sayings, and behavior that is foreign to you. And once in awhile you run into something you just plain don't understand.


555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered only $3.95!

AfterLife: What You Really Want to Know About Heaven by Hank Hanegraaff $3.03

If there was ever a need-to-know book, Afterlife is it. On his daily call-in radio show, the most common questions Hanegraff fields are about the hereafter. For instance, millions are voraciously reading about the near-death experiences of young children. Consumers are desperate for knowledge and reassurance about what comes after life on the earth. Hank Hanegraff, one of the most remarkable theological minds of the 21st century, explains the marvelous way this physical life connects our past to our eternal future. Afterlife gives reader a clear and concrete understanding about what happens after death to us and to those we love.


AfterLife: What You Really Want to Know About Heaven only $3.03

Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites...and Other Lies You've Been Told: A Sociologist Shatters Myths From the Secular and Christian Media by Bradley Wright $3.99

According to the media, the church is rapidly shrinking, both in numbers and in effectiveness. But the good news is, much of the bad news is wrong. Sociologist Bradley R. E. Wright uncovers what's really happening in the church: evangelicals are more respected by secular culture now than they were ten years ago; divorce rates of Christians are lower than those who aren't affiliated with a religion; young evangelicals are active in the faith. Wright reveals to readers why and how statistics are distorted, and shows that God is still effectively working through his people today.


Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites...and Other Lies You've Been Told: A Sociologist Shatters Myths From the Secular and Christian Media only $3.99!

Contradict: They Can't All Be True by Andy Wrasman $3.03

Tolerance and co-existence are both great! In fact, they are necessary. If we are to live together in peace without hating each other, or physically harming each other over differences in race, culture, sexual orientation, political views, and religious beliefs, we must have tolerance. However, we must also recognize that every belief can’t be equally valid. If two beliefs directly contradict each other, both of them cannot be true, no matter how “tolerant” we become. This means it is false to say that every religion is true, or that every religion leads to God. When people make such claims they show that they have not taken the time to study the world’s religions, because a brief reading of the sacred texts of only a handful of religions quickly reveals contradictions on the most fundamental levels.


Contradict: They Can't All Be True only $3.03!

Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud by Philip Yancey $3.79

Is God Unfair? Is God Silent? Is God Hidden? These questions are asked with piercing honesty and biblical certainty. Step by step, Philip Yancey retraces the long journey toward understanding the answers to these and other questions. If God desires our love, why does he sometimes put obstacles in the way? Why does he seem so distant? What can we expect from him after all? No part of the Bible goes unstudied in the author's search for God's hidden nature in this compelling and profound book. A Gold Medallion Award winner, Disappointment with God has had an overwhelming impact on many lives -- it can change yours.


Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud only $3.79!

Evidence Unseen: Exposing the Myth of Blind Faith  by James M. Rochford $3.95

As Christians, we shouldn’t be defensive about our beliefs, but we should learn to intelligently defend our faith to those around us. Evidence Unseen offers accessible and careful thinking on the current popular attacks against the Christian worldview. In Evidence Unseen, you will find:
• Solid evidence for why belief in God is both reasonable and logical for thinking people today.
• A response to the New Atheism (e.g. Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens).
• Counterarguments to the claims of popular biblical critics (e.g. Bart Ehrman, Elaine Pagels, etc.).
• How biblical prophecy predicted Jesus of Nazareth centuries in advance.
What Christians need today in apologetics is clarity and accessibility. With simple and direct language, clever illustrations, and a down to earth approach, this is the book to give to a spiritual seeker or a skeptic; a doubting Christian or to study in a small group.

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Evidence Unseen: Exposing the Myth of Blind Faith  only $3.95!

Examine Your Faith!: Finding Truth in a World of Lies by Pamela Christian $3.82

Well-meaning people want to believe that all roads lead to the same God and heaven. But wanting something to be true is far different from truth lining up with reality. Unless you make an intentional effort to examine what you believe and why you believe it, it’s quite possible you are living your life on the basis of a lie, and don’t know it.

What is truth?

Is it relative or absolute?

Is it personal or universal?

What are the differences among the various religious faiths? Can they be blended?

Are we creating faith—a belief system—that is impotent by trying to accept all religions as equal?

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Examine Your Faith!: Finding Truth in a World of Lies only $3.82!

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis $3.99

C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce is a classic Christian allegorical tale about a bus ride from hell to heaven. An extraordinary meditation upon good and evil, grace and judgment, Lewis’s revolutionary idea in the The Great Divorceis that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis’ The Great Divorce will change the way we think about good and evil.


The Great Divorce only $3.99!

Hijacking the Historical Jesus by Phil Fernandes $3.99

Did Jesus really claim to be God, or is he just another version of a pagan myth Does the Bible record the true Jesus of history? Even if it does how, how can the Bible be trusted This book answers these timely questions and many more.


Hijacking the Historical Jesus only $3.99!

How Can I Know?: Answers to Life's 7 Most Important Questions by Robert Jeffress $3.03

If we are honest, every one of us has questions about our faith. We ask ourselves things like: 'Is the Bible true?' 'Why does God allow suffering?' 'Am I truly forgiven?' 'Will I really go to heaven when I die?' Dr. Robert Jeffress answers these and other challenging questions facing Christians today. Drawing upon the best research available, How Can I Know presents logical and concise responses that anyone can understand and easily share with others. In an age of information overload, simplicity is essential. Every chapter is filled with illustrations and application that will appeal to the average reader, giving them a renewed hope and reassurance of their faith!


How Can I Know?: Answers to Life's 7 Most Important Questions only $3.03!

I Just Need Time to Think!: Reflective Study as Christian Practice by Mark D. Eckel $3.03

Everyone needs more time to think. Choosing how to spend our thought-time is crucial. Mark Eckel brings thirty years of Christian reflective study experience to bear on the topic. I Just Need Time to Think! spotlights encouragement on the goal of thoughtful learning for every follower of Christ.

I Just Need Time to Think! Reflective Study as Christian Practice is a call for Christians everywhere to spend their thought-time well, applying the psalmist’s wisdom:

“Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them” (Psalm 111:2)


I Just Need Time to Think!: Reflective Study as Christian Practice only $3.03!

The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, And Hitchens by Vox Day $3.03

In The Irrational Atheist Vox Day, writer, columnist and software designer, challenges three authors, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, on their own ground—reason itself. Day argues persuasively that Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens employ false assertions and faulty reasoning throughout their works. From the assertion that religion drives wars to the analysis showing blue states are more moral than red states, Day, in this rigorously documented work, dissects the false conclusions and shows exactly why they are wrong. The Irrational Atheist does not argue from a religious or Biblical perspective—its arguments are purely based on hard factual data and careful reasoning.


The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, And Hitchens only $3.03!

Prepared to Answer - Christian Apologetics by Rob VandeWeghe $3.85

A journey into Christian apologetics: Does God exist? Is the Bible true? Is Jesus God? Is Christianity unique? Logic, science, history and scholarship become bridges as doubt is transformed into confidence. Scrutinize the evidence that Christian faith rests upon truth and fact, not legend and myth. Follow the personal odyssey of a man of science as he journeys from skepticism to belief as a man of faith. Logic, science, and history compel the verdict that Christian faith rests upon truth and fact, not legend and myth.

For answers the author turns to modern-day science, history and archeology and solid scholarship. Each question is thoroughly explored in its own section of the book. Keen observations, undisputed facts and persuasive evidence are set forth in a long series of exhibits.

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Prepared to Answer - Christian Apologetics only $3.85!

Read the Bible for Life: Your Guide to Understanding and Living God's Word by George Guthrie $3.99

The Bible may be the most bought book in the world, but it is also often the least read and least applied due to a basic lack of understanding and motivation on the part of readers. Read the Bible for Life aims to improve biblical literacy in the culture and the church by simultaneously moving readers toward greater skill in reading the Bible well and toward a deeper commitment to applying Scripture to everyday life. Through a series of down-to-earth conversations with some of today’s brightest scholars, author George Guthrie discusses the basic tools and attitudes needed to read the Bible more effectively. The book also discusses issues such as reading the Bible in context, choosing and reading a Bible translation, reading in times of sorrow or suffering, and reading the Bible with your family. As we better understand how to read the Bible skillfully, we begin to see how every person of the Bible, every psalm, and every teaching fits into the Bible’s powerful, overarching story, and we begin to realize our place in the story that God is still writing in the world. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

Read the Bible for Life: Your Guide to Understanding and Living God's Word only $3.99!

Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning by Nancy Pearcey $3.99

Is secularism a positive force in the modern world? Or does it lead to fragmentation and disintegration? In Saving Leonardo, best-selling award-winning author Nancy Pearcey makes a compelling case that secularism is destructive and dehumanizing. Pearcey depicts the revolutionary thinkers and artists, the ideas and events, leading step by step to the unleashing of secular worldviews that undermine human dignity and liberty. She crafts a fresh approach that exposes the real-world impact of ideas in philosophy, science, art, literature, and film--voices that surround us in the classroom, in the movie theater, and in our living rooms. A former agnostic, Pearcey offers a persuasive case for historic Christianity as a holistic and humane alternative. She equips readers to counter the life-denying worldviews that are radically restructuring society and pervading our daily lives. Whether you are a devoted Christian, determined secularist, or don't know quite where you stand, reading Saving Leonardo will unsettle established views and topple ideological idols. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>  Saving Leonardo only $3.99!

Seven Great Apologists by Phil Fernandes $3.99

Seven great apologists: Norman Geisler, Gary Habermas, Gordon Clark, Cornelius Van Til, Francis Scaeffer, Walter Martin & Blaise Pascal.
FROM THE AUTHOR: It is my hope that the reader will learn to enjoy the richness and diversity of some of the different apologetic methodologies. I also pray that this book will help the reader in his own defense of the faith. For, we are to "sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts, always being ready to make a defense of the hope that is in us, yet with gentleness and reverence" (1 Peter 3:15).


Seven Great Apologists only $3.99!

The Sky Is Not Falling: Living Fearlessly in These Turbulent Times by Charles Colson $3.03

Yes, the world is an increasingly godless place. And it’s never been as pronounced as it is in this era of 24-hour news cycles. From nasty political power struggles to raunchy reality TV, everywhere we look there is evidence of our culture’s steep decline. But it’s no time for Christians to cower in fear. In The Sky Is Not Falling, bestselling author Chuck Colson equips readers with the truth about the most difficult cultural and moral issues of our day and brings clarity and sanity to a world that seems to have gone mad. His message is that Christians must be informed of the truth of today’s confusing social and political issues so that we can live with the confidence and certainty that God has the future in his hands. Every concerned Christian needs to arm themselves with the profound insights in The Sky is Not Falling.


The Sky Is Not Falling: Living Fearlessly in These Turbulent Times only $3.03!

Starting at the Finish Line: The Gospel of Grace for Mormons by John B. Wallace $3.99

Starting at the Finish Line seeks to convince the Latter-day Saint of three primary truths: 1) The Bible is the Word of God. It is trustworthy in terms of its translation and transmission to us over the many centuries, and authoritative in terms of leading us into a saving-faith relationship with Christ. 2) Christ purchased our salvation with his precious blood on the cross of Calvary. This is the work of our salvation and there is no other work for us to do other than to receive this gift in faith. 3) Any attempt on our part to contribute to our salvation (by works and obedience) is an offense to God. It demonstrates our lack of faith in the sufficiency of Christ's redeeming blood. As Paul so bluntly wrote to the Galatians, this severs us from God's grace, putting us in the unenviable position of needing to obey the law perfectly if we are to ever enter God's kingdom. Lots of luck! Ultimately, the author, by sharing his own personal story, demonstrates the incomparable joy of emerging out of a religion of obedience and works, into relationship with Christ predicated on acceptance and freedom. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

Starting at the Finish Line: The Gospel of Grace for Mormons only $3.99!

Truth in a Culture of Doubt: Engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Bible (multiple authors) $3.99

Truth in a Culture of Doubt takes a closer look at the key arguments skeptical scholars such as Bart Ehrman keep repeating in radio interviews, debates, and in his their popular writings. If you are looking for insightful responses to critical arguments from a biblical perspective, easily accessible and thoughtfully presented, this book is for you. This is the first book to provide a comprehensive response to Ehrman’s popular works. It is presented in such a way that readers can either read straight through the book or use it as a reference when particular questions arise and takes readers on a journey to explain topics such as the Bible’s origins, the copying of the Bible, alleged contradictions in Scripture, and the relationship between God and evil. Written for all serious students of Scripture, this book will enable you to know how to respond to a wide variety of critical arguments raised against the reliability of Scripture and the truthfulness of Christianity. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

Truth in a Culture of Doubt: Engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Bible only $3.99!

The Verdict? GOD Is Not Dead! by Ortrud (Oddy) Crist $3.99

Each successive generation grapples with the controversy surrounding the existence of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, as proponents of the various views clash in an attempt to prove the superiority of their arguments and positions. The evidence presented by each group, has been difficult for most people to understand, because of the use of lofty terminology and obscure language. This book is an effort to simplify and shed light on this highly divisive and often overwhelming controversy. The first section verifies the authenticity of God's Word, the 66 books of the Bible, through the presentation and analysis of Biblical prophecies which were revealed in exact details spoken of by the prophets. The relevancy of the Bible, God's written Word, in this present age and forever, is revealed in the second section of the book. Perusing today's headlines from around the globe, gives overwhelming support to the fact that the prophecies given in the Word of God thousands of years ago are presently coming to pass in all parts of the world.

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> The Verdict? GOD Is Not Dead! only $3.99!

What The Church Won't Talk About: Real Questions From Real People About Raw, Gritty, Everyday Faith
by JS Park $3.99

Over the last seven years as a pastor, blogger, and professional rambler, I've been asked thousands of questions through my blog from secretly hurting people who could no longer endure the pat, simplistic formulas found in church. Over and over, my heart was broken for such wonderful, struggling, fellow travelers. Now the toughest, most viral questions have been organized into one place. From sex, dating, sexuality, doubts, depression, pornography, abortion, apologetics, to family drama, these were questions that we've always wanted to ask in church, but were too afraid to stir the status quo. These are real stories. These are real people with real questions, about the raw, messy, gritty, uphill journey we call faith. For those looking for a safe, gracious space, for those looking for authenticity and honesty: this is what the church won't talk about. It's also a critique and call for the church culture to examine itself with a more thoughtful, nuanced, self-aware honesty. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>>

What The Church Won't Talk About only $3.99!

When the Lights Go Down: Movie Review as Christian Practice by Mark D. Eckel $3.03

“What movies have you seen lately?” is a question almost everyone asks. “How should we watch movies Christianly?” is a question Dr. Mark Eckel has been asking for thirty years. When the Lights Go Down suggests answers based on story-filled essays, movie reviews, interviews, and questions to ask while watching movies. Now the Christian practice of movie review can begin next time the lights go down!


When the Lights Go Down: Movie Review as Christian Practice only $3.03!

Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey $3.79

If there is a loving God, then why is it that … ? You’ve heard that question, perhaps asked it yourself. No matter how you complete it, at its root lies the issue of pain. Does God order our suffering? Does he decree an abusive childhood, orchestrate a jet crash, steer a tornado through a community? Or did he simply wind up the world’s mainspring and now is watching from a distance? In this Gold Medallion Award–winning book, Philip Yancey reveals a God who is neither capricious nor unconcerned. Using examples from the Bible and from his own experiences, Yancey looks at pain—physical, emotional, and spiritual—and helps us understand why we suffer. Where Is God When It Hurts? will speak to those for whom life sometimes just doesn’t make sense. And it will help equip anyone who wants to reach out to someone in pain but just doesn’t know what to say.

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Where Is God When It Hurts? only $3.79!

CLICK HERE for more Kindle deals in Christian Apologetics: Over 100 titles from 99 cents to $5.99!

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