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Passionate Conviction: Modern Discourses on Christian Apologetics Copan & Craig (editors) $2.99
Is your heart on fire for God? Passionate Conviction brings together the most popular and heart-stirring presentations in defense of Christianity from the annual fall conference on apologetics held in association with the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the C. S. Lewis Institute, and the Christian Apologetics program at Biola University. Applicable to pastors, serious-minded lay people, and university and high school students, these twenty essays are grouped into six dynamic categories: (1) Why Apologetics? (2) God (3) Jesus (4) Comparative Religions (5) Postmodernism and Relativism (6) Practical Application. Among the greatly respected contributors are J. P. Moreland (“Has the American Church Lost Her Mind?), N. T. Wright (“The Resurrection of Jesus as an Event of History”), Francis J. Beckwith (“Is Morality Relative?”), Sean McDowell (“Apologetics for a New Generation”), and Gary Habermas (“Dealing with Doubt”).
ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Passionate Conviction: Modern Discourses on Christian Apologetics only $2.99!
Contending with Christianity's Critics: Answering New Atheists and Other Objectors Copan & Craig (editors) $2.99
Contending with Christianity's Critics is book two in a series on modern Christian apologetics that began with the popular Passionate Conviction. This second installment, featuring writings from eighteen respected apologists such as Gary Habermas and Ben Witherington, addresses challenges from noted New Atheists like Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) and other contemporary critics of Christianity concerning belief in God, the historical Jesus, and Christianity's doctrinal coherence. Contending with Christianity's Critics and Passionate Conviction are the result of national apologetics conferences sponsored by the Evangelical Philosophical Society.
Contending with Christianity's Critics: Answering New Atheists and Other Objectors only $2.99!
Come Let Us Reason: New Essays in Christian Apologetics Copan & Craig (editors) $2.99
Come Let Us Reason is the third book in a series on modern Christian apologetics that began with the popularPassionate Conviction andContending with Christianity’s Critics. The nineteen essays here raise classical philosophical questions in fresh ways, address contemporary challenges for the church, and will deepen the thinking of the next generation of apologists. Packed with dynamic topical discussions and informed by the latest scholarship, the book’s major sections are: Apologetics, Culture, and the Kingdom of God; The God Question; The Gospels and the Historical Jesus; Ancient Israel and Other Religions; Christian Uniqueness and the World’s Religions.
Contributors include J. P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, Gary R. Habermas, Craig Keener, and Paul Copan.
ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Come Let Us Reason: New Essays in Christian Apologetics only $2.99!
Reasons for Our Hope: An Introduction to Christian Apologetics by H. Wayne House & Dennis W. Jowers $2.99
In the light of the threats posed to Christianity by militant Islam, intolerant secularism, and widespread misinformation, the necessity of informed and articulate defense of the Christian faith today can hardly be contested.Reasons for Our Hope offers a sophisticated yet accessible guide to "destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and . . . taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). The book's 31 chapters are divided into four sections: Apologetics Methodologies and Systems - with chapters on worldviews, the tension between faith and reason, etc.; Apologetics in Scripture and in History - a look at apologetics in the Old and New Testaments, early church, middle ages, the Reformation, Enlightenment, and today; Apologetic Problems - issues such as the value of philosophy, dealing with skepticism, the problem of evil, miracles, the Resurrection, etc.; How to Use Apologetics in Engaging the World - how to engage the Cultist, Secularist, Postmodernist, Muslim, and Eastern Mystic.
ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Reasons for Our Hope: An Introduction to Christian Apologetics only $2.99!
A World of Difference: Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test by Kenneth Samples $2.99
Recent Barna research indicates that less than one in ten evangelical Christians hold a biblical worldview. A World of Difference seeks to change this disturbing fact by educating readers on how the Christian perspective is uniquely reasonable, verifiable, and liveable. Author Kenneth Richard Samples faced a profound test of his own belief system during a personal life-and-death crisis. In A World of Difference, he uses nine distinct tests to compare the Christian worldview with current religious and philosophical competitors, including Islam, postmodernism, naturalism, and pantheistic monism. Samples tackles tough issues through this in-depth study of Christianity's history, creed, and philosophical basis. An excellent resource for readers who want their view of life and the world to make sense.
A World of Difference: Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test only $2.99!
Moral Apologetics for Contemporary Christians: Pushing Back Against Cultural and Religious Critics
by Mark Coppenger $2.99
Have Christians grown accustomed to those who defame the Church? Whether it’s a best-selling author who claims “religion poisons everything” or an atheist comedian whose punch lines aren’t hassled by the burden of proof, foes of the faith continue to declare Christianity morally deficient without much resistance. Moral Apologetics for Contemporary Christians mixes compelling references—from classic philosophers to modern entertainers—to reasonably push back against both harsh critics and less intense cultural relativists, contending that Christianity is morally superior to its competitors as well as true. Coppenger doesn’t avoid uncomfortable realities like the misbehavior of many Christians and false teachers, but he sets the book’s course in defense of his faith with evidence that a Christian approach to life makes people and societies flourish, while those who turn their backs on genuine Christianity are more liable to behave wickedly. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Moral Apologetics for Contemporary Christians: Pushing Back Against Cultural and Religious Critics only $2.99!
Tough-Minded Christianity: Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery by William Dembski $2.99
Tough Minded Christianity is a collection of essays about the great work of John Warwick Montgomery (1931), a living legend in the field of Christian apologetics who has earned eleven degrees in philosophy, theology, law, and librarianship, debated historic atheists including Madalyn Murray O’Hair, and influenced the work of bestselling authors such as Josh McDowell.
Contributors to this volume include J. I. Packer, Ravi Zacharias, John Ankerberg, Erwin Lutzer, Vernon Grounds, Gary Habermas, and among others Paige Patterson who writes in the foreword that John Warwick Montgomery did the “intellectual heavy lifting” that undergirded the conservative renewal of the Southern Baptist Convention.
ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Tough-Minded Christianity: Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery only $2.99!
Defending the Faith, Engaging the Culture by Bruce A. Little (editor) $2.99
L. Russ Bush (1944-2008) was a leading Southern Baptist philosopher, apologist, and professor whose landmark book Baptists and the Bible helped fuel his denomination’s conservative resurgence and decisive emphasis on the inerrancy of Scripture. In Defending the Faith, Engaging the Culture, his colleagues pay tribute by writing about the topics that inspired Bush and excerpting from his published and previously unpublished works to support their message. Themes include Christianity and the Bible (with essays by Tom Nettles and Daniel L. Akin), Christian Apologetics (Gary Habermas, Norman Geisler), Christianity and Science, as well as Faith and Culture.
Editor Bruce A. Little, director of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, gives an inspiring testimony to the ongoing legacy of Dr. Bush in the book’s afterword.
ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> Defending the Faith, Engaging the Culture only $2.99!
10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer: Thoughtful Responses to Strengthen Your Faith
by Alex McFarland $2.99
Could a loving God really send people to hell? Can we really trust what the Bible says? Is Jesus really the only way to heaven? Becoming a Christian does not mean that all of the questions about faith are instantly answered. In fact, more questions are likely to follow. However, not having knowledge about certain issues can dampen your faith and rob you of the joy that comes from confidently sharing it with others. 10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer provides responses to the toughest conversations regarding one's inward faith as well as the outward expression of it and is relevant to new believers and longtime Christ followers alike. Led by respected scholars Elmer Towns and Alex McFarland, readers can be sure this content is backed by sharp minds, deep thinking, and the unchanging Word of God.
ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >>> 10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer: Thoughtful Responses to Strengthen Your Faith only $2.99!
Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation by Mark Whorton $2.99
The Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation surveys every major issue relating to the theology and science of creation. This includes proofs that the universe was created and designed by God, a discussion of the compatibility of Genesis with major theories in modern science, a survey of evangelical opinion regarding the age of Earth and the nature of Noah’s flood, and an analysis of ancient non-biblical creation myths. Highly trained scientists and authors Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts are uniquely qualified to report these findings that are in line with their Christian faith. The book also includes fascinating and helpful photographs and charts.
Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation only $2.99!
Other titles still available for only $2.99:
100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart by Robert J Morgan $2.99
Abortion: A Rational Look at An Emotional Issue by R.C. Sproul $2.99
An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists By the Rules of Evidence
Administered in Courts of Justice by Simon Greenleaf $2.99
Beyond the Land of Narnia: The Story of C.S. Lewis by Joyce McPherson $2.99
Biblical Inerrancy: The Historical Evidenceby Norman Geisler $2.99
Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels
by J Warner Wallace $2.99
The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection
(37 Volumes, 65 Authors, 500 Books) $2.99
C.S. Lewis: A Life Inspired by Christopher Gordon $2.99
Everyman's Apologeticby Jeff McInnis $2.99
The Evidence of Prophecy by Robert C. Newman (editor) $2.99
Facing Islam, Engaging Muslims by Alexander Pierce $2.99
Fire Song: Rediscovering the Ancient Melody by John A. Mitchell $2.99
Genesis One and the Origin of the Earth by Robert C. Newman $2.99
God and Other Things: Conversations That Defend Faith, Question Evolution,
and Search for Truth by Wade Winningham $2.99
The God Diagnosis: A Physician's Shocking Journey to Life After Death by Greg Vieman, M.D. $2.99
He's Greater Than You Know: Essays for a Doubting Christian by Phil Weingart $2.99
Holman QuickSource Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls by Craig A. Evans $2.99
Illogical Atheism: A Comprehensive Response to the Contemporary Freethinker
from a Lapsed Agnostic by Bo Jinn $2.99
If God Made the Universe, Who Made God?: 130 Arguments for Christian Faith by multiple authors $2.99
Just Jesus: The Evidence of History by James South $2.99
The Life and Words of GK Chesterton by Wyatt North $2.99
A Modern Ninety-Five: Questions For Today's Evangelicals by Nancy Almodovar $2.99
Of Epiphany by Surosh Shafihie $2.99
OMG: Is Jesus Lord or is He a Loser?: Discover the Truth about Him by Antwan Cronje $2.99
Pascal's Pensees: Thoughts on God and Religion by Blaise Pascal $2.99
Pascal's Wager: The Man Who Played Dice With God by James A. Connor $2.99
Peter Boghossian, Atheist Tactician: What He Gets Right, What He Gets Wrong,
and How Christians Must Respondby Tom Gilson $2.99
The Portable Presuppositionalist by Jamin Hübner $2.99
The Precipice: When Everything We Know Ends by TC Avey $2.99
The Reasonable Person- Due Process of Law, Logic, and Faith by Steven Sedberry $2.99
The Roots of Evil by Norman Geisler $2.99
The Sacrifice: The Only Way To God by Allen Smith $2.99
Theism and Humanism by Arthur James Balfour $2.99
The Truth Holds Us: Reflections of a Thinking Christian by Tom Gilson $2.99
Unlock Your Bible: The Key to Understanding and Applying the Scriptures in Your Life
by Steve McVey $2.99
Untamable God: Encountering the One Who Is Bigger, Better, and More
Dangerous Than You Could Possibly Imagine by Stephen Altrogge $2.99
What Your Atheist Professor Doesn't Know (But Should) by Stephen Williams $2.99
Who Moved the Stone? by Frank Morrison $2.99
Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality by Ravi Zacharias $2.99
Worldview Conversations: How to Share Your Faith and Keep Your Friends by Stanley Ward $2.99
CLICK HERE for more Kindle deals in Christian Apologetics: Over 100 titles from 99 cents to $5.99!