
The medical field calls cellulite adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, and other terms that defy pronunciation. We call it orange peel syndrome, cottage cheese skin, hail damage and the mattress phenomenon. No matter what you call it, up to 90% of women have it, all of whom want it gone!

What causes cellulite? Not all medical professionals completely concur, but most would agree it is a combination of hormones, genetics, diet and lifestyle factors. The reviews of current therapies are mixed to say the least, and doctors are always looking at new treatments hoping one will really work. Dr. Brian Brzowski of Utah believes a new device may be the silver bullet. “Finally after many years and multiple failed attempts at coming up with something effective offering permanent improvement in cellulite—it’s here. The device is called Cellfina,” he explains. “It is a technology that allows us to release the tight, tethering bands that are creating the dimples. Now we have a way to ditch the dimples. We haven’t had anything like it before.”

by Isabel Bolt

and Brian Brzowski, MD

Myths and Facts about Cellulite

Despite being prolific, cellulite is quite misunderstood. Simply put, cellulite occurs when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, under the skin, causing dimples. Cellulite is not necessarily associated with obesity – skinny women have it too. No matter the diet, exercise regimen, or lotions and potions from the department store, if your genes have decided cellulite for you then that’s what you’ve got.

Hope in a New Device

Dr. Brzowski has one word for Cellfina, the latest FDA cleared treatment for cellulite. “Fabulous.” Cellfina is the only FDA-cleared minimally invasive, one-time procedure clinically proven to improve the appearance of cellulite for at least two years—the longest FDA-cleared duration for a cellulite treatment. A straightforward solution to cellulite, the device combines a proven approach with innovative, proprietary technology, to produce precise, long-lasting results. The device treats the primary structural cause of cellulite—the connective bands woven throughout fat in the thighs and buttocks. These tight bands pull down the skin, creating the puckering you see on the surface of the skin. “It is a short 20 to 30 minute procedure under local anesthetic,” explains Brzowski. “It’s nearly painless…what happens is the device sucks skin and fat into a circular device and blades cut the ligaments that tether the skin beneath, creating the dimples. The origin of the tethered spot is released and so skin immediately elevates up for an instant result. It is permanent and an improvement that lasts.”

Are You a Candidate?

According to Brzowski, there are different types of cellulite, and although cellulite is not a medical condition, it’s wise to visit a doctor who can properly assess your situation. “Cellulite comes in a variety of appearances. Some have more fat adjacent to dimple and some are fairly smooth. Patients with relatively smooth dimpling seem to be the best candidates…but I’ve seen improvement in almost any style of cellulite.

Brzowski emphasizes the benefits of going to a board certified plastic surgeon for the proper diagnosis. Medical spas may tout a variety of non-invasive options that sound good, but they may have little efficacy and be of little value if a client is not properly diagnosed. “As a plastic surgeon I have the ability to analyze problems, diagnose and apply the proper treatment,” says Brzowski. “In one case, I saw a patient who did not have cellulite, but rather skin laxity. The patient had fatty deposits and was instead a garden variety liposuction patient. But for the 60 to 70 million women who are bothered by cellulite, we have an answer. Nearly no downtime, minimum bruising with a little tenderness. An immediate return to work and full activities. It’s a really remarkable technology that we are grateful to have.”

The post Your Invitation to a Goodbye Party for Cellulite appeared first on The Plastic Surgery Channel.

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