
My daughter is a mix of girly girl & tomboy. She loves tutus & dressing up like a princess, but she also loves bugs & playing with trucks. In the summer she would chase around the bugs in our yard. I had to keep her from trying to grab the bees. With Valentine’s Day nearing, my little love bug & I were going to craft some love bugs of our own using our favorite crafting medium. It is time to break out our pasta boxes.

What you will need:

Assorted Pasta shells: Jumbo shells, ziti, medium sized shells, elbows, wagon wheels, bow ties & spaghetti

Paint – reds, pinks, purples, black

Glue Gun

Directions: Paint your pasta pieces using assorted colors. A breakdown of pasta pieces & colors used for each bug will be listed below.

Let dry.

Pasta Lady Bug

Pasta used: jumbo shell, medium sized shell & 2 broken off pieces of spaghetti.

Paint the jumbo shell red for the body. Paint the medium shell & spaghetti black. The medium shell will be the head & the spaghetti is an antennae. Let dry. Paint black hearts onto the body for the lady bug’s spots. After all of the paint is dry, use a glue gun to assemble your lady bug.

Pasta Butterfly

Pasta used: ziti, 4 medium pasta, wagon wheel, 2 broken off pieces of spaghetti.

Paint your pieces in colors of your choice using the ziti for the body, shells for the wings & wagon wheel for the head & spaghetti for the antennae. Glue all pieces together. Let dry & finish off by painting hearts on the wings.

Pasta Spider

Pasta used: jumbo shell, medium shell & 8 elbows.

Paint the shells in your choice of colors. The large shell will be the body & the medium will act as the head. Paint the elbows black. They will be legs. Let dry & glue together. Paint a large heart on the body.

Pasta Bee

Pasta used: Jumbo shell, medium shell, 2 bow ties, an elbow & 2 broken off pieces of spaghetti.

Paint the jumbo shell in a color of your choice. You will use it as the body. Let it dry & paint black stripes around it. Paint the medium shell, bow ties, elbow & spaghetti black. The medium shell will be used for the head; the bow ties will be wings, the elbow for the stinger & the spaghetti for antennae. Glue the pieces together & add a heart to the head.

I love crafting with pasta because there are so many variations that you can use. Have fun with it & flex your creative muscles.

After our bugs dried, Mai played good bug, bad bug with them. Apparently the spider is really mean to the other bugs.  We had to put him in timeout.

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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Holidays Tagged: activities, Arts & Crafts, bugs, motherhood, painting, parenting, pasta, toddler, Valentine's Day

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