Woman are some way are concerned with ovarian cysts during adulthood, adolescence and after menopause. Because these are the times when these problems are more prevalent. But times and people are changing. Cysts in early childhood is becoming more and more common. It is a shock to the medical establishment how a child can develop not only cysts of the ovaries but also ovarian tumors and cancers.
What is more surprising is that many children are even born with follicular cysts in the ovaries. You don’t believe me, well might as well check out this study published in the Arch Dis Child. 1975 Jan;50(1):45-50. It was found that of 332 stillbirths and recently born babies who died at their 28th day a good amount of them already had cysts in the ovaries. Cysts larger than1mm was found in 113 babies. While multiple cysts were found in 48 of the cases and 65 babies had singular ovarian cysts.
This is really a shock. But why? Is this natural or is this due to the life-style and health of the parents? The same study seems to indicate that life-style and other medical factors are greatly involved. This study indicated clearly that the prevalence of ovarian cysts were high in those babies who’s parents suffered from diabetes. Also the Rhesus isoimunization seemed to be implicated in this problem.
What can be done to avoid these problems? First the cause of the problem needs to be addressed. Diet and life-style habits that in some way affect negatively the weight and hormonal balance in the human body must be avoided. Some of these habits are:
Consuming excess animal products
Consuming too much fat in the diet
Too much weight
Lack of fiber in the diet
Not consuming fresh raw fruits and vegetables
Preventing and controlling diabetes
Eating meats that are high in hormones and chemicals
These are just some of the life-style habits recommended for future parents who want to have healthy children without ovarian cysts.Because it is the habits of the parents that lead to these problems. Our children will have to suffer the results of our violations of the laws of nature that govern our body.
Louis Cruz is a Naturopathic practitioner since 1984. For more info grab this Free 5 day Mini Email Course on Ovarian Cysts Cure. It’s totally free and check out my blog for lots more info. http://TheOvarianCystCure.com/blog or http://TheOvarianCystCure.com/ovariancysts
The post Ovarian Cysts in Early Childhood appeared first on The Pink Ribbon.