
Washington, D.C. USA (PRWEB) March 29, 2015

At this initial launch, the Afro Health Link platform provides basic health information around medical conditions that individuals face, giving them the opportunity to discuss these challenges as well as helping them find solutions to overcome them. Afro Health Link addresses six medical conditions using evidenced based information in print and video and encourage users to engage in conversations around them.


Heart Disease,

High Blood Pressure,

Breast Cancer,

Prostate Cancer,


The Afro Health Link Platform will expand to other medical conditions as the platform grows. Resources available on the platform include:

Promising articles on medical advancements

Healthy Heart Recipes

Health Advice & Tips for Health Living

Additionally, Users have the ability to:

Locate culturally competent providers

Share success stories via discussions

Pose health questions to providers

Find community resources available to users

Get Up-to-date actionable information on research findings and available clinical trials

The next phase of launch will include the Personalized Health Navigator that incorporates both the physical and psycho-social traits of an individual while presenting Health Information, Health Resources and Guidance to manage their medical condition.

The uniqueness of the Personalized Health Navigator is that it understands the needs of the user and guides the user to get the most of the content based on their profile, updating its content as new information is introduced to the platform. This navigator will also guide the users through the complex health systems showing them health services that are available to them, health experts in their region and access to other resources available in their community to help improve their health or prevent complications. In addition, the user can query the platform for additional information and review results and save searches.

Initially we are launching in the United States (Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC) but will expand resources to other parts of the States. Nigeria and South Africa web platforms are accessible at the web site. For those countries not included we welcome you to join the Global Link.

Please visit AFROHEALTHLINK and complete the registration and utilize this interactive resource center to manage your medical condition.

About Krame Healthcare Solutions:

Ejim Mark is the Chief Executive Officer at Krame Health Solutions, A Rockville based Technology Solutions Company focused on improving individual and population health through the innovative use of technology, culturally relevant health education and improved access to quality care. Dr. Mark received Medical Degree from Rostov Medical University, his Public Health and Preventive Medicine training from Johns Hopkins University and has an MBA from University of Massachusetts Amherst with a focus on health informatics leadership and change management.

For additional information please contact info(at)kramehealth(dot)com or call us at +1 202.372.6122

Copyright 2015 Krame Health Solutions

Social Media Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afrohealthlink?ref=hl

Twitter: https://twitter.com/afro_health

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/afrohealthlink?trk=top_nav_home

Instagram: http://instagram.com/afrohealthlink/

Google plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/102722868224669971221/102722868224669971221/about

Email: info(at)afrohealthlink(dot)com

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