
Saw @esotheria-sims​ doing this lovely meme and, since she tagged everyone reading the post, I figured why not U___U

Name: Serena.
Nicknames: Sere, Astraea.
Zodiac sign: Leo.
Height: 176 cm/5′9′’
Orientation: Forever closeted bi.
Ethnicity: Italian…? D:
Favorite fruit: percoca! :D (no, it’s not some sort of weird curse word, it’s a variety of peach that… is apparently only popular in Italy? D: I only just discovered that ò___ò) Also, watermelon.
Favorite season: either winter or autumn, I guess.
Favorite book series: Harry Potter and the Discworld saga <3
Favorite flower: purple hibiscus rose of Sharon *__*
Favorite scent: petrichor.
Favorite color: blue, green, purple.
Favorite animal: dogs, bunnies, anything that’s adorable and fluffy! *___* …Oh, and turtles. Which are neither adorable nor fluffy, but still… XD
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: can I just have them all? *___*
Average sleep hours: 5-6?
Cat or dog person? Dog person all the way U___U
Favorite fictional characters: mmmh… already listed several times, so for now let’s just say that I’m currently finding myself developing a crush on Geralt of Rivia, okay? ;___;
Number of blankets you sleep with: 4. This winter was (and is still) FRIGGIN’ COLD.
Dream trip: USA on the road? ;__;
Blog created: 2011. My first post on my personal blog was on May 9th 2011 and my first post on this blog was on August 19th of the same year. God, it’s been six years already? D:
Number of followers: 4578 on my Simblr, 199 on my personal blog (no idea how, since I barely even post anything on there XD). Haven’t checked for spambots in a while, though.
Time right now: 19.02
Last thing you googled: Geralt from Rivia. I thought that was how you spelled that in English, but I wanted to check it first. Turns out it’s “of Rivia”. Oh, well.
Fave music artist: already answered many times with my all-time favourites, so I’ll move on to more recent stuff and just say that I recently rediscovered my love for Laura Jane Grace and Against Me! U____U
Song stuck in my head: a weird mix of In The Dark of The Night from Anastasia, Shiny from Moana and Friends On The Other Side from Princess and the Frog. Don’t even ask.
Last movie i watched: Seventh Son. Also got myself the e-book afterwards, ‘cos I was curious <3
Last tv show i watched: in full? Orphan Black. And I friggin’ LOVED it! Currently I’m watching season 4 of Sherlock.
What i’m wearing right now: jeans, striped shirt, white socks.
The kind of stuff i post: 98% sims, plus the occasional silly meme (like this one) and random art.
Why did i choose my url: pretty sure I already answered this in the past, but since I couldn’t find the post, here we go again. “Nevermore/The Path of Nevermore” comes from the Queen song Nevermore (duh). “Astraea” is a name I found on my English dictionary back when I was 15 or so. It was going to be the name of a character for a sci-fi story I was writing… but never actually finished (if you’re curious, though, you could just watch the movie Gattaca: I swear my original idea for the setting was pretty much the same, even though I had yet to see the movie at the time :O). Anyway, I quite liked the name “Astraea” and ended up using it as my nickname for the first time a year or so later when I was trying to join a website (possibly MTS?) where every.single.one. of my usual nicknames seemed to be already taken XD since then, it’s been my default “simming nickname”.
Gender: truck driver female.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw! :D
Pokémon team: Team Mystic. Been months since I played Pokémon Go, though.
Lucky number: I don’t reveal my lucky number U___U
Dream job: comic artist ;___;
Relationship status: single and proud.
Pets: a white maltipoo who’s convinced to be a cat and a grumpy turtle.
Last song you listened to: can’t remember, but I’m fairly sure it was something from Disney.
Favorite tv show: I’d say Charmed because it was the first tv show ever I got into. Truth to be told, though, I remember very little about it XD (BUT I got myself the DVDs of the first two seasons and I’m definitely planning to rewatch them one of these days). There’s plenty of newer shows I like, too (Supernatural, Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, Orphan Black just to name a few), but I honestly can’t pick one D:
First fandom: Sailor Moon, I guess. Though at the time I had no friggin’ idea what a “fandom” was XD

Not tagging anyone in particular, as I feel like everyone on my dash has already done this. If you haven’t and want to do it, however, consider yourself tagged! :D

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