
From The Write Life:

We’ve broken this year’s list [of the 100 Best Websites for Writers] into seven categories: Blogging, entrepreneurship, creativity and craft, freelancing, marketing, publishing, and writing communities. All sites are listed in alphabetical order within their categories, and the numbers are for easy tracking (not ranking).

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Creativity & Craft

8. Aerogramme Writers’ Studio

Aerogramme Writers’ Studio keeps you up to date on writing news and opportunities, including contests, calls for submission, and MFA programs. The blog also contains tons of articles on the art of writing.

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9. Ann Kroeker

Author and writing coach Ann Kroeker is on a mission to help writers reach their goals by maximizing curiosity, creativity and productivity. Her website is home to numerous blog posts, podcasts and resources for writers.

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10. A Writer’s Path

Author Ryan Lanz’s website is a wealth of information for aspiring authors. His blog features frequent guest posts, and his Writer’s Toolbox is constantly updated with his favorite picks for websites, blogs, music, apps and people.

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11. Bane of Your Resistance

Using research in the creative process and neuroscience, Rosanne Bane takes on the big issue of writing resistance in all its forms: writer’s block, procrastination, perfectionism and more. Her weekly posts offer science-backed fixes to common problems for writers.

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59. Build Book Buzz

When it comes to book publicity and marketing, you can definitely DIY it. Author and public-relations star Sandra Beckwith provides articles, training programs and other resources that help take the guesswork out of book marketing.

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60. Giving Voice to Your Story

We all have a story — a key message we want to share with the world. Through her blog and corresponding radio show, Dorit Sasson helps writers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders build a trusting relationship with their audience so they can share their message and reach new levels of success.

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61. Jessica Lawlor

Don’t let low confidence get in the way of your marketing success. Join Jessica Lawlor and the #GetGutsy community to find inspiration and tips on how to step outside your comfort zone and go for your goals.

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62. Kikolani

Founder Kristi Hines  brings you the latest strategies, trends and how-tos in digital marketing. Kikolani is a must-have resource for business and professional bloggers who want to make their brands stand out.

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63. Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt is the bestselling author of Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, and his blog will help you do just that. Read for tips and resources about personal development, productivity, leadership, influence and more.

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Link to the rest at The Write Life

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