
Posted by: Lilacpr
on: Today at 06:42 PM

Oh Desdinova, followed you home thanks, made me smile!

I just got back from Home Depot where I went to look for another Fungicide and Physan which they didn't have, but I'll look in a local nursery tomorrow.

I was feeling so depressed and lo and behold guess what was going on at Home Depot?

40% off on all the non blooming orchids! So guess what me bought? Yup, you guessed it! Two Cattleyas for 40% off! and the great thing is, when they do bloom, the color will be a surprise!

*sigh* what can I do... I have faith that these will survive.

I cut off the affected leaves, sprayed with Fungicide 3, and diluted a Cipro and fed them it. Tomorrow is another day. I'm going to isolate them far away. I'll post pics as soon as I can...Thanks guys..and any other suggestions, pray tell!

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