

Abdel Atwan bar and the threat of growing organization Daash Prosecutor Ali al-Islam and dangerous Arabs

and the West
Abdel-Bari Atwan, and the threat from al-Islam Daash plaintiffs worsening on channel France 24

Libyan cartoonist

At the end of June 2014, the jihadist wing Tanzim, which has become known as the “changed its name to daash” Islamic State “. As a senior leader of the Islamic Caliphate, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Al-Khalifa said.

* Who are the fighters

There are a number of documented number of fighters of the “Islamic State”, but the Syrian Observatory for human rights estimates the number of fighters with more than 50 thousand in Syria, including more than 20,000 foreigners in Chechnya, Europe, China and Arab countries.

In Iraq, the political science professor at Baghdad University and expert on Security Affairs Ahmad sharifi, number between eight to ten thousand, sixty percent of them Iraqis.

And uses the Organization as both extreme Islamic movements, social networking sites on the Internet for the recruitment of new fighters.

* Where is organizing a “Islamic State”

Controlled by the “Islamic State” on a large part of northern Syria city of manbij border with Turkey at Aleppo province in the East, via raqqa to almost all areas in the governorate of Al-Hasakah city Abu Kamal on the border with Iraq in a wide area in Deir ez-Zor governorate. In Iraq, they dominated regulation over a wide area in the West of the country where the Sunni provinces, leading to Mosul in the North.

Estimated land area controlled by regulation of 25 percent of the territory of Syria and 40 percent of Iraq, equivalent, according to Syrian geography specialist Fabrice with activities, Britain (237 km), but the majority of the land where the desert in Iraq (such as Anbar province) which reduces the actual control on the ground. “

* What are the sources of financing of the organisation

It is widely believed that the “Islamic State” does not receive financial support from the State, and the experts stressed that the bulk of funding self, but the Minister accused the State of Qatar to Germany this funding.

Says French expert in Islamic movements Roman Cahier “some influential in Gulf States believe in five percent of the funding organization that has three other key sources of funding: the taxes imposed on the population, oil dominated and selling crude production, plus money ransoms from kidnappings by all citizens and targeted foreign journalists.” Sharifi says that sources of funding also sell antique ghanmtha the State of Iraq.

* What are the methods of work of the “Islamic State”

Depends on the intimidation is a key element in obtaining allegiance or the sale of the population and the armed groups. Since his return to Iraq, do extensive displacement of Christian waizidien and Kurds from areas seized after welfare between the departure or dealing with publicity, and confiscated their property.And deliberately spread terror across the horrific murder methods used against both disagree, slaughtering and beheading, to steel and stone, stones … Published photos of “achievements” on the Internet. In the controlled areas, requires veils for women and beards for men, in addition to preventing alcohol and smoking and all kinds of entertainment.

* What is the future of this phenomenon

Stresses that the objective of regulating “Cahier daash” is to consolidate “their” extension so that it can expand. However, others believe that he would not live long. Observers expect the West to blow that has no future.


Report of the channel for the event of renewed clashes and air strikes that targeted what is known as

“forces Libya Dawn”.

Who are Kharijites ? Shaykh ul Islam Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri.

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri in Georgetown University,

Washington DC with Prof John Esposito.

Lecture in Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Mu…





Our deputies valued Bcilna Almaqr Beware

Channel osmosis name on indefinitely channel belonging to the Dar al-Ifta and distract them from

the treasury of the Libyan state and its motto debt advice.
(# Anvlat_omna)

Picture: the Brotherhood Bankers for the “Bank of LIBYA” with SADAK GHARYIANI:

Libya’s former central government granted cash advance of about 10 billion dollars
«Libya Al-Mostakbal»


Anatolia: Detect Abdulsalam text, chairman of the Committee on Budget and Planning and Finance Conference National General (interim parliament), the Central Bank granted cash advance of the interim government, worth 12 billion dinars (9.75 billion dollars dollars), during the first quarter of this year, in light of oil revenues did not exceed three billion dinars (2.4 billion …

The Dajjal’s Mufti,

Sohail Sadiq Gharyiani calls from London to support the Libyans fighting gangs Brotherhood in Tripoli,

under the slogan “O O happy living die a martyr,” of London.

(# Anvlat_omna)

Ambassadors of Islam - Home

Kharijites. They’ll slit open anyone not siding with them; cool headedly, with great precision, jubilation, …

Wahabi origins for present day Kharijite

FALSE BELEF and corrupt declarations brought from the Satanic mind of Muhammed bin Abdul Wahhab.

15 AUGUST 2014

labeling themselves as the “Islamic state”, that they go around forcing Muslims to repent or die, and making them sign repentance forms and a plethora of such practices. What is little known is that this practice is straight out the books of early Wahabism of Najd. The following is one of such repentance forms that was forced to sign by the Sharif of Hijaz and the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah there, when the first Saudi-Wahhabi state under Saud bin Abdal Aziz bin Muhammed bin Saud (d. 1814) attacked and invaded the holy lands of Mecca and Madina:

(توقيع الشريف غالب وعلماء الحرمين على الرسالة)

. الحمد لله رب العالمين. نشهد – ونحن علماء مكة، الواضعون خطوطنا، وأختامنا في هذا الرقيم – أن هذا الدين، الذي قام به الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب، رحمه الله تعالى، ودعا إليه إمام المسلمين سعود بن عبد العزيز، من توحيد الله، ونفي الشرك، الذي ذكره في هذا الكتاب، أنه هو الحق الذي لا شك فيه ولا ريب، وأن ما وقع في مكة والمدينة، سابقا، ومصر والشام وغيرهما من البلاد إلى الآن، من أنواع الشرك المذكورة في هذا الكتاب، أنه: الكفر، المبيح للدم والمال والموجب للخلود في النار; ومن لم يدخل في هذا الدين، ويعمل به، ويوالي أهله، ويعادي أعداءه، فهو عندنا كافر بالله واليوم الآخر، وواجب على إمام المسلمين والمسلمين، جهاده وقتاله، حتى يتوب إلى الله مما هو عليه، ويعمل بهذا الدين.

أشهد بذلك، وكتبه الفقير إلى الله تعالى: عبد الملك بن عبد المنعم، القلعي، الحنفي، مفتي مكة المكرمة، عفى عنه، وغفر له.

أشهد بذلك، وأنا الفقير إلى الله سبحانه: محمد صالح بن إبراهيم، مفتي الشافعية بمكة، تاب الله عليه.

أشهد بذلك، وأنا الفقير إلى الله تعالى: محمد بن محمد عربي، البناني، مفتي المالكية، بمكة المشرفة، عفا الله عنه، وأصلح شأنه.

أشهد بذلك، وأنا الفقير إلى الله: محمد بن أحمد، المالكي، عفا الله عنه.

أشهد بذلك، وأنا الفقير إلى الله تعالى: محمد بن يحيى، مفتي الحنابلة، بمكة المكرمة، عفا الله عنه آمين.

أشهد بذلك، وأنا الفقير إليه تعالى: عبد الحفيظ بن درويش العجيمي، عفا الله عنه.

شهد بذلك: زين العابدين جمل الليل; شهد بذلك: علي بن محمد البيتي.

أشهد بذلك، وأنا الفقير إلى الله تعالى: عبد الرحمن جمال، عفا الله عنه.

شهد بذلك، الفقير إلى الله تعالى: بشر بن هاشم الشافعي عفا الله عنه.

[Taken from the book "Ad-Durar As-Saniyyah", which is a compilation/ treatise of the history and works of the Wahhabi movement and major source for Wahabist scholars. Credits to a former Wahhabi whose citation of this above quote brought it to my attention]

Link: http://shamela.ws/browse.php/book-3055/page-308

In this “repentance” declaration, they are being made to declare that the religion brought by Muhammed bin Abdul Wahab and Saud ibn Abdal Aziz is the right religion, and what was happening formerly in the lands of Mecca and Madina, Egypt, Sham/Levant and other countries uptill now was disbelief (kufr) that which makes their blood and wealth permissible to be taken and makes them inhabitants of hellfire. And that if one does not enter into this religion Muhammed bin Abdul Wahab brought, then he is a disbeliever in Allah and the Last day and Jihad should be waged upon them until they repent and join this (so-called) “religion”.

By Ahmed Raza

The process of polluting Muslim school of thought started well before the incident of 1979 by radical ideologies like Egyptian ex-Communist Sayyid Qutb. He declared that a Muslim is either a “revolutionist” or an infidel, and went so far as to declare all the Islamic societies of his time apostate and fit to be overthrown, invoking the memory of the original Kharijis.

the aim, destruction of Islamic Civilization for Khawarijs

the strong concept of a religious Statesman in Islam couldn’t really diffuse the importance of religion; this made Sayyid Qutb to use religion as the driving force against the rulers of the Muslim world especially in Egypt. He was executed after a short trial conducted by Egyptian Government in 1966, but the seed to violence was sewed in the land of Islam.

After the death of Qutb, Aiman al Zahawari the die-hard follower of Sayyid Qutb took charge of protests launched after the execution of his ideal; the Egyptian started his agenda of polluting the Muslim societies with his takfiri ideology basing on the very foundation laid down by his master.

In a BBC documentary “The Power of Nightmare”, Aiman Al Zahawari has been shown leading the slogans against the Egyptian Government in a jail. Something very exceptional can be easily pointed out that Zahawari was reciting an incomplete Kalmaa (Tayyaba) ie “La Illaha Ilallah”, not reciting “Muhammad ur Rasool Allah”. This indeed shows an in different attitude towards the prophet of Islam, again invoking the memory of first Kharij, who was disrespectful to the prophet in one of the gatherings. The head shaved bearded man was from tamimi tribe and when he left the scene, prophet told his companions that “in his descend people will come who will be the worst creatures on this earth”. Those who will kill them will be best rewarded by Allah swt. “They will look more religious in their deeds and will apparently propagate concepts which will not be in contravention to Islam but latently follow their evil agenda”. “They will use young innocent minds for their evil designs”. “They will kill Muslims and leave non-believers”.

Now nexus between Neocons and Khawarij was in evitable, the Muslim world couldn’t realize the depth and in turn horrific result of the said nexus. Factually speaking this was the second time this nexus was worked out in the history of Islam. It was in 11th century during Crusades when Sultan Salah Uddin Ayubbi was fighting for the holy lands and from inside Hassan Bin Sabbah was busy in his terrorist activities through his suicidal attacks from the Castle of Death. Even, one of the bravest General of the Muslim history could not root out Hassan bi Sabbah until he was killed by furious Tartars.

After pulverizing the Arab societies especially in Middle East and North Africa, the satanic ideology of Kharjites was picked up by Western powers (Neocons) to use their barbaric cruelty for their own agenda. The said western schema was indeed in line with the Kharijites ( Aiman Al Zahawari) and the deal was on……………..the Ghost of Al Qaida.

Scene was set, after the defeat of Soviets in Afghanistan. It must be kept in mind that there was no single incident of suicide bombing even against Russians in 11 years of war between Mujahedeens and Russian Army. Now the Kharijites were poured in Afghanistan and Pakistan by westerners, with agendas of both complimenting each other. The targets were zeroed and fixed.

Disaster of Takfeer and Violent Steps to remove Governments and Siege of Makkaah (mecca) in 1979 by NEO KHARIJITES OF IKHWANUL MUSLIMEEN AND JAMAT-E-ISLAMI.

The duty of jihad was articulated by twentieth century official Wahabi scholars.

“Jihad, the ‘struggle in the way of God’, is by Wahabi interpretations, defined and executed in several ways:

Although the Ikhwan fighters were defeated by 1930, the religious heritage that justified their rebellion remained a dormant trend within Wahhabiyya. The ulama who sympathised with the Ikhwan rebels in their hearts remained marginal; nevertheless, their interpretations continued to erupt in the public sphere against a background of strict government control and co-optation.


It is ironic that the call for jihad (with the tongue, heart and sword) was historically launched against fellow Muslims whose Islam was seen as corrupt or misguided, a situation that puts such Muslims in a category worse than the polytheists of Quraysh. It is a historical fact that most Wahabi violence has targeted other Muslims rather than non-Muslims. This is not surprising, given that Wahabi discourse continued to denounce Muslims whose Islam deviated from the true path as ahl al dhalal (those who have gone astray). Punishing errant Muslims should be harsher, according to Wahabi interpretations. Resisting foreign occupation – for example, in Afghanistan and Libya – is regarded by official Wahabi scholars as illegitimate violence.

Hijra, takfir and jihad were three mechanisms used not only to enforce the boundaries of the pious state but also to ensure total obedience to rulers. While hijra advocated migration to the pious realm, takfir encouraged expulsion from it. Jihad, both peaceful and violent, rendered life a perpetual struggle in the way of God, but in reality it was transformed into a political strategy applied only to enhance the authority of the rulers. The three concepts were emptied of their religious meaning and turned into political weapons to consolidate the realm and its moral guardians, the ulama. Official Wahhabi ulama turned their backs on the scholar who had served as their role model, Taqi al-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyya (1263–1328), who is described as the model of the critic-scholar. In matters political, Wahabi ulama followed the model of realist Mamluk scholar Badr al-Din ibn Jamaa (1241–1333), who preached ‘obedience to any lawfully constituted authority’. 76

Political innovations

In the process of establishing a Caliphate state, Wahabiyya confirmed several political innovations that have accompanied the development of Islamic history and civilisation. Wahabiyya is described as a religious revivalist movement, but it certainly did not offer any political vision or theory different from those already in place within the Sunni tradition. In a desperate attempt to safeguard itself against annihilation of the religious call, marginalisation of the Najdi class of _ulama and the disintegration of the Saudi realm, Wahabiyya supported and defended, with text and practice, two of the most controversial but dominant political innovations in Islamic history: hereditary rule and absolute obedience to political authority. It eventually deprived the Muslim community of its right to have a say in political matters. The only legitimate criticism of political authority was initiated in secrecy, between scholars and rulers: the latter are not in theory under any obligation to act according to the advice of the former.

During an encounter between Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab and Muhammad ibn Saud in 1744, the former confirmed the latter in the position of imama (leadership of the Muslim state), and confirmed his descendants in their role as future Imams. It is reported that in Deriyyah around 1744 Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab said to Muhammad Ibn Saud: ‘The people of Najd are now ignorant polytheists, divided and diverse. They fight each other. I hope you will be the Imam around whom Muslims can gather and your children after you become successive imams. The Imam [Ibn Saud] welcomed him and gave him shelter.’

77 Wahabiyya confirmed two mechanisms for the foundation of political power: istila (seizing power by force), and taiyyin (the appointment of a successor by the current ruler (hereditary rule), while paying lip service to the third principle: shura (consultation).78 The oath of allegiance (baya), normally given by both a loosely defined group called ahl al-hall wal-aqd (‘the people who tie and loose’) and the raiyya (subjects) became a dramatic ritual of obedience, and even more so with the advent of new communication technology.79 Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab decreed that it is compulsory to ‘listen to and obey the ruler, even if he is a despot (jair) and debauched (fasiq), as long as he does not order people to ‘disobey God’.

People should gather around the one who assumes the caliphate and accept him. If he got the caliphate with his sword, he should be obeyed. Rebellion against a usurper is forbidden.’80 As a Salafi movement that draws on the tradition of the pious ancestors, Wahabiyya did not give sufficient significance to the succession of the first caliph, which other contemporary Salafis consider as the first shura experience in Islam. This sets the Wahabi movement apart from other Salafi trends, especially contemporary variants that question the principle of total obedience to rulers and hereditary rule. Wahabiyya is also different from the nineteenth-century modernist Salafiyya, which insisted on giving the umma an important role in the decision-making process.81


Read book here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/94792067/ConteSaudStat

Jawad Chaudhary – To make World Independent, he wrote a new note: Fitnah-e-Khawarij. Todays Terrorists.


Ansar al-Sharia WAHABI movement

Even todlers are not safe from the ills and heresy of Wahabism:


Hftar praised Mu’ammar for saving the True Holy Qu’ran

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la vidéo de “voice displaced Libyans in the world”, on FB

Hftar admits that leader Muammar al-Qathafi has saved the Holy Quran (through the World Islamic Call Society and the Islamic Leadership, which he founded) from the corruption of the Wahabi.


Here, regaining his lost dignity, Khalifa Hftar admits that The Martyr Fasting was falsely accused. Intgah God says right .. al-Qathafi is both a man and an angel with a pleasant manner, who saved the Holy Quran, conservative on links .. and the (al-Fateh) light of September, is a popular revolution for the liberation of the country which docked with all the people and was not a coup…

صوت المهجرين الليبيين فى العالم

حفتر يعترف ان القائد امعمر القذافي وجوده نادر يحفظ القرأن

هاهو فاقد الكرامة خليفة حفتر من كان يتهم الشهيد الصائم كذبا و زورا بالأمس ينطقه الله بالحق فيقول .. القذافي كان إنسان ملاك و كان طيب الخلق يحفظ القرأن محافظاً على صلاته .. و ان الفاتح من سبتمبر هي ثورة شعبيه لتحرير الوطن و إلتحم بها كل الشعب و ليس إنقلاباً

The Third Universal Theory is the Only Salvation for our Ailing Planet


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The Third Universal Theory is the Only Salvation for our Ailing Planet

(founded by the inspiration and holy will of Allah, through his servant, Muammar al-Qathafi) of the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA


Identification telling the “HOLY QURAN” and terms drawn and control

Thank God, that grace is righteous, and facilitated tasks, is pleased Holy Quran to mention affording Bhvdah said, and saying right, if we went Alzkroana his privates, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad, the Prophet Muhammad envoy to the Holy Quran amount for the Lord and calling, and Mwalimalalim and guide, the best Mnalm and science, and reading, He said in a concise speech Mhdjaaomahfsa:,,

best to learn the Quran and his knowledge, and his family good and his companions Alockraman, Alventhmiloa the burden of responsibility for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Nicoloa us, for the Quran tortured and Slsla, and wire going after them and work on the publication of his book to the day of judgment.

But after.

It is the empowerment of God in the land and facilitate the male that created this nation at various Alozmnawalomkna of saves the Holy Quran by heart and bears responsibility communicated and works on Thviza and to publish it for others through various means of education and publishing,

Was it that stayed the Holy Quran and would be preserved, as revealed by God, recounted by generations to God inherits the earth and them.

I have been to this country, the Libyan Arab Muslim frontrunner; and I share fully in carrying the burden of this message novel and familiar, as it is preserved in the breasts, and documented in writing, carry it to receive parents grandparents to read Imam Nafi imam of the city of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the reader Brwighthma: A Novel of Imam / Hanif, the imam novel / workshops.

The virtues of this country that draw the Holy Quran Bsmh known bloggers in drawing books. Drawing Abu Omar and Osman bin Saeed proximal in convincing, and draw my father Daoud Suleiman ibn Abi al-Qasim success in the download,

which bring them together with what ‘Aqeelah Shati Imam / Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Umayyad Alhresy famous Ngeraz in Mndhumich famous so-called vendor thirsty has gained interest publishers face drawing, which followed the Imam / Abudawood,

Aftbat him copies of the Quran several in the east, and expressed (and novels) Hafs from Asim, and Abu Omar and Hafs League for Dad Amralbesry, and Hanif wholesome Civil, but the face, which singled out by Imam proximal remained – to our knowledge – preserved in the breasts and documented in some manuscripts.

And confirm the role of “September Revolution” in the great work of God in order to publish a book and save it and Thviza. And continuing its call for all Muslims to return to the Holy Quran: the book of God, which does not come on wrong in the hands of his successor download from the wise Hamid,,

A committee was formed with a tool “Quran Alalmealhfezh” of the Holy Quran, and specialists in reading, and charted, and control, and Vosalh, and the reasons for coming, as well as some of linguists assisted by some technicians to prepare and write the Holy Quran, to be a novel, Hanif wholesome civil. It is through the proximal draw Mohammed bin Harun, known as Abu active.

Committee began Guy work on Monday, 27 of Rabi 1390 of the death of the Prophet peace be upon him, corresponding to the second of March, 1982:

the day which marks the anniversary of the Declaration of the first JAMAHIRIYA (mass) and the power of the people, and the issuance of the historic document that confirmed the Libyan Arab people now recognized that the Holy Qur’an is the law of society in the “Libyan Arab Jamahiriya”.

In much of the night of the blessed month of Ramadan in 1393 of the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him), corresponding to 07 June 1983 AD, held a religious ceremony within a large mosque, Maulvi Mohammed in Tripoli, where the brother / Rebel Muslim Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi, Supreme Commander Fateh Islamic Revolution, left the last word, and to the people, the center of the Jamahiriya (mass) the Holy Qu’ran, and enlarge lullaby thousands of Muslims.

It took the work of the Commission for the Preparation of the Holy Quran planning, writing and revision under the supervision of the Holy Quran Radio, and care for by the Islamic Call Society three years and Neva.

And by the “Libyan Arab Jamahiriya”, which is offered today to all Muslims everywhere in the world, the Holy Quran, is asking God Almighty to accept it (the labor of the solemn fruits of the Commision, accumulated in the purified edition) and it be a benefit by the sons of the Muslims, to illuminates the paths of their lives and to inspire them to return to it (THE HOLY QURAN), and work in each area from it.

Yes Moly Yes Pocket .

though the “Islamic Call Society” as The Print edition of this most HOLY QURAN, and we offer it to all readers of this novel, as part of its goals, in the definition of the Holy Quran;

and to learn and Hvdah and publish it by all means pleasing, to express my sincere thanks to all those who contributed to the output of this work in this novel,

who is pleased to announce that there is now a printed edition of the HOLY QURAN with some novels, novels and other prints will be for the benefit of all in circulation

and we have achieved successfully these divine objectives; and God bless.





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القــذافي و دولة الكويت ” حصــري”

” حصــري ” احداث لم تشاهدوها من قبل اثناء حرب تحرير دولة الكويت , بتاريخ 1 / 2/ 1991 – لقــاء مع الرئيس الليبي و ابداء معارضته الشدي

Unfortunately did not agree Muslims all over the world to perform prayer last Friday,

though they agreed to convulse their prayer certainly the Zionist entity and the Atlantic Alliance, and perhaps fall even Satellite (Israeli) but unfortunately disagreed, Party is Islamic Liberation required to participate stooges in the prayer of God on this Friday to be the party chairman Khalifa Muslims, and called to him from above the mosques, and said in every mosque in the Islamic world: unless we insist caliph head of the Islamic Liberation Party, and park in his descendants and his wives and let them successors after him .. If the malaise must presumably be called his recovery from and عكته in all mosques in the Islamic world, and that you have the information that the Caliph is entitled to seize what is forbidden to you .. And you and your wives, which possessed his right .. The condition that is considered members of the Political Bureau of the party who are three Palestinian and two أردنيان of Turkish and Kurdish origin – from each home – and if you said you must say: O land of them .. The generosity of God and the faces of the members of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Liberation Party and Tbashrōhm paradise whatever …. The condition in order to share his followers and their followers and their slaves to pray with us lackeys in the Hereafter Friday that solves the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood party. And loose association with the West German intelligence as a result of the ongoing political crisis in the holy month of Ramadan between Great Britain and West Germany is Great on the modernization of nuclear missiles.

When asked about the relationship between the Muslim prayer on Friday in the Hereafter in Ramadan in Britain and Germany .. He told us: the nature of the conflict tracking this, though the Islamic Liberation Party could not breach the debt Allah, ينكث not his .. Nor invalidate غزله ‘is committed to historically and religiously with the People of the Book of British intelligence from the days of the occupation of Palestine and debt-to-day .. The party condemns founded for the pilgrim Gen. Globe .. Haj Lawrence mercy of God and Tayyip Therihama in suburbs Burmt and Parvizn in southern Britain. When he heard the Muslim Brotherhood followed this requirement burnt books Nabhani, and declared that it follows from the Mossad in 1936, and that his clients .. And financial support from the Mossad come to them every six months via Jordan. And that the party be of Palestinians to the English customers since the days of the British Mandate over Palestine, and formed this party to turn between Muslims and the Liberation of Palestine .. And that the party chief goal is to achieve his dream and his obsession to be the successor of the Muslims, even for one month .. And called him on all platforms.

Hizb ut-Tahrir responded to the party ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood saa ‘is صاعين of the .. Killeen and double .. , Accusing them of distorting the Quran in the interpretation of Sayyid Qutb victuals Indian origin in the shadows of the Holy Qur’an .. The purpose of this distortion is to revoke the eligibility of Abdel Nasser in the presidency .. And the eligibility of Hassan al-Banna, even though he was dead, because Banna saves the Koran as a youngster .. Even though he forgot to magnify. As Abdel Nasser not protect him .. The purpose of the authorship of these parts in the interpretation of the Holy Quran named in the shadows of the Holy Qur’an is a struggle of Egyptians among themselves in their forties and early fifties to power, nothing to do with the Koran, religion or God or Libya, but inset religion and interpreted the Holy Quran deliberately explanation misnomer to prove the right of a group of Egyptians in governance against another team.


The Islamic Liberation Party burned books Mawdudi and declared it a farce .. How can outlandish teaches us we Arabs our religion? .. We who أدخلناه Islam .. We أئمته and معلموه. They said: It absurd to Attelmz the Arabic outlandish in the religion of the Arab Prophet Muhammad and the Arab tongue set out, and they also stipulated the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood party decoder association with a private U.S. intelligence and Col. John Palmer .. But they Tasfoa on having to expose these secrets, but they said: a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye and initiator darker. And participated in the debate about these serious issues that will lead to achieving miracles such as desalination of sea water .. And exploitation in agriculture .. And convert solar energy into fuel .. And perhaps turn stones into wool participated other movements such as Takfir wal Hijra to and from Palestine .. The jihad against the population find Abia and call for the destruction of the industrial complex in Ras noses ..


Pardon turn ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood party .. The Islamic Liberation Party and Ocefthma merely reactive, employment and immorality and hypocrisy .. And the followers of these two parties can not accept the challenge with these new groups, such as the inability to break age Aldhakh and carry 25 kg of sand and walk by forty-K. Every week .. And the fast of forty-five days instead of thirty and bear live six months without washing .. And without shaving .. Without Cut nails .. And without toothpaste and marry without the wedding .. And that following the example of (بمير the victuals) peace be upon him.


When he heard the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood party Hizb ut-Tahrir and the intervention of unique new Muslim groups .. أفتوا together and supported these opinions ببصمات the thumb of the right leg Council of the Muslim World League in Mecca .. and branches of these limited Association in Washington (may Allah have mercy on him) .. In Jerusalem .. And antique Institute Shamlan, to end the sterile debate about religion that is based not deepen it .. It must be exploited only to mobilize التبع the dupes .. To cover the front of the masses, and these groups have threatened to expose the reality of being a newcomer on the Arab of the Persians countries .. It is directed against the Arab nation in the name of religion to destroy Arab nationalism in order to facilitate the control of the national (Israeli) or Persian in the region ..


And anti-social progressive trend toward radical Islamic placebo by secret agreement with the CIA and the Mossad, and of course replace the Islamic trend Islamic religion .. And the source of Takfir wal Hijra from Pakistan .. The call for jihad from Afghanistan, Iran and India .. And that these areas are the den of the Old the traditional extend Lars Assassin Aznadqh and Western intelligence anti-Islam and the Arab nation. Though these movements are an extension of Kadianah and Ahmadiyya and Baha’i, which claimed the founders of prophecy and finally abandoned the religion of Muhammad and replaced by the Baha’i and Ahmadiyya and so forth, and now will replace Islam calls for atonement Immigration and advocacy and jihad and so forth., and so we lost the participation of these parties and their followers and its lackeys in supplication in the Hereafter Friday of Ramadan as a result of differences will not be agreed upon among themselves until the Day of Resurrection ..

But unfortunately did not stop at this point, but he told us Muslims in Pakistan: We refuse to participate because the land usurped for Pakistan as an Islamic state (Kashmir) .. And that is India’s arch-foe and not the so-called (Israel). The Muslims of India did not agree because of their agreement with us on the identification of the enemy .. And extremely Jihad. Direct enemy of Muslims in Indonesia, Malaysia is a Muslim country and the aggressor on the borders of Muslim Indonesia as well .. The traditional enemy is Japan, and that the usurped land of Muslims in the Philippines is not Palestine, but (Mandinawa). Tel Aviv does not mean they have a bad thing, but (Manila). Worse still, we found an Israeli embassies and the mutual interests between the Muslims and the Zionist enemy. It became clear to us that the enemy (Israel) is the enemy of the Arab nation only .. And that America is allied with Muslim countries for the benefit of (the Israelis) and we are very deluded .. Islam is not a political unit .. The economic .. The military ..


We found Turkey Muslim nation .. That ruled the Muslim world six hundred years in the name of religion a member of the NATO-led America. And its relationship with the “Israelis” very good African and Islamic countries use the Christians against us .. And lie down on Islamic territory rules of Christian countries. And they are satisfied .. Enough evidence so that the Muslim Comoros waived one of the islands beautiful France in response to France, which attributed the Haj Ahmed Abdallah to power .. And the voice of inhabitants of the island (Mayotte) Muslims to join France Christianity. But all these painful results confirmed that the Muslims in the East and the West can not strive with us against a common enemy, because the enemy is a friend of Muslims from Arab and non-Arab vice versa .. And therefore there is no hope in the political or military unit until the Day of Resurrection ..

And that the economic benefits and unity between us at all, Turkey is connected with the Israelis in tourism and trade with West Germany in the labor .. And linked with Western Europe for being a member of the European Common Market, despite Islam’s nose peace be upon him and the Muslims of Liberia, Malawi, followed by the United States. Did not respond to us, but revolutionaries from all over the world, but they are not Muslims .. They said: seeing that the Arabs oppressed .. And they مهانون of Zionism and imperialism party, and Alloa: seeing that Palestine is Arab and they occupied in 1948. For our part, but we refused their participation because they are not Muslims .. And the same time, we made sure that Muslims are not Arabs .. And that the Arabs are Muslims., And so missed Friday afterlife without prayer because we found all our nation .. And every nation a prophet .. And every nation in the future and destiny ..

And her enemy and their own interests. Otherwise quackery and absurdity and laughter on the chins, and on the Arab nation to taste the bitterness of humiliation and insulting, and facing extermination of the enemy alone only, which is at the same time ally and friend of the United non-Arab Muslim, and an attempt to reconcile the contradictions hit stores .. But followers and lackeys of the Islamic Liberation Party and the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood party .. And atonement, displacement and call for Jihad against unsuspecting subjects faithful left them digging like a chicken in the books of Ibn Taymiyyah .. And advisory opinion Sindsah the according to the latest edition of American intelligence.

They said: We will participate in the jihad against the enemy Once that Nfrg of the Imam Ghazali reading to know whether a bird or an animal death!!? .. And if the animal as Imam al-Ghazali is the largest of the colt, and smaller than a horse!!? Does grape that was falling on (Khubayb bin Adi), a prisoner when the polytheists in Mecca was from Venus or Mercury? Because Mecca is not the grapes, but Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah old confirms that the grape was flaking daily on Khubayb .. And (Umm Ayman) almost died of thirst between Mecca and Medina when she was fasting descended upon soup of drinking Palmadnos .. And a bucket Evian mineral water brand .. No thirst for life after that drank from the water Evian ..

And Khalid bin Walid surrounded the bulwark of the Roman and asked them to delivery .. They said to him: do not even recognize you drink poison. Drank two cups of poison (Alsagotry) the killer .. No يوجعه even insisting one of Massarene. Wrote the Shaykh al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyyah) in his famous which is the Constitution of the movement Takfir wal Hijra, advocacy and Jihad and the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood and editing. We wait when making sure the owners of these Islamic parties from the reality of death, is it a plane or a beast? How hostel grapes prisoner in Mecca .. Mecca is not the grape .. And how I got الشربة and Evian water to Umm Ayman? ..

Because this research will lead to changing the world, culture and Bdiyate of and مسلماته scientific empty based on the laws of gravity and buoyancy .. And trigonometry .. The geometry .. And centrifugal theory .. And logarithms .. we are waiting for the results of scientific research of the Islamist parties imported from Parsee and esoteric ..

We have to help them re-printing books Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Kathir and Mawdudi with titles impressive (such as saw religion in the encounter between the couple .. After his opinion on the beard and smoking, and (more than a say in the multiplicity of wives of the Prophet) (and Aghannh to marry people of Paradise) and (eat القديد By the way Khaled Ibn Al Waleed) because the important thing is to know how it was Khaled Ibn Al Waleed eat القديد .. It is not important how triumphed over rum and tactics in the war .. but useful is his to eat القديد .. and the book “sources in the wisdom of eating three fingers” to the son Taymiyyah., O believers, do not Tthsroa On the last Friday of Ramadan, which after next .. or after which after which you may get to know an amazing scientific facts relating to these issues.”

(By Muammar al-Qathafi)



Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Department media company General Electric

Urgent ….
General Electric Company stating the occurrence extinguish the entire region of Central and exit of all generating units (five – Misrata – iron) as well as the rental units in the central region (the five – well Usta Milad campus) and Gary.

Find find out the reasons.



Agency Seven drums News

# Amilit_aljeic_aloutna

Summary axes to combat this today

Friday, 08/22/2014

# Mkhabrh_aajlh!

To clarify the winning headlines of the day came from last night.


Excellent situation and things are all good, thank God, and what is new is the imposition of an external line of defense on the road to the palace.

Mahoralahia wild:

Region on the right things ten ten do not need to talk about.

Equestrian axis:

Down Equestrian Activity Alexaor still in its bottom line and the occurrence of heavy skirmishes just do not provide us or them and prepare them in a few and in the diaspora. After an attempt to support the axis of the neighborhood cottages.

Axis tanks:

Groups Alexaor managed to cut the road and sneak after Friday Street Crown for the third time this month and forces supporting the Army of Zintan Alrajaban and repulsed the attack and regained that point this evening.

Axis neighborhood cottages:

It is hotter on Friday pitched battles inside got interrupted operations progress and retreat at 4 pm with the forces were able illegal and consisting of several areas of difference and regroup in Abu Salim and attack with all their forces at once, until they came to the Interior Ministry.

The arrival of the support and backing of the forces stationed in the neighborhood of cottages and security forces to support the district based on the forces of the military council of Zintan and tribal forces clash noble Event strong Until Morocco were able to recover the internal and neighborhood teams cottages and defeat hostile to the project plateau.

West axis of the 27:

Enables armor forces from reaching the area and Alhachan camp after a severe collision between a brigade and Rishvana and animation and other teams from the room.

Arrived in support of the brigade and Rishvana and Lightning victory army and tribes so that they were able to recover from the impact of inflicting heavy losses in the ranks of Alexaor there. All places have been strengthened and the camp of the 27 have not yet built the room so you can control and tails of it originally.


(All of this information from one of the “fighters of the National Army”.)


After the resignation of three members over the past week, two new members of the municipal council Tajoura addition to the Chairman of the Council offer their resignations tonight in protest against the invasion of Tripoli and post some armed elements of Tajoura where and exposure “Council” under pressure to declare ‘support for this process’, and nothing was left of the “Council”

but two members belong to # Jamaah-al-Ajuan-al-Arhabiyh and support this dirty war on Tripoli and its people.

What of Libby free him on his altruistic pleases Elly sitting Aaasir !!!!

(# Anvlat_omna)

Heavy fighting in front of Pepsi factory in Tripoli after the arrival of supplies from the tribal forces and retreat to Melcaat

called Akkla Giani Gneoh (terrorist al-Mahdi Abdul al-Haratne).

Grad rocket fired by forces loyal to Libya dawn falls near the headquarters of the club Al-Ahli Tripoli

“is based foreign staff”

and another missile drops near the Union Club.


Two shells in the fall of Tripoli District Victory

# Anvlat_omna

A shell landed in a factory farm district Victory

# Anvlat_omna

One rocket landed on the streets of the area Goblet

# Anvlat_omna


Video of the mirror to see the Libyan alerted to Karth .. O Lord Struck

# Anvlat_omna

Libyan army forces demanding WAHABI forces leave Tripoli

# Anvlat_omna


Injury to a phone company for the area of ​​Abu Salim, Libya shell resulting

in the burning of the store and its equipment, including a fully.

Now you hear the explosions in the direction of the project and the plateau region of Abu Salim.

mortars fall on the area of ​​Abu Salim in Tripoli since few

# Anvlat_omna


Libya pledges to secure the resumption of flights to airports with Egypt and Tunisia.

Closure of air navigation between Misrata airport Mitiga airport and with the countries of the world and the decision of the Libyan Ministry of Transportation.

Libyan interim government

A statement on the decision of the interim government authorities in Tunisia and Egypt, the two sisters not to receive flights from any of the Libyan airports, including MITIGUA and Misrata.

(# Anvlat_omna)

(# Anvlat_omna)


Bangkok, Thailand

Hundreds of Libyans detained at the airport in Thailand Cano is scheduled to be their journey yesterday to Egypt, but authorities prevented them from boarding the plane, and the reason that the Egyptian authorities invincibility entry of any Libyan citizen to the territory by air was changed bookings by Tunisair was suspended trip also for the same reason that the Tunisian authorities prevented the entry of any Libyan air coming from any country without any exception case Sbah very particular Vallippin gathered at the airport since Aumien, including families and children

Tunisia announced that prevent them from receiving aircraft Mitiga airport and Misrata and Sirte, Libya after the announcement of the Ministry of Transportation shut down Libyan airspace to these airports

Inspection Libyan families arriving at the airport in Cairo, Egypt.

(# Anvlat_omna)


Rocket hit an apartment Bamarat Got al-Shall beside Omar Mukhtar does not exist for the victims,

because the house is empty.

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