
Banner of the new Libyan Arab Jamahiriya:

“Children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmar”
Conference tribes and Libyan cities

Dear brothers in the military command of the tribal council and the Libyan cities prepared statement and has been in and will be broadcast soon, but I was waiting in the political issues of Arab, African and international.


Council statement tribes and Libyan cities


In the name of God the Merciful

He says, “Repel is the best If that enmity between you and him if an intimate gone”

Almighty God

After the silence became attached to the historical shame everyone, and after that dominated the spirit of hatred and hatred, and ignorance, and cited a home away so that the conflict is no longer on the authority of the fleeting but a homeland for the demise of the gallery.

After a thorough study of the reality of the miserable that we got him, and through our knowledge of the full plot on the capabilities of our people and put in good order to the requirements of the battle due, which is to save the nation and its unity land and people and other deferred a battle of the struggle for power, all these reasons Tnadt tribes and the Libyan cities of all regions and cities to withstand religious and national responsibilities and declare it as a call for a new movement beyond the past and overthrow the present miserable in the hope of a prosperous future for all Libyans, without exclusion or marginalization or bidding down to the homeland that it flapping banners of pride, dignity and glory.

This can be achieved, but the unity of all our people under this slogan, this sense we draw the call for the return of all displaced persons, and the immediate release of all detainees, because after this destruction, crime and looting that led to the mixing of things. And consequently we do not know of will be tried from under this mess and this nation RIGHTS VIOLATIONS the Ripper, and declare as when the state tried all of Ojerm at home right from all sides before the law and the courts fair and enable the country to provide security and stability, then it is required to invite all members of the armed forces to receive arms in the possession of the Phalange militia and shields outlaw and the return of the police and judiciary to carry out their responsibilities and to return to work.

Accordingly, in the case of the response to this appeal, we have all become partners in one battle to build a home and we gave our people put forward a new beyond this reality miserable and humiliating to the new reality gives reason for hope in the souls and guarantees freedom within the framework of stability, security for all.

It also emphasizes the tribal areas and the Libyan cities that Libya Per Libyans not adopted, but all efforts to ensure that their children Mahavdh on the social fabric and national cohesion and the elimination of one of exclusion, marginalization and the spirit of hatred and malice.

We also stress to make every effort for the security of neighboring countries and create a political and economic partnership beneficial to all parties, and in return hopes tribes and Libyan cities of regional and international institutions need to bear its responsibilities towards the deteriorating situation in Libya, and we stress to these agencies and to all nations that their interests reserved and will not be exposed for illegal actions.

At the time that we reject when all foreign interference in the affairs of Libya from all states and parties, because in Libya the men able to bow in front of the nation to lift it from under the rubble, and we have the firm determination and self-confidence is what makes us able to bear its responsibilities by all means, if necessary, at the same time call on the international community to sponsor a dialogue on the spot featuring all the Libyan tribes and figures and put the result in this dialogue into immediate effect and in the case of check all of the above, we have contributed in building a new Libya.

God bless

Chairman of the Libyan tribes and cities

Ojaili Abdulsalam Albrenne.

Release in the history of 07.31.2014

Word tribes and Libyan cities

بيان مجلس القبائل والمدن الليبية

رقم (1)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

قال تعالى” ادفع بالتي هي احسن فاذا الذي بينك وبينه عداوة كانه ولى حميم”

صدق الله العظيم

بعد ان أصبح الصمت يلحق العار التاريخي بالجميع, وبعد أن سيطرت روح الكراهية والحقد, والجاهلية, وساقت الوطن بعيدا بحيث لم يعد الصراع على سلطة زائلة وإنما على وطن معرض للزوال.

وبعد دراسه مستفيضه للواقع البائس الذي وصلنا اليه, ومن خلال معرفتنا التامة للمؤامرة على مقدرات شعبنا واستدراكا لمتطلبات معركة واجبة, وهي انقاذ الوطن و وحدته ارضا وشعبا و أخرى مؤجلة وهى معركة الصراع على السلطة, لكل هذه الاسباب تنادت القبائل والمدن الليبية من جميع المناطق والمدن لتتحمل مسؤولياتها الدينية و الوطنية وتعلن بأنها تدعو لحراك جديد يتجاوز الماضى وتطيح بالحاضر البائس أملا فى مستقبل مزدهر لكل الليبيين دون إقصاء أو تهميش أو مزايدة وصولا الى الوطن الذي ترفرف عليه رايات العزة والكرامة والمجد.

ولن يتحقق ذلك الا بوحدة كل أبناء شعبنا تحت هذا الشعار, ومن هذا المنطلق نوجه الدعوة لعودة كافة المهجرين, والافراج الفورى عن كافة المعتقلين, لانه بعد هذا الدمار والجرائم والنهب الذي ادى الى اختلاط الامور. وبالتالى لا ندرى من سيحاكم من فى ظل هذه الفوضى العارمة وهذا الوطن المستباح والممزق, ونعلن بأنه عند قيام الدولة سيحاكم كل من أجرم فى حق الوطن من جميع الاطراف أمام القانون والمحاكم العادلة وتمكين البلد من توفر الامن والاستقرار فان الامر يتطلب دعوة جميع افراد القوات المسلحة باستلام السلاح الموجود بحوزة المليشيات والكتائب والدروع الخارجة عن القانون وعودة الشرطة والقضاء الى تحمل مسئولياتهم والعودة الى اعمالهم.

وعليه وفى حالة الاستجابة لهذا النداء نكون قد أصبحنا جميعا شركاء فى معركة واحدة لبناء الوطن وقدمنا لابناء شعبنا طرحا جديدا يتجاوز هذا الواقع المزرى والمهين الى واقع جديد يبعث الامل فى النفوس ويضمن الحرية فى إطار الاستقرار الامنى للجميع.

كما تؤكد القبائل والمناطق والمدن الليبية أن ليبيا لكل الليبيين ولا تبنى الا بكافة جهود أبنائها بما يضمن المحافضة على النسيج الاجتماعى واللحمة الوطنية الواحدة والقضاء على الاقصاء والتهميش وروح الكراهيه والحقد.

كما نؤكد على بذل كافة الجهود على أمن دول الجوار وخلق الشراكة السياسية والاقتصادية المفيدة لجميع الاطراف, وفى المقابل تأمل القبائل والمدن الليبية من المؤسسات الدولية والاقليمية الى ضرورة تحمل مسئولياتها حيال هذا الوضع المتردي فى ليبيا, ونؤكد لهذه الجهات ولجميع الدول بأن مصالحها محفوظة وسوف لن تتعرض لاجراءات غير قانونية.

وفى الوقت الذي نرفض فيه كل تدخل أجنبي فى شؤون ليبيا من كافة الدول والاطراف لان فى ليبيا رجال قادرين على ان ينحنوا أمام الوطن لينهضوا به من تحت الركام, ولدينا من العزم الأكيد والثقة بالنفس ما يجعلنا قادرين على تحمل مسئولياتها بكل الوسائل عند الضرورة, وفي نفس الوقت ندعو المجتمع الدولي أن يرعى على الفور حوارا يضم كافة القبائل والفاعليات الليبية و وضع ما ينتج عن هذا الحوار موضع التنفيذ الفوري وفى ما حالة تحقق جميع ما ذكر أعلاه نكون قد ساهمنا فى بناء ليبيا الجديدة .

والله الموفق

رئيس مجلس القبائل والمدن الليبية

العجيلى عبدالسلام البريني .

حرر فى تاريخ 2014/7/31

كلمة القبائل والمدن الليبية

“Zintan brigade QaaQa”, says

((Virtue, righteousness and piety; and do not help one another in sin and aggression)

“virtue, righteousness and piety and do not co-operate in sin and aggression.”

be your allegiance only to

Almighty God.

And do not forget to mention Allah…

لواء القعقاع الزنتان

قال تعالى

(( وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى و لا تعاونوا على ﻷثم والعدوان ))

صدق الله العظيم

….لاتنس ذكر الله

Farag BA:

في خطأ قي اﻻية الكريمة الرجاء التصليح ﻻ يجوز ترك اخطاء بأي أية. اﻻية بشكل صحيح﴿وَتَعَاوَنوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ﴾

Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi:

Of the believers are men true to their covenant God it …

من المؤمنين رجال صدقوا ما عاهدوا الله عليه …

“Zintan brigade QaaQa”, admonishes:

Do not sleep heavier than negligence,

I have not slavery of lust,

Calamity nor commute heart,

Nazir not informed of graying

- Ibn al-Allah‘s mercy

Do not forget to mention God.

لواء القعقاع الزنتان

ﻻ ﻧﻮﻡ ﺃﺛﻘﻞ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻐﻔﻠﺔ،

ﻭﻻ ﺭِﻕّ ﺃﻣﻠﻚ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺸﻬﻮﺓ،

ﻭﻻ ﻣﺼﻴﺒﺔ ﻛﻤﻮﺕ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﺐ،

ﻭﻻ ﻧﺬﻳﺮ ﺃﺑﻠﻎ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺸﻴﺐ

- ﺍﺑﻦ ﺍﻟﺠﻮﺯﻱ ﺭﺣﻤﻪ ﺍﻟﻠه

لا تنس ذكر الله

With national pride, under the Authority of the “Military Council” as prescribed by the LIBYAN TRIBES (registered 18 MAY 2014 at AZIZIA), The ZINTANI BRIGADES, the CYRENAICAN NATIONAL ARMY, and the Arab Jamahiriya Army, join together to Clean-up LIBYA:

“Zintan brigade QaaQa” writes:

We pride that our national army is fighting now the following destructive evil groups:

“All dogs Brotherhood and of their battalions” and a “brigade of Misrata Lhalboss Mahgoub”, “Hittin” and “shield the middle” and “followed Zliten”
And “five Mslath” followed “Friday Market”, “secret door sect of Tajourah” and “Nawasi” and “Mitigua base” and the “Knights janzour,” “The Shield Interface Language Libyan” and “mobile power and room Libya rebels” and “Gneoh and Tagouris”.

(Each of these are given the support of Ali ‘hardness’, Qatar, al-Aradi and alDkhaúr [spilling from Sudan], and Belhadj and Khalid Sharif. And with the blessing of the head of the snake [SADAK GHARYIANI] sincere.)

While your national army did not come to him from the bullet did not come to him any state funds from any state comes to him and did not support any of the


Ola is believed that some of you actually Emirates supports us, and God did not support us Emirates single bullet and nothing but

Because rumor Achtlqoha Qatar, want to support them also accused of Emirates

Armor and armored Athdton that it is the armored vehicles and the Libyan Ministry of Defence and the Libyan state has not bought Emirates does not give charity by other,

And armor owned until Misrata and owned cart in deterrence and “owned armor in the corner” of Western Tripoli,
and owned “ANSAR al-SHARIA” in Benghazi, sent to them by mistake Khalid Sharif.

# (Operations)


The Satanic fighting men of Haithim Tagouris of Mitigua Airbase:

The rat MB army (known as the “Government Armor “SHIELDS of LIBYA”) which did NOT join “dignity”, and who are opposed to CYRENAICA, Gen. Hftar, Thunderbolt, RISHVANA, ZINTAN and the Great Jamahiriya:

“A man of the sea”, comments on FB:

The Armies are loyal to the homelands

and “shields”: their loyalty is to the “Brotherhood” .. Tripoli Talnkm Aaobeid Erdogan..

رجل البحار

الجيوش ولائها للأوطان والدروع ولائها للأخوان..طرابلس تلعنكم ياعبيد اردوغان

We ask God’s mercy and forgiveness to the martyrs of the three Alvena Artfo to God Almighty in defense of the Word of God and the homeland from falling.

We ask God’s mercy on them and forgive them.

لواء القعقاع الزنتان

نسأل الله الرحمة ولمغفرة لشهداء الثلاثة الذينا ارتفعو الى الله سبحانه وتعالى فى دفاع على كلمة الله وعلى الوطن من السقوط

نسأل الله يرحمهم ويغفر لهم

“Zintan brigade QaaQa”

A tribute to the brave knights al-Rajaban grandsons Vkiny

Allah is the greatest.


Mmnaama Naama, writes:

“…and victory, but from God. …… verse.

thank you,

our brother Imad [Trabelsi, commander of the LIGHTNING BRIGADE of ZINTAN]

God made you an asset to the nation and the benefit of your presense.

We ask God’s mercy and forgiveness to the martyrs of the three Alvena Artfo to God Almighty in defense of the Word of God and the homeland from falling.

We ask God’s mercy on them and forgive them.

لواء القعقاع الزنتان

نسأل الله الرحمة ولمغفرة لشهداء الثلاثة الذينا ارتفعو الى الله سبحانه وتعالى فى دفاع على كلمة الله وعلى الوطن من السقوط

نسأل الله يرحمهم ويغفر لهم

will not Ntkhadl in Threrkm O free mass and the sons of the great conqueror Aahidnakm Nkhaddlkm will not invite us good luck

and victory near, God willing ..

Children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmar

We have successfully edit (6) officers of the armed people and

(9) of the People’s Guard Knights were in the home (Massoud Bozataah) Gargaresh

located in an area near a cafe or Bcisa …

أولاد الشيخ عبدالسلام الاسمر

تم بحمد الله تحرير (6 )من ضباط الشعب المسلح و( 9 ) من فارســـات الحرس الشعبي كانوا موجودين في منزل (مسعود بوزتاية) الموجود في منطقة قرقارش بالقرب من مقهى أم بسيسي… لن نتخادل في تحريركم يا أحرار الجماهيرية وأبناء الفاتح العظيم عاهدناكم ولن نخدلكم أدعوا لنا بالتوفيق والنصر القريب بأذن الله..


STATEMENT from the new Parliament of the people of LIBYA

“Zintan brigade QaaQa”:

A statement from the new Parlement in reference to current events

03 August 2014:

WE require and ask everyone to unite, in order to repel the “aggression by armed groups” emerging with a desire to wield an evil all-encompassing power and control over the lives of the Libyan peoples and their desire to create a ruling “Islamic Caliphate State”.




Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi

Nouri Bousahmein (lover craving) and who asked the Attorney General to investigate

the moral issue (!!!!), before it goes is unfortunate it wants to ignite the country’s civil war (damn it),

issued a statement supporting the process of invasion of Tripoli (al-Gsorh),,, but I have Mlahzatin ..

1 – the date of the statement on 24.7.2014, LES means more than a week, the question is why he left to launch now?!!!

After loss

2 – The government statement was clearly stated where the illegality of the process al-Gsorh from the first day of Eid ...

(# Operations)

بوسهمين ( عاشق حنين ) واللي طالبه النائب العام للتحقيق في قضية اخلاقية ، قبل ما يذهب غير مأسوف عليه يريد اشعال البلد في حرب اهلية ( لعنة الله عليه ) ، يصدر بيان يدعم فيه عملية غزو طرابلس ( الغسورة ) ,,, لكن عندي ملاحظاتين ..

1 – ان تاريخ البيان يوم 24-7-2014 ، يعني ليه اكثر من اسبوع ، السؤال شن سبب خروجه الآن ؟؟!!! بعد الخسارة

2 – بيان الحكومة كان واضح حيث صرح بعدم شرعية عملية الغسورة من اول يوم العيد …


Nouri Bousahmein of MISURATA, totally immoral

Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi:

Spokesperson process lion. Long live the State of the Philippines

# (Operations)

Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”, Écrire un commentaire:

Spokesman for the process of “lion” Mohammed Ghiryani call this Sister to apply the law ..

(# Operations)

Broadcaster Channel # # Misrata satellite channel and now formerly Mohammed _ Ghiryani

turn into a spokesperson for the  so-called “rebels blew Libya” !!

Shi hostile understand??

Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi

Bombing targeting home offender responsible for the terrorist organization Ansar al-Sharia, “Mohammed al-Zahawi” and terrorist elements in charge of protecting the Bermaah random ..

Ansar al Sharia leader Mohammed Ali al-Zahawi is sitting on the left wearing a beige hat. Sitting on the right, facing Zahawi , is his terrorist companion, HiSAM bin HUMAID .



In VICTORY, with ALLAH’s HELP, the defenders of TRIPOLI (ZINTANI & RISHVANA/AZIZIA) are TRIUMPHANT, prepared and hopeful.

Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi:

In general things under control and morale elevated and thank God and all our actions plans for a military, we set up their ambushes died of them died, and unfortunately all of them young children did not see the life thing, tricked Behm Paddy and of immensely, and so far the situation very reassuring.

Victorious with God’s help ..

Allah is the greatest.

“Zintan brigade QaaQa”, comments on this human tragedy of using Children to fight for the Brotherhood:

What is this ? What is this case ?

_ And trademark spacy faces says Achsah sea Mashy mesh problem

_ 106 passengers in a car Goo Fi City Mashiha and salvation

_ Jayben young age to die .. God Ghalib

_ 6 people, but two passengers in the gun 106 and Playstation and Mdayrn Goo Fi City

Cannon is the mechanism nor Macairo 106 bus passengers…..

(Picture, above,  of the MISRATA ‘armies’)

(yesterday) “Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”, writes to tell us of good news:

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

If Allah is not often you

Today victories in all axes and the number of dead and dozens

and dozens of cars burning booty Kterh God willing.

Victories today very, very large and thankfully

Allahu Akbar Ali both overwhelmed and grow each Melcyatem pulled out of all axes

in order to prepare their losses after the blows they received for the day

Tomorrow (now TODAY), waiting for them in the same readiness and preparedness.

The best situation is fine in all axes 10/10 and thankfully.

# (Operations)

“Zintan brigade QaaQa”, reporting:

Alahaah wild withstand

Yesterday signed the group in an ambush invasion of Tripoli could not get out of it one of Matt

and Matt was captured have been captured.

Ministry of Health: Yesterday arrived Mschgy Tripoli Medical Center,  “only” 22 dead and 74 wounded.

The people of Misrata Atsalo Besgarhm mobile locked in Tripoli.

Atsalo Bajmaah Qsworh Icololhm Qaadin your children in front of the mobile Mafish Shipping.

Does not know the people of the sons of the dead in Aidad,

used by the Brotherhood and their “Melcaat power” (in distortion of Allah)..

picture of MISURATA MB RATS invading TRIPOLI:

“A man of the sea”, comments on FB:

The Armies loyal to the homelands

and “shields” their loyalty is to the “Brotherhood” .. Tripoli Talnkm Aaobeid Erdogan..

رجل البحار

الجيوش ولائها للأوطان والدروع ولائها للأخوان..طرابلس تلعنكم ياعبيد اردوغان



Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi

The leaders of the process of renting a lion Italian company ambulance jumper with money of the Libyan people, even transporting wounded invasive aggressor Ali Tripoli

These images, especially for a Grahahm with the medical report issued by the hospital on the site this Mitigua Air Medical Company

This link their Facebook

https://www.facebook.com/AirMedicalItaly (4 photos)


“Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”, reporting the

Burning shopping mall in the airport road (forbade Mall) after being bombarded with missiles locusts

by Paddy /SALAH BADI) militias.



Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”, informs us:

RAT Battalion “Knights” janzour locust bombing and terrorizing innocent .

And measures to this particular under Atid now.

The RAT Battalion “Knights” janzour with the MISURATA KHARIJITE Mercenaries, are shelling the Tourist Village, and blaming it on the Zintani Security brigades !!!

Exit 7 missiles “grad” of the tourist village of janzour and falling in the area shortly before al-Drebe.

(# Operations)
Janzour tourist village


www.Janzour.com / Janzour Tourist Village


Janzour tourist village sits on 20 acres of land and located on the Mediterranean coast on the north eastern sector of Janzour city, a very remote location with Tripoli the capital & the ruin city of Leptis Magna (Lebda) on the east, and in the west the famous ruin city Sabratha.

The beautifully and uniquely designed village consists of a lovely beach hotel with conferences/meetings rooms, and very relaxing spacious apartments with an indoor and outdoor swimming pools, restaurants and cafes, Bowling alley, tennis. Diving center, also there are markets and gift shops to provide the visitors with their need of merchandise and gifts.

If you feel like spending a very relaxing, peaceful time while enjoying the beautiful sunny, and clean sandy beaches of Janzour, visit Janzour tourist village, and see for yourself.-

City: Janzour Address:-

Janzour Tareeq Alsahele Street

P.O.Box: 76791

Tripoli, Libya

Telephone: (+ 21821)4890421-23

(+ 21821)4890430-35

(+ 21821)4894212-16

Fax: (+ 21821) 4890521

Contact: Janzour Tourist Village

E-mail: Send a message

Web: Janzour Tourist Village

(Bombing because the weapons Altqilh area OS by “MB MILITIA Janzour Knights”)

The displaced Tawergha Camp in Janzour:

“Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”, informs us that

Today enter the armed group belonging to the forces of invasion of Tripoli to camp Tawergha area farmer,

where they arrested a group of elderly, intimidating for children, and their expulsion from the camp at gunpoint.


“Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”

Salah called precordial clerics used to increase brainwash young seducer in their war to destroy Tripoli.

Unfortunately, the image of Sheikh Mahmoud Salah precordial combined with the youth at the center of their seducer district cottages.

“Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”, on FB informs us of:

# Militias called _ Gneoh backed armor Misrata Chen is now an attack on the neighborhood of cottages and the army and the people stand up.

Failed attempts to battalion Lhalboss followers and militias Gneoh and precordial Haitham Tagouris to enter the area.

Confronted the region’s youth by all means available and Astbsilwa to fight the oppressive class and could not enter the neighborhood.

Introduced “HUTS” neighborhood of martyrs; and wounded an intense bombardment and far missiles locusts demolishing buildings,

and killing innocent people;

and are still holding strong and one at the hands of their children

Fethiye for the youth of the “neighborhood huts” and steadfast…

homage to the martyrs ..

Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi:

Cover Libyana orbit and available to all areas including Tripoli airport and the road to the airport,

Salah-ud-din and Hamza Camp

And you can check by calling the residents of Tripoli.

# (Operations)


Local Council Tajourah exposed shortly before the attack from some members of the Chamber of Libya rebels to force them to sign a statement of the Municipal Council of Tripoli, which refers to the need to decode  (destroy) all of QaaQa, lightning, Civil and leave TRIPOLI for the MB militia shields and their followers hanging ….

Science REFUSAL of the “Municipal Council Tajourah” to give their signature ..

people Jardan Tajourah condemn bombing the airport and areas of TRIPOLI  by militias Salah Badi cutthroat Gharghour:



تاجوراء الكرامة

ليبيا وحدة جيش وشرطة فقط

Organisation politique : 3 584 personnes aiment


Lhalboss in the way of how the day became al-Rabash mesh Qalto

Dhrnhm to Spring Valley:


“Children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmar”:

MB RAT Abu Obaida threatens to blow up a refinery corner within ten days…

Tripoli shortly before … RBI released Ola Helena

Statement of the National Oil Corporation depot on the current situation through the airport as a result of clashes that occurred yesterday warehouse area of ​​the airport road,

which spread to inside the warehouse and due to the evacuation of all firefighters and employees of Brega from the warehouse, the current situation is as follows:

• The number of fire ignition 8 reservoirs, including reservoirs to have been amortized during the past few days Balhoudertin first and second injuries as a result of wounds directly, as well as a fire network supplying arms packing of the fuel.

• These reservoirs including 7 tanks for the storage of benzene and one tank for the storage of material kerosene homes.

Consequently, all the petrol tank ignited now, and since this morning trying to firefighters from Brega access to the warehouse in order to work on the fire resistance and the reduction of moving to the rest of the tanks and into other tanks of cooking gas. Even so, the processes of random shooting and unfortunately still going on and the area of ​​the warehouse fire trucks exposed to great danger by this shooting can not with firefighters from approaching the rest of the tanks continued to be cooled in the hope of stopping the transmission of fire.

Emphasizing the Ministry of Oil and Gas National Oil Corporation on the seriousness of the fire and causing a environmental disaster and humanitarian and the possibility of the explosion of gas tanks, which may occur damage to mankind, God forbid, as a result of the continuation of the clashes, the Ministry of Oil and Gas and the National Oil Corporation and Brega emphasize the lack of responsibility for what happens the depot and its surroundings.

It calls on the Environment Public Authority, and the National Commission for safety, and the Ministry of Health to take the necessary requirements in the event of a disaster, God forbid, and to educate the citizens of the steps to be followed in such circumstances.

God save Libya
(National Oil Corporation)




“Zintan brigade QaaQa”, tells us:

God is great all year.

follow Zintan understanding of the nation’s predecessor,

and that their statement is clear and is

Known them for a long time


Yosef Yosef,
(RAT speaking against ZINTAN), on
Channel DC /
Spokesman ‘Municipal Council Zintan’
* :: Says yes ‘Kteite QaaQa and lightning’, do contain members from the
Brigades of the al-Qathafi battalions Emhemed Maqrif and 32 booster
And Commandos
* He also said: Barrani forms and Mustafa Abdul Jalil, those who have
Dmanm request to Ktebi (destroy) QaaQa, lightning and they did not Icomo eBay…
A criminal act ‘in the revolution’ (so-called).
A witness from her family
Bicolo close that al-Qathafi did not fight with him even once.

Questions present themselves:
1. Those who had the strongest role in the Battle of Scout?
2. Of which was dominated by aid and supplies of materials, money and weapons? 3
. From the sale of ammunition to the people of Nalut and weapons to the people of Gharyan and the angle?
4. Did Zintan in the battle to liberate the truth and Shakshuk Palace Haj and Nalut area north?
5. Did contributed Zintan in real battle against the forces of Muawiya Alsoiei Btga and Badr or are they headed south to the town and yesterday after the decline of the field commander F sensuous when he left the people of the mountain and decided to kidnap Nasr media fast combed sister and Mizdah known as the battle of the five axes?
6. Did the Zintan rebels in the battle to liberate the corner?
7. Did the Zintan rebels in the battle to liberate Tripoli major?
8. Did the Zintan rebels in the battle of Bab al-Aziziya and the liberalization of Abu Salim?
9. Was Zintan revolutionaries of any contribution in the liberation of the whole of the south Qurayyat to languages and Tbrki?
10. Did any of the Zintan rebels and the presence in the battle to “liberate” Bani Walid first?
11. Did you turn Zintan rebels to “free” Sirte, the last bastion of al-Qathafi?

(RAT, ANSWER to all of these NASTY questions, is NO!)

Yosef Yosef
على قناة العاصمة /
المتحدث الرسمي بمجلس البلدي الزنتان
* يقول:: نعم كتييتي القعقاع والصواعق تحتوي على افراد
من كتائب الطاغية من كتائب امحمد المقريف و 32 معزز
و المغاوير
** وقال ايضاً: البراني اشكال ومصطفى عبد الجليل من قاموا
بطلب بضمهم الى كتيبيت القعقاع والصواعق بانهم لم يقومو باي
عمل اجرامي في الثورة
وشهد شاهد من اهلها
قريب بيقولو ان القذافي لم يقاتل معه احد

أسئلة تطرح نفسها:
1. لمن كان الدور الأقوى في معركة الكشاف؟
2. من الذي كان يسيطر على المساعدات والإمدادات بالمواد والمال والسلاح؟ 3
. من قام ببيع الذخائر لأهل نالوت والأسلحة لأهل غريان والزاوية؟
4. هل شارك الزنتان في المعركة الحقيقة لتحرير قصر الحاج وشكشوك ومنطقة شمال نالوت؟
5. هل ساهم الزنتان في المعركة الحقيقية ضد قوات معاوية الصويعي بتجي وبدر أم أنهم اتجهوا جنوبا إلى بلدة وامس بعد تراجع القائد الميداني جمعة الحسي عندما ترك أهل الجبل وقرر أن يخطف نصر إعلامي سريع بتمشيط الشقيقة ومزدة فيما يعرف بمعركة المحاور الخمسة؟
6. هل ساهم ثوار الزنتان في معركة تحرير الزاوية؟
7. هل ساهم ثوار الزنتان في معركة تحرير طرابلس الكبرى؟
8. هل ساهم ثوار الزنتان في معركة باب العزيزية وتحرير أبي سليم؟
9. هل كانت لثوار الزنتان أية مساهمة في تحرير كامل الجنوب من القريات إلى غات وتبركت؟
10. هل كان لأي من ثوار الزنتان وجود في معركة تحرير بني وليد الأولى؟
11.هل اتجه ثوار الزنتان إلى تحرير سرت المعقل الأخير للقذافي؟

Sky Alsoiei:
Your intention Talaato Zintan algae Zintan did not enter the Badr and Tighe and Ben Walid and Sirte, because there is an agreement for a long time means Khot seriously mesh Haifamha only folks Bedouins and their history testifies deformities and physical faults palace and Magtaiwh in people and the treatment of prisoners, they are treated humanely and Aasrna sedition; and I am God Mandate relationship Bsenthan, but the right word. RBI saves Libya.

al-Briki al-Brik:
Zintan biggest allies lost her children BRIC Briki tribe and Bani Walid tribe and Rafla boys were Khot grade Break them and Bani Walid were Khot them seriously and defect Zintan blessed, against the evil of Resolution No. 7, whose campaign is of good, over the despicable “Massacre of Bani Walid” .

:سماء الصويعي
قصدكم طلعتو الزنتان طحالب الزنتان لم تدخل بدر وتيجي وبن وليد وسرت لان هناك أتفاقية من زمان يعني خوت الجد ومش حايفهمها الا اهل البدو وتاريخهم يشهد دخلو القصر وماغلطوش في الناس ومعاملة السجناء عندهم معاملة أنسانية وياسرنا فتنة وأنا والله ماعندي علاقة بزنتان بس كلمة حق.ربي يحفظ ليبيا

:al-Briki al Brik
الزنتان خسرت أكبر حليفين لها أولاد بريك قبيلة البريكي وبني وليد قبيلة ورفلة أولاد بريك كانوا خوت الصف لهم وبني وليد كانوا خوت الجد لهم وعيب الزنتان باركة قرار رقم 7 حملة الخير على بني وليد المجزرة



In Tribute to RISHVANA:

“Official Page – Major Imed Trabelsi”, says:

“Rishvana and always on time

Allahu Akbar Ali and Rishvana

Tris scarecrow Matuchr.”

(# Operations)

Juliana bin Rashid, on FB, writes:

“Rishvana tresses and longevity Land Frasin !”



la photo de ‎الصفحه الرسمية – الرائد عماد الطرابلسي‎.

Picture of a “Misrata Brigades of what they call # _ armed forces _ Libyan” involved

in the process of their invasion of Tripoli !!

and the “supreme leader” (former “Mr. President of the General National Congress” defunct Nuri Abusshmin)

ordered Almotmrh required to justice on charges of breach of literature.

Evil envite those of a Young age to Dgo for them, with money and phantom promises.

صورة لإحدي كتائب مصراتة التابعة لما يسمونه بـ #القوات_المسلحــٓة_الليبية التي تشارك في #عملية_غزو_طرابلس و المأتمرة بأمر قائدهم الاعلي المطلوب للعدالة بتهم مخلة بالادب السيد رئيس المؤتمر الوطني العام البائد نوري ابوسهمين .

صغار في السن ضحكو عليهم بالفلوس والوعود الوهمية

Zintan brigade QaaQa:

Young people from Misrata wounded in their hospital crying! …

Why if Yum donates them to blood, by the young of the city of Zintan.

Allah is the greatest of these ethics, which enacted the Apostle peace be upon him.


Misrata Qaluw Ben-Idir policy of scorched land on the basis of the land before the policy Taiah.

مصراتة قالوو بندير سياسة ﻷرض المحروقة على ﻷساس قبل سياسة ﻷرض الطيية .



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