
Mu’ammar al-Qathafi sends

his Juma Blessings of Allah for us:

A prayer for the night of the “fifteenth of Shaaban” ❥ ❥ ❥

“Oh God, not my enemies gloat primitive, and the Holy Quran

make great medicinal and healing, you are my hope and my confidence, and I think I make good your healing, God proved the mental and religious

And you proved to me, O Lord, I am convinced, and blessed with a baby Orozkni solver enough for me

Me and far worse than hurt me, and not for a doctor Thuginy Idawyne, God Osturna on the face of the earth, God be merciful

In the belly of the earth, God forgive me … you day supply,

In the name of God, my way and my companion Rahman and Rahim Ihrsena

Everything touches me, God forbid you from the evil of malignant witchcraft and from the evil green-eyed envy if, God, I am your servant

I’m your servant, son of your nation Nasita with your hand in the past in taking the judgment was amended, cords with each name is called you by yourself or downloaded in your book, or taught him one of the creatures

Or accounted for by the prescience you have to make the Quran the spring of my heart, and the light of my chest, and the evacuation of sorrow and go … placebo, O, O strong purgative and laxative, my iron, and finished intimidating O, and O is every day in the New Order , Get Me Out of shaved narrow to a wider road, you can not stand what I pay

And not around and no power except by God Almighty …,

O wires to your ability that preserved by Younis in the belly of the whale, and mercy which healed by Ayoub after trials that

Do not stay and I are not in grief and not narrow and not a disease,

but Faragth

And I became melancholy b P Omsina b joy and that grown on a tight woke me up in the Faraj, and that you do not need to Tklna to except you and that thou wouldest keep me and loves me for me reservation lovers, except you do not carry a breath overloaded not hold me from distress Life is not beyond my capability and distanced myself

And between the ills of the world and the volatility of the accidents also distanced between the east and Morocco, O Bashrna b goodness heralded as Jacob to Joseph and Bashrna b joy heralded as Zakaria b Yahya, O Ya Do not waste your deposit, I Secretariat have q defend me and my family and the faithful at this hour of the Blessed, God revealed to the graves of our dead photophobia

And the light and the space and pleasure, O Jazhm b deeds of charity, and to pardon sins and forgiveness in order to be assured in the stomachs of atheism, O Lord, our hearts were forced to break their passing, and do not make their last our time in this world

And build houses for them and for us in heaven, and make Mmeltqana there …,

Amen Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarb worlds

And prayed to God, and Mohammed Al Mohammed

Each year, you Boukearerr

أولاد الشيخ عبدالسلام الاسمر

دعـــاء لـيـلــة الـنـصـــف مــن شـعــبــــان ❥❥❥

” اللـهـــم لـا تـشـمـت اعــدائــي بــدائــي ، و أجــعـل الـقــرآن الـعـظـيـم دوائــي و شـفــائــي ، أنــت ثـقـتــي و رجــائــي ، و أجـعــل حــســـــــن ظـنــي بـــك شـفـــائــي ، اللـهــم ثــبـــــــت عـلـي عـقـلــي و ديـــنـــي

و بــك يـــا رب ثـبــت لــي يـقـيـنــي ، و أرزقـنــي رزقـــاً حـلـالـاً يـكفـيـنــي

و أبـعــد عـنــي شــر مــن يـــؤذيـنـــي ، و لـا تـحــوجـنــي لـــ طـبـيــــــب يــداويـنـــي ، اللـهــم أسـتــرنـي عـلـى وجــه الـارض ، اللـهــم أرحـمـنـي

فــي بـطــن الـارض ، اللـهــم أغـفـــر لـي يــوم الـعــرض عـلـيــــك …،

بـســم الله طــريـقــي و الــرحـمــن رفـيـقــي و الــرحـيــم يـحـرسـنــــــي

مــن كــل شــيء يـلـمـسـنــي ، اللـهــم أعـــوذ بــك مــن شـر الـنفـاثـات فــي الـعـقــد و مــن شــر حــاســد اذا حــســـد ، اللـهــم أنــي عـبـــدك

ابـــن عـبــدك ابــن أمـتـــك نــاصـيـتــي بـــ يــدك مـاض فــي حــكـمـــــك عــدل فــي قـضـــاؤك ، أسـالـك بـــ كــل أســم هــو لـك سـمـيــت بـــــه نـفـســك أو أنــزلـتــه فــي كـتـــابــك ، أو عـلـمـتـــه أحــداً مــن خـلـقـــك

او أسـتـــاثــرت بــه فــي عـلــم الـغـيــب عـنــدك أن تـجـعــل الـقــــــــرآن ربـيــع قـلـبــي ، و نــور صــدري و جـــلـاء حــزنــي و ذهــاب هـمـــــي …، اللـهـــم يــا مـسـهــل الـشــديــد ، و يـــا مـلـيــن الـحــديــد ، و يــا مـنـجـز الـــوعـيـــد ، و يـــا مــن هــو كــل يــوم فــي أمــر جـديـــد ، أخــرجـنـــــي مــن حـلــق الـضـيـــق الــى أوســع الـطـــريــق ، بــك أدفــع مــا لـا اطـيق

و لـا حـــول و لـا قـــوة الـا بـــ الله الـعــلــي الـعـظـيـــم …،

أسـالـك اللـهـــم بـــ قــدرتــك الـتــي حـفـظــت بـهــا يــونــس فـي بـطــن الـحـــوت ، و رحـمـتــك الـتــي شـفـيــت بـهــا أيــوب بـعــد الـابـتــــــلاء ان

لـا تـبـــق لــي هـمــا و لـا حـــزنــا و لـا ضـيـقـــا و لـا سـقـمــا الـا فـرجـتــه

و أن أصـبـحــت بـــ حـــزن فـــ أمـسـيـنــي بـــ فـــرح و أن نـمــت عـلـــــى ضـيـــق فـــ أيـقـظـنــي عـلــى فــرج ، و أن كـنــت بـــ حــاجــه فـــــــلـــــا تـكـلـنــي إلــى سـواك و أن تـحـفـظـنــي لـــ مــن يـحـبـنــي و تـحـفــــــظ لـــي أحـبـتـــي ، اللـهـــم أنــك لـا تـحـمــل نـفـســـاً فــوق طـاقـتـهــا فــلـا تـحـملـنــي مــن كــرب الـحـيـــاة مـــا لـا طــاقـــة لــي بــه و بــاعــد بيـنـي

و بـيــن مـصـــائــب الــدنـيـــا و تـقـلــب حـــوادثـهـــا كـمــا بـــاعـــدت بـيــن المـشـــرق و الـمـغـــرب ، اللــهـــم بـشــرنـــي بـــ الـخـيــر كـمــا بــشــرت يـعـقــوب بـــ يــوســف و بـشــرنــي بـــ الـفــرح كـمــا بـشــرت زكــريـــــــــا بــــ يـحــيـــى ، اللـهـــم يـــا مــن لـا تـضـيـــع لـــديـــك الــودائـــع ، أنـــــي أمـــانـــة لــديــك فـــ أحـفـظـنــي و أهــلــي و الـمــؤمـنـيــن فـــي هـــــذه الـســاعـــه المـبــــاركــه ، اللـهـــم أنـــزل عـلــى قـبــور مــوتــانــا الـضـيــاء

و الـنـــور و الفـسـحـــة و الـســـرور ، اللـهــم جـــازهــم بـــ الـحـســـنـــــات أحـســــانـــا ، و بـــ الـسـيـئــــات عـفـــوا و غــفـــرانـــا حـتــى يـكـــونـــــوا فــي بـطـــون الـالـحـــاد مطـمـئـنيـــن ، يـــا رب أجــبـــر كـســـر قـلـوبــنــــا عـلـــى فـــراقـهـــم ، و لـا تـجـعـــل آخـــر عـهـــدنـــا بـهــم فــي الــدنـيــــا

و أبـنــي لـنـــا و لـهـــم بـيــــوتـــا فــي الـجــنــــة ، و أجـعـــل مـلـتــقـــانــا هـنـــاك …،

آللـهّــــمً آمٌـيّـــــنً يَـــــآااااااااااااارْبً آلـعّــــالـمٌـيْـــــنً

و صـلـى اللـهـــم عـلــى مـحـمــــد و الــــ مـحـمــــد

كل عام وانتم بخيررر

QaaQa Zintan Brigade, on FB:

“Zintan brigade QaaQa”, on FB, asks:


Searching for a private TRUCK company of Sanitation ias one of the cars used in the suction wells black (Sewage) attack.

God sakes .. this Sanitation-TRUCK, by our communications, we know that it carries a large amount of explosives; and, its intentions (process

Asthamaria) are aimed at a military camp or Thunderbolt ..

Please intensify security guards and make a large buffer zone around these camps, including making any bombing Asthmari

(The effect is, if a lot of these evil goals)



END OF BELHADJ’s PUBLICITY STUNT in fooling the world through the Mass Media.

(FAKE BELHADJ IMAGE was a necessary creation of the West, to convince the world of NATO & USA’s “good-intentions”)

Abu Muhammad, writes on FB:

Trying the country for intelligence in duration, is to soon close,as to promoting an entity invented in RAT-Libya, that there is a neutral position in the creation of a Central State of institutions for a Libyan-civil society.

In the past and presently, was chosen for this task, Abdelhakim Belhadj, for media organizations to see a “new Libya” as “free”, through his Public Relations (image) role, which has the ability to shuffle and purify even poisoned milk.

Belhadj will come out, in the coming period, as a Central and privileged person, biased against the true Libyan people.

The current Armed conflict is strengthening this claim.

Libya is for all free people. In the days to come, we will see.

ابو محمد

تحاول المخابرات القطرية منذ مدة ليست بالقريبة أن تروج لكيان اختلقته في ليبيا على أنه وسطي ومحايد ويسعة لإقامة دولة مؤسسات مجتمع مدني .. وقد اختارت لهذه المهمة عبد الحكيم بلحاج على أن تقوم مؤسسات إعلامية مثل ليبيا لكل الأحرار بدور العلاقات العامة له لها القدرة على المراوغة ودس السم في اللبن.. وسوف يخرج علينا بلحاج في الفترة القادمة بأنه وسطي وينحاز للشعب



ا عن التيارات

المتصارعة المسلحة

وتعزز من هذا الإدعاء

ليبيا لكل الأحرار.. الأيام قادمة وسوف نرى.


Fake created Western Image for BELHADJ

(HAH !) False image of BELHADJ as the ‘reformed’ smiling scholar:

10 September 2011, MEMO, “Middle East Monitor”:

Under the recognition of Libya’s new emerging government, Belhadj has received “billions of dollars from the United States including the most modern weapons, diplomatic support, recognition, media suppor

t, moral support, Special Forces support, and so on.”

NATO has been using al-Qaeda rebels during ground operations.

The “War on Terrorism” Supports “The War on Terrorism”

They say that they are “fighting terrorism,” when in fact they covertly supporting and financing terrorism. They also supporting Al Qaeda affiliated Salafi forces within the Libyan “opposition.”

They are fighting with, rather than against, the terrorists.

US foreign policy upholds a pre-emptive religious-like crusade FAçADE against evil, which serves to obscure the real objectives of military action.

In the inner consciousness of Americans, the attacks of 11 September 2001 justify acts of war and conquest against evil-doers. The Global War on Terrorism is presented as a “clash of civilizations”, a war between competing values and religions, when in reality it is an outright war of conquest, guided by strategic and economic objectives. The lies behind 9/11 are known and documented. The American people’s acceptance of this crusade against evil is not based on any rational understanding or analysis of the facts.

“The American inquisition” purports to extend Washington’s sphere of influence. Military intervention is justified as part of an international campaign against “Islamic terrorists”. Its ultimate intention, which is never mentioned in press reports, is territorial conquest and control over strategic resources. Ironically, under the Global War on Terrorism, these plans of conquest are instrumented by covertly supporting Islamic paramilitary armies, which are then used to destabilize non-compliant governments and impose Western standards of “governance” and “democracy”.

Text by Steven Jambot

Last Modified: 01/09/2011

The Battle of Tripoli revealed the presence of Salafist groups in the anti-’Great Jamahiriya’ fighters. Among them, Abdul Hakim Belhadj, who led an armed uprising in the Libyan capital, and now heads the Tripoli Military Council.

After leading an armed uprising in Tripoli, Abdelhakim Belhadj is Libya, his nom de guerre Abu Abdallah al-Sadek, now finds himself at the head of the Military Council of Tripoli, military body of the National Transitional Council (CNT) in the Libyan capital.

A history of a Salafist:

Belhadj, whose age is estimated at 45 years, is one of the co-founders of the Islamic Fighting Group in Libya (LIFG), created in 1995 by Salafists who took part in the first Afghan war (1979-1989 ) opposing the Soviet Afghan supporters. Return to Libya in the early 90s, the Libyan mujahideen had tried repeatedly to overthrow Muammar al-Qathafi and to establish an Wahabi state, but without success.

After the destruction of networks LIFG by al-Qathafi’s security services, Belhadj had found refuge in Afghanistan in 1999 and participated in the creation of Salafi camps in the country. After the “overthrow” of the Taliban regime by the United States in 2001, he lived in several Muslim countries before being arrested in Southeast Asia by the CIA. In 2004, Americans extradited him to Libya where he was immediately imprisoned.

In 2009, he publicly pretended to renounce violence, following lessons and discussions between the Salafi leaders imprisoned, and the Great Jamahiriya prison-reformers, as outlined in the publication of September 2009, (a 417-page document called “Corrective Studies”). The Abu Prison Salafi falsely signed a decree that the holy war against al-Qathafi is illegal, …as Muammar al-Qathafi was a true Muslim, who even preserved the Holy Quran in its originality before the Wahaabi changed verses, left out others, and misinterpreted Islam (a religion solely of peace). In fact, world-wide, Mu’ammar al-Qathafi was a Champion of Islam and the Holy Quran.

23 March 2010 Abdelhakim Belhadj is released under the amnesty for former Libyan Salafi.

Therefore Belhadj, even in a loving letter, thanks Muammar al-Qathafi and his son, Saif al-Islam. He remained publicly shows discretion; but privately began creating al-Qaeda cells. In March 2011, a month after the first Salafi openly manifestated hostility to al-Qathafi, miltant fighters from the LIFG publicly lended their support to the CIA-led insurrection.

Belhadj takes the head of the insurgents in the West who, with the support of NATO, reaching Tripoli on August 22 and participate in the decision HQ to destroy al-Qathafi and his residence within Bab al-Aziziyah .

“[Belhadj] had more political than religious considerations,” said Noman bin Othman, former commander of LIFG and now, but now an expert in the center of British think tank Quilliam, an Islamic Movement for Change in Libya, an offshoot of LIFG. “He made it clear that he would undertake and participate in any political process in post-Great Jamahiriya, “added “the expert”.

That is an An opinion not shared by Anis Rahmani, Algerian journalist and author of “Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb: Smuggling in the name of Islam.” “He spoke very little and did not declare loud and clear convictions I think it is because he does not want to be attacked;. Basically, Belhadj will always be a Salafist,” says Anis Rahmani, at France24.com

PICTURE: Belhadj and Judge Abdul Mustafa Jalil Abud:



Blackouts in Tripoli “supposedly” caused by ‘lack of fuel for power plants’

Media Libya – Tripoli: The Director in charge of the management control of the company’s electricity in the western region, Abdul Rauf al-Tlesi. The power outages were caused by a lack of fuel power plants; forcing the company to put loads manually. al-Tlesi added to the atmosphere revealed that put loads are distributed evenly and orderly area.




Set of expired food in Sirte

Director of Information Office said local council Sirte amyl Muhammad:

The elements of a municipal guard the city has seized during the past two days, “large quantities of goods and expired food.” And between amyl, that many patrol cars seized these quantities, during inspections carried out by the elements of a municipal guard on the number …


The killing of a member of Scholars Authority in Libya al-BIAR (A-BYAR)

Libya media – Meadow: security source confirmed that Marg Hospital Prairie received the body of Sheikh Tariq F Drissi, a member of the scientists Libya, and preacher of the Mosque of Omar ibn al-Khattab in Marg.

The source said in a statement the “gateway center” , that the body still exists Hospital Marg, and will be returned to the hospital Al-BIAR (Abyar) on request on behalf of the turf it’s off to …



Grad rockets fall on the site of the “HAVE-BUILT” new airport

targeted gunmen holed up areas, Mr. Faraj and Rulrhh, in the late hours of Thursday night – Friday, the region built a five missiles “Grad”, without causing any casualties or damage. The military source, said in a statement singled out the “gateway center”, that the location of the rockets which landed at “HAVE- Built”, the new international airport, did not result …

We have built two houses in injury Grad rockets

Media Libya – Benghazi: targeted gunmen holed up areas of Sidi Faraj Alkorashh area and have built Grad missiles, on Thursday morning, resulting in material losses in the homes of citizens, civilians in the area known as the “hamlet.” The source familiar with the “gateway center” targeting that did not result in casualties or injuries but did not result in a …

Arrest of the accused in the assassination attempt on General Hftar:

The spokesman of the process of “dignity,” Mohammed el-Hassy, on Wednesday, made the arrest of the accused in the assassination attempt on General Hftar, in the city of Benghazi, a few days ago. el-Hassy explained, to the news agency “Anatolia” ,

“cursory Wednesday evening, arrest of the accused in the suicide bombing attempted assassination of Hftar …”


Mohammed Mahgoub Warfali, a Special Forces Thunderbolt, his body was found

Headless on Thursday in Groth (yesterday), and today has been found

His head. It is not for nothing, because he was a member of the Special Forces.

Mohammed Mahgoub Warfali’s body was found without a head Groth near Benghazi

Media Libya – Benghazi: security agents were found this morning, on Thursday, the unidentified body, handcuffed, without a head, in  Groth area near Benghazi. The security source confirmed, police station Sellouk, told the “gateway center” that Mohammed Mahgoub Warfali’s body was transported to the hospital Sellouk, to take action on them, the source said: It will transfer the body of  Mohammed Mahgoub Warfali to the city of Benghazi ...


el-Hassy stated today:

“We accept any external support as long as it is committed to non-interference in the internal affairs of Libya.”

a Spokesman for the forces of retired Major-General Khalifa Hftar, Mohammed el-Hassy, said Friday,

“The forces of targeting strongholds, by Hftar, of the “Ansar al-Sharia” (last night in Sidi Faraj and Rulrhh), used the type of weapon, (called) ‘Hauser’.”

el-Hassy added for “news agency Solidarity” that forces …


The assassination of Sheikh Mohammed Akaddara, in the neighborhood peace, in Benghazi

Media Libya – Benghazi:

Mohammed Mustafa Abdulkarim Akaddraa was assassinated Friday afternoon.

He was shot dead by gunmen as soon as he left a mosque door,  in the

al-Salam neighborhood of the city of Benghazi, right after Friday prayers.

Witnesses said they rescued him to the hospital, but he was already dead.

The Information Office of Galaa Hospital for “gateway center” that Akaddara (41 years) …

arrived at the hospital dead, from his targeting by bullets.

In the same contet, Security Forces confirmed, for “gate-way center”, that there is a reservation

of Galaa Hospital, by his family, to give any information about him being victimized,

after receiving conflicting reports about the connection of Akkadara to “Ansar-al-Sharia”.


Sky Benghazi _ Eagles _ air

the late Elly mesh, an officer in the “municipal guards”, who was also beheaded:



The release of Abdullah Alrajabana compared to 70 thousand dinars ransom

source confirmed early for “gateway center” release Miloud Alrajabana Abdullah Mohammed, who was kidnapped Saturday, 07 June , west of Derna.

The source said that a ransom estimated at 70 thousand Libyan dinars paid for his release after negotiating with the kidnappers. The Alrajabana employee Tripoli International Airport and a resident of the capital …

Military slaughter of Tobruk …

in front of his father in Derna after passing through the gate under the control of extremists

lose searched the car and Ogdo where his military Fathallah Salem yaws ..

Have been slaughtered in the early morning hours on Friday ..

Derna has become the capital of terrorism and backwardness.

Tolerated by the mercy of God and makes the rest of Paradise.




Unidentified employees kidnap one of the banks Ubari

Libya media – Ubari:

Displays a staff of National Commercial Bank branch Ubari, on Wednesday, kidnapped by unknown assailants.

A source from the city’s “news agency Solidarity” that Zaidane’s friend Abu Seif, an employee of the

commercial bank branch Ubari kidnapped on the eve of Wednesday, when he went to his farm,

as a car stopped by a dark …


After the Friday sermon dead; area in Germa
Ubari – Vsanaa

Clashes between members of the Tuareg tribe and a group of area residents Germa; and casualties on both sides.

After shooting random people on a housing inhabited by families of Tuareg Tuareg elders by one.

Another source on the reservation name (for Vsanaa) Acbakat that broke out after the Friday sermon

called the one People fighting the mosque in Germa families stationed dwellings company; and it is killing parents


It is noted that the tension increased after skirmishes caused by the fuel crisis in the region resulted

in increased tension between the two parties.

(Special – Vsanaa)

report from the

“QaaQa Brigade” on FB:

In the period before you place abstention from publishing Mukhtar Bal-Mokhtar one of the leaders of al Qaeda in the Maghreb for security reasons, left Derna recently.

Mokhtar Bal-Mokhtar # aka Baloaour currently exists in the city of Ubari southern Libya and required in the project area and rule sets are spread along the valley

The nationalities of the base (Libyan _ Algerian Moroccan _ _ _ Mali, nationalities, etc.)

Mataraf of the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, Tariq battalion _ mountains and highlands corresponding buildings have been constructed by the group al-Qaida _ the voices to be heard from various weapons training places.

Algerian Foreign: publish a story about a place Mukhtar Balmokhtar Opare is in the city of Quebec.

Means because the Algerian foreign confirm my words in an earlier publication.

# Dangerous area south and sacked

4 killed, 7 wounded in an armed clash guilt South

West Libya




Extension of the airport closure Sabha until the fifteenth of July 2014.

The director of the international airport of Sabha Mohammed Oouhadh: It may decide to extend the closure of the international airport of Sebha until the fifteenth of July, due to the lack of commitment by some armed

groups to withdraw from points close to the airport. And added to the atmosphere of Oouhadh Net: they agreed

that the institutions of civil society Sabha lining …


a piece of History:

al-Qaeda’s N°2  did not last long

Posted in Terrorism by Laurent Lagneau The 28-08-2011

Ayman al-Zawahiri, the former number two of Al-Qaeda, is dead.

Indeed, Atiyah abd al-Rahman, became the lieutenant of al-Zawahiri in the organization of al-Qaeda. He was killed on 22 August 2o11, in the tribal area of ​​North Waziristan (Pakistan), according to a senior U.S. official , which has not not specify the exact circumstances of his death, but

that terrorist who was killed in an air strike carried out by an unmanned U.S. Predator, since a raid of this type was conducted last week, killing four people on board a vehicle.

Aged about 40 years, of Libyan origin, Atiyah abd al-Rahman,  fought in Afghanistan and met bin Laden when he was still a teenager. In 1993, he joined as an agent of Algeria laison between al-Qaeda and local Salafi movements. But without really knowing why, things got worse with the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), which then detained, and threatened to kill him.

Revenue in Afghanistan, al-Rahman took-on stripes within the nebula led by bin Laden. He then made the connection between his organizations in Iraq, and with networks in Iran. He was the author of a letter to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian terrorist affiliated with al-Qaeda, urging him to stop his attacks against rival groups on Iraqi soil.

Then he returned to Algeria where he negotiated the rallying of “the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat” (GSPC) to join al-Qaeda. The group took the the name of “Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)”.




London theater shows al-Qathafi as “hero”

Exposure play under the name of “Dialogue with Gaddafi,” aims to offer another point of view

on the so-alled “revolution” in 2011, and the theater (Waterloo East) in London.

And continue the play until 29 June 2014,

The play shows al-Qathafi as a leader and subjected to the NATO intervention conspiracy of capitalism, revolving around the World Bank.

According to the magazine site (Libya Herald), offers the playwright and political journalist, Reggie Adams, through its hero, a journalist who goes to cover the events of the revolution in Libya, and meets al-Qathafi there twice.

The scene shows al-Qathafi finally saying :: “The forces conspired against his country and that he fought for his people for 44 years.”

# (Winds of change)

from what I have read, this play is a pretty poor exposé of the reality of 2011….Reggie Adams did not do his homework…


“Zintan brigade QaaQa”, on FB, says:#

“Channel Zintan political and social”, wrote:

We the people (Aqbily regional fanatic) like us (such as Somalia)

There is a large semi-between (Libya and Somalia)

Somalis have succeeded in getting rid of the dictator (Siad Barre)

The vast majority of Somalis are like us.

They are the people like us.

They (the people of the brave and generous presence) like us.

Astamarham (Italians) as Astamrna.

State of Somalia (rich in mineral wealth, including iron, copper, tin, uranium, and they have other

Reserves (oil and gas) over much of Libya.

Libya oil state and its many riches such as gold, iron, uranium, diamonds and lakes of water urges


Somalia has the longest coastline from the coast of Libya much about 3300 kilometers.

Rich with animal and fish. ,

They are now (the world’s poorest and most backward). You know why? Because they are the people

(Aqbily fanatic) (the language of arms) ahead of (the language of dialogue.) The reason for this (backwardness and ignorance) In

Not configured (strong army) impose its control over the country and saves people.

Tiger Fatah, replies:

You do not know your shape Somalia’s history because I read Kois who overturned verdict because the Americans are ruling was against the policy of the Americans. Fish is a defect in the tribal base defect in the traitors and agents who cached for each country of the bear.

Nasser Albdri, adds:

There is a difference and the people they did not sell their national homeland, dignity and honor of their women ..


“Consequences for the Continent of Africa and the World”

Posted on 05 September 2011

(edited from a blog by Charles Abugre, in Accra)

The NATO INVASION: its Impact on the stopping the completion of the GREAT Man-Made River Project, thousands of other housing, education, sport and development Projects inside and outside of Libya, the welfare of the rest of Africa, upon the “World Islamic-leadership”, and the “World Islamic Call Society” ‘s Charities (and its project Funding), …all culmanating in a tremendous loss to the entire world….

My greatest disappointment and shame however, was to see the United Nations Secretariat beating the war drums and cheering on the battle rather than sing the songs of peace.

The invasion can be described as wicked and heartless because of the selfishness of the agenda underpinning it, its lack of concern for the impact on the Libyan people. The invasion will undoubtedly turn Libyans from a proud people who know little abject poverty (in spite of several years of economic sanctions) into a typical Sub-Sahara African type – a few wealthy people swimming in increasing pools of desperately poor people with severely wounded pride. It is not inconceivable that various armed factions will emerge after this madness ends. Centuries old tribal and clan divisions would have been widened not narrowed. Racial bigotry will spread, having been unleashed by the media propaganda about black African support to al-Qathafi (as we see what has occured with the Taurega peoples). Libya will never be the same again and seeing what is happening in Iraq, Libya’s change will not be for the good, ever.

But the wicked effects are not limited within the boundaries of Libya. Anything between 500,000 – one million workers from across Africa, south of the Sahara have been displaced, and adding to the already over-flowing pool of the unemployed. The President of Niger estimated the displaced Nigerien work force to be in the region of 200,000. Is anybody intending to compensate for these losses?

The effect of this displacement is not simply that it aggravates the already scary poverty situation but also that it has the potential to exacerbate the insecurity in these fragile zones, especially the area stretching from Mauritania, across Niger, Mali, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti. These areas are fragile and volatile in several respects – ecologically, economically, socially and in terms of potential for armed conflicts. The potential for violent conflict will be made worse by increased availability of arms of all sorts – the type that are now being dropped all over the place by NATO/France.

The invasion is heartless also because it has deprived Africa of investment resources and undermined the creation of institutions that are critical for the poorest continent to transform its economy and overcome suffering and the indignity of poverty. The invasion has effectively transformed the African Union from one representing all of Africa to one effectively representing Africa South of the Sahara in the manner that Libya has been characterized by the invaders, (as an Arab country), a characterization that the rebel group seems to carry proudly on its chest.

Ludicrous false pretences:

“saving lives” was not the real purpose of the military intervention of 2011,

I used the phrase “ludicrous false pretences” to describe the excuses publicly sold to a gullible press, decidedly. Why? The core of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 claims to have the aim of “protecting civilians”. There are two sets of principles which the need to protect civilians could have been drawn from. One is the principle of holding all combatants responsible in respect of the Geneva Convention. This principle is covered by UN Security Council Resolutions 1265, 1296, 1820 among others. Armed combatants from both sides who violate the Geneva Convention will be held liable, under these resolutions, and could suffer sanctions and by extension liable to face the International Criminal Court (ICC) if the extent of the violations qualified as crimes against humanity or are genocidal. These resolutions however do not legalize external military intervention.

The second is the principle of the “responsibility to Protect” (R2P). This is based on the concept of “borderless” security which was the title of the report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) released in December 2001 and subsequently adopted as an operative principle by the UN. This Commission, chaired by Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun, undertook to study the relationship between (a) the rights of sovereign states, upon which the greater part of international relations has been built, and (b) the so-called “right of humanitarian intervention” which has been exercised sporadically – in Somalia, Bosnia, and Kosovo but not Rwanda – and with varying degrees of success and international controversy. The report addressed “the question of when, if ever, it is appropriate for states to take coercive – and in particular military – action, against another state for the purpose of protecting people at risk in that other state.

The conclusion was that the priority should be the protection of human beings not state sovereignty, therefore if human security – physical safety and dignity – was threatened by the state or its severe inability to address, the international community had the responsibility to act including armed intervention. R2P places humanitarian law above that of sovereignty. The R2P was heavily lobbied for especially by western humanitarian organizations. However, others have warned against the danger of this principle for a number of reasons. First to supplant humanitarian law over sovereignty means supplanting humanitarianism over rights for the latter is based on citizenship which in turn rests on sovereignty. Secondly, the R2P principle opens the door for selective interventions and selective justice by those who control the Security Council. It also creates legal and political dependence on the UN Security Council and militarily powerful countries, thereby undermining the very foundations for long-term justice and peace which rests on domestic political processes. Resolution 1973 was crafted on the basis of R2P, and effectively “legalized” the invasion. Indeed, what the NATO countries wanted was for regime change.

Was an invasion necessary on humanitarian grounds? This is highly contested, because the answer lies in the counter-factual which is the issue of whether or not the “Great Jamahiriya people’s armed-forces” would have bombed Benghazi to bits, as claimed. (LOOK WHAT WE NOW ARE WITNESSING IN BENGHAZI, as it is being targeted and bombed by NATO.) What we now know is that the al-Qathafi’s Great Jamahiriya Air force did NOT at all target civilian settlements in Benghazi (varified by Russian surveillence). Also, the claim of mass rape by Great Jamahiriya people’s armed-forces has also been proven a fabrication by “al-Jazeera” and biased Western nations. There were no mass murders, and prior to February 2011, his actions received the tactical support of America’s military in particular, as both Dr. Mutassem Billah and Saif-al-Islam (two sons of al-Qathafi), were even given a tour of America’s miltary facilities). al-Qathafi, by the Military, was seen as a legitimate response to a growing Al-Qaeda influence.

There was no such thing as a “civilian uprising”, witnessed after two days, it was clearly a well-armed insurgency [and in such cases, every state has the right to confront armed insurgency with arms]. We have seen this time and again in the Unites States whether they are responding to religious fanatics or drug gangs in black neighborhoods. Still, al-Qathafi’s Jamahiriya Forces were asked, by al-Qathafi himself, to please hold-back, and not fire at the insurgeants, even if they were burning, pillaging , killing and destroying buildings and private property. Instaed, al-Qathafi made public speeches and announcements, asking the parents of any of the youth involved, to take hold of their children and prevent them from using drugs and their misuse of fire-arms. He even opened up his weapons armories in the major cities, for the people to get Kasmalokov rifles for free, and to train the people in the art of self-defense.

Was there more way to save lives? Yes, if Mu’ammar al-Qathafi was given the chance.

We know that President Lula de Silva (former president of Brazil) offered to lead a mediation mission to mediate a ceasefire. This was supported by Latin American countries, The African Union and even the weak-kneed Arab League. al-Qathafi had agreed to all the ideas of a ceasefire. he even requestied the presence of an International force to observe it.

This was turned down by NATO and their vassals in Benghazi. The African Union mission was humiliated in Benghazi, and the Western Media hosted discussions that ridiculed the AU initiatives. Peace was given no chance. Why? Because, the agenda is regime change, and NOT the protection of civilians.

If military intervention was the better route to protecting civilians, why hasn’t NATO invaded Bahrain, the tiny Kingdom where the Royal family literary owns the most part of the islands that make up the Kingdom and where with the support of Saudi troops and large numbers of unarmed demonstrators have been gunned down? Is there even a talk of hauling the Sultan to the ICC? This is the selective use of the R2P that many have feared.

Has the military intervention saved lives? Clearly not! How do aerial bombardments of civilian settlements and atrocities by rebels armed by NATO constitute saving civilians lives? Are the people of Benghazi more civilian than the people in Tripoli and other places? The history of western military invasions “ostensibly meant to save lives” has in fact tended to expansively claim lives. Take Iraq, a million or so died directly from bombs and indirectly from sectarian violence and a million more were displaced.

Are these invaders capable of false pretences to justify armed interventions? Yes. The evidence abounds. The story of lies and deceitfulness that was sold to the same gullible media to justify the invasion of Iraq is well known. George Bush and Tony Blair were in no doubt that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Once the decision was made to invade Iraq everything was done to provoke a justification for invasion.

Before the invasion of Afghanistan on the pretext of going after Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the ruling Taliban had offered to hand in Bin Laden to an international tribunal if the Americans provided evidence of his involvement in the 9/11 bombing of the Twin towers in New York. There are similar stories relating to the bombardment of Yugoslavia.

For the Loss to World Charities, see:


“Why are they so desperate to remove The Great Jamahiriya, Colonel (Brother)

Muammar al-Qathafi and his family?”

By Charles Abugre, 5 September 2011

i. Retribution: different governments harbor different grievances against “The Brother”. Some say Sarkozy is seeking to cover up an embarrassment, either concerning his immediate family, or,one that could cause him a legal headache if the lethargic French legal system were ever to come to life. This is the allegation that his election campaign for President of the French Republic was substantially funded by the Gaddafi family.

‘Papi Silvio’ (Berlusconi) claims that Sarkozy was jealous of the fact that Muammar al-Qathafi was so loved by his people, that his image was visable all over Libya. Sarkozy is known to be narcisstic with homosexual tendencies like Barack Obama.

he could not bear the thought that Muammar could be close friends with Silvio Berlusconi. In Rome, “The Brother” is said to have addressed a room full women, surrounded by his “liberated” women guards, announced himself a protector of women. (Women virtually “swooned” over al-Qathafi !)

In Obama’s case, Muammar al-Qathafi downsized him on 23 September 2009 at the UNO in New York. …After all, Obama desired to be “King of Africa”.But it is simply not wise to embarrass, let alone anger those with bigger military might.

concern to contain India and China is not a throw-away point. Questioned on his view about what really motivated the invasion of Afghanistan, Henry Kissinger the famed Foreign Secretary of the Cold War era, said, “trends supported by Japan and China, to create a free trade area in Asia – an opposing block of the most populous nations in the world with great resources and some of the most industrial nations will be inconsistent with American national interest.

For this reason, America must maintain a presence in Asia…” (Simon and Schuster, Does America Need a Foreign Policy? quoted inwww.economicsnews.com). This is consistent with the views of Zbigniew Brzzinsky, Jimmy Carter’s Foreign Secretary, the man understood to have discovered and mentored Barack Obama into the Presidency. He considers Euro-Asia to be the “chessboard on which the battle takes place for global primacy”. The Mediterranean is a core part of Euro-Asia. Speaking on the 28th March, Barack Obama said of the Libyan invasion: “when our interests and values are at stake, we have a responsibility to act…America has an important strategic interest in preventing al-Qathafi from defeating those who oppose him”. As George Bush once said, “if you are not with us then you are against us”. Obama has merely retained this view.

ii. Playing Chess with Isreal:

Staying out means al-Qathafi cannot be trusted when it comes, in the Zionist mind, to the security of Israel – a country you do not mess around with. al-Qathafi’s proposal for a state named “ISRATINE”, was completely rejected by Israel, who fights to be a “Jewish State” supreme. Israel is geograpically small in size; it needs to expand. The idea that they could bring one million Jews int

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