

Blessed IMAM brings freedom and happiness to our ailing world:


Rusaifa proud, writes:

“Descriptions of the Qaid Aanashid count immensely difficult and Saqr Arab Identity descriptions sole leader.”

الرصيفة الابية

أوصاف القايد ياناشد صعيب العد وصقر عروبتنا الاوحد أوصاف القائد


 Friday special Juma prayers to ALLAH:


“Children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmar”, on FB:


“We reject the reconciliation with the traitors ~ we want our children alive.”

“GREAT SON”, on FB writes:

We follow ALLAH, Who fills our hearts illumined by faith and guides our path on the road to the right;

And we set the firm certainty that no compromises, no matter what the wind does not storm winds …

Whatever powerful .. continue our struggle and our struggle and our country ..

our goal and our cause and our goal.

We will not accept a substitute for the dignity, honor and Shoumoukh.

Would overfed in the history of Euclid

Parents and grandparents with their blood ………

We would not turn in the glory of his home-made commander ..

Albdoah tent and pride, heritage and history …

Ringer West Baklba believer and determination is stronger than the size of their plots

and their strength, and Dsaishm

School of Arabism and nationalism and the struggle and the challenge ..

We are all confident in God and in the

Brown sleeves to be able to achieve in the arena of pride and glory

Not on the offices of politicians and Dhalas Bargainers infinitely necks of curvature

And compromising and subservient and lie …………………………….

We Believe us that God promised victory to His slave and defeated the parties alone ….

The truth here and not there on the pages of defeatists Here are cowards Bashaúrha

Began touched us. Loomed and blew it on the emergence …………

Do not despair …

with the will nor the place to withstand weakness in the epic .. so are

Manhood, and so are men ..

and so are not so honorable and Silks

Every salute you, salute all the heroes ..

you Yamen you make to the world lessons in steadfastness and patience and fortitude ..

Greetings to you from the love of the son of the soil of fathers and forefathers and NHL history honor

And heroism and dignity …

all salute you honest and Sharifat national …………….

Mr. Tammam

And always we will be steadfast …. … steadfast … and with God’s help victors.

نحن معنا الله الذي ملأ قلوبنا بالايمان وأنار دربنا بالهداية على طريق الحق

وثبتنا باليقين الجازم الذي لا تزعزعه الرياح مهما كانت عاتيه …ولا العواصف

مهما كانت قويه ..مستمرون في كفاحنا ونضالنا ..وطننا غايتنا وقضيتنا وهدفنا

.لن نرضى بديلا عن الكرامة والشرف والشموخ .لن نفرط في تاريخ سطره

الاباء والاجداد بدماءهم ………

لن نسلم في مجدا صنعه قائدا..بيته الخيمة وعزته البدواة والتراث والتاريخ …

قارع الغرب بقلبا مؤمن وعزيمة اقوى من حجم مؤامراتهم ودسائسهم وقوتهم

مدرسته العروبة والقومية والنضال والتحدي ..نحن كلنا ثقة في الله وفي

سواعدنا السمراء القادرة على تحقيق المراد في ساحات الفخر والمجد

لا على مكاتب ودهاليس الساسة المساومون القابله اعناقهم للانحناء

والتفريط والخنوع والانبطاح …………………………….

نحن معنا الله الذي صدق وعده ونصر عبده وهزم الاحزاب وحده….

الحقيقة هنا وليست هناك على صفحات المتخاذلين الجبناء وها هي بشائرها

بدأت تهل علينا .ولاح فجرها على البزوغ …………

فلا يأس مع الارادة …ولا مكان للتخاذل في ملحمة الصمود .. هكذا هي

الرجولة وهكذا تكون الرجال ..وهكذا هن الشريفات وهكذا يكن الحرائر

فكل التحية لكم ايها الابطال ..كل التحية لكم يامن قدمتم للعالم دروسا في الصمود والصبر والثبات ..تحية لكم من إبن عشق تراب اباءه واجداده ونهل من تاريخهم الشرف

والبطولة والكرامة … كل التحية لكم شرفاء وشريفات وطني …………….

تمـــام سيـــــدي

ودائما سنكون…صامدون …. ثابتون … وبعون الله منتصرون

IT’s NOT RUSSIA, or any other nation, BUT LIBYA (by her own people) to be the Liberators of the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA…

“Zero hour” on FB rightly comments:

Thought it realistic look!!

Handsfree often silent and spoke Hamza often silent and spoke revenge Sirte and silent and spoke struggle and silent, and now speak on behalf of assets, does Cisct is also, I advise you to not wished people things may be Srabiah the paybacks will be inversely If you do not happen,

Today most of the Facebook pages talking about why there will be surprises in the parade of the Russian Federation planned to happen tomorrow??, And cheered people and hung him high hopes as mentioned them brother as the assets as if the victory and the liberation of Libya will come by the Red Square, they will celebrate its victory heavily on Nazi acquitted in red,

Is it in 2011 were not found and whether Russia is now just created???

Popular proverb says (what Dyer Wolf what dog hater),

Victory and liberation come by and armed popular revolution in all across Libya!!




ساعة الصفر


عتقد انها نظره واقعيه !!

تكلم الحر كثيراً وسكت وتكلم حمزه كثيراً وسكت وتكلم ثأر سرت وسكت وتكلم كفاح وسكت , والآن يتكلم باسم الصول , فهل سيسكت هو ايضاً ,, أنصحكم بأن لا تمنّوا الناس بأشياء قد تكون سرابيه فأن مردودها سيكون عكسياً في حالة عدم حدوثها ,,

اليوم معظم صفحات الفيس بوك تتحدث عن ماذا سيطرأ من مفاجآت في الأستعراض العسكري للاتحاد الروسي المزمع حدوثه غداً ؟؟,,واستبشروا الناس وعلقوا عليه امالاً كبيرة كما ذكر لهم الاخ باسم الصول وكأن النصر وتحرير ليبيا ستأتي به الساحة الحمراء ,, انهم سيحتفلون بنصرهم الكبير على النازيه في ساحتهم الحمراء ,,

وهل في عام 2011 لم تكن روسيا موجوده وهل هي خلقت الآن فقط ؟؟؟

المثل الشعبي يقول ( ما داير الذيب ما كاره الكلب ) ,,

النصر والتحرير تأتي به الثورة الشعبية و المسلحة في كل ربوع ليبيا !!









“Rafla and honorable against tails Mzrath”, on FB, INFORMS US:


Warning of Rjoa publishing a wide range 

Aaftnoa Aalippin scheme to eliminate the fertility of the earth, the Libyan

Aaftnoa Aalippin Mihak against you, thanks to a flurry Grime and abjection

Aaftnoa Aalippin Saiholon land south to Lake Salts

Satantha fertile ground Saintha production of wheat and barley

Saigdon stocked waters Great Man-made River.

Environmental changes:

Doctor gave a specialist in the field of environmental lecture at the University of Glasgow on Tuesday 16 -2 – 2010 theme solve the problem of rising sea waters caused by the melting of snow due to the high surface temperature phenomenon known as global warming(!!) or the greenhouse, and the idea of solving (REALLY –you expect us to believe this “reason” ?) this problem is discussed by the lecturer drilling Channel freely from the Gulf of Sirte to the depth of the Libyan desert.

This channel will start down into decline because the level of the land in the south of the Libyan low above sea drilling after the flow of water to the desert and self Sttgma sea water resulting from melting ice in the Arctic in the Libyan desert.

Among the attendees student Libby objected and said to Dr.:

By what right do you want to Ngrkoa (Flood) our country. He said to him the future of this project will have a double benefit because the transfer of sea water into the Libyan desert will contribute to reduce the levels of sea water. On the other hand, the evaporation of the water in the Libyan desert will be pulling on a rainy and these clouds will make Libya owns you see a huge rainstorm and possibly transform the Libyan desert into forests Kmakant millions of years ago.

Dr about this project that the future of Libya is now considered an important goal of the studies on this idea and said clearly that this matter is currently studying in U.S. universities and will present the idea to Libya to carry out the project with funding from the “International Monetary Fund.” [see! THE ZIONISTA are in on this fabled 'scheme'.]

there any study of this subject from the other party, who named Libya??

Where environmental experts and the Libyans and where the Libyan media planners Libyans??

What about the future of the Libyan groundwater and the GREAT MAN-MADE River’s future, and the future of the industrial inventory of Libyan oil and the future of the climate and environment of the Libyan Jamahiriya ,and the Libyan coast and the Libyan humans?

(We must STOP) Dr. Bashir Abul Qasim Alstaoy of London

and Hedda explains probably continue to displace the people of Tawergha.

My friend, Isa project launch day al-Qathafi, was developed device called a draft study linking sea or desert or Balsboukhat or the like and was anchor point west of Brega at Camp Guard facilities …..

but Muammar al-Qathafi COMPLETELY rejected the project and rejected the idea of linking perhaps for security reasons or because this is a political project will lead to the separation of Libya into two parts apart naturally …….

In addition to the sinking of the downtown area to the whole of Libya humans to Ajdabiya to the oases areas almost ……. It is now trying to put this ZIONISTA AGENDA anew; and it is certain that this has been an agenda very suspicious .. …..

and the Patriots must stand up against this project …

ورفلة الشرفاء ضد ذيول مزراطه

تحدير ارجوا النشر بنطاق واسع

افطنوا ياليبين للمخطط للقضاء على خصوبة الارض الليبية

افطنوا ياليبين لمايحاك ضدكم بفضل فورة الوساخة والحقارة

افطنوا ياليبين سايحولون ارض الجنوب الى بحيرة املاح

ساتنتهي خصوبة الارض ساينتهي انتاج القمح والشعير

سايقضون على مخزون مياه النهر الصناعي العظيم

تغيرات بيئيه

القى دكتور متخصص فى مجال البيئة محاضرة فى جامعة غلاسكو يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 16 -2 – 2010 موضوعها حل مشكلة ارتفاع مياه البحار الناتج عن ذوبان الثلوج بسبب ارتفاع درجة حرارة سطح الأرض فيما يعرف بظاهرة الدفيئة أو الإحتباس الحراري وفكرة حل هذه المشكلة التي ناقشها المحاضر هي حفر قناة بحرية من خليج سرت إلى عمق الصحراء الليبية. هذه القناة ستبدأ بالإنحدار للإسفل لأن مستوى الأرض في الجنوب الليبي منخفض عن سطح البحر وبعد الحفر ستتدفق المياه ذاتيا إلى الصحراء وستتجمع مياه البحر الناتجة عن ذوبان الجليد في القطب الشمالي في الصحراء الليبية. وكان من ضمن الحاضرين طالب ليبى اعترض وقال للدكتور: باى حق تريدون ان تغرقوا بلدنا. فقال له هذا المشروع المستقبلي ستكون له فائدة مزدوجة لأن نقل مياه البحر إلى الصحراء الليبية سيساهم في خفض مستويات مياه البحر. وفي الجانب الأخر فإن تبخر هذه المياه في الصحراء الليبية سيساعد على تكون سحب ممطرة وهذه السحب ستجعل ليبيا تملك تروة مطرية هائلة وربما ستحول الصحراء الليبية إلى غابات كماكانت قبل ملايين السنين. وقال الدكتور عن هذا المشروع المستقبلى إن ليبيا حاليا تعتبر هدفا مهما للدراسات حول هذه الفكرة وقال بوضوح ان هذا الامر يدرس حاليا فى الجامعات الامريكية وسيتم عرض الفكرة على ليبيا لتنفيذ المشروع بتمويل من صندوق النقد الدولى.

فهل هناك من يدرس هذا الموضوع من الطرف الآخر الذي أسمه ليبيا؟؟ وأين خبراء البيئة الليبيين وأين الإعلام الليبي والمخططين الليبيين؟؟ وماذا عن مستقبل المياه الجوفية الليبية ومستقبل النهر الصناعي ومستقبل المخزون النفط الليبي ومستقبل المناخ الليبي والبيئة الليبية والسواحل الليبية والإنسان الليبي؟

الدكتور بشير أبوالقاسم الشتيوى – لندن


هذا المشروع طرح ايام ما كانت ليبيا جماهريه وتم استحداث جهاز سمي مشروع دراسة ربط مياه البحر بالصحراء او او بالسبخات او ماشابه وكانت نقطة الربط غرب البريقة عند معسكر حرس المنشأت ….. غير ان القياده انداك رفضت المشروع ورفضت فكرة الربط ربما لاسباب امنية او سياسية لان هذا المشروع سيؤدي الى فصل ليبيا الى جزئين بفاصل طبيعي ……. بالاضافة الى غرق منطقة وسط ليبيا بكاملها من بشر الى اجدابيا الى مناطق الواحات تقريبا ……. ومن يحاول الان طرحه من جديد فالاكيد ان لديه اجندة مريبة ……. وعلى الوطنيين ان يتصدوا لهذا المشروع …..وهدا ما يفسر ربما اﻻستمرار فى تهجير أهل تاورغاء.

صديقي عيسى المشروع طرح ايام القذافي وتم استحداث جهاز سمي مشروع دراسة ربط مياه البحر بالصحراء او او بالسبخات او ماشابه وكانت نقطة الربط غرب البريقة عند معسكر حرس المنشأت ….. ولكن معمر رفض المشروع ورفض فكرة الربط ربما لاسباب امنية او سياسية لان هذا المشروع سيؤدي الى فصل ليبيا الى جزئين بفاصل طبيعي ……. بالاضافة الى غرق منطقة وسط ليبيا بكاملها من بشر الى اجدابيا الى مناطق الواحات تقريبا ……. ومن يحاول الان طرحه من جديد فالاكيد ان لديه اجندة مريبة ……. وعلى الوطنيين ان يتصدوا لهذا المشروع …

Mu’ammar al-Qathafi:

(QUOTE): “…I gave people houses/hospitals/schools/money/democracy…
I helped to make Libya into farmland from the desert…”

Officials warned that UN airstrikes on, or disruption of the [GMMR] Great Man-Made River‘s pipelines could cause a humanitarian and environmental disaster. 
Presently, with only the Ajdabiya Reservoir [which holds just a month's supply of water] “pure freshwater from the south must continue being pumped because without it Benghazi would die,” says Ivekovic.

The First three stages [up until when NATO imposed the WAR] of the Great Man-Made River project, already offered limitless amounts of water for Libyans; and upon completion [if ever NATO disappears], it will allow them to be totally self-sufficient, and because water equates money and power in the near future, other countries may be dependent on its reserves. A self-sufficient nation with control over the world’s most precious resource waves a big red warning flag for the West [and the East]. Mu’ammar al-Qathafi foresaw this.

At a celebration event for the project in 1991, he told the audience:

“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double…”

The Axis of Prey.

Libya, a hot, dry, dusty country, under the  leadership of Muammar al-Qathafi, completed what was known as the largest infrastructure project in the world. A man-made, underground river was created that provided drinking water to 70 percent of the Libyan people and held the potential of turning wastelands into farmlands – that is, until US/NATO bombs destroyed its pumping stations.

Back in 1991, at the gala opening of the Great Man-made River project, Muammar al-Qathafi said to the invited

dignitaries and assembled crowd,

“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, [but] the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”

His words were prophetic.

Representing family farms, seed businesses and organic growers.

Libyan Agriculture and Daily Farming.wmv

Libyan Agriculture and Daily Farming. Great Man River expande the fertile lands over Libyan Desert

and achieve more fertile Lands to Libyan Farmers.

Farming the Desert: Colonel Qadhafi’s Dream

Masatoshi Miichi

Professor, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University; Director, Chuo University Library

Area of Specialization: Western history

Colonel Qathafi entrusted his dream for the Libyan people to develop a robust national economy, which would be firmly rooted in indigenous technology and not be needlessly swayed by global economic trends, to this large-scale archaeological survey.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=250485058441494&set=a.155413494615318.34731.155402057949795&type=1&theater

06 NOVEMBER 2013 THE PRESENT DISASTER IN LIBYA !!!The effects of the chaos in Libya to import food stretch ..TRIPOLI (Reuters) :: impede the problems of payments and the chaos and corruption importers Libyans from entering into great deals to buy wheat while representing another setback plaguing the country that came out where things are out of control two years after the fall of THE GREAT JAMAHIRIYA at the hands of militants and raids of NATO.In the latest example of these problems says Mills Tripoli biggest wheat importer, they may have to postpone its next big deal of wheat unless the state begins to pay about 71.8€ million owed by the Company for the previous imports.For months malfunction militia members Libyan oil exports , the main source of state revenues to feed its population of six million people subsidized bread sold for two years for a loaf.

And there is no signs of lack of food , but quite the opposite is still available and cheap bread. But grain traders in the global market say that the top buyers of Libyans now face difficulties in concluding deals . Exporters fear abroad of non – payment of dues by the agreed deadline and additional risks as a result of unloading cargo in ports chaotic because of armed militias.

Said Mustafa Abdul Majid Idris , head of Tripoli mills that buy wheat from global markets and sells flour and other processed foods for the state to sell via the support system that the government owes the institution about 69.43€ million.

He told Reuters , “If we do not get our money within two weeks will not be available to us the funds required to open new letters of credit and other deals to buy. “

Idris said that without that you get the dues from the state may have the institution that was owned by the government in the past to postpone an order for the purchase of 50 thousand tons of wheat to help meet the needs of capital for a period of three months.

The RAT GNC Libyan “government” maintains that the country will not face any trouble in financing imports and the economy minister said Mustafa Abu Vas told “Reuters” that Libya will be settled any bidding problems facing the private sector importers.

He added that the RAT GNC “government” monitors the private sector so that if any problems occurred facilitate the movement of trade across their relations and resolve some of the problems faced by imports.

But in a country where kidnapped by heavily armed militia members last month, Prime Minister, the GNC RAT “government” ‘s ability to fulfill its obligations always in doubt.

Within the framework of the system much moved away from the central since the civil war that toppled the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, no longer import huge quantities of wheat on their own and instead pay mostly for about 35 of the private mills for companies to do the job.

The largest of these companies are the Mills Tripoli , which was owned by the state in the era of the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, is responsible for grinding about 40 percent of imported wheat and extend capital, pasta and semolina, animal feed and other products , as well as the provision of subsidized flour to bakeries . It is now a private company.

Idris said that the government has pledged to pay the dues of private companies to import greater quantities of wheat than usual this year and it is currently facing difficulties in fulfilling these commitments.

He said they opened a lot of letters of credit for concern over the lack of food, but the state has become now forced to pay what it contracted and face difficulties in solving the problem.

He said that the increase in the number of contracted tenders will push the government to spend about 1.5 billion Libyan dinars ( 0.87€ billion ) to support the bread this year, more than 500 million dinars from the usual payments.

According to sources in the foreign trade and shipping sectors that some exporters have become more reluctant to deal with Libya. And decreased volumes of shipments destined for Libya in recent months.

He said commercial source based in the Middle East , ” the general atmosphere there is chaotic . Careful note of the largest companies to participate in international trade in primary commodities trades . “

And added , ” There are also issues related to payments and the opening of letters of credit takes a long time . There are also risks related to the country and the risk of delay in unloading and demurrage ” the fines paid by dealers shipping in the event of delay in unloading shipments unexpectedly.

Since the overthrow of the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, in the CIA-led uprising of their created “Arab Spring ” only where the West intervened militarily, the Libyan RAT GNC “central government” has failed to contain the militias or security in the country.

In contrast to the poorer Arab countries which saw (fake) “revolutions” in 2011, Libya ‘s oil wealth was seured to provide for most of its citizens a reasonable amount of decent life. But it also led to the adoption of the state population in the provision of food and jobs.

The situation deteriorated this summer, when the GNC was unable (or did not really desire) to disable the militias most oil exports in the ports to stop the main source of government revenue.

While the fact that the “Central Bank” has huge reserves of oil sales , said Prime Minister Ali Zaidane last month, that the opposition in Parliament deliberately obstructing budgetary payments in an attempt to topple the “government”.

European dealer said that he believed that Libya still has enough money to pay for food imports but corruption and confusion makes it impossible to conclude the great deals.

“I think that the problems relating to the situation of chaos in the “government” and the rampant corruption which in turn causes a lack of funds . Suspect that funds are available, but the government is working hard in some areas and still cannot make the payments .

“Lack of supervision and uncertainty means that corruption is turning into an epidemic . Trying to do business with the government activities has become a nightmare. “

And another European trader said that the situation seemed harder in western Libya near the capital Tripoli compared to the Middle where major mills company succeeded in the city of Benghazi in the purchase of 50 thousand tons of wheat last week.

“In the my opinion suffer devices in Tripoli from almost a standstill. Benghazi already bought 50 thousand tons of wheat but of course there are concerns about whether they will get their dues. Expect to get. “

At the end of the day the GNC “government” may be forced to stop the massive support program which offers cheap bread and authorities believe that 40 percent of the subsidized bread simply wasted.

The price of 40 loaves of bread, the price of one pack of Coca-Cola . The Libyans feed sometimes bread for their animals and end up with a lot of it to the trash.

He said Lippi named Massoud runs a bakery crowded in Tripoli ” does not buy less than ten loaves of only a few people. “

He was speaking while a cornered customers 50 loaves of bread baguette in a box .

Libya imported 1.8 million tons of wheat last year, or six kilograms per person per week. And expects to International Grains Council data imports to fall slightly to 1.7 million tons this year.

Because of corruption and smuggling moving some of subsidized wheat to neighboring countries are to be sold at market prices.

In a country where now only desert fertile agricultural land on a small area overlooking the coast is not a little domestic production. [UNDER THE GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, al-Qathafi's desert reclamation program saw agricultural farming well into KUFRA and the Sahara of Death Valley.]

The chief said that wheat production is expected to reach production of 100 thousand tons this year , down from 260 thousand in 2010 , which is mainly due to power outages and damage to agricultural machines during the war in 2011.

( Dollar = 1.2440 Libyan dinars )


Gaddafi: Prince of Water من الواحات النائية معمر يجلب الماء للشعب


Here are shown working farms and production

Libya’s fertile farmlands of the Rouge Valley 

Representing family farms, seed businesses and organic growers.


“Rafla and honorable against tails Mzrath” on FB, writes:

Rotten and falling Nizar Kawan member of the “MB ruling Justice and construction” conference donkeys said:

“We are the most miserable deputies on earth.”


I Bnicolh you contemptible and Anzl shot down and spoil Makhlq God on earth

Aajerdan because you flock to corrupt Aakhlaq and an asset to you and Ashraf

Just Analat Khamrh.

ورفلة الشرفاء ضد ذيول مزراطه

الفاسد والساقط نزار كعوان عضو حزب العدالة و البناء فى مؤتمر الحمير قال: نحن اتعس نواب علي وجه الارض

وانا بنقوله انتم احقر وانذل واسقط وافسد ماخلق الله على وجه الارض

ياجردان لانكم قطيع فاسد لااخلاق ولااصل ولاشرف لكم

مجرد حتالاث خامرة




Invalidity of the election corrupt and despicable Ahmed Meitik for prime minister

Fatwa Committee and the law expired health decision not to head the National Conference of

no donkeys No. 36 on the selection Meitik Prime Minister and therefore it may resolve considering

that the decision of the Fatwa Committee of the Supreme Judicial Council’s decision is binding on all administrative bodies.


Aldbebh and his son Osama, Libyan Jews, who stole GREAT JAMAHIRIYA investments and bought foreign

properties through Chesterton Humberts of London.

Published by the Wall Street Journal published yesterday a lengthy report on the corrupt and contemptible son Sacred Jewish Aldbebh and who sold Libya and the sharing of its property and its investments with foreign countries, including Britain, Turkey, Italy, Qatar and France the company of others of Mafia Libyan opponents of the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA with foreign nationalities and others exist now home and foreign keen on survival for these reasons ..

Rotten colorless originally Aldbebh and his son Osama, bought the largest real estate agency in the UK and its name Chesterton humberts

The roots of this agency in 1805 and is with a strong reputation in the real estate market for high-end English class and foreigners in London.

Source: The Wall Street Journal and this link for entry on the subject:

RAT Libya’s Hunt for GREAT JAMAHIRIYA Assets, Leads It to High-End U.K. Property Firm

Family of Former Aide Ali Dabaiba Believed to Have Put Money into London’s Chesterton Humberts


A former senior member of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qathafi’s inner circle, took a stake in the high-end London real estate agency, Chesterton Humberts, around the time of the 2011 “CIA/ MI-6″-led uprising.

TRIPOLI, Libya—The name of London real-estate agency Chesterton Humberts exudes English affluence. But in early 2011, as the CIA-led insurrection engulfed Muammar al-Qathafi’s GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, a stake in the London firm was quietly acquired by the family of a al-Qathafi insider, according to a person close to the family.

The insider was Ali Dabaiba, who for decades ran a powerful Libyan government agency and was part of the inner circle known as “Companions of the Leader,” said Libyans who know him. Amid the chaos of the Arab Spring, the deal shifted some of the Dabaiba family’s wealth to the London property market, where purple Chesterton Humberts signs dot many neighborhoods.

Investigations on suspicion of embezzlement and abuse of office, is Mr. Dabaiba, (said Libyan Attorney General Abdulqader Radwan in an interview in his Tripoli office).

“The Present (RAT) State of Libya believes that the estate agency…Chesterton Humberts is part-owned by Ali Ibrahim Dabaiba or his brother or sons,” saying that a document was sent early this year to a U.K. law-enforcement agency by investigators.

A similar document was sent to authorities in the British Virgin Islands.

The documents, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, state that a former Chesterton Humberts director told investigators he brokered the deal in which the Dabaiba family invested in Chesterton. The documents requested international help in uncovering Dabaiba family interests.

نشرت صحيفة وول ستريت جورنال الصادرة يوم امس تقريرا مطولا عن الفاسد والحقير ابن الحرام اليهودي على الدبيبة والذي باع ليبيا وتقاسم املاكها واستثمارتها مع دول اجنبية منها بريطانيا و تركيا و ايطاليا و قطر و فرنسا صحبة اخرين من المافيا الليبية من معارضي النظام سابقا ذوي الجنسيات الاجنبية و اخرين موجودين الان بالداخل ويحرص الاجنبي على بقائهم لهذه الاسباب..الفاسد عديم الاصل علي الدبيبة وابنه اسامة اشترى اكبر وكالة عقارات في بريطانيا واسمها Chesterton humberts

وتعود جذور هذه الوكالة الى سنة 1805 و هي ذات سمعة قوية في سوق العقارات للطبقة الراقية الانجليزية والأجانب في لندن.

Faraj Hussein Hassan al-Shalabi, known as Ahmed Abdullah al-Libi :

(posted on “Rafla and honorable against tails Mzrath” in Facebook)

Almhakiqin recognition in front of the Americans by the competent authorities in the investigation of the death of Ambassador Alamarki, to Faraj al-Shalabi about the prison situation before and after the catastrophe of February.

Look at what he said,

(Unfortunately, and I say bitterly, seven days a prisoner from 2004 to 2011 in Abu Salim prison – and was under the GREAT JAMAIRIYA- were better than the months that I spent in prisons in Libya after the ” ‘revolution’ of 17 February” )

Faraj Hussein Hassan Al-Shalabi customary

One of the main accused in the murder of the U.S. ambassador and Mdbera process.

Born in Prairie City and its inhabitants, known in Afghanistan, (b Ahmed Abdullah al-Libi) escaped in June 1995 and moved from Libya to Sudan and then to Syria and then returned to Sudan and then to the left (in Jalalabad, Afghanistan).

He lived in Afghanistan briefly and went to Pakistan and lived there and came back to live in the city of Jalalabad, as a result of the pressures of the Pakistani government after the inauguration of Pervez Musharraf government and remained there until entering the U.S. invasion to Afghanistan and Adtrr then proceed to the Tora Bora mountains and into the Pakistani city of Peshawar and married there and remained there.

In 2004 he was arrested there, on the back of an agreement to Libby Pakistani in Pakistan about 3 months, jailed him, and later brought in through a private jet to the Libyan state, and deposited into the security prison outside Tripoli,

and then transferred to Ain Zara prison and then to Abu Salim, where he stayed for six years; and then, left him on February 15 Two days before the 2011 Nakba, almost by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, with a group of others,

after he gave promises alleviation unrest in Benghazi and swear on it.

ورفلة الشرفاء ضد ذيول مزراطه

اعتراف امام المحقيقين الامريكيين من قبل السلطات المختصة في التحقيق في مقتل السفير الامركي لفرج الشلبي عن وضع السجون قبل وبعد نكبة فبراير انظروا ماذا قال ,(للأسف وبمرارة أقولها، طيلة أيام سجني من عام 2004 وحتى عام 2011 في سجن أبوسليم – وكانت في فترة حكم القذافي – كانت أفضل من الأشهر التي قضيتها في سجون ليبيا بعد ثورة 17 فبراير)فرج حسين حسن الشلبي العرفي

أحد ابرز المتهمين في مقتل السفير الامريكي ومن مدبيري العملية .

من مواليد مدينة المرج وساكنيها، والمعروف في افغانستان بـ (أحمد عبدالله الليبي ) هرب في يونيو 1995 واتجه من ليبيا إلى السودان ومنها إلى سوريا ثم عاد إلى السودان وغادر بعدها إلى (جلال آباد في افغانستان)

عاش في افغانستان فترة بسيطة وخرج إلى باكستان وعاش هناك ورجع سكن في مدينة جلال آباد نتيجة لضغوطات الحكومة الباكستانية بعد تولي برويز مشرف الحكم وبقي هناك حتى دخول الغزو الأمريكي إلى أفغانستان واضطرر بعدها التوجه إلى جبال تورا بورا ومنها إلى مدينة بيشاور الباكستانية وتزوج من هناك وبقي هناك .

وفي العام 2004 قبض عليه هناك على خلفية اتفاق ليبي باكستاني وسجن في باكستان حوالي 3 أشهر وسلم بعدها في طائرة خاصة إلى الدولة الليبية وأودع في سجن الأمن الخارجي بطرابلس، ثم نقل إلى سجن عين زارة ثم إلى أبوسليم مكثت هناك 6 أعوام وخرج منه في 15 فبراير 2011 قبل النكبة بيومين تقريبا عن طريق سيف الاسلام القذافي مع مجموعة اخرين ,

بعد ان اعطى وعودا بتخفيف حدة الاضطرابات في بنغازي واقسم على ذلك


Wayne NATO


The names of the group that visited the NATO Headquarters in Brussels

• Nabil al-Shaibani (the capital) TV

• Osama Yas (news) TV

• Salah thyme (news) TV

• Bashir Blaau (Libya 1) TV

• Abdullah Sharrad (Fezzan) TV

• Fatima Marian (BBN) TV

• Mohammad Agha (Misurata) TV

• Mahmoud Masrati (new Libya) Press

• Abdel Moez Bannon (Facebook) social networking

• Khalifa Alepeshpash (Facebook) social networking

• Magdi Naala (U.S. Embassy Libya)




Did you know that despicable A. Gneoh store weapons and Aldkhirh under the Green Hospital

in the hospital basement baggage information from a person served with him ?





May 8. 2014. Pictures. Armed militias citizen kidnapped in front of totally ignorant people in

the area of Ben Achour, in the capital Tripoli and put it in the back of the car and going

to him to an unknown location.


News about hearing the powerful explosion near the Corinthia Hotel.


Long live the State of tykes

Grime state Jerdanih

Killing three policemen and kidnapping three others in the Salah al-Din in Tripoli and a security alert after the city witnessed a severe episode due.


“Rafla and honorable against tails Mzrath”, on FB reports:

Long live the State of tykes bastards

State of immorality and Almkhanb stateless original Honor

Armed robberies targeting afternoon Republic Bank branch Martyrs’ Square in Tripoli and in the heart of the capital,

in an area teeming with government and banking interests, commercial and a few hundred meters from the Tripoli local council.


Body was found lying on the beach resort of Sinbad the heart of the capital.





Reason Aamcklh baggage and Rishvana is that the Comptroller of the Secretariat of Justice and

our selfless beautiful Commander, was financial controller in Qatar and then, rode the wave and named

Azhar Kasher lose a total masked in OS

and pulled him from the car, and with him his son, and then knead the car chase by any August S

and has a raid group and there were battle with police and the group ravine Asham Sahina.


“Youth Congress Libyan tribes year”, on FB:

Rafla and honorable against tails Misurata who

Lied to expose the traitors who Astnasroa Balghaza tails on their tribe and their cousins 





NATOs bombings again severely damaged the Great al-ASMAR mosque in Zliten, after the successful, but expensive,

repairs and modification from the SALAFI bombings of 28 AUGUST 2012.

The restoration (before this week’s NATO bombs):

The Mosque, as it once was:

The tomb of Sheikh ASMAR renovated:


The tomb as it looked when Muammar al-Qathafi years earlier gave reverence to it:

Mu’ammar al-Qathafi attending secretly celebrations at the Mosque, (few days prior to the SALAFI terrorist bombings) on 24 AUGUST 2012:


“Children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmar”, on FB:

“We reject the reconciliation with the traitors ~ we want our children alive.”

Tribe people ~ they put the martyr Salem term in the morgue, a neighborhood ~

martyr Hussein Walter had tortured him more suffering and they burn with fire ~

Shaheed Mohamed Basir had tortured him even entered the intensive care unit

and even in the care was not spared of torturing him to death ~

one of our heroes have dropped him From the second floor of the hospital, which infected several releases ~

Hamza Alati did not know his fate until now ~ How Nsaleh this clique of corrupt ~ Amassalha with traitors.


Any one of the children of Sheikh Aalmassalha speak with the parents claimed the tribe is considered a traitor ~

We do not want reconciliation with these corrupt clique ~

we want our children alive.

To Amassalha with traitors and agents of NATO ~

Amassalha with treachery of our children were killed and abandoned our children and our women and

burned our homes and our children were tortured to ~

Amassalha tribe with parents that were demolished Drich grandfather Sheikh Abdulsalam brown.








Nona writes-in:

Valley Noawir elderly and poor are still Aidamh well greased to cram the Day of Resurrection.

Said Sheikh Abdul Salam Asmar p Bin Walid.

ورفلة الشرفاء ضد ذيول مزراطه

من مشاركاتكم


وادي شيوخه نواوير وفقراءه هم ايدامه مازال مدهون بالخير للحشر يوم القيامه.ما قاله الشيخ عبد السلام الاسمر ع بن وليد

 Muammar al-Qathafi wrapped-up in the desert:





Fire track down ash
Hacmte Baahlk Aasaqth Hacmte Baaamamk Amamk and sons, who were residents of Sirte, are all Manrminhm

God damn God damn God damn you

Despicable safe aviary Member Conference donkeys Conference prostitution moral want to run for the

House of Representatives (monkeys) by the Department of Sirte

Hovoha Aaarb Sirte honorable and God’s Krmoha.



Shahi mint

The bombing by a U.S. aircraft to Tchoaah supporters in the area of Sirte Zver.

(Picture shown is from 13 MARCH 2014)

 A Piece of History:

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