“Zero hour”, on FB, affirmatively states:Whatever the long-term … our country will recoup its glory and prestige and prosperity, God willing, one Sunday …and hope God will be uninterrupted ..
and sure Sanasrkm on the oppressors and aggressors ..insisting on victory and further Resistance will Ikova upon anything whatever fell.Raeads or captured are continuing and steadfast
Nasr of God and opening soon …مهما طال الأمد… بلادنا ستسترجع مجدها و مكانتها و ازدهارها بإذن الله الواحد الأحد… و أملنا في الله لن ينقطع..و أكيد سينصركم على الظالمين المعتدين..واصرارنا على النصر والمضى فى المقاومة لن يقوفنا عليه اى شى مهما سقطت رؤؤس او وقعوا فى الاسر مستمرون وصامدون
نصر من الله وفتح قريب…
Advancing the Information Office of the Conference of Youth Libyan tribes year
To all conference participants page thank the support page
The goal is one goal of the liberation of the land of the great traitors and agents
(Brother Godfather)
“Zero hour”, on FB speculates:
Is France finally online ..?
No longer able to pressure Italy prospect of more legal immigration, not illegal to understand the wealth of our countries, which they stole from the curse ((split)) Schengen states of Europe is imminent??
And the Islamic Emirate on the banks of the Mediterranean rolled your sleeves up and disturb the security of the world and not just the area???
The American master of the free world (Former) busy ((Ptamlq)) Russian Bear in the form of new federal old???
And regret the martyr when fasting ((KD)) the French Parliament with austerity budget announced new ((Francis Guiraud Esbero, a good Jay?
Important tyrant Libya General Matt died?
Today … The French initiative tdaaaaaaaaf to basket to collect ((players)) – at the table of national reconciliation under the auspices of the Arab Tunisian too??
Permission to the whole world that combines the enormity of the conspiracy at the Middle East (which combines the extensive plot upon a Middle Eastern man first) and fell all the flimsy al-Jazeera only before some Libyans traitors and customers?
Who believe they were victorious in “February Almhaam”?
And wonder at the ((big)) and superimposition with sit down to reconciliation?
You don’t sit down with anybody. And not one of you …
It was our right to spill a lot of blood, and we paid a high price?
The result was the loss of the nation’s finest and his men???
The solution left Libya Azizah to God.
And enough is God’s believers are fighting evil ???
The fight?? The fight. The fight.
ساعة الصفر
فرنسا عالخط .. اخيرا ؟لم تعد قادرة على احتمال ضغوط ايطاليا اكثر من الهجرة الشرعية وليست الغير شرعية فهم سرقوا ثروات بلداننا التى من لعنتها (( فلق )) شينقن اوربا اصبح وشيكا ؟؟
والامارة الاسلامية على شواطى البحر المتوسط بدائت تتشكل بقوه وتزعج الامن العالمى وليس المنطقة فقط ؟؟؟
وامريكا سيده العالم الحر(( سابقا )) مشغولة (( بتعملق )) الدب الروسى فى شكله الاتحادى الجديد القديم ؟؟؟
والندم على الشهيد الصائم (( دك )) البرلمان الفرنسى مع اعلان ميزانية تقشفية جديدة (( غيرو اصبرو يا فرنسيس الخير جاااااااااى ؟؟
المهم طاغية ليبيا الجنرال مات ؟
اليوم … مبادرة فرنسية تضاااااااف الى سلة المبادرات لجمع (( الفرقاء )) الليبين على طاولة المصالحة الوطنية وبرعاية عربية تونسية ايضا ؟؟
اذنا العالم كله يجمع بفداحة المؤامرة على رجل الشرق الاوسط الاول وسقطت كل الذارئع الواهية الا امام بعض الليبيين الخونة والعملاء ؟
الذين يعتقدون انهم انتصروا فى فبراير المشؤؤم ؟
ويتساءلون فى (( كبر )) واستعلاء مع من نجلس للمصالحة ؟؟
نعلمكم لا تجلسوا مع احدا .. ولا يفيدكم احد … فقد حقنا الدماء كثيرا ودفعنا الثمن غاليا ؟
وكانت النتيجة ضياع الوطن وخيرة رجاله ؟؟؟
الحل غادروا ليبيا االعزيزة بالله .. وكفى الله المؤمنون شر القتال ؟؟؟ القتااااااااال ؟؟ القتاااااااااااااال .. القتاااااااااااااااااااال .
Urgent: the killing of a nephew and Justice Minister Salah Elmarghani dawn on Saturday (03 MAY 2014)
when militants attacked the headquarters of the Zintan militia battalion Mataraf fourth year in Spring Valley
is still ongoing clashes so far.
Unconfirmed reports that there is power coming from the city Alrajaban to the capital Tripoli and the revenge
taken it to their son, who was killed in a shanty neighborhood events.
1) Continuous congestion on petrol stations in Tripoli
and the closure of stores exact Tajourah.
2) Today is the dawn of robbery on the amount of 800 000 dinars from the Bank of North Africa on the coastal road Tajourah..
(219 m)
Drone attacks !
Accidentally Abokmash head Igdir collision two cars and burning car fully Kia Optima by the family of the population of Tripoli Ain Zara and roasted driver (Ali Habib Aouinat) and his wife (and communication Hadi key) and upon the arrival of the bodies to the hospital Zuwarah then detected by Dr found the body of a child (Karam Ali Aouinat) Burning fully hug his mother.
I am God and to him we shall return.
(219 m)
The arrest of a person from the tuber near the Planetarium in Tripoli
Was drilled in the club Shat! It is Black skin.
We learned that there are suspicious movements of al-Qaeda in the vicinity of the capital these days
The whereabouts of FOREIGN intelligence officers occupied, within our country in Tripoli.
1 – Mitigua air base
2 – Mahari Hotel
3 – Corinthia Hotel “Bab Africa.”
4 – villa in Ben Achour
5 – Aaron Hotel in Dahra
I hope Publishing and Circular
Libya’s Foreign ministry, the numerous incidents of high-ranking officials being kidnapped,
as well as repeated and deadly clashes between the Thunderbolt and SALAFI militias.
In April, Libya’s foreign ministry was besieged by some 200 men armed with AK-47 assault guns and sniper rifles.
Demands were made to sack key foreign service officers in Libya’s embassies and consulates abroad. Intense negotiations followed.
story from THREE YEARS AGO:
Libya gives spies a chance to shine
British intelligence officers have a firm foothold in Libya. Their subtle moves may be more explosive than the bombing campaign.
Richard Norton-Taylor
theguardian.com, Tuesday 05 April 2011
While David Cameron praises British pilots and enthusiastically announces an increase in the number of RAF Tornado aircraft
deployed against Libya, British intelligence officers are operating rather more discreetly on the ground.
Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, better known as MI6, is in the thick of it and the Libyan conflict should be right up its street.
The Libyan desert may have been the birthplace of the SAS during the second world war when MI6′s main playground was the deserts
of Arabia further east. But in recent years their officers have got to know the deserts of north Africa, and of Libya in particular.
Their role should be key now, as the coalition’s military operation, appears to have run its course.
While Cameron is gung-ho for the fight, defence chiefs and commanders, in Washington as well as London, are increasingly concerned about a stalemate. It is time for intelligence agencies to prove their worth.
CIA and MI6 officers are active in Libya, doing what they are trained to do – encouraging influential people to come over, to defect.
Both agencies have a special relationship against the Great Jamahiriya. They monitored it closely since Mu’ammar al-Qathafi’s
earliest days. Their senior officers, Sir Mark Allen of MI6, Stephen Kappes of the CIA, were deeply involved in talks with Tripoli,
convincing al-Qathafi into false compensations. In 2003, they celebrated months of talks leading to al-Qathafi’s decision to give-in
to the West so trade could resume with Libya, after a long lunch at the Travellers Club in Pall Mall.
A year later, and after failing to get the top job at MI6, Allen joined BP, a company that was to benefit from trade deals agreed
between Libya and the Blair government. On the Libyan side, heading the negotiations that culminated in the Travellers lunch was with the West’s secret wily head of foreign intelligence in the Great Jamahiriya, Moussa Koussa. Koussa also gave the UK and US information about al-Qaida’s presence in North Africa. (Koussa, who was later unsuspecing and naively appointed by Saif al-Gaddafi as foreign minister, is now giving the unloaded run-down to MI6 officers and Foreign Office diplomats, who are in “safehouses” iwithinthe country. MI6 wanted his views on al-Qathafi’s inner circle – in particular, how vulnerable the Libyan leader is. (British Intelligence has ben trying to eliminate/kill al-Qathafi since 1970.)
Given its past relationship with Tripoli, this is a special test for MI6. Its officers are in Libya, and neighbouring countries, trying to persuade others to abandon the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA. Imploding the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA from within, with the help of a propaganda war, is more likely to achieve a breakthrough than explosions from missiles fired from Tornado jets. It is a case, perhaps, where spooks could – indeed, should – be doing more “good than fighter pilots” !!!!!!!.
MY COMMENT: They call this good ?????????????????????
Explosion at the gate Al-akorah no human damage.
God largest men abound on the Izz Izz
And our response, since few of the tribe and Rishvana pass it to you as it is
Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Libyan tribe and Rishvana Wershfana Tribe Libya
God is Greatest Above the Kid Agressor !
A set of trace heavy vehicles armed battalion during the day and black Rishvana are firing
on the group in Boca 27 and send him a warning to him back then included.
“GPC basic Elvis Bucky free”, on FB, writes:
We do not Nchmt Blamoat.
So we know the leader ………. God save the country from the treacherous Kid !
Kahilat Zliten Dhana to Ajwad (FB PAGE):
Bani Walid yesterday, today, and Rishvana
Iabat Arabs Eachhrb corners
Aasenthan … my words prompt much to say to San
Haley ………… fueled Boukok in the field
Číßă ……….. Ashah and tell Betrayal
Following ………. Turks and after the Italians
Laura ……… storey bungalows de l’Epau Mslana
Bani Walid yesterday, today, and Rishvana
Iabat Arabs Eachhrb corners
Ayasien …. Juzu caution Matamnoa of Khan ……… Raho news of the day and I find Iban
Mahoush ……… carapace in Sama smoke
Row …….. sea and safety Malhmc
Naoyenkm ……. nucleolus reduce religion
Bani Walid yesterday, today, and Rishvana
Iabat Arabs Eachhrb corners
Aatarhuni ..
Matcol launched my income they Fatuna
And do not say Misurata loved Itjona
Btakz yours agent of humiliation
Aouselok day limit and restrict Donny … Moktoppem clear and address
Bani Walid yesterday, today, and Rishvana
Iabat O Arabs Taahat corners
Iabojeelh …. and Orem, Ben Nile and all the tribe
…………… And Asibaa and Mashay not Boqilh
Mazrui ……… and a popular place and Hassnaoui
Araahi Gelawi …….. and its inhabitants in Aasila
Ptbakoa …….. accumulated in life Tabanh
Bani Walid yesterday, today, and Rishvana
Iabat Arabs Eachhrb corners
Oh …. and Soleimani Gaddafi and even Anicol Aavzana ….
Juzu my words and meaning of the words
Naoyenkm Lin will vanquish Aldfanah
The Amari and Wafi and Hey Aamaadana
Following our principle Turks Karhina
Bani Walid yesterday, today, and Rishvana
Iabat Arabs Eachhrb staff,
Oh Gharyan …. even Aicoloa Malcmh safety
…………… But the tip of our Lord the Merciful
Amidst ………….. accumulated Arabs Be brighter
………….. Rash agent and the balance of gravity G
Each …………. grass grow, but what Vmkana
Aabussefa ….. and Aaasibaa and Rajabana Loya Saafa …..
Mahoush of my fake Tzyeva
Back see our history and Rana
Rani is your ally and you shall be my ally
Mayom Salloum enemy Tleghana
Each tribe .. out of Arab history Traalh
……….. And show her the news launched interpreted
……….. Great scheme of Turks are entitled
………. Was Matdmoa grade Schenk Leila
…….. All Arabic Wayne was his place
Rafla yesterday and today and Rishvana
Iabat Arabs Eachhrb corners …
Oh … and Awlad Akharas Honey and Sharifi Matcol specially …
Manny few custom Look and Qais
What was your history Onalt Betrayal
The Tariqa and Tbawi Maigblo desecration
Dmohm ăÚÇßă right are Jalana
Rafla yesterday and today and Rishvana
Iabat O Arabs Taahat corners
Aa.e.a Burka … you are choking the day before the Scarecrow
Reasonable abandoned home for Bashmrgah
And tell Ehna Manhmiloa mortification
Rahe today Maad the carapace
Libya and the Arabs except for Hihleyana
“Bani Walid yesterday, today, and Rishvana
Iabat Arabs Eachhrb staff”
The poem guided by Khokm ((Knight Akahilh)),
and God bless the Ali Halabiat good and beautiful words.
(Sheikh girl–BLAKE’s page on FB)
كحيلات زليتن ضنا لاجواد
امس بن وليد واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب ياخاربات أركانه
يازنتان …كلامي موجه موش قول لسان
…………هلي غذاه بخوك في الميدان
……….. بيكم عشاه وما تقولوا خيانه
……….عقب الأتراك وعقب للطليان
……… طابق ورا طابق ايبوا مسلانه
امس بن وليد واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب ياخاربات أركانه
ياصيعان….خوذوا الحذر ماتامنوا من خان………راهو خبر واجد اليوم ايبان
………ماهوش درقه في السما دخانه
……..صف البحر ومالهمش أمان
…….ناويينكم نوية إقلال ديانه
امس بن وليد واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب ياخاربات أركانه
ماتقول شن دخلي وهم فاتوني
ولا تقول مصراته أحباب يجوني
بتاخذ نصيبك كيل من الإهانة
نهار يوصلوك نقصر وتقصر دوني…مكتوبهم واضح ومن عنوانه
امس بن وليد واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب يا طايحات أركانه
يابوعجيله ….ووريمه وبن نايل وكل قبيله
……………واصيبعي ومشاي لا بوقيله
………ومزروعي وحسناوي شهير مكانه
……..وارياحي جلاوي سكنته في اعسيله
……..راكم بتبقوا في حياة تعبانه
امس بن وليد واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب ياخاربات أركانه
يا سليماني ….وقذافي وحتى انقول يافزاني….
خوذوا كلامي وللكلام معاني
ناويينكم لين يغلبوا الدفانه
وعماري ووافي وهيه يامعداني
عقب الأتراك كارهينا مبدانا
امس بن وليد واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب ياخاربات اركانه
يا غريان ….حتى ايقولوا مالكمش أمان
……………لكن نصيحه لربنا الرحمان
…………..راكم فوسط عرب كونوا معانا
…………..طفح كيلها والثقل ع الميزان
…………. وكل عشب ما ينبت الا فمكانه
يابوسيفي …..ويااصيبعي ورجباني ويا السعيفي…..
ماهوش من عندي مزيفه تزييفي
للخلف انظر تاريخنا ورانا
راني حليفك وانت تكون حليفي
مايوم سلوم العدو تلقانا
كل قبيله.. من اصل العرب تاريخها ترعيله
………..وتشوف ها الخبر شن تاويله
………..مخطط كبير لاتراك هم عنوانه
……….كان ماتضموا الصف شينك ليله
……..على كل عربي وين كان مكانه
امس ورفله واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب ياخاربات أركانه…
يا اولاد اخريص…وهوني وشريفي ماتقول خصيص…
ماني قليل العرف شوف وقيس
تاريخكم ما أنعلت عليه خيانه
وتارقي وتباوي مايقبلو التدنيس
ضموهم معاكم حق هم يالانا
امس ورفله واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب يا طايحات أركانه
ياسعادي برقه… انتم قبل فزاعه نهار الشرقه
معقوله تخلوا الوطن للبشمرقه
وتقولوا احنا مانحملوا الاهانه
راهي اليوم ماعاد فيها درقه
ليبيا للعرب وإلا لشيشليانه
امس بن وليد واليوم ورشفانه
يابيت العرب ياخاربات اركانه
القصيدة هدي بقلم خوكم ((فارس اكحيلة)) وبارك الله فيه علي هالابيات الطيبة والكلمات الجميلة
بنت الشيخ
RISHVANA visited BANI WALID on 28 MARCH 2014: :
The attack on the gate on the island of rotation well Ayad (by Western Mountain) was caused by the attack about 4
wounded in Who’s gate and steal their weapons.
Kahilat Zliten Dhana to Ajwad
In the first anniversary of the martyrs memorial bin Walid on the first of May 2013 bring us back to the feelings of those moments majestic and called the city proud of those martyrs to God Rehab Balzgarrid and songs, the martyrs who have been liquidated in the prisons of darkness insidious Misurata.
In Ben Walid disappeared the day manifestations of grief which Akedzyt out of the valley of olive trees since the Tatars attacked and lunatics who Fodahm the so-called National Congress for the invasion of the city in what is known as the crime of Resolution No. 7,
Bani Walid abandoned her grief in the day of glory and pottery and accepted the ground, the bodies of her children happily and consistency, patience and drew crowds day message for those who Azarha and Aadaha It failed them that the right to the right and revenge will not die and retribution behind all of Salt him his prejudice stone by stone homeland Jihad, and the shame and curse the treachery, and shame those who Khan and cheese.
God have mercy on the martyrs of bin Walid and all the martyrs of the nation wounded.
(Aladinm main)
في الذكرى الاولى لتأبين شهداء بن وليد في الاول من مايو 2013 تعود بنا المشاعر الى تلك اللحظات المهيبه التى ودعت فيها المدينه الابيه اولئك الشهداء الى رحاب الله بالزغاريد والاهازيج ، الشهداء الذين تم تصفيتهم غدراً في سجون الظلام بمصراته .
في بن وليد اختفت يومها مظاهر الحزن التى اكتسىت بها زياتين الوادي منذ ان هجم التتار والمجانين الذين فوضهم مايسمى بالمؤتمر الوطني لغزو المدينه في ما يعرف بجريمة القرار رقم 7 ،
بنى وليد تخلت عن حزنها في يوم من ايام المجد والفخار وتقبلت الارض جثامين ابنائها بسعاده وثبات وصبر ووجهت الجموع يوما رساله لمن ازرها ومن عاداها ومن خذلها بأن الحق حق والثأر لن يموت والقصاص وراء كل من سولت له يده المساس بحجر من احجار وطن الجهاد ، والخزي واللعنة على من غدر ، والعار لمن خان ومن جبن .
ليرحم الله شهداء بن وليد وجميع شهداء الوطن الجريح .
الادمن الرئيسى
There is a suspicious move between Bani Walid and the breeze from the group beards Almtstrien religion
and there is no meeting in Mabo ….
Please enable factory gate 51 Bagsa speed.
Popular local security (wonderful):
A proposal from “City Youth Bani Walid of the Council for Social and Rafla tribes” to form a security force within the city.
Correspondent Rusaifa news from the city of Bani Walid, for submission of a proposal by the “City Youth Bani Walid of the Council social tribes and Rafla” to form a security force of young people of all tribes in the town of Bani Walid to be a force to assign security services within the city to hunt down and arrest the promoters-drug within the city.
O Conqueror support soldiers
Social Council of the tribes and the southern region Rafla
Official page of the Social Council of the tribes of the southern region and Rafla
المجلس الاجتماعى لقبائل ورفلة بالمنطقة الجنوبية
الصفحة الرسمية للمجلس الاجتماعى لقبائل ورفلة بالمنطقة الجنوبية
Communauté : 1 174 personnes aimen
Urgent :::
News uncertain of a special forces and is now stationed in the Directorate of Security in Benghazi says there is a convoy
too many shields and militias and Sam bin Humaid progresses towards the Directorate and the expectations of the return
of clashes and it seems that they want to grab the Directorate and the subject of the infidels and the Kharijites of supporters fry.
the killing of nine soldiers from the Thunderbolt yesterday, by “ANSAR al-SHARIA”.
The special forces “Thunderbolt” searched the cars using sniffer dogs patrolled the streets of the city of Benghazi.
Mu’ammar al-Qathafi’s speech from 17 MARCH 2011 to the people of Benghazi over the radio
Publiée le 17 juil. 2012
Announces youth movement Libya federal regulators to reconsider May 2
Calling for a referendum to approve the pause that they postpone the
Scheduled for the day Friday, May 2nd to later
This is in solidarity with the bereaved families of the city of Benghazi
And sorrow for the loss of our martyrs from the army and the police, in order
The safety of the participants in the vigil ..
Rebellious Cyrenaica برقة المتمردة
يعلن شباب حركة ليبيا الاتحادية المنظمين لوقفة 2 مايو
الداعية لإقـرار الاستفتاء عن تأجيلهم للــوقفة التى كان
من المقــرر اجرائها اليوم الجمعة 2 مايو إلى وقت لاحق
وذلك تضامناً مع المكلــومين من اهالي مدينة بنغـــازي
وحـزناً على فقد شهدائنا من الجيش و الشرطة وحرصاً
على سلامة المشاركين في الوقفة ..
CYRENAICA and the devious CIA:
Rebellious Cyrenaica Cyrenaica rebel, OSAMA GARD..has questions and writes:
Lengthy debate and “Byzantine” sometimes with the head of the CIA! (1)
(Do you fit Attar what ruined forever ? )
Of a fortunate coincidence that I met someone today, Salem El-Hasy, and often heard of him, but I did not see him but never Sdftna in the suburb, Qrnadh, and the reason for the significant age difference between us ..
Please note that I and a few years ago, with the expansion of my understanding, I became world time al.Qathafi, in a strange way,
became the see life is full of injustice and oppression, and I remember I kept Zmana Find a means of communication the children of my cousins in the opposition for Mr. “Mahmoud Abdalones Elhasy” too early -
because he has a talent for writing sober and cognitive ability in reading events – or “Salem Elhasy” too seconds in order to transfer the suffering of the inside of a number of writers opposition which was made available to them a climate of freedom to write and express their views in exile ..
and the reason for research or optional for my cousins without the other members of the opposition of others is justified at the time, because it is commonly an atmosphere of trust and the secret to Russell and the future that together .. I
n that period, we all know that the organs of the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA penetrated the ranks of the opposition …! after the despair and frustration of searching for a way to enable me to do something resorted to the idea of writing three pseudonyms were on time well-known political and creative testimony book many ..
Today, Salem Elhasy, without rest days and his grandmother sitting next to me on the saloon and frankly, I used to Athva something new from Ejrabh filled, especially when he took over the presidency of the “CIA public” ..
I was waiting to hear news from him assassinations of civilians or military, only to end ..? Or from behind the insecurity in Benghazi and benefiting from them ..? I was waiting to hear why he did not tell the activation of the General Intelligence Service under this ALbArAkA security of documentation for foreigners and counted, and so on?
Or Athva something about the secret meetings of Western “Babualhaj” .. and I am not exaggerating I was expecting in two sessions this with the head of the agency, the General Intelligence Salem Elhasy today to live in the stories and mystery novels along the lines of what you write writer “Agatha Christie” in her novels famous that need sometimes to stop and re-think and especially to the country’s theater and Mamrh each global intelligence, including intelligence Chad (?!) ..
of all the waves of events crashing murder and embezzlement and kidnapping, was surprised that the professor, “agency chief General Intelligence” not friendly any information: stating the street Almertab only for mobility Federal and echoed with everything.
Unfortunately, as alleged Broadcaster “Nazim Tayyari” in Libya, the official channel ..!
About the role of “Ahmed Ghaddafi blood” in the financing of this movement and that after three weeks will reveal the papers and documents proving their involvement with, Ghaddafi blood, ..!
I do not think you’re talking to a man-sized Intelligence Agency chief defect of speech ..! These meetings, which a person believes may be unknown and mysterious look funded according to the place of the geographical area of the tribe of the host and, for example, and not limitation meeting of 06 March 2012, which was the nucleus for the establishment of the Council of Cyrenaica province transition, which was held in the village of Alkwyfah Benghazi was funded by the tribe, “Alawakir , “
and 17 April 2012 meeting of the tribe,” Albrasp ” and the first anniversary celebration of June 2012 in Ajdabiya tribes of Moroccans, and meeting Alaualah Marg on the first of June 2013 and from the tribe of Al-Arafa meeting in Tobruk funded tribe of slaves and so forth ..
and the figures active in the founding of this movement since its beginnings. Some, for example, and not limitation too late, “Khalil cuneiform” and the late “Majid and Nice Gaddafi” and Sheikh “Ahmed Zubair al-Sanusi” and “d / Boubacar camel” .. and you, you explain what replace your comments and explanations of Ka say the view “Vdro tribal” and so on ..
but it sure is hard and there is no room for support, who spoke of the President of the General Intelligence for “Ahmed Ghaddafi Blood” and its generous support funds ..?! Because these events are unexciting moment Balhzh .. and to talk lingers
نقاش مطول و ” بيزنطي ” فى بعض الأحيان مع رئيس وكالة المخابرات ! ( 1 )
( هل يصلح العطار ما افسدة الدهر )
من محاسن الصدف إنني التقيت اليوم بشخص , سالم الحاسي , و كثيرا ما سمعت عنه و لكنني لم أراها أبدا إلا صدفتنا في ضاحية , قرنادة , و السبب فارق العمر الكبير الذي بيننا .. مع العلم أنى قبل سنوات و مع توسع مداركي أصبحت أرى العالم زمن القذافى بطريقة غريبة, أصبحت أرى الحياة مليئة بالظلم والاضطهاد , و اذكر أنى ظللت زمانا ابحث عن وسيلة اتصال بأبناء عمومتي في المعارضة بالأستاذ ” محمود عبدالونيس الحاسي ” بدرجة الأولى – لكونه يمتلك موهبة كتابية رصينه وقدرة معرفية في قراءة الاحداث – أو ” سالم الحاسي ” بدرجة ثانية بهدف نقل معاناة الداخل لعدد من الكتاب المعارضة الذي أتيح لهم مناخ من حرية ألكتابه و التعبير عن أرائهم في المنفى.. و سبب بحثي أو اختياري لأبناء عمومتي من دون غيرهم من أفراد المعارضة الآخرين له ما يبرره في ذلك الوقت , لأنه يشيع أجواء من الثقة و السرية لراسل و المستقبل في أن معا.. ففي تلك الفترة كلنا نعلم أن أجهزة النظام السابق اخترقت صفوف المعارضة …!و بعد يأس و إحباط من البحث عن وسيلة تمكنني من فعل شيء ما لجأت إلى فكرة الكتابة بثلاثة أسماء مستعارة كانت في وقتها معروفة سياسيا وإبداعيا بشهادة كتاب كث