
Blessings upon the Great Jamahirya, through Mu’ammar al-Qathafi, by the power and love of Allah:

“Lioness fierce of the Honest tribes “, on FB :

O Allah, accept Friday a new holiday Jdedmn Muslim holidays and we our hearts full of hatred on the made this country invaded grudges and sets them apart rancor and blood and sleep and get up to the screams of the women crying on the children and spouses are captured and executioner brother and Alcilod brother and children Mstaqon to their parents and their brothers Displaced how long we will continue to remain silent on the right in life with dignity and pride injection blood and remove the gloom and for my country and Muslims attributed to Naalomn and safety.



de “Lioness fierce of the Honest tribes “, on FB:

Peace to all free to light I saw a vision and I would like them Acharkm.Yesterday I

saw my father and Lord Commander was out of the mountain open by the door of

wood large a dress in the military and stop and was in the bottom group of the heads

of the Arabs lifted his hat and hang it on the door and said,

“do you think I am dead?     pop on the microphone three times”  :

She went back flags and green and cheers in the squares and I was his right eye and a small boiled darkening and God Macol martyr and I Ashbashr Balahalami days and we will see over the skies above the green mass of new.

السلام على كل احرار الفاتح رأيت رؤيه وأود أن اشاركم أياها

بالأمس رأيت أبي وسيدي القائد وقد خرج من جبل فتح به باب من الخشب كبير وهو في لباس العسكري ووقف وكان في الاسفل مجموعه من رؤساء العرب فرفع قبعته وعلقها على الباب وقال هل تعتقدون اني ميت فرقع على المايك ثلاث مرات فرجعت الاعلام والخضراء والهتافات في الساحات ولاكن كانت عينه اليمنى غليها سواد وصغيره والله على ماقول شهيد وانا اشبشر بالاحلامي واننا سنرى الايام الخضراء تعلو فوق سماء الجماهيريه من جديد



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الرجاء المشاركة:::

نطلب منكم عمل الخطوات الموجودة في الصورة المرفقة حتى تتم مشاهدة منشورات صفحتنا اول بأول.

نطلب المشاركة على اوسع النطاق

ملاحضة في حالة عدم تتبعكم لهده الخطوات لن تتمكنوا من مشاهدة نزول




The house of Aziz Asmlh it … empty the whole … Lonesome how deserts slip

Lord Willem We included in Aahla of stainless brighter

تك يحرق كل شي

بيت عزيز عليه اسمله… خالي كله… موحش كيف صحاري زله

ربي يلم شملنا ياهلي من في صامد معانا



ساعة الصفر

الشخص اللى هدرزتلكم عليه امبكرى كلمنى وقالى الليلة لما انكلمك رد عليا طول نبيك عندا شوية زرع مكانه قاعد فاضى نبيك تحصده لان الشخص اللى بيحصد مريض شوية كان حالتها تحسنت بيحصد شوية وكانهادا انكلمك انتى تحصده لان عندى فيك تقة قلتله مش قلتلى مزال وقت الحصيده الايام الجاية قالى اتى لا توا نحولو فى الحاجة الصاعبة بس نحولو فى الحنزاب وبعدين باقى الحصيدة مش شوركم عندنا ليها تريس وحديد جديد مكينات باهية وسريعة للحصد .. المهم قالى متفاهمين قلتله تامة وقلت فى خاطرى اهوا انشوفوا شن قصة المختش هدا

امبارح تلاقيت انا وشخص ما شفته من الاحدات المهم هدرزنا شوية وقلتله وينك وين ايامك قالى اهوا قاعدين كيف كملنا الزرع قلتله تى اما زرع يا راجل اتى هوا وقت زرع توا الناس تقتل فى بعض وانتى تزرع قال كان مازرعنا ما نحصد واحنا نبوا نحصدو قتله زرع شنى وحصد شنى الباين انك هبلت انتى ولا شنى قصتك قالى خرف والله ماك عارف حاجة زيك زى باقى الليبيين قلتله شن تقصد قالى تو نحصدوا وتفهم قلتله ايوا علينا عاودنا قصة الحصد والزرع المهم شادها حصيدة وزرع كل الهدرزة لين انا قلقت وبعدها قلتله هىا تامة الدوة انا مش فاضى قالى خلاص باهى نتلاقوا انشالله فى الحصيدة شنى تحصد معانا قلتله امشى يا مختش والله معاد تجيب طاسة لبن قالى والله انتى اللى مختش مش انا قالى توا اتشوف التختيش على اصولهم الايام الجاية واعطانى رقم تلفونه لكن الرقم ثريا وانا ماعنديش رصيد كافى بيش انديرله رنة كان عندكم انتوا رصيد نعطيكم الرقم وافهموا منه شن يخرف لا انا لحد الان ما فهمت شى .. وين مايتصل بيا ايقولى وتى روحد للحصد انسكر عليه فى الهاتف المهبول هدا الباين انه ضاربه جن فى المزرعة امتاعهم اللى ضربها الناتو زمان








by Abdoulaye Ly

Muammar al-Qathafi and Burkina: A story of love and interest
Friday, 14 October 2011

al-Qathafi and his family do not celebrate on 01 September 2011,

the 42nd anniversary of the Great al-Fateh revolution of Light, that overthrew King Idris in 1969. 

The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ls no longer after 42 years. Another so-called “revolution” is underway in Libya with

paid traitor actors (some of whom were companions to the reknowned “Guide”.

Burkina recognized the new Western puppet-authorities in Tripoli on 23 August 2011.

The flag of the National Transitional Council (CNT) floats in the grounds of the Libyan Embassy in Ouaga.

Blaise has quickly turned the page of al-Qathafi as it had done the page Sankara in October 1987.

The Libyan crisis has once again demonstrated that in international relations, realist theory

out-performs the so-called idealistic.

Most countries of the world have recognized the NTC, the governing body of Libyan NATO rebels, even before it has completely taken the upper hand over Great Jamahiriya loyalists.

In Africa, only a few countries have supported the Resistance to the new situation.

Southern Africa is South Africa, leading the ball for the West within Africa, to date, only Mali resists. Furthermore Venezuela Hugo Chavez, the two African countries were also approached to host possibly al-Qathafi and his family in case they come out alive from Libya. Burkina Faso has also said he was willing to host the Guide. His foreign minister, Djibril Bassolet, said at the same time he declared officially recognize the puppet-NTC as the “sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people.”

At the same time they declare “illegitimate” the Guide, because he “no longer have the means to govern Libya!” (SOMETHING of an anachronism, as Muammar al-Qathafi did not “govern” the GREAT JAMAHAIRIYA…As the name implies, the people themselves ran the affairs of the “Great Libyan Arabic Jamahiriya”.)

Burkinabe authorities say though, that they can receive him on their soil. This ambiguity led to desire relationships Burkina maintained with al-Qathafi. It is a relationship of love / hate as in some couples. The last thirty years, relations between both countries have fluctuated between convergence of ideals and interests with periods where it is one of the two facets which takes precedence over the other.

1983-1986: the triumph of the revolutionary ideal:

al-Qathafi “discovered” (though Sankara notes its embassy in Ouagadougou) in 1981 when Sankara was appointed Secretary of State for Information under the colonialists. Their relationship will be strengthened under the Council of People’s salvation (CSP) when Sankara became prime minister.

A month after his appointment to this position, he made a visit to al-Qathafi in late February 1983. In the same year, al-Qathafi also makes visit his friend in Ouagadougou in April 1983, without permission, says, President Jean Baptiste Ouedraogo. (This is the version of that published in the book: “One hundred years of the history of Burkina Faso” published by the University of Ouagadougou.)

This “impromptu” al-Qathafi Ouagadougou visit will be brandished by the clan around Jean Baptiste to justify the arrest of Sankara on 17 May 1983. They accused the Prime Minister of “lead Upper Volta in adventurist diplomacy.” Sankara, the Libyan regime had important social benefits (education, health, housing), the Upper Volta could inspire. Under the CSP2, which saw the ousting of the progressive wing of power, al-Qathafi continued to support Sankara and his comrades.

The Great Jamahiriya supplied arms to the rebel garrison Po via Ghana Jerry John Rawlings between May and August 1983. Such support would have helped a lot to curb the enthusiasm of the “extremists” of the regime who wanted to fight with Blaise and his commandos Po. But they knew that face: it was not “corn” to borrow the term from our “friend” Gbagbo.

al-Qathafi had contributed to the triumph of Sankara group of 4 August 1983. Revolutionary Burkina be grateful to al-Qathafi. Indeed, while al-Qathafi and his regime were under quarantine at the international level (and many heads of state were afraid to appear with the Guide), President Sankara was one of the few leaders State which defended in international fora and within the Organization of African Unity (OAU). To congratulate Burkina Faso, al-Qathafi carried out, in December 1985 an official visit to Ouagadougou.

Some Western governments do not appreciate at all, that visit. In some circles of power “imperialist” (as mentioned by the Guide), they threaten to take retaliatory measures against the Burkinabe diet. Mention was at the time the probable termination of the program “Cathwell Americans”  who provided food to school canteens made in USA.

France, another target of the speech of al-Qathafi in Ouagadougou, has not officially responded, but the French-African networks have not remained inactive. 

Christmas war between Burkina Faso and Mali in late December 1985 was a ploy to bring the young captain to sort his associates. In response, Sankara threatened to disclose the names of all those who go “nightly” or see the al-Qathafi “byways”. It was certainly referring to some members of these networks. Today, these words become clearer in light of the testimony of some of these actors. Roland Duma, former foreign minister under Mitterrand, in his latest book reveals how he was sent by his boss secretly to see al-Qathafi.

A private jet was available for such missions. Some of these visits took place in full diplomatic row between France and Libya about Chad. (The Aouzou Strip was occupied by Libyans . al-Qathafi was asked to intervene in the French country torn by years of civil war ). During this “buddy” with the Libyan leader, the Burkina Faso revolution will took some financial dividends, eventually leading to some projects.

The quarrel between Sankara and al-Qathafi:

But in 1986, relations between Sankara and al-Qathafi take a souring-chill. Sankara is on Chadian folder. Talks are held secretly in Ouagadougou between different Chadian factions in conflict. al-Qathafi did not like this “interference” of his friend in what he considers his case.

We must not forget that traitors in the Libya militarily (Kalifa Hftar) supported some Chadian armed factions.

al-Qathaf’s strategy was to install a protected power in N’Djamena. But Sankara (which adopted a Chadian girl) else saw the resolution of the crisis. He favored dialogue to allow Chadian leaders to reach a political consensus to take the country out of years of civil war.

Another point of contention between him and the Guide is the question of Western Sahara.

al-Qathafi had fluctuating positions on the issue. Sometimes it is pro-Polisario, sometimes it is with Morocco. The issue of support to bring Charles Taylor is another bone of contention. Taylor seeks support to launch its offensive against the regime of Samuel Do in Liberia.

He has the green light to use Houphouët, Ivory Coast as a base. The old man has a grudge against that: Do overthrew and executed in 1980 his friend President Tolbert. For the recruitment and training of his men, Taylor needs money and training camps. It is aimed at Rawlings and Sankara. He does not get success. Nevertheless, he seeks to introduce Sankara with al-Qathafi. Again, the refusal of the Burkinabe president. He is categorically opposed to the army strategy (the civil war) to overthrow dictatorships in place. Taylor prefers to see Captain Blaise Compaoré. 

The latter would have promised to get in touch with al-Qathafi against part of his support to overthrow Sankara, (according to Prince Johnson, and several other bast sources. François Xavier Verschave also thinks, that the assassination of Sankara is the founder of the relationship between crime and françafrique al-Qathafi.)

Each had its own interests to defend. French networks wanted wood and Liberian diamond; Houphouët wanted revenge. al-Qathafi thought he could extend his influence in sub-Saharan Africa by “supporting armed movements that call themselves revolutionaries”; and Blaise Compaoré wanted to be instead of the Caliph in Ouagadougou.

By eliminating Sankara, each would have achieved its objectives. On 01 September 1987, Sankara does not participate in the celebrations of the anniversary of the Great al-Fateh Revolution of Light in the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA. This is Blaise Compaoré who is represented. His stay in Tripoli lasts longer than expected; and the Ambassador of Burkina, is stationed in Libya. (It is noted that the number 2, Burkina Faso, is repeatedly received by the Guide with great respect.) Bruno Jaffré also believes that this visit was an opportunity for al-Qathafi and Blaise to seal the fate of their “friend Sankara.” 

After the coup of October 1987, the axis will strengthen Tripoli Ouagadougou. To celebrate the 01 September 1988 in Tripoli,

al-Qathafi asks Presidents Rawlings of Ghana, and Museveni of Uganda to “forget Sankara” and deal with Blaise.

The newspaper Jeune Afrique will make his big A: “al-Qathafi must forget Sankara.” The refusal of the two African presidents to meet, as al-Qathafi wished, the Burkinabe President said, that anyway, “Burkinabe farmers do not know where Uganda is.”

Interests rather than ideals:

Until 2008, relations between al-Qathafi and Blaise were rosy. President Compaoré regularly conducting tours in Libya, and  if he does not, he sends his friend Salif Diallo. al-Qathafi came twice to Ouagadougou see his friend, the first time by road.


Already in the mid-90s, Libyans began to invest heavily in Burkina Faso. They are in the bank (BCB Bank Sahel-Saharan), hospitality (hotel libya) in insurance with “Colina, transport” also. The Guide has also invested heavily in humanitarian and religious efforts, and through the funding of mosques. To the human rights movement, each scored using the Guide.

As to Burkina Faso’s regime, he no longer a little offended, provided that rents continue to be protected. It was not until 2008 that the relationship between al-Qathafi and Blaise seems to be going to take a cold. 

Two elements are advanced, by the entourage of the Burkina Faso Presidency, to explain the situation.:

First, The visit of Blaise Compaoré to Israel. al-Qathafi did not appreciate this. Still happening, as Israeli instructors are employed for the presidency of Burkina Faso, to form the presidential guard, and then they go to “show off” in Tel Aviv. This is too much for the guide. He likens it to the betrayal of the Palestinian cause close to his heart.

The other difference is on its proposed “African government”. At the Accra summit, Burkina dropped Libya who wanted to rally a majority of African countries in this project. Since 1999, al-Qathafi made his workhorse and has the means to do so. The Great Jamahiriya contributed to 15% alone in the budget of the African Union.

Again, al-Qathafi felt betrayed by his friend Blaise. At the peak of this current crisis, he sent an emissary to his Burkinabe friend, hoping he would face with other countries within the African Union to support ihim. But from June, Burkina began to approach the CNT-rats.

The declaration of 23 August 2011, came as to formalize a “de facto recognition” of the Western Puppet RATS. POLITICAL Interests have once again taken over any former friendship for the once chaimanship of the African Union.

Recognition of the new Western-puppet authorities in Tripoli was inevitable, sooner or later; but many hoped that al-Qathafi could have maintained a workable relationship with Burkina… But speciifically, Burkinabe authorities had not the patience to see it completely out of the game before kissing al-Qathafi’s ” funeral”(le tombeau). The attitude of Mali and South Africa in this regard is most unworthy.

(Abdoulaye Ly)


(Yarmouk Camp in Spring Valley, Tripoli : The former base of Khamis’ 32nd Civil Brigade)

(ABOVE)In front of Camp Yarmouk before the RATs and Yanks took it over (BEDLOW):


Eli Lake


Salafists Now Control Secretive U.S. Base in Libya


A camp on the Libyan coastline meant to train terror-hunters has instead become a haven for terrorists and al Qaeda.

A key Salafist leader and longtime member of al Qaeda has taken control of a secretive training facility set up by U.S. special operations forces on the Libyan coastline to help hunt down Islamic militants, according to local media reports, Salafist web forums, and U.S. officials.

In the summer of 2012, American Green Berets began refurbishing a Libyan military base 27 kilometers west of Tripoli in order to hone the skills of Libya’s first Western-trained special operations counter-terrorism fighters. Less than two years later, that training camp is now being used by groups with direct links to al Qaeda to foment chaos in post-Qaddafi Libya.

Last week, the Libyan press reported that the camp (named “27” for the kilometer marker on the road between Tripoli and Tunis) was now under the command of Ibrahim Ali Abu Bakr Tantoush, a veteran associate of Osama bin Laden who was first designated as part of al Qaeda’s support network in 2002 by the United States and the United Nations. The report said he was heading a group of Salifist fighters from the former Libyan base.

In other words, Tantoush is now the chief of a training camp the U.S.  government had hoped would train Libyan special operations forces to catch militants like Tantoush.  (HAH HAH! really?? you believe that?)

One U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast that the media report matched U.S. intelligence reporting from Libya. Another U.S. official in Washington said intelligence analysts were aware of the reports but had yet to corroborate them, however. A spokesman for Africa Command declined to comment for the story.

Tantoush himself on Tuesday evening gave aninterview to Libyan television where he confirmed that he was in the country but also said he had not direct or indirect link to the camp. In the interview, Tantoush, who was indicted in 2000 for his role in the 1998 al-Qaeda bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa, also claimed he has never participated in terror attacks for al Qaeda, and boasted of traveling to Libya on a fake passport.

According to one U.S. official who is read into the training program, the camp today is considered a “denied area,” or a place where U.S. forces would have to fight their way in to gain access. Until now, the Western press has not reported that the base used to train Libyan special operations forces was seized by the militants those troops were supposed to find, fix and finish.

The fact that the one-time training base for Libyan counter-terrorism teams is now the domain of terrorists is a poignant reminder the United States has yet to win its war with al Qaeda, despite the successful 2011 raid that killed its founder and leader. (???????????? HAH HAH.bin Laden died in 2001…This was just a cover for the Murder of al-Qathafi’s son, grandchildren, neighbors and home that the USA destroyed on 30 MAY 2011 at  18:00)

This is particularly true for Libya. Since the 9/11 anniversary attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Salafist groups and al Qaeda’s regional affiliates have been gaining territory throughout Libya. News that a veteran like Tantoush is now in charge of a military base only 27 kilometers from Libya’s capital shows just how much the security in Libya has deteriorated.

“One U.S. defense official read into the training program says the camp today is considered a ’denied area,’ or a place where U.S. forces would have to fight their way in to gain access.”

Seth Jones, an al Qaeda expert at the Rand Corporation, said Libya is now a haven for many of al Qaeda’s North African affiliates. “There are a number of training camps for a wide range of al Qaeda and jihadist groups that have surfaced in southwest Libya,

northwest Libya in and around Tripoli and northeast Libya in and around Benghazi,” he said.

Daveed Gartenstein Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, added that “We’ve known for some time that Salafist groups have established training camps throughout Libya. But this is significant because of the camp’s

proximity to Tripoli and because rather than creating camps in remote locations they took over a base used by the NATO Libyan government.” (but the WHOLE “LIBYAN GOVERNMENT ” IS al-Qaeda, ‘Muslim’ Brotherhhod,  Ansar-al-Sharia and other SALAFI terrorists.)

“I suspect they will not keep this camp for very long. It’s close to Tripoli and its location is known by the NATO puppet Libyan government,” he said.

One U.S. official who worked on the program said the U.S. Special Forces began to refurbish the base in the summer of 2012, before the 9/11 anniversary attack in Benghazi. The actual training, however, did not begin until the fall of 2012. One U.S. defense official noted the initial program at Camp 27 endeavored to train 100 Libyan special operations soldiers. But even this modest goal was never really in reach.

“The program has not achieved the outcomes that we hoped that it would and the Libyans hoped it would,” said Carter Ham, the now-retired four-star general who led U.S. Africa Command when the initial training program was established. While Ham said he was not aware of the latest reports that the base was now in the hands of an al Qaeda figure, he nonetheless acknowledged that myriad challenges—from the uncertainty in the leadership of the Libyan military to security on the ground—made it difficult to sustain the special operation forces training.

“The selection process for what Libyan unit and what Libyan soldiers would participate was probably not as rigorous as we would have liked it to have been,” Ham continued. “But this was a Libyan decision and they had to decide what unit and what individuals to enroll in the program.”

Ham said he remembered meeting with a small group singled out by the trainers as the emerging leaders. “That was promising,” he said. “It was not as widespread as we would have liked. The militia these guys came from, they did not have significant military experience and certainly not in a hierarchical organization.”

Things went downhill for Camp 27 in June of 2013 when two rival militias stormed the training facility and seized the equipment therein. At the time, no U.S. personnel were on the base, according to two U.S. officials who spoke to The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity. The only soldiers protecting the base were local Libyans.

Nonetheless, the base itself had a number of American weapons that wound up in the hands of the raiding militias. Those raids were first reported by Fox News. The U.S. defense official confirmed these reports and said the militias were able to seize night vision equipment, M-4 rifles, pistols, military vehicles, and ammunition.

The emergence of Tantoush is particularly troubling to American officials. He is considered one of the original members of al Qaeda’s network. In 2000, he was indicted for his role in helping plan the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. According to his designation by the United Nations, Tantoush was the head of an al Qaeda support group based in Peshawar known as the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society. In the interview Tuesday with Libyan television, Tantoush said his work in Peshawar was entirely humanitarian.

Jones said, “Tantoush has a long history from the Peshawar days of associating with senior al Qaeda leaders including Osama bin Laden. He has been involved in financing and facilitating al Qaeda activities and he has had a long-standing relationship with Libyan Salafist groups.” Tantoush was also a senior member of al Qaeda’s one-time franchise in Libya known as the Libya Islamic Fighting Group. In the 2000s, former Muammar Qaddafi largely decimated that organization, leading some of its leaders to turn on al Qaeda itself. (Tantoush was not one of those turncoats.) Nonetheless, the group was able to assist al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq by using the port city of Derna to funnel volunteer fighters to al-Qaeda’s network in Iraq in the last decade. Today, Derna is a key transit point for volunteers to join al Qaeda’s “holy war” in Syria.

Things were not supposed to turn out this way. The training program for Libya’s special operations fighters was authorized under section 1208 of the National Defense Authorization Act. 1208 programs differ from other special operations training missions because the funding is specifically for reimbursing foreign governments for assisting with counter-terrorism missions. Other special operations training missions—sometimes known as “white” programs—are meant only to build up another country’s military. These programs are designed to produce combat-ready special operators to join U.S. SEALs and Delta Force teams on missions.

“This means in practice that these guys were expected to conduct missions with our guys,” the U.S. defense official said. “But of course that never happened.”

The raid in June was enough to effectively kill the training effort. The U.S. ambassador canceled the program in Libya until the security of U.S. personnel and equipment could be guaranteed. Those guarantees have not yet been provided. A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in Tripoli did not respond to queries. One U.S. official said the Pentagon was now considering a plan to conduct the special operations training for Libyans in an eastern European country.

For now, Libya looks like it could use as much help as it can get. Since a mix of local and foreign terrorists over-ran a U.S. diplomatic post and CIA base in Benghazi in 2012, Salafist groups have won key gains throughout Libya—and used this territory to help funnel fighters across the region. “Libya in general is a major thoroughfare, the I-95 for foreign fighters into Syria from Africa,” the U.S. defense official said.

In March, Gen. David Rodriguez—Ham’s successor as head of U.S. Africa Command—estimated in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee that a couple thousand foreign fighters had transited through northwest Africa to Syria. Rodriguez also said al Qaeda continued to coordinate activities by sharing expertise and resources throughout that region.

And now these militants have a base close to Tripoli, and an array of advanced tactical gear. “The biggest challenge we have is all the arms ammunition and explosives from Libya that continue to move throughout the region to northwest Africa,” he told the committee. When asked if those arms have aided al Qaeda in Africa, Rodriguez answered, “It continues to support them throughout northwest Africa.”


All Powerful with Highest TECH—USA at any time, could have wiped-out al-Qaeda and SALAFI; but it IS in their advantage, NOT to do so; but rather use them for their own World domination GAIN:

“ZERO HOUR” on FB, reveals:

Aalraah always clear and credible.

America …Play the minds of prospects and Alsdj Alamadhok them and, unfortunately, the supporters of the legitimacy of the commander, Sir Some of them deceived the story of America in the bomb sites belonging to a Mqji matter who it Mafish al-Libi ..

America has the ability to destroy any force to crush Almqji Bhetwana on Libyan territory, but are bringing them here to enter and control on the territory of the country and on who Iderio landing people Alsadjh says is true and God Gaya protects us a versa, and God and God and God or three fate of Libya, Iraq’s fate in the eyes of Americans and Hedda will not be long …

Americas to Atqcef in Mwata Mqji to change it and if you have noticed that Yba sites that are completely bombed Khaaaaaaaaalah of humans or Aldkhirh.

The sense of the United States give the orders to the Mqji who come originally Zarathm and Jaepthm Ba Ahlae sites bombed and nothing but sites are completely free of anything Fallarat Matafrhouc Wajid Basmaa strikes that claim by the Americas Ba it bombed sites of the group of terrorists because the speech are untrue to him, but that is an agreement between them to control terrorism Libya and the magic will turn against the magician and Stephanie America terrorists after the completion deadline to eliminate them Balajma to control the Libyan territories and occupation completely after their deployment.

Vg .. Astt Aalippin to engage in a battle of will never have tended in the history of Libya. Soon

دائــــــــــــما االرؤيــــــــــــة واضحـــــــــــــة والمصداقيـــــــــــــة.

أمريكا …

تلعب بعقول السدج الافاق والمضحوك عليهم وللاسف المؤيدين لشرعية سيدي القائد البعض منهم مخدوعين بقصة امريكا تقصف في مواقع تابعة للمقملين وهو الامر اللي مفيش منه بالليبي ..

امريكا لها القدرة علي تدمير اي قوة في سحق المقملين بتواني علي الاراضي الليبية ولكن هم من يجلبون فيهم الي هنا للدخول والسيطرة علي اراضي الوطن ويوم اللي يديرو الانزال الناس السادجة تقول صح والله جاية تحمي فينا وهي بالعكس والله والله والله تلاتة مصير ليبيا مصير العراق في نظر الامريكان وهدا لن يطول …

اميريكا لاتقصف في مواثع للمقملين ولاغيره ولو لاحظتم ان ىجميع المواقع التي تتم قصفها خااااااااالية تماما من البشر او الدخيرة .

بمعني اميركا تعطي في اوامر للمقملين اللي هيا اصلا زارعتهم وجايبتهم با احلاء المواقع لقصفها وماهي الا مواقع خالية تماما من اي شي فاياريت ماتفرحوش واجد باسماع الضربات التي تدعي بها اميريكا با انها تقصف لمواقع للجماعة الارهابيين لان الكلام لاصحة له الا ان هو اتفاق بينهما لسيطرة الارهاب علي ليبيا ومن تم سينقلب السحر علي الساحر وستفني اميركا الارهابيين بعد اكتمال المهلة للقضاء عليهم بالاجمع للسيطرة علي الاراضي الليبية واحتلالها بالكامل بعد انتشارهم .

فلهـــــــــدا ..استعدو ياليبين للدخول في معركة لن يسبق لها متيل في التاريخ الليبي . قـــــــــــــــريبا

al-Qaeda weapon of choice supplied to them by USA and CIA:

RPG-7 USA and SPIKE. SPIKE missile and Launcher and RPG-7-reloaded:

Faraj Abdul Karim and Aerov behalf (Abodhiraa) who speaks now through the channel of the capital and says that the body of Sharif was “buried” and accused the revolutionary committees and Homeland Security that they were “Aabesoa” representatives and write reports .. amazed that this horizon,Faraj Abdul Karim  is a member of the Revolutionary Committees Movement and a member of the Revolutionary Guards, the global Green and was lead plays the roles of the individual in front of Muammar al-Qathafi .. Faraj Abdul Karim  is a member of the Committee for the fight against heresy with Nasser Al_husona and Alshola .. The husband of the daughter of the martyr Saleh al-Sharif, who was assassinated the beginning of February, and like his body in front of the court and then was Faraj cheer against the Leader and the light from the windows of the court. …

It actually was not ashamed then do Macit …

–“MUSICIAN” writes:

Homeland under the feet of bastards

From trampled in this picture is not Muammar Gaddafi, in his person, of trampled is the whole nation, sits to be Muammar al.Qathafi is Libya in absolute or be a symbol first and the last, whenever I saw this picture I felt that recital very sad occupies my heart and my mind I can not played accompanied to space the enormous grief, what relieves me deep sorrow for this ugly scene.

The man or nation who trampled his image, has lived his life the day he exercises the bastards are all kinds of insults and Alasthakar and they accept it as they revive and we are even with the absence of a man and a shallower level bastards can not accept this.

I’m sure that this scene each prompt supporters of Muammar al-Qathafi because other losers blind dignity is not an enemy to them, have surrendered since the beginning

and have sold all the lies have to fight for it or Aharbak others for him.

But ye, Liberals did not lose the war, but the battle Manotm still high, and you already have an enemy,

what they could not achive missiles and aircraft trying to achieve by war of moral upon you. This recital is greater than the entirety of my own,

I invite you to play this time so that they know your their enemy, a powerful adversary is their opponent, and that solid rock did not disintegrate until he graduated in Volcano Lava burn dry ugly and restores cheerful green.

And still continues playing the lead


وطن تحت اقدام السفلةمن يداس في هذه الصورة ليس معمر القذافي في شخصـه ، من يداس هو الوطن بأسره ، يستوي ان يكون معمر القذافي هو ليبيا في المطلق او ان يكون رمزها الاول و الاخير ، كلما رأيت هذه الصورة شعرت بأن معزوفـة حزينة جداً تحتل قلبي وعقلي اعجز عن عزفها لمساحة الحزن الهائل فيها ، ما يخفف عني الحزن العميق لهذا المشهد المقيت .ان الرجل او الوطن الذي تداس صورته اليوم عاش حياتـه وهو يمارس على السفلة كل انواع الاهانات والاستحقار وكانوا يقبلونها وهم احياء ونحن حتى مع غياب الرجل وضحالة مستوى السفلة لا يمكن ان نرضى بهذا .انا على يقين ان هذا المشهد موجه لكل انصار معمر القذافي لان الاخرين مهزومين فاقدي الكرامة لا عدو لهم ، استسلموا منذ البدايـة وباعوا كل ما يكمن ان تحارب من اجله او يحاربك الاخرون لإجله . اما انتم ايها الاحرار فلم تخسروا من الحرب إلا معركة ومعنوياتكم لازالت عالية وانتم بالفعل لهم عدو ، ما لم يستطيعوا ان يحققوه بالصواريخ والطائرات يحاولون تحقيقه بالحرب المعنوية لكم ، هذه معزوفـة اكبر من ان اكملها لوحدي ، ادعوكم للعزف هذه المرة حتى يعرف عدوكم اي خصم قوي هو خصٓمه وان الصخرة الصماء لم تتفتت حتى تخرج في حمم بركان يحرق اليابس المقيت ويعيد الاخضر البهيج .

ولازال عزف الرصاص مستمراً { الموسيقار }

These people obviously have No love of their homeland or know the love of Allah

and Mu’ammar al-Qathafi…

May THEY be the one to actually burn in hellfire.








as if we did not know, announcing:


Deborah Jones, U.S. Ambassador in Libya supports the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood  OPENLY !

‘Muslim’ Brotherhood hand-pass:



Heavy fire near the building of the Moroccan embassy in Tripoli by unknown assailants.

la vidéo de security force to support the security directorates – Tripoli branch.Confessions follow Rami Bacouche Criminals In doing forced theft and armed robbery against citizensConfessions criminals Part 1

In doing criminals confessions coerced theft and armed robbery against citizens.


 partagé la vidéo de ‎القوة الأمنية لدعم مديريات الأمن – فرع طرابلس‎.

اعترافات اتباع رامي البكوش المجرمون بقيامهم بالسرقة بالأكراه والسطو المسلح علي المواطنين

Voir la traduction

اعترافات المجرمين الجزء 1

اعترافات المجرمين بقيامهم بالسرقة بالأكراه والسطو المسلح علي المواطنين


With a violent explosion was heard in the <

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