
Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and many others have produced classic epics of Literature that are read and studied to this day. Sadly, such works are not always appreciated by younger generations. So how do you update such works of brilliance for the modern reader? It’s easier than you would think actually. As has been proven time and time again, add zombies. And therefore, we get ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Jane Austen’s classic novel, with the type of character modern audiences like above all else; a flesh-eating monster.

‘Call me Frank.’

Adapted from Seth Grahame-Smith’s ‘update’ of Austen’s classic novel, ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’ appears to finally have escaped the development hell that it’s been trapped in for the last few years. And to prove it, we have both teaser trailer,

and poster,

I’d love to come up with a few witty sentences to sum up the basic plot, but I can’t do any better than what Empire Online came up with, so I’ll settle for quoting them;

‘P&P&Z sees weapons expert / martial artist Elizabeth Bennet searching for love and independence as a zombie plague erupts around her and American wildlife inexplicably starts appearing in the Berkshire countryside.’

If that’s not enough to get you excited for high society zombie slaying, then the cast list certainly should, with Matt Smith, Lily James, Sam Riley, Charles Dance, Lena Headey, Jack Huston, Douglas Booth and Bella Heathcote all pitching in against the elegantly dressed zombie hordes.

Lily James plays Elizabeth Bennet, Riley is Mr Darcy, with Smith as Mr Collins. Meanwhile, Burr Steers is writing and directing. Steers is known for other films such as Igby Goes Down, 17 Again and Charlie St. Cloud but, if the teaser trailer is anything to go by, he seems to have found his true calling.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies releases in the UK on February the 12th.

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