
We have been getting bits and pieces of Guerrilla Games’ upcoming IP, Horizon: Zero Dawn since E3 2015. It has been garnering a lot of attention because of its fresh premise and also because it is the studio’s first non-Killzone title to be released in over ten years. Horizon: Zero Dawn was scheduled to release this year but has since been pushed back to early 2017, and now it has already been dubbed as one of the most anticipated games of the new year. However, in the midst of short gameplay videos of a young girl navigating the wilderness of a post-apocalyptic world, many are still left wondering what exactly Horizon: Zero Dawn is about.

Play as Aloy and explore the expansive world of Horizon: Zero Dawn

You play as Aloy, a skilled hunter who has been rejected by her own tribe. She longs to find her purpose among the remnants of the ancient past, and through experience has learned to use her agility and lethal aim to hunt and take down enemies known as the Machines, mysterious mechanized creatures that dominate the world. Aloy also has to defend herself against rival tribes, and her tough journey is expected to be both compelling and emotional.

Horizon: Zero Dawn invites the player to embark on a rewarding role-playing experience, one that combines beautiful and expansive wilderness with advanced technology. This unique juxtaposition encourages players’ exploration, as well as their investment in the storyline to uncover how, exactly, the Machines came to dominance and learn about the civilization that came before.

Use unique weaponry to fight mechanized enemies in Horizon.

In a recent video released by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the game entitled “Secrets of the Past”, we are allowed a deeper look into the character of Aloy. Managing Director, Hermen Hulst discusses Aloy’s personal motivations and her mission to figure out where she comes from and the whereabouts her parents. It is very much an origin story for Aloy’s character, as well as one of self-discovery and exploration.

Horizon: Zero Dawn will release exclusively for the PlayStation 4 on February 28, 2017. Stay tuned to The Nerd Stash for more news!

The post The World of Horizon: Zero Dawn appeared first on The Nerd Stash.

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