
First, I just wanted to share some quick news! This little ol’ site has gotten 20,000 pageviews in the past month! I kind of can’t believe that people are really checking out this blog and I am so grateful to you for supporting my creative endeavors here. As a virtual hug from me to you, I’m offering 20% off all ad spaces until Friday. Just use the code “monja” because, ya know, Monja’s pretty excited too. Now onto some other exciting news…

Guessssss whaaaaat!!! Today we are revealing the pairings for the first ever Snail Mail Collective! In case you missed last month’s detailed post, you can learn more about this program here. 130 people signed up from 30 countries around the world! How cool is that?! I was also so…blown away by everyone’s warm reception to this program. People tweeted about it, wrote blog posts advertising it, and left about a million (more or less) supportive comments. Thank you SO much and I hope you have a blast this month! Chelsea and I are truly excited to finally share these pairings with you and we really hope you enjoy making a new friend this month. Remember to have an open-mind and most of all, have FUN getting to know new people and sharing a piece of who you are and where you live.

Pairings are at the bottom of this post.

Please take a moment to read the rules of this program and to figure out what to do next: 

1. The theme for this month is to introduce where you live – what’s special about it?

2. You have 72 hours to communicate with your partner. If your partner does NOT respond within 72 hours, please e-mail Melyssa at info@thenectarcollective.com to be re-paired by 11pm PST on July 12th. Re-pairing requests will not be taken after this time.

3. You have about two weeks to get to know your partner by sending e-mails, commenting on their blog, whatever it takes! After that, your package MUST be sent by July 22nd. 

4. Your gift(s) should total no more than $5. Think small, but meaningful. Also, all packages must include a postcard (preferable) or a letter to your partner. Motivate them, tell them all the beautiful things you learned about them this month, and make them feel special!

5. Once you receive your gifts, we highly encourage you to write a blog post about your experience. Share what you gave, received, and learned through participating in the Snail Mail Collective and meeting your new buddy. At the beginning of each month, we will hold a link-up on our blogs (The Nectar Collective & Lost in Travels) where you can share and link-up your SMC blog posts. This way, you can see how people around the world interpreted the theme, learn about other cultures, and meet even more new friends!!

6. We did our best to pair you with someone from a different country. If your partner is from the same country as you, then we tried to put you with someone from a different state or region. If you didn’t get an international partner, we hope you understand and still have a blast building a friendship with someone new! That’s what this is all about, right? 

To view your pairing, click here!

If you didn’t sign-up for this round, but want to participate next month, look out for next month’s sign-up form which will be posted on The Nectar Collective and Lost in Travels on August 1st. We’d love for you to join us!

The post Snail Mail Collective PAIRINGS + 20,000 Views Par-tay! appeared first on The Nectar Collective.

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