

Hi Everyone!

It is such an honor to be a contributor along with the wonderful bloggers here at Multi Taskin’ Moms.  My thanks goes out to Stephanie for allowing me to share my passion for homeschooling with you.  Before I begin sharing you may wonder, “Who is Angie McFarren?”  Muti Taskin’ Mom certainly describes me.

I live in a rural town in northern Indiana with my husband of 25+ years.  We were high school sweethearts and dated 6 years before we married.  It sure seemed like we would never walk down the aisle.  But, the wait was worth it.

My first career was registered nursing in the field of obstetrics.  I have assisted with births, taken care of newborns, and helped ladies begin their journey as new moms.  In addition, I taught prenatal classes and worked for an OB/GYN in his office.  I left nursing after four years to take on a new role as a Mary Kay Sales Director; only to return as a nursing supervisor at the county health department’s home health division.  Little did I know the job at the health department would change my life forever.

My husband and I were unable to have children.  We began searching for an adoptive mom while I was working at the health department.  On a very busy day, the secretary asked for one of my Dear Birthmother letters.  I never gave it another thought until I received a phone call from our lawyer saying we had a birthmom.  The connection was through the secretary.  What a joy!

My husband and I were blessed with a son a couple of months later.  Then the Lord blessed us again with a daughter two years later.  A young lady made the choice to give birth rather than have an abortion.  Praise the Lord!

We began our homeschooling journey when our son was a Kindergartener and our daughter was a preschooler.  We did not set out to homeschool.  It just sort of happened.  Our son was to attend Kindergarten at our local elementary school.  Six days beforehand my husband said he just could not do it.  He wanted our son to have another year of maturity before making that big step.

We decided to help our son learn a few things over the next year.  Everything went so well we decided to keep going.  Here we are many years later with our son in high school and our daughter not far behind.

After six years of homeschooling, I decided to take the experiences I had gained and help other parents educate their children at home.  I became a Homeschool Consultant and the owner of H.O.P.E. Home School Consulting in 2008.  You will find free homeschool resources on my website as well as other information.

It became apparent moms needed more homeschool information than I could provide in a short phone conversation.  So, I wrote the Educate the Home Educator Crash Course in 2011.  The eBook is for both new and seasoned homeschool moms.  I still offer Homeschool Consultations to those who desire to have their questions answered by me rather than an eBook.

Blogging was the next step in my journey as a consultant.  The H.O.P.E. Home School Consulting Blog began in 2012.  It has been quite an adventure since.

That same year I began reviewing homeschool products, and was blessed to become a member of the Old Schoolhouse Review Crew.  My product reviewing has introduced me to wonderful homeschool companies.  In turn, I share those products with clients when I provide them with curriculum assistance.

A new adventure is coming soon.  I will be representing See the Light (affiliate link) at my state’s homeschool convention.  Please stop by and say hello if you will be attending the IAHE convention.

You probably have heard the question, “What about socialization?”  Some people have the misconception that homeschool families live a sheltered life. They need to follow me around for awhile.  My family is very active with sports, dance, art lessons, and what not.  We are active in our church where I serve as the Awana Commander.  I am also a board member of my son’s baseball team in charge of concessions.

Well, now you know who I am.  Please feel free to share with me who you are and of course about your homeschool journey.




The post Who is Angie McFarren? appeared first on The Multi Taskin' Mom.

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