
When selecting a crystal singing bowl, one of the first questions you are asked is to choose a note or chakra. If you don’t know what a this is or you are not familiar with musical scales then honestly, the note does not matter. Trust me on this. If you are not familiar with the chakra system or are not a musician, then choose your singing bowl by how it sounds.

Catch is, you will need to choose a note or chakra so I’ll make it easy for you, choose between a C and A, that is either a C, D, E, F G or A.

I understand, you need to know…

Here’s a simple explanation as it pertains to crystal singing bowls. Chakras are energy centers in your body. There are 7 primary centers listed below along with their corresponding musical note.

Root ~ C

Sacral ~ D

Solar Plexus ~ E

Heart ~ F

Throat ~ G

3rd Eye ~ A

Crown ~ B

A couple of notes about your energy centers:

Chakras are referred to as being open or closed. If a chakra is closed or obstructed, then energy is not flowing through your body and overall heath is affected. An open chakra is a happy chakra and the overall health improves.

The flow of energy through a chakra constantly changes. The flow of energy can increase or decrease based on what you had for breakfast, stress, environmental conditions or a happy or sad thought. Moral: eat well and think happy thoughts.

Chakras are connected so the root chakra is connected to the sacral, sacral is connected to the solar plexus etc. Optimum chakra health is where energy flows freely through a chakra and between chakras.

Those working with energy centers such as reiki practitioners can tell if a chakra is open or closed. They can show you how to tell if a chakra is open or closed too.

The vibrations from crystal singing bowls help to open chakras and improve your overall health because they are pure tones or vibrations meaning they have no unhappy thoughts, don’t eat twinkles or breath in diesel fumes.

Do I need to get singing bowls 7 bowls right a way?

No, you can start with one and build your set over time if that is what you want to do. If you can afford it, I really recommend starting with 3 bowls. With 3 bowls you can create some beautiful harmonics which increase the healing power of singing bowls. More on harmonics in another posting.

There’s more of course. Information on chakras is all over the internet but feel free to call or email me if you’d like more information or a recommendation on which chakra would be best for you.


If you are a musician, then you probably already know what you want. If you are planning to play your bowls with another instrument, then you’ll want a bowl that is perfect pitch or a True Tone. True Tone bowls are exact pitch +- 15 cents.

Source by Michael Kopel

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