
With the frigid temps it seemed appropriate to have activities centered around snow related topics. No one is too small to accomplish big things was a theme in the book id="0">The Biggest, Best Snowman,id="1"> by Marjory Cuyler. Another book read, id="2">The Missing Mitten Mystery, id="3">by Steven Kellogg, was about a tree that grew mittens. What to do with “a ba-zillion” mittens??? Why, give them as Christmas gifts, Valentine gifts, etc., of course! As a follow-up activity the kids created snowy snowman pictures using various techniques – tearing circles, cutting trees, sponge painting snow banks, and spatter painting a snowstorm. Their creations can be seen on display at Hand County Library. id="4">

January is “Be Kind to Food Servers Month” and to honor those at school that work to provide meals and snacks the Roost kids made thank you cards, complete with illustrations and mention of their favorite foods. After discussing the many, many jobs the food service people do, the kids had a new appreciation for and awareness of the work involved in food service. id="5">

The kids spent most of three days experiencing a variety of kinds of puzzles in observance of National Puzzle Day. Puzzles are brain challenges, not just jigsaw puzzles, but a whole lot more – word searches, find the hidden picture puzzles, math problems, mazes, sudoku puzzles, crossword puzzles, riddles, and more. Puzzles are problems that need solving and require varying amounts of concentration and knowledge. id="6">

And, on the one “balmy” day of the week they couldn’t resist soaking up the fresh air and warm sun on the playground. It was just too grand outdoors to spend very much time inside. The kids will be glad when they can spend more time outdoors and shed some layers of winter wear. id="7">

For information about the K-6 out-of-school time program call 853-0180. id="9">

Rustler Roost N E W S

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NO KICKS AND GIGGLES HERE! It’s “Put on the thinking cap time” as Miss Smith helps talk the kids through a sudoku puzzle. Kids l-r: Logan Peterson, Colby Harrell, Jesse Hughes, Journey Palmer, Cassi VanDerWerff, Jolie Palmer, Cora Peterson, Jon Andersen and Tyler Hartmann.id="1">

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