5 years ago (2007)
The Wolsey Park and Recreation will be sponsoring their annual Wolsey Triathlon. All students in grades 2-12 are encouraged to participate. There will also be an adult division. Prizes will be given for the top three finishers in each division.
The final investor conference presentation by South Dakota Oil Seed Processors, LLC, was held in Miller July 12. CEO Mike Trosen gave an overview of the proposed mechanical crushing plant, and explained the high-pressure carbon dioxide injection process that will be used for higher quality soybean oil yields.
Ann Price, livestock extension educator for Hand County, is encouraging livestock producers to make use of biohazard containers for disposal of livestock medical waste. Price had arranged with local veterinarians to have the biohazard containers available for free for all producers who want them.
10 years ago (2002)
Tinder-dry conditions sparked a fire late last Wednesday afternoon southeast of Vayland, at 210th Street. According to Ray Kleinsasser, Wessington Fire Department Chief, the fire started in a wheat field being combined by Nelson Seed Company in Miller. The fire continued through hayland owned by Gene Moller and an alfalfa field of Jay Anderberg’s, then jumped across a fence into a gulch on land owned by Wayne Horsley. Firefighters from Wessington, Miller, St. Lawrence, South Hand, Gann Valley, Wessington Springs, Alpena, Ree Heights and Wolsey were among those responding to the call, which came at about 5:30 p.m. and firefighters were on the scene until 3 a.m.
Matthew Pribyl, Wolsey, was awarded the William and Byrne Griffith Scholarship, the Norman and Ellen Kuecer Scholarship and the SD Soybean Research and Promotion Council Scholarship for the 2002-2003 school year at South Dakota State University. Pribyls is Agronomy major at SDSU. He is the son of Doug and Bonnie Pribyl of Wolsey, and is a 1999 graduate of Wolsey High School.
Becky Pribyl was named to the Northern State University President’s Academic Achievement List for the 2002 spring semester. Becky was named to the 4.0 list, earning a letter grade of A in all credits taken during the semester.
Rombough family had a reunion in Virgil at the Everett and Mavis Rombough home.
Gospel singer Linda Weber from Coshocton, Ohio, shared her gift of music during worship services Sunday morning at the Virgil Methodist. Her husband and son accompanied her, and this was her first trip to South Dakota.
The Miller B Teeners Baseball Team is heading to the State Tournament this weekend. They won their region last weekend in Redfield and advanced to the state meet which starts this Friday. Team members are: Josh Hoffman, Jay Welk, Michael Prince, Bret Beilke, Scot Hamiel, Cody Foreman, Tom Testerman, Colin Hargens, Brandon Reinhardt, Dan Hall, DJ Yost, Caleb Yost, Brandon Gortmaker, and batgirl Kayla Foreman. Coaches are Time Price and Doyle Foreman. The Miller Teeners, age 13-14 years old will play at Alcester.
Five 4-H “visionaries” from Hand County will be among the first inductees to the South Dakota 4-H Hall of Fame. They are Robert Fawcett, Ree Heights; Faith Cahalan, Miller; Wallace Johnson, Miller; LaVerne J. Kortan, Brookings; and Robert Duxbury, Wessington.
20 years ago (1992)
The demolition of the former Rusty Nail building on Wolsey’s main street is nearly complete. Olson Construction, Huron, was awarded the $7,500 bid after the Wolsey Town Board declared the building unsafe. Esther Jungemann, Wolsey Finance Officer, said the building has been vacant for many years.
The Wolsey Jaycees are sponsoring a free dance for the 7th-12th grades on July 25 at the Wolsey High School gym. Free pop and popcorn will be provided. A few simple rules require the cooperation of those attending include that no alcohol will be consumed upon the premises. They want to provide an alcohol free/drug free party.
Robert Sargent of Wolsey will serve as an Ambassador of Excellence at the South Dakota Governor’s Camp for the Gifted at the University of South Dakota from July 26 through July 30. They are chosen on past participation in the camp, leadership, musical ability and counseling potential. Sargent is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sargent of Wolsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Rearick will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception August 2 in the Senior Citizens Center in Wolsey. Hosting the event will be their children and their spouses, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Rearick, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Rearick, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kopplin, and Candace Rearick.
Jerry and Diana Phillips will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary July 26 at the Legion Hall in Wessington. The event is being hosted by their children Jamie and Melissa Phillips and Michelle, Shawna and Amber Phillips.
A birthday-anniversary picnic was held Friday at Huron, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bertsch on their wedding anniversary, and Steve, Karen and Kayla Bertsch for their July birthdays.
Sunday, July 19, a cookout was held at the Hertha Eichstadt home in honor of Christa Eichstadt’s and Matthew Rowe’s birthdays.
30 years ago (1982)
Wolsey received 1.10 inches of rain last Wednesday night and a trace on Sunday night. The rain which occurred on Wednesday came in a downpour about 10 p.m. The moisture was welcomed by farmers in the area and town residents needed it to assist with their garden and lawns.
Marian Sprecher, Virgil, won second place in the water color division in the Festival Art Contest in Brookings July 10 and 11. She is a member of Dakota Images, a local artists association.
Howard Wood Stadium and Track Field in Sioux Falls, SD, was buzzing with over 600 boys and girls competing in the 5th annual state Hershey’s Track and Field Youth program, July 10. The community of Wolsey had one of the loudest cheering sections for the 24 local youngsters who ran, jumped and threw for a chance of capturing a state title. None were disappointed with the fantastic results of 2-2nd place and 2-7th place awards. Terry Boomsma won 2nd in the State in the 100 meter dash. Travis Palmquist took 2nd in the State in the standing long jump. John Krutzfeldt brought home 7th honors for the softball throw. And the relay team of Terry Boomsma, Travis Palmquist, John Krutzfeldt and Rolland Stolsmark topped off the field day with another 7th place honor in the 400 meter relay. Congratulations are in order for these four boys as well as the 20 others who participated from Wolsey.
Three 4-H Public Speaking contest winners were selected in the county competition July 7. Winners were Shelley Dean, Wessington; Brian Fawcett, Ree Heights; and Barbara Melber, St. Lawrence.
Susan Westby attended the Hand County Farmers Union Youth camp held July 8 at the Miller Armory.
A coffee party was held at the Ted Rogers home Friday for the birthdays of: Diane Phillips, Madeleine Rogers, Dee Hoffmann, and Edith Rogers.
A birthday party honoring Cora Whorton on her 98th birthday was held at her home this past week. Guests included Mrs. Mahalia Stegeman, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Whorton, Mrs. Amanda Allison, Mrs. Lulu Roberts and Mrs. Edith Cole.
A model supervisor, in the year 1942, month of July, Andrew Dragseth, Wolsey Section Foreman, received an award from the Milwaukee railroad for completing a 12-year period without a personal injury to any employee under his jurisdiction.
40 years ago (1972)
The 1972 small grain harvest began in the Wolsey area this past week. The weather has remained cool and three showers of rain have been recorded. Temperatures in this area remained on the cool side with the 30-day forecast saying more of the same is in store in spite of the fact that it is now mid-summer. Conditions have been right and favored rapid growth and development of crops. Generally speaking, most pastures and ranges continue in good excellent condition. Beadle County is within the “adequate” area of the state precipitation.
The Wolsey High School Class of 1962 held its 10-year reunion at Wolsey Saturday and Sunday, July 1 and 2. The reunion started off with a banquet dinner held at the Hickory House in Huron with 24 in attendance. Everett DuBois was Master of Ceremonies. The senior class popularity roll and the class history were read. On Sunday, a family picnic was held at the Wolsey Park with 45 in attendance.
Arnold Guthmiller, President of the Beadle County Farm Bureau, announced that eight students from Beadle County will attend the 7th annual Farm Bureau Youth Citizenship Seminar to be held at the Black Hills State College. Those attending from Wolsey are Colleen Guthmiller, Barbara Ann Langbehn and Phyllis Scheibe; from Hitchcock, Gayle Anne Hathaway and Betty Lou Schley; Iroquois, Ardis Culver and Anne Marie Lynch; and from Huron, Dawn Olson. The seminar is held to inform the students of our American heritage and to promote Americanism and citizenship training.
The 86th annual convention of the Printing Industry of America was held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, July 8-12. Harold Braun, former Wolsey resident, is president of the Industry and was in-charge of the convention program.
Two Wolsey girls – Patti Engels and Anita Christopherson – were numbered among the 32 member official of the McGovern Staff delegation attending the National Democratic Convention held in Miami, Florida. Anita worked as a page on the Convention floor, Patti worked as a hostess in the McGovern headquarters.
The Presbyterian Synod has sent $27,000 to the Rapid City Flood Relief Fund. Offerings for the fund were taken in the Bonilla and Wolsey Presbyterian Churches.
50 years ago (1962)
Harvesting of small grain got underway during this past week and during the absence of rains which have been regular occurrences in spring and summer. Grain returns are not going to be as high as was originally estimated. However, the wet fields still continue to hamper harvesting operations due to softness of the fields.
Cecil Houck was severely burned over the lower portions of his body last Thursday afternoon as the result of a farm accident. Cecil was pouring gasoline into his tractor fuel tank when the fuel ignited. The accident happened at the Houck farm seven miles east and north of Wolsey. He had been mowing hay when the fuel ran short. He had trouble getting his tractor started once it had stopped so he decided to chance refueling while the tractor was running.
The newly organized baseball team, Junior-Junior of Wolsey, played three times during the past week under the guidance of Director Darrell Brown. The first game was Wednesday morning of last week in a five-inning tussle which ended 10 to 6 for Wessington. The Wolsey Club out-hit the Wessington boys 8-3, but errors accounted for the final tally.
Area 4-H members will compete for six trophies and a number of ribbons during a Light Horse Show at the State Fair Grounds in Huron, July 25.
Word went out this past week that Theda Nelle Scott, Beadle County Home Demonstration Agent for the past 14 years, had tendered her resignation effective as of July 24. Miss Scott said that she would still be making her home in Beadle County and Huron.
Cindy Dietz was given a birthday party Wednesday afternoon of last week at her home on the occasion of her 11th birthday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Dietz who live southeast of Wolsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tolleffson were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary, July 15, with a family gathering at the Bonilla Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Tolleffson, son and daughter-in-law of the couple, were hosts to the occasion.
Mrs. Margaret Fritz, former Wolsey resident this past school year, but now of Ft. Yates, ND, is among those earning a place on the Dean’s List Honor Roll at Huron College.