
Yellow Journalism: Globalist Weapon of Mass Deception

By Anonymous Patriots
The Millennium Report Exclusive

Long before the globalists and warlord bankers started pushing their “fake news” meme onto the truth movement via alternative media and citizen journalism, they used a marketing technique called yellow journalism to push their agenda for continual wars and conflicts around the world for at least one hundred years.

WAR is literally the business of warlord bankers and globalists. This is how they have grown their enormous wealth. Like any business with a product that customers might not purchase willingly, they needed a marketing plan that would create a desire for their product and services and keep their government customers buying more of what they had to offer. The birth of the modern war marketing plan was born by two newspaper moguls– Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst—in a form of propaganda called yellow journalism.

This form of journalism was nothing more than a public relations ploy to succor the world’s citizenry into buying into the biggest business on the planet—war. And unless we wake up to see how we are being brainwashed to support their war business model, we will face endless conflicts. Endless killing. Endless government spending on war products and services such as tanks, guns, soldiers, bombers, intelligence, communications and news networks, terrorism and anything that creates fear, doubt, hatred, and division in humanity. Endless byproducts of war, which the globalists have also monetized: refugees, human and sex trafficking, child molestation, and seizure of assets and resources of victim countries.

The globalist, warlord banker, and Zionist controlled media is the marketing and advertising arm of the global war business.  The newly-emerged, yet powerful, citizen journalism movement threatens their business model and they must shut down alt media post haste. Hence, the “fake news” meme as a vehicle to silence us.

In another highly informative and deeply researched article by the Anonymous Patriots, we will show you the dirty secrets of yellow journalism so that you are fully prepared and armed with truth to take down their “fake news” meme. Just like we are blasting the internet with the truth about pedophilia and human trafficking through our PizzaGate articles and posts, we can also expose their fake news allegations by calling them out as yellow “cowardly” journalists. This article may be too lengthy for the casual reader, but for those of you who are first tier alt media disseminators, we ask you to read our research and create your own articles and videos to educate your viewers, readers, and circle of influence about yellow journalism. Let’s jam the internet “airwaves” with another powerful meme, just as we did with PizzaGate.

Key Point: Let’s start calling out corrupt media for what it really is–  YELLOW JOURNALISM.

Towards the end of the article, just before the Addendum, we provide you with a “test” to see if the media you read and view is a truth site or a vehicle for the globalist-warlord banker-Zionist to brainwash you into supporting their war agenda. So if you aren’t interested in the nitty gritty research, then at least scan our headlines and take the media test at the end of the article.

Where Does News Come From?

We have all heard the “conspiracy theories” that the entire U. S. media is owned by six companies and those companies are owned by the Rothschild family; however, this is not completely true as we will show you. This “fake news” is actually partially correct, which is the way that yellow journalism delivers propaganda – full of half-truths and sensationalism with bloody red headlines that are eye-catching, but not backed by honest investigative research.

It is also said that there are only two news agencies that have a monopoly on U. S. news.  This is basically true.  The Associated Press and Reuters provide 95% of national and international news to the six major U. S. news agencies, which we call the “Media Cartel.” The Rothschilds used to own Reuters and now owns major holdings in the news networks that comprise the collective that share in the ownership of the Associated Press.

We may have also heard that the media cartel (all six major media corporations) are only allowed to “read aloud” the scrubbed-clean news provided by the A. P. and Reuters. This is true, but with one additional truth. All news first goes through the National Security Agency for screening and approval. The NSA wipes clean any news that might “potentially” effect “National Security,” including any policies of the administration. Did you know that Reuters, the AP, and the FCC/NSA New York City offices all share the same fiber optic hub that goes through the NSA’s PRISM screening before Reuters and the AP are “allowed” to see the news?

Before the network talking heads are permitted to read the news or newspapers and websites post or hyperlink their headlines, the information is first scrubbed by the media cartel owners– whether a Rothschild or major shareholders.

Key Point: Authentic citizen journalism isn’t scrubbed by PRISM before dissemination. Translation: if news, opinion, or articles, or videos haven’t been scrubbed by PRISM first, it is considered “fake.”

Those Rothschilds Again!

We are sure it will come as no surprise that the Rothschilds have been manipulating news throughout history in order to achieve their agenda on war, markets, and politics.

It all began with a network of carrier pigeons. The Rothchilds, who were located in five major European capitals, used carrier pigeons to deliver messages to one another about battlefield conditions. This information was then used to effect banking and marketing decisions, making the Rothchilds very wealthy because they were able to obtain good and timely intelligence. Plus, they were able to manipulate the “news” that was disseminated to the citizenry. It was the earliest form of scrubbing the news, which is nothing more than manipulation and propaganda. (More on the Rothschilds and Reuters is found at the end of this article in the Addendum.)

As it is said, “information is knowledge and knowledge is power.” The worldwide intelligence network is now as fast as your broadband speed. In order to keep their power, wealth, and influence, the globalists-warlord bankers must silence any news that is not gathered, scrubbed, and redistributed through their media cartel.

The Rothschilds were not the first to use intelligence networks and propaganda under the guise of “news” that actually brought aggressive commerce and trade wars to the East. The original bankers of Italy, who financed the crusades from Venice, used intelligence operatives and spies throughout the region to inform them about the status of their “war investments” so they might gain the upper hand. Those same Italian banking families later moved to Holland and Germany and continued to finance expeditions – this time to find spices and riches in the East – a new crusade of commercial asset stripping. The Spanish ruled the high seas until their armada was lost in the English Channel.  Then, Portuguese and Spanish traders (pirates) worked with the German banking families of Hamburg (Berenberg, Fugger, and Welser) to take over the spice trade routes.

In Holland, the East India Company incorporated and was government sanctioned to trade, steal, kill, rape and rule any country for profit. The British (British East India Company) soon joined in the imperialistic war-machines of these East India companies – the first “war corporations” were funded by warlord bankers. These East India “trading” corporations paid 18% on investment to their shareholders who were, for the most part, big bankers. These trading companies warred with each other for wealth and had navies and armies that were the largest of their time, much larger than any nation state.

Raping nations of their wealth became the biggest business on the earth and it continues to this day. Warlord bankers control public opinion and manufacture wars through their intelligence networks which they disguise as helpful public news agencies. Warlord bankers loan money to both sides and have major shareholdings in all of the corporations that provide military and government contracts. Destabilization always means more loans are needed to sustain defense of onslaught and to fund the aggressor. War creates fantastic debt, all owed to warlord bankers.

Additionally, a country’s assets are vulnerable to outright theft during war. Or often, when the losing side cannot collect its money that it turned over to the bank for “safe keeping,” it becomes the bank’s asset by default. Just try and find the gold of the Nazis, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Russians, the Spanish, and all of the other gold stolen as “spoils of war.”  Even today the Rothschilds and the media cartel continue to suppress the real intention of their false narratives, which is none other than to keep the war business thriving.

Fake News is Powered with Subliminal Narratives

“Fake news” and “false flag” events always accompany the saber rattling of war. Does the phrase “weapons of mass destruction” ring a bell?”  Or should we say, evoke a narrative network that was fed to Americans as “real news” laced with plenty of subliminal programming.

Effective fake news needs to have the characteristics of refined propaganda delivered along with subliminal programming and narratives, the modern tech version of yellow journalism. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst would be proud of the media cartel and their ability to promote and even manufacture war, just as they did in 1898 to help start the Spanish/American War.

It is known as the Propaganda of the Spanish-American War, which made money for the press by increasing reader circulation and for the warlord bankers by increasing the popularity, hence the expenditures, of the war. Yellow journalism is noted for outrageous headlines, sex scandals, sensationalism, and consumer advertising, all of which are accompanied by the lies and exaggerations that support the globalist-warlord banker-Zionist agenda.

Yellow journalism never went away; instead it became more sophisticated in its delivery. Here are the characteristics that will help you determine if the news source that you read or view is yellow journalism:

1)  Yellow journalism doesn’t really have legitimate investigative reporting. The articles, both written and read aloud, just parrot what comes over the scrubbed news cables from other sources like Associated Press and Reuters. Most news is simply “canned” or is just commentary or editorializing.  Many news pundits have zero experience as investigative reporters and don’t even realize that true journalists take a creed to deliver the truth to their audience, not suppress news, and to respect the idea of freedom of information.  See Journalist Creed here.

2) Yellow journalism uses eye-catching headlines to sell more news. Some news agencies use only AP and Reuters as their sources and simply add sensationalistic headlines that are grossly exaggerated and oriented to redirect the reader to scandals, sex, entertainment, consumerism, sports, and anything other than the truth.

3)  Yellow journalism entices with colorful pictures, videos, flashy computer generated images, animation or any other device to draw the audience into the narrative.  Media Cartel news is now entertainment that looks like a Walt Disney production – oh, that’s right, it is a Walt Disney production. Through the hundreds of news agencies connected to the AP and Reuters, any subscribing news agency can use the pictures, video feeds, or interviews from around the world – creating a false sense of total global awareness. This illusion is fascinating to the audience who “can’t look away.”

4) Yellow journalism is unprofessional, unethical, and/or untrue. Look at the bias of the media cartel news networks and agencies as they ganged up on patriots and covered up for Clinton and her cabal. We witnessed an election season of blatant lies, disinformation, and fear-mongering, which still continues today. We have watched news agencies and newscasters crumble to pieces before our eyes as they watched election results in disbelief. They actually believed the lies that they had been instructed to read.  These newscasters are either STUPID or unashamed of their deception and disinformation that they hoist on the American public. For both reasons, you should turn off television news, stop your print subscriptions to their magazines and newspapers, be discerning when collection websites, like Drudge, hyperlink you to media cartel news sources, or question why your favorite radio host never goes any further than the reservation allows in uncovering the real news.

5) Yellow journalism uses fake stories, pseudoscience, and false narratives as justification and verification of “real news.” Remember when “climate change” used to be called “global warming?” If talking heads were actual journalists, they would question why there was a change in semantics and really drill down into the hard science. The ridiculous opinions of pundits who are not investigative reporters or experienced in the subjects they address are simply parroting ideas taken from other pundits or approved media cartel sources. This is evident in the way the news is characterized the same on all channels, even to the point of using the same silly phrases and nomenclature, repeatedly. This mocking bird syndrome simply promotes the collective media cartel narrative.

6) Yellow journalism pretends to be on the side of the down-trodden common man on the street. Most news agencies have been openly Democrat, tending to socialism and progressivism through the promotion of the New World Order and other globalist agendas. Fox News, for example, is nothing more than a corral where the “republicans” go, thinking that they are getting real news, only to be redirected to the globalist agenda when it suits the media cartel. Both left and right leaning media cartel channels and publications trick the common man into thinking that they are getting real news, when they are actually being herded by the media cartel into their agenda of war, globalism, central banking, etc.

7) Yellow journalism promotes war and hides the true culprits who become wealthy from war economies.  How many of us reading this article don’t know that the Bush, Clinton, Obama criminal families have made a permanent war economy by fomenting terrorism and declaring war on ubiquitous “terrorists” who exist everywhere – even in our own country? These are our domestic enemies and they are surrounded by a cadre of protectors, all who benefit from the war business. Fear mongering is the herd dog that keeps the sheeple on the reservation. Name a fear—they promote them all: Muslim terrorism, ISIS, cataclysmic climate change, Russians in Syria and in our presidential elections, WWW III. Even the way-out alternative media channels that the media cartel has subsumed have their own brand of fear mongering—the crash of Planet X or Nibiru into Earth, the return of the Nephilim, Ebola breakouts on the rise, etc.

Anything to keep you in fear is good for the media cartel and their agenda to keep you always on edge, ready to give them your money and liberties, while you cast away your objective discernment in examining the actual events at hand. The real truth is that Bush, Obama, and Clinton created the mess we have in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and the other countries Obama bombed. Clinton-Obama created and funded ISIS.

This is news that doesn’t suit the media cartel and the growth of their war business.

Using these seven points, you can question all news that you consume. Yellow journalism can come in all forms—tradition media, cable, traditional alternative news, and citizen derived alternative news. If you know the agenda of the media cartel, you can better determine if your news source is a form of yellow journalism.

Media Gatekeepers: Reuters and the Associated Press

Gone are the days of objective fact-finding journalism where honesty and integrity were paramount. Most mass consumed media today is nothing more than state-sponsored propaganda run by the Department of Defense through the Board of Broadcasting Governors and the National Security Agency. The non-stop partisan media debates are nothing more than an illusion propagated by six corporations to distract the audience from the awful truth of what is happening in America. PizzaGate, in its larger scope of uncovering worldwide pedophilia and heinous crimes, is their worst nightmare.

Historically, virtually every news agency gets their news from two sources that promote the globalist agenda. When citizen journalists do their own investigations and reporting, they are bypassing the control mechanism of scrubbing, sanitizing, and propagandizing the stories of the day.

To understand how this process works, we need to examine the history of Reuters and the Associated Press. (Below is a brief summary which is supplemented with additional material in the Addendum of this article.)

The Reuter Agency was established in 1851 by Paul Julius Reuter in Britain at the London Royal Exchange as a news agency for bankers. Born Israel Beer Josaphat in Kassel, Germany, his father, Samuel Levi Josaphat, was a rabbi. Paul Reuter worked at a book-publishing firm in Berlin and was involved in distributing radical pamphlets at the beginning of the Revolutions in 1848. These publications brought much attention to Reuter. He later developed a prototype news service in 1849 in which he used electric telegraphy and carrier pigeons. The Reuter’s Telegram Company was later launched. The company initially covered commercial news, serving banks, brokerage houses, and business firms. Almost every major news outlet in the world currently subscribes to Reuters which now operates in more than 200 cities in 94 countries in about 20 languages.

Reuters was at one time own by the Rothschild banking family, in the late 1800’s when they also owned Wolff and Havas. They essentially had a monopoly on news throughout Europe and the world. Reuters was sold to the Thompson family in 2008. The new company is called Thompson-Reuters and its shareholders now are the majority owners.  The Thompson family owns 27% and the usual Warlord bankers and their dummy corporations own the rest.

The Associated Press is a not-for-profit company owned by its 1,300-member news agencies, or at least that is what they want you to think. The Associated Press is governed by an elected board of directors. Since January 26, 2012, the Chairman is Mary Junck, who is the President, CEO and Chairman of Lee Enterprises. Other members of the board represent the following companies: Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc., The E.W. Scripps Company, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Journal Communications, Inc., Swift Communications, The Spokesman-Review, Cowles Publishing Co., GatehouseMedia, LLC, New Media Investment Group, The New York Times Co., Cox Media Group, ESPN, BH Media Group, The Omaha World-Herald, Univision Communications, Inc., Fusion, The Santa Fe New Mexican and The Taos News, Gannett Co., Inc., A. H. Belo Corporation, The Ogden Newspapers Inc., Paxton Media Group, Hearst Corporation, The McClatchy Company, Times Publishing Company.

If you look closely at who “owns” the shares of these member news agencies you will find that the big ones are owned by either the founders and their family or the usual warlord bankers and their war corporations. Look closely again and you will find that those large investment corporations are owned by each other. Eventually, you find out that the true owners are banks and investment companies who hide their true owners behind walls of corporate insulation. The Anonymous Patriots have written extensively about the interconnections of all of these corporations. See Who Owns the Military Industrial Complex Part 1 and Part 2.

Are the Rothschilds major shareholders in the global media cartel?

The answer circuitously winds its way back to England and the corporations clustered around the City of London where we eventually discover that the Rothschilds own the large chunk of the media cartel, just as they still have a monopoly over central banking, offshore banking, investment banking, gold and silver fixing, and interest rate fixing.  Lord Rothschild is the sole trustee/executor of the Bank of England, one of the most powerful economic institutions in the world. Only the Vatican Bank has as much power in the world of global economics. And, as we have seen, all good warlord bankers need to control the media so that they can cover up their sins and crimes. This is the standard modus operandi of the East India type imperialistic warlord bankers who must control the news, turning it into propaganda that is fed to the media-consuming public. So, yes, the Rothschilds have their tentacles in Reuters and the Associated Press, and you can bet your stack of silver that they only want you to read news that benefits their war and banking businesses.

All Propaganda News has Subliminal Programming

From 2012 onward, President Obama expanded the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to include using propaganda and disinformation on Americans in all forms of broadcasting.  (See our article on Legal Propaganda if you aren’t aware of this information.)

Each year Obama expanded those powers and has tried to create yet another federal agency to carry out state-sponsored propaganda that is filled with subliminal programming that creates narrative networks through brain-washing techniques.  A current bill in Congress, in response to the allegations that the Russians hacked the elections and John Podesta’s emails, aims to expand the ability of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center to identify and combat online disinformation – “fake news” included. The measure would draw on the resources of the Defense Department, intelligence agencies, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the DoD’s Broadcasting Board of Governors — parent organization to Voice of America and other U.S. government-funded international propaganda news agencies. The effort grew out of the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act but now would expand those powers to include Americans in America.

This $160 million, two-year authorization is being advanced through the annual military budget (NDAA) which makes it all the more dubious. Under the guise of the war on terror, the NDAA has been used to increase presidential executive authority, and the 2012 version went so far as to authorize the indefinite military detention of U.S. civilians without habeas corpus. Last year, the Pentagon ramped up its information war through the STRATCOM program which uses “psychological operations, propaganda and public affairs under the catch phrase ‘strategic communications.’” The control and manipulation of information is now viewed as a “soft power” weapon.

To battle fake news and foreign propaganda, the U.S. engages in bigger and better form of “fake news” and propaganda through the Department of Defense, which before now has had no authority within the borders of the United States of America. This action explains the recent war on alternative media from government sources who perhaps are frightened because “fake news” questions the official narrative and points out the lies and disinformation coming from the government itself.  This bill destroys the U. S. constitutional right to free speech and makes a mockery of freedom of information.

So let’s get real here: To the asinine talking heads and writers of the media cartel outlets and the dual-citizen Israeli congressional politicians (and those who are aligned with them) who are ready to throw out our constitutional free speech with your fake news narrative, IT IS NOT THE RUSSIANS.

It is the American people who have awakened to the lies of the globalists-warlord bankers-Zionists, and we are determined to espouse truth all over the world using our constitutional free speech to eradicate evil off this planet—permanently. We know what you are doing to our children and to humanity. And you will not be able to silence the lambs anymore.

Intelligence Networks Also Suppress Real Truth

The Central Intelligence Agency is the international espionage and intelligence network that controls U. S. diplomacy and all aspects of war, infiltration, subversion and spying in all theatres both foreign and domestic. The CIA runs hundreds of war corporations, banks, offshore accounts and has untold amounts of stolen gold that is being slowly laundered back into world markets. This gold came to the CIA as the “spoils of war.” It is financially benefits the CIA to be in continual war with the nations. It also benefits the CIA and its operations to keep the citizenry uninformed of the real truth; hence, they are part of this worldwide network of yellow journalism.

Essentially, all foreign policy is determined by the CIA and its operatives, many of whom work in corporate war management companies that do the heavy lifting for the U.S. military. For instance, there were as many war corporation contractors in the Iraq War as there were U. S. troops. Blackwater’s 50,000 mercenaries secured the green zone in the Iraqi war-theatre. Those same mercenaries now work for ISIS and the U. S. counter-insurgency forces in Syria. Cheney’s company, Halliburton, created the war corporation KBR which made over $139 billion during the Iraq War and are still making money there today. Many of these lucrative contracts were no-bid contracts “awarded” to Halliburton (and KBR), which is a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group where George Bush Sr. is a senior member.  The collusion, cronyism, graft, and greed are obvious to the observer who pierces the veil of the media cartel’s propaganda.

Transnational intelligence networks/corporations do a great deal of the dirty work for the U. S. government. The trouble is, these international/transnational/globalist corporations work for both sides and basically participate in corporate espionage. Some corporate para-military intelligence agencies are equivalent to an entire nation’s military and intelligence networks combined.

The Romans, and later the Roman Catholic Church, created pervasive and controlling intelligence networks that controlled their imperialistic empire. The Templars and Knights of Malta followed quickly behind the Vatican and became large and effective intelligence and banking networks that were comprised of the world’s richest people. The current Knights of Malta parade around as if they are a charity; indeed, the Knights take in much in charitable donations but give out little and often launder the money in the process. The Knights are supported by the Vatican Bank, which is the largest money laundering organization in the world. Basically, the CIA, just as Hitler had done, copied the Vatican’s intelligence network and the East India companies’ war corporation model, added a dash of Jesuit espionage and Knight of Malta subterfuge, and then, voilà – the model for the CIA as an international imperialistic charity doing the good work of “protecting” America.

Imagine a corporation like KBR or Blackwater that can create an army, a navy, an air force, and a full complement of intelligence agencies through a single corporate contract. When war is driven by private businesses and central banks, then the line between war and profit is blurred. War corporations that call themselves management services are the modern day East India companies making a profit on war commerce, filling their coffers with riches, yet leaving death and destruction behind them.

There are 24 million dead, injured and homeless as the result of Obama’s unconstitutional attacks on seven sovereign nations. The refugees that are created by these bombings are big business for charities, government agencies, the United Nations, and warlord bankers who helped create the crisis to begin with by blackmailing politicians through their personal weaknesses that are fed and nurtured by the CIA in America as part of “International Security” which trumps “National Security.” (For more information on how charities and the Catholic Church, along with the CIA and its agents, benefit from war, please see our article Whore of Babylon Revealed.)

The president can control “national security” through his bundled package of emergency powers which can be enacted without congressional approval in the case of a “national security” threat, which includes cyber-attacks like the recent “supposed” Russian hacks of the election. Even a solar coronal mass ejection is now considered a possible “national security” threat that could give the president the power to seize control of all aspects of American life.

That is nothing compared to what the CIA can do! The CIA’s determination of an “international security” threat over-rules a ‘national security’ threat. For example, the threat of currency manipulation is “international” and over-rules “national.” The CIA’s own intelligence agencies came up with the narrative “weapons of mass destruction” as the false-flag propaganda that created the second illegal war in Iraq – against a CIA installed puppet, Saddam Hussein. America takes a back seat to the needs of CIA “International” manipulation – for the good of the country, of course.  Warlord Bankers have made at least $5 trillion on the two Iraqi Wars where CIA “intelligence” created the war.  The CIA attacked Iraq using Yellow Journalism through the Media Cartel who repeated every word the CIA told them – as if it were true.

There is so much “intelligence” in the federal government that no one can control it all.  Rogue activity is bound to happen and the CIA has numerous rogue members who have opened their own consulting firms after leaving their CIA jobs. Below is a list of the intelligence networks in the U. S. Federal government that generally do not trust one another and work quite independently and have hundreds of departments making sure that real truth is suppressed and obscured:

Twenty-Fifth Air Force (United States Air Force), Intelligence and Security Command (United States Army), Central Intelligence Agency (Independent Agency), Coast Guard Intelligence (United States Coast Guard), Defense Intelligence Agency (Defense), Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (Energy), Office of Intelligence and Analysis (Homeland Security), Bureau of Intelligence and Research (State), Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (Treasury), Office of National Security Intelligence (Drug Enforcement Administration), Intelligence Branch (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (United States Marine Corps), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (Defense), National Reconnaissance Office (Defense), National Security Agency/Central Security Service (Defense), Office of Naval Intelligence (Defense).

The political game of musical chairs between U. S. government agencies and the corporations they are supposed to be regulating is staggering and SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.

The heads of the CIA and FBI often just came from jobs as bank presidents and head legal counsels of crooked corporations, and then end up at the SEC or in the Treasury Department regulating the very markets they were previously running.  Goldman Sachs and the Treasury have a revolving door relationship that is embarrassing. The corrupt banks of America and Europe often share the same top executives. They also shuffle through the IMF, BIS, World Bank and other international posts that should require a degree or some training in economics instead of simply CIA indoctrination training. These appointments are clearly collusion and insider trading on an international scale.

CIA stooges play their roles at the highest level of government and industry, just like CIA stooge presidents, and no one blinks an eye. It is always the “usual culprits” who are involved in these banker fraud schemes and yet no investigative journalist uncovers what is right before their eyes. This begs the question: “Why?”

The media cartel outlets are used by the CIA to collect information around the world, and to disseminate the news with the slant that benefits their war and banking business agenda. This is yellow journalism in its modern form as it uses technology, psyops, subliminal programming with the traditional components of deceit and disinformation. The media cartel’s interests are similar, or the same, as the globalists/trans-nationalists/warlord bankers/Zionists because they are practically the same players. The majority owners of the media cartel are globalists hiding behind holding companies and transnational corporations. So, of course, they are all in bed together with the fake news narrative intended to silence citizen journalists armed with real truth.

World news that is disseminated through the media cartel channels is completely scripted and is filled with government propaganda and subliminal messaging. This has been active since the 60’s but now is overwhelmingly commonplace and sanctioned by the NDAA laws that allow domestic propaganda.

Warlord bankers do not want you to know what they are doing so they work through organizations that create the international narrative for America through the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Highland Forum, the British Round Table, and other such organizations who put economic interests ahead of the American Constitution.

Key Point:  U. S. foreign policy is determined by the Council on Foreign Relations and implemented in large part by the CIA.

Jesuits and Zionists Control the Global Agenda

The Council on Foreign Relations is a Rockefeller group that is sponsored by the Jesuits and is the most powerful intelligence network in world politics. Many CFR members are also members of the Knights of Malta and are indoctrinated CIA stooges or were previous CIA agents and directors. Another part of the CIA works with mercenary war corporations that carry out the will of warlord bankers who have been doing this for centuries.

The first corporation in modern times was the imperialistic war-machine of the East India companies that started with investment bankers in Germany, Holland, and England who then became mercenaries who stole, pillaged, killed, and imprisoned countless people. The West India Company brought many of the African slaves to America while the British East India Company was exploiting the colonies. These Jesuit and Jewish (Zionist), forces of corporate greed have gone on unabated for hundreds of years.

The Rothschilds and their central bank cronies continue to fleece every market in the world. The City of London bankers are still one of the great war-machines in the world. They have controlled gold and silver pricing, interest rates, currencies and stock markets since they were created. There is no free-market economy; there are only rigged markets controlled by the warlord bankers.

Who Owns the News Media Cartel?

Let’s take a look at the U. S. Media Cartel and who owns it according to public records:

Comcast – $74.51 billion in revenues for 2015

Ralph Roberts was a Jewish American businessman who was the founder of Comcast, serving as its chief executive officer for 46 years until his death in 2015.

Holdings include: NBCUniversal, NBC and Telemundo, Universal Pictures, Focus Features, DreamWorks Animation, 26 television stations in the United States and cable networks USA Network, Bravo, CNBC, The Weather Channel, MSNBC, SyFy, NBCSN, Golf Channel, Esquire Network, E!, Cloo, Chiller, Universal HD and the Comcast SportsNet regional system.

Walt Disney Company – $52.46 billion

Chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jewish American business man.

Holdings include: ABC Television Network, cable networks ESPN, the Disney Channel, A&E and Lifetime, approximately 30 radio stations, music, video game, and book publishing companies, production companies Touchstone, Marvel Entertainment, Lucasfilm, Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios, mobile app developer Disney Mobile, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, and theme parks in several countries. Also has a longstanding partnership with Hearst Corporation, which owns additional TV stations, newspapers, magazines, and stakes in several Disney television ventures.  Miramax Films, 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies. Arts & Entertainment Network cable companies. ABC Radio Network owns eleven AM and ten FM stations with over 3,400 affiliates, Capital Cities/ABC owns seven daily newspapers, Fairchild Publications, Chilton Publications, and the Diversified Publishing Group.

Time Warner –$28.11 billion

Chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald Levin, is a Jewish American business man.

Holdings include: Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network. Warner Music is the world’s largest record company, with 50 labels. Formerly the largest media conglomerate in the world, with holdings including: CNN, the CW (a joint venture with CBS), Cinemax, Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, HLN, NBA TV, TBS, TNT, truTV, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Bros. Pictures, Castle Rock, DC Comics, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and New Line Cinema.

21st Century Fox – $28.98 billion

Rupert Murdoch, former CEO of 21st Century Fox, whose mother was an Orthodox Jew, the parent of powerhouse cable TV channel Fox News. He is executive co-chairman of 21st Century Fox with his son Lachlan and is also chairman of News Corp. Altogether, his family controls 120 newspapers across five countries.

Holdings include: Fox Broadcasting Company; cable networks Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox Sports 1, Fox Sports 2, National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, FX, FXX, FX Movie Channel, and the regional Fox Sports Networks ; film production companies 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight Pictures and Blue Sky Studios.

CBS Corporation/Viacom – $13.88 billion

Sumner Murray Redstone (Rothstein) is a Jewish American businessman and media magnate. He is the majority owner and chairman of the board of the National Amusements theater chain. Through National Amusements, Redstone and his family are majority owners of CBS Corporation and Viacom (itself the parent company of Viacom Media Networks, <a href="https://en.

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