
PIZZAGATE Unraveled, ‘Fake News’ Deconstructed

ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal

by David Wilcox

Divine Cosmos

The Cabal is closer to exposure and defeat than ever before. The truth is blasting through the internet as a civilian-led investigation takes hold.

Does the Cabal have a final “Hail Mary Pass” to create a mass distraction and take the heat off? Could their final move actually be Disclosure?

What if this pre-planned Disclosure turns out to be far more epic and surprising than anyone could have possibly imagined?

In order to set up this story, we first have to expose exactly how rapidly the Cabal is plummeting to the earth at this time.

Then we will see they have no choice but to make their final Endgame moves.

UPDATED Same day, additional info in Bigbelly section, some new images and text at the end in red. FINAL as of 6:33 PM PDT, 12/6 (Same day.)



Disclosure is upon us. Never before have we seen so many tangible signs of progress towards an imminent breakthrough.

The latest intel from the deepest levels of the UFO cover-up is some of the most fascinating data we have ever received.

If it proves to be true, we are right on the brink of experiencing the most significant events in all of our recorded history on earth.

Some very cosmic, world-changing information could soon be dropped upon us from an “official” level in a “Partial Disclosure” scenario.

This could potentially include the revelation of astonishingly high-tech buildings and cities discovered under the ice in Antarctica.


Imagine if you woke up one day to see hyper-futuristic ruins being revealed in Antarctica.

You’re not seeing this on Ancient Aliens or on alternative news sites, but everywhere… on every major media platform there is.

Imagine journalists and military officials revealing these incredible findings—in videos shot on location.

An event of this magnitude could be far more distracting than any 9/11-style catastrophe.

The power elite may well be hoping that such a civilization-defining “game changer” could make any and all preceding news stories irrelevant and forgotten.


Corey Goode was made aware of the discovery of epic new Antarctic ruins approximately three months ago, and wasn’t even authorized to tell David what was going on.

We have only just now been cleared to release this critical, time-sensitive data to the public.

Since there is a large amount of information to share, this update is definitely a Long Read—but well worth it.

In order to set up this incredible new disclosure information in Part Two, it is first important to establish the “backstory” of current events through which such a disclosure event would be seen to occur.

The full, grotesque nature of the hidden group that has been concealing the truth from us for so long is finally being exposed.


The 2016 presidential election was arguably the most contentious, nasty political battle in American history.

This has been well-covered by almost everyone on either side of the political spectrum, so we will not go through all the fine details again here.

In the final moments, a mysterious group called “Prop or Not” appeared out of nowhere, and issued a McCarthy-esque list of “fake” news sites, allegedly under “Russian” control.

The mainstream media acted as if this “hit list” was as significant as the invention of the wheel.

They immediately adopted the fascist, Orwellian term “Fake News” into their faltering Realnews™ products.

Each link within the complete collection of blacklisted sites—currently 200 in total—is already being blocked or de-monetized by Facebook, Google, Apple, Snapchat and others.

[UPDATE: This is a direct, outrageous attack against truth and free speech. Infowars responded on December 7th by publishing their own “Fake News” list.]


According to Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept, “[Prop or Not’s] list of Russian disinformation outlets includes WikiLeaks and the Drudge Report, as well as Clinton-critical left-wing websites such as Truthout, Black Agenda Report, Truthdig, and Naked Capitalism, as well as libertarian venues such as Antiwar.com and the Ron Paul Institute.”

A journalist writing for New Yorker blasted Prop or Not, saying their definition of Fake News “includes criticism of the United States, Barack Obama, Clinton, the European Union, Angela Merkel, NATO, Ukraine, “Jewish people,” U.S. allies, the mainstream media, Democrats, and “the center-right or center-left, and moderates of all stripes.”

“These criteria, of course, could include not only Russian state-controlled media organizations, such as Russia Today, but nearly every news outlet in the world, including the Post itself.”

Activist Post, one of many so-called “Fake News” sites, said, “However, it is also an exhilarating time to be a part of such mammoth upheaval, where-

The entrenched apparatus of the State itself has declared information to be its enemy—and acknowledged that it must do everything in its power to maintain its tenuous monopoly on the truth.


We are only now witnessing a more visible form of the same cover-up that has hidden UFO reality from us for over 80 years – consistently deeming all UFO sightings “Fake News.”

State-sponsored media has engaged in psychological operations or “psyops” to discredit witnesses and insiders from the very beginning.

[UPDATE: Our TV network Gaia made it onto the “Fake News” list! That’s how you know we’re the real deal! Thanks, PON, for curating a “recommended reading” list!]

The Internet has opened up an era in which we, the people, now get to decide what media we want to consume, and what we choose to believe on a day-by-day basis.

If entities like Facebook are going to suppress any links that divert from dying Realnews™ government propaganda, then we must now work harder to avoid being dependent upon them.


By definition, the Snowden documents would be “fake” as well – yet the operations they exposed are as serious as a heart attack.

As Global Research so brilliantly stated on December 1st, 2016,

“The [mainstream media] editors and writers who produce these articles seem not even to notice that their publications have been caught in one colossal lie after another—

From the claims of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” used to justify the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003,

To the more recent flood of government propaganda in support of neo-colonial wars in Libya and Syria, and drone killings in a growing number of countries—

All justified in the name of “human rights” and the “war on terror.”

There are no institutions anywhere in the world more adept at producing “fake news” than the American corporate-controlled media.”


Realnews™ is nothing but a last-ditch effort to sway the 15 percent or so of people who still even listen to state-run corporate media.

Perhaps the single most vigorous Realnews™ target is something called Pizzagate, which has taken the internet by storm, particularly in the YouTube-watching millennial generation.

It started when specific food-related words like pizza, hot-dog, cheese, pasta, sauce, ice cream and walnut appeared with high frequency in Wikileaks emails sent by Clinton associate John Podesta.

Full disclosure… this is about as far as you can go in this article without encountering some upsetting information that may be new to you.

If you get triggered by anything you read here, (which is still very mild in comparison to many of the videos,) please skip ahead to LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH and come back to it later.

If there is any chance that these allegations are real, we owe it to the victims to be strong enough to look at the truth.


The discovery of these peculiarly-used food terms combined nicely with an earlier Wikileaks release of an FBI document from 2007, “Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences.”

This was also made into a slideshow shortly after its initial FBI release in 2008. We found the slideshow by inputting the code number Q-FBI-2200-005-06. It appeared in SlideShare, a division of LinkedIn.

Here we will use some of the slides and some images from the original legal document.

The Podesta emails went public as of October 7, 2016, and were devastating to the Clinton campaign for other reasons, at least initially.

As the Millennium Report pointed out, “John Podesta is not only the ultimate Democratic powerbroker, Beltway insider and powerful political fixer, his professional resume is both long and deep in the U.S. Federal Government.

“[Podesta] was Bill Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff back in the 1990s, Barack Obama’s Counselor to the President, and Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.”


Out of 2,060 total emails in the first Podesta collection, there are 149 instances of “pizza”, 73 of hot dog, 85 of cheese, 78 of pasta, 41 of sauce, 84 of ice cream and 47 of walnut.

The word “map,” which can refer to a telltale clue that could destroy the entire crime ring if left behind, such as through DNA evidence, appears 917 times.

That’s almost half of all the emails.

These words often appear in very, very bizarre contexts that have nothing to do with food. That is one key element of Pizzagate.

The term “pizza” itself appears to be code for a sexual partner, particularly if it is a minor, and again appears 149 times.

Although “walnut” appears 47 times in very strange ways, the equally popular nut “cashew” doesn’t appear even once.This is most likely because “walnut” is a code word and “cashew” is not.

An innocuous, non-code-word junk food like “French fries” only appears 13 times. “Milkshake” only appears six times.

“Vegetable” only appears 24 times. “Pear” only appears 25 times. “Grape” only appears six times. “Avocado” only appears four times. “Strawberry” only appears twice. None of these are code words.



Law enforcement authorities and online “Urban Dictionary” resources have identified the specific terms we just mentioned – pizza, cheese, sauce, pasta, et cetera – as code words for child sex trafficking.

Code words allow people engaging in illegal activities to have a cover story in the event that their communications are discovered.

A simple, much less serious example of code-speak would be a college student referring to a bag of weed as a “book”, such as when talking on the phone or in an email about it.

People engaging in criminal activities have always been aware of surveillance, and use code terms to avoid getting caught, or at least reduce the risk.

A simple-sounding question like “Read any good books lately?” can lead to knowing laughter in cases like our hypothetical pot-smoking college students.


Pizza and other specific food terms appear in very suspicious, non-food-related ways in hundreds of different letters sent by Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta and others. ( 1 , 2 , 3 )

Here are three notable examples:


I consider ice cream, its purchase, and its consumption a rather serious business. We can’t just willy-nilly toss it out and about in casual references, especially linked with the word “free”.


Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy.

I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.


Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours?


Apparently, owning and running an actual pizza restaurant is part of the joke that they all find to be so hilarious.

Across the street from two key pizza places is a bistro called Terasol.

This means Sun-Earth in Spanish.

“Terra” is earth and “sol” is sun.

Up until recently, Terasol had the Girl Love logo prominently displayed on their website, right below a picture of a celebrity guest who just ran for President:

Yep. It just went there. Notice also the smaller hand inside the larger hand in this same Girl Love logo.


Two other businesses with the exact same name as Terasol, except this time with two R’s in them, also had logos nearly identical to those in the FBI database.

This data pops up almost immediately when you do a Google Image Search on “terasol logo.”

The first notable example is TerraSol Organics, a business ostensibly selling nothing but young sprouts — microgreens — to the organic grocery market in Oregon.

Yet, their logo is very similar to the Child Lover symbol disclosed in the FBI database:

The Terrasol Organics website says, in part, “If you’re interested in our bulk quantities please contact us for further information on pricing and delivery options.”

This certainly does not mean they are guilty of doing anything wrong. Let’s hope this is just a very unfortunate coincidence.


Another example of a symbol straight out of the FBI database immediately popped up on a Google Image Search for Terasol Logo.

This time it is the “Little Boy Lover” symbol:

Given the odd, repeated appearance of pedophile symbols associated with the word Terrasol, it is worthy of a deeper look.

The Cabal believes Lucifer, the “light bringer,” (Sol), has dominion over the earth (Terra.)

The Terrasol logo was linked via Google Images search to a company called Bigbelly International. This particular affiliate, Terrasol, works out of Malaysia and Singapore:


Here is the website you land on after you click on the above Google Images link:

The Terrasol logo with the “Little Boy Lover”-type symbol appears under Asia Pacific / Malaysia and Asia Pacific / Singapore on this site.

Based on the positions of markers in the map, Terrasol is the only Bigbelly affiliate for all of Southeast Asia.

Notice that the B in the Bigbelly logo could be a subtle representation of the breasts and “big belly” of a pregnant mother.

Why would a logo like this be used by one of the businesses working for a “Smart Waste & Recycling System… found in all 50 United States and more than 47 countires around the world?”

UPDATE: What about the four semicircles on the top of the cloud in the Bigbelly logo?

Doesn’t it look a lot like a big heart on the right next to a smaller heart on the left?


Bigbelly does legitimately sell trash cans that appear to be designed much better than most. Again, this may only be a very unfortunate coincidence.

They may have partnered with certain businesses and have no idea if any nefarious behavior is occurring.

It is also potentially of interest that their truck is pictured next to a movie poster for the Disney children’s film Cinderella,which is about an orphaned child.

There is a man in what looks like a hooded black cloak, with an American flag on the sleeve and a neon vest, just to the left of the vehicle.

Above the hooded figure is the word FOREVER. Above that is the number 21 — the age where children first become legal.

To the immediate left of FOREVER is the stylized “y” of the Disney logo.


If you really want to go “down the rabbit hole” and speculate even more, the release date for Cinderella, as we see in this image, was March 13th, 2015.

That’s right… Friday the 13th.


In my just-released blockbuster The Ascension Mysteries, I talk about the nearly ubiquitous presence of subliminal advertising in the media.

I first learned about it in a college class through the work of Professor Wilson Bryan Key. He revealed that hidden symbolism appears in the vast majority of all modern advertising.

This symbolism is often sexual or occult in nature. I was certain there had to be images in her dress in the poster, and it didn’t take long to find it.

Her hand pulls up a wrinkle in her dress that makes an eye. The big crease along the bottom of the dress forms a warped, smiling troll mouth. The entire body of the dress below her super-small waist is the head.

The folds of the dress give it dog-like whiskers, and this is a creature that is large enough to devour her in one bite.

Read this entire 1990 MIT article on Wilson Bryan Key’s research to learn more. I would have quoted almost every word of it in Ascension Mysteries, but hit a brick wall due to the “Fair Use” clause. Here is a sample:

“Key maintained that these messages do not appear by accident, coincidence, or as the work of an individual artist. Rather, advertising agencies spend three to five months and upwards of $50,000 to scrutinize every detail in each advertisement, he claimed….

When asked about death themes in the ads, Key responded that “if consciously perceived, you would probably run to the nearest [Alcoholics Anonymous],” but proprietary studies have shown the ads to “work more often than they fail.”


Now let’s get back to the Friday the 13th release date.

On Friday the 13th of October, 1307, scores of Knight Templars were arrested by agents of King Philip and later tortured to death in what is known as the Templar Massacre.

The Knights Templar are a critical historical aspect of the Cabal. Whistleblowers like Svali say the Cabal is the modern, more-disguised version of the Roman Empire after it conquered England beginning in 43 AD.

All the most recent episodes of my show Wisdom Teachings have been revealing these connections for Gaia subscribers. Gaia is arguably the Netflix of Seeking Truth and a good antidote to Realnews™.

Your support for this grassroots organization is vitally needed at this time, and you get two new shows a week where I am helping make Disclosure happen.

We now have a visual FX team adding lots of elements to the Wisdom Teachings episodes, which have significantly improved the overall quality of the show.

March 13th is only one day before the assassination of Julius Caesar, which is only one day before the dreaded Ides of March in the Roman calendar.

As it says in the Wikipedia entry, “The death of Caesar [in 44 BC] made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history, as one of the events that marked the transition from the historical period known as the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.[2]”

Caesar had first invaded England just 10 years before his death, in what Historic UK calls “political propaganda.”

This, of course, immediately preceded the arrival of Christ, their greatest and most despised enemy.

March 13th is very close to a day associated with the birth of the Roman Empire. The Cabal very much wants to re-do this stunt again, this time calling it a “New World Order.”

If you want to understand the secret, occult religion of the Cabal or “Illuminati,” all roads lead to Rome. We will have more on this in Part Two.

Roman empire, Knights Templar, assassinations, orphaned children, Forever 21, a hooded figure in black… and a waste cleanup truck claiming to be the “World Leader in Smart Waste and Recycling Solutions.”


One last thing to mention is that the Bigbelly affiliates listed for Italy (Alascom) and Lebanon (Vanilae) also have logos that may be tangentially similar to those in the FBI database.

ALASCOM is built of the same letters as CLOMAL, Child Love Online Media Activism, plus an extra S. Their logo has notable similarities to that of CLOMAL, as it appears in the FBI document.

The crescents could also subtly imply the presence of a larger and a smaller set of hearts.

As an extra bonus, the red dot is next to a white oval made by the shape of the crescents and thereby hints at an All-Seeing Eye. The two red crescents could also hint at devil horns.

The two butterfly wings in the Vanilae logo are fairly similar to the larger and smaller pink hearts in the Child Lover logo.

The crescents appear again in their shapes as well. The inverse spaces of the circles look like an adult and a child with pointy noses facing each other.

The butterfly is a well-known symbol of Monarch mind-control programming, as many Cabal scholars have noted.

Also notice that the V and the A in Vanilae are stylized and could represent the “square and compass” of the Masonic symbol.

The second A in Vanilae has a leaf shape in it that could hint at the All-Seeing Eye.

Vanilla is also the main flavor of ice cream… which is one of the keywords that appear all throughout the Wikileaks emails in suggestive ways.

What kind of “trade” are they “uniting?”


The “Pizzagate” scandal was a top trending search term this past week online. Millions of people are now finding out about these horrific crimes for the first time.

Never before in modern history has any “conspiracy theory” spread this quickly. It is extremely shocking stuff and the evidence in favor of a cover-up is overwhelmingly massive.

If Pizzagate breaks through into an official FBI or NYPD mass arrest, the Cabal will be defeated right along with it – unless they have a truly magnificent distraction in store for us.

On Dec. 1st, 2016, Pizzagate was the number-one headline story on Digg.com, which presents the most viral stories on the internet each day.

This meant Pizzagate was the most popular story on the entire internet as of December 1st:

UPDATE: I just now noticed a Freudian. Read the paragraph carefully. It says “There’s physical evidence either.” The word ‘no’ is missing.

There’s physical evidence…

Perhaps the person who posted this already knew there was indeed physical evidence — or at least his or her subconscious did.

The crescents and stars in the Comet logo are familiar to Cabal scholars, as they appear around images of Baphomet, the goat-horned god.

The A-shaped wedges in which the crescents and stars appear again could imply the Masonic compass symbol.

As ugly as all of this might be, I represent one small part of an Alliance that has been trying to tell you about this for many, many years now.

In that sense it is a relief to finally see millions of people figuring out what has been going on this entire time.


My second NYT best-selling book was called The Synchronicity Key, partly because I pay attention to unusual number patterns, which have appeared for me in surprising ways for many years.

It all started in college when I was reading about “paranormal” subjects. I would look up at the clock and see repeating digits, like 3:33 or 11:11, on the clock.

The Synchronicity Key goes into the science of how this works, with nearly 700 academic references.

When I used my screen-capture program to photograph the BBC article as Pizzagate skyrocketed to number-one on the internet, I was shocked by what I saw.

Not only was it the 666th image I had photographed, but the pixel size of the image I just took was 555 KB.

Right-click and save this image and see it for yourself:

Here is what I actually saw in the screen capture program. I decided not to change the name of this image from its original default, screenshot_666.

I had to use a special keystroke to capture this image:

This may not seem significant to you, and you may want to laugh at me for pointing it out.

However, this phenomenon has happened very regularly when I write articles on this site, as you can see by wading through our journalism in David’s Blog.

In this case I believe it was intended to show that despite these Realnews™ cover-ups, the public is now seeing the truth for what it really is.

The truly sinister aspects of the Cabal — a group engaging in occult practices controlling government and media at the highest levels — are finally visible.

Thanks to the insanity of Pizzagate, millions of people are just starting to figure out that there may be greater significance in our ancient spiritual texts than we realized.

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” — Isaiah 14:12


There are now thousands of videos exposing Pizzagate on YouTube, some of which have millions of views.

One of the best videos to start with is from David Seaman on November 5th, before the subject was even named #Pizzagate.

David, the author of the above video, is a hero who was completely banned from Huffington Post after writing an article discussing Hillary’s health.

Alex Jones’ team at Infowars published a disturbing, short and well-researched video about Pizzagate, with good production value, on November 23rd.

It was apparently deleted and the man who did it was fired from Infowars when he tried to re-upload it. A mirror version is currently posted here.

[UPDATE NEXT DAY: This apparently was only an Internet rumor and he was not fired. Good to know.]

Another leading figure in Pizzagate videos, with above-average production value, is a British vegan girl named Tara, publishing as “Reality Calls.” Red Ice featured an interview with her on Nov. 28th.

A modest investment of one hour is more than enough to realize how outrageous and shocking the evidence really is.

Symbols that are listed in an FBI database for child sex trafficking are openly displayed at a series of pizza restaurants and businesses on the same block in Washington, DC.

It therefore appears that although these businesses do legitimately sell pizza or other goods by day, they also act as fronts for child sex trafficking.


We found a digital copy of issue 14 of “Modern Boylover” magazine, which has no explicit pictures, while searching for the FBI document on LinkedIn SlideShare.

It appears to have been saved there as further evidence to be used in investigations. It is not at all something I recommend reading due to the “creep factor”, which is off the charts.

The triangular Boylover logo appears all througout the magazine, including the logo for KBLR (BoyLoveR) Radio:

In an article about where to take your Young Friend (YF), it ends with the following, which now makes more sense:


One of the most shocking details of this case concerns Besta Pizza, which used the stylized “Boylover” triangle seen in the FBI documents as their logo.

You can order the following image as a print from the official Boylover website referenced in the FBI documents, but I wouldn’t recommend it:

“Besta” means “Beast” in Portuguese. Once the investigation revealed the meaning of their logo, the company changed it on their website, even while the original was still visible in their menu.


The newly-altered version of the Besta Pizza logo has also appeared on the Politics & Prose Bookstore website, another business on the same block that has been implicated just since Pizzagate began:

As revealed on Wikipedia, the Politics & Prose storefront has the “Little Boy Lover” logo written into the ampersand (&) symbol in the middle of the title:

This business is apparently owned by Hillary’s speechwriter.


These two screen captures from a Sgt Report video reveal that a skull and crossbones “death” symbol was clearly visible on the sidewalk in front of Politics & Prose as of July 2010.

This symbol was easily visible in a Google Maps Street View search:

The Skull and Crossbones symbol is also seen in the Skull and Bones society, also known as the Brotherhood of Death, which many US presidents have been members of:


Everyone knows the Skull and Crossbones is the classic “black flag” of the pirate ships robbing gold out of the Caribbean as it emerged from South America. It is also called the “Jolly Roger.”

Far fewer people know that this gold theft was all being done by the now-hidden Knight Templars after their stunning, public mass arrest.

They used their superior naval power to gather awesome wealth and bury it in “banks” along the shoreline of places like Nova Scotia.

I go deeply into the history of all of this in Episode 189 of Wisdom Teachings, “Illuminating the Templars and the Maltese Cross, Part I.”

The 32nd-degree Masonic apron features this Templar symbol as well. The 1800s-era version of the apron had a metallic skull and crossbones:


Besta Pizza and the coffeeshop at Politics & Prose are owned by Andrew Kline. And it is that Andrew Kline – the Clinton appointee overseeing the prosecution of child sex trafficking.

Kline’s ownership of Besta Pizza was hidden three levels deep in government data ( 1 , 2 , 3 ), so it was not easy for civilian investigators to find.

As revealed in a Vanity Fair article from May 24, 2011,

“Special Litigation Counsel Andrew Kline, a Clinton appointee with an M.A. in human rights from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, was one of four attorneys in the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the Department of Justice, in the Civil Rights Division.

It fell upon the curly-haired, bespectacled Kline (now a senior adviser in the executive office of the president) and one other colleague to provide U.S. attorneys nationwide with training on prosecuting trafficking cases.”

If one of four highest-ranking attorneys in the DoJ responsible for arresting pedophiles is himself a perpetrator, he can help ensure that he and his friends never get caught.

According to a Guardian article from Nov. 3rd, “The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel.”


The central nexus-point for Pizzagate research on Reddit was censored as it went viral, as were the backups, but thankfully Archive.org captured it at its peak on November 22nd:


Now that we have published this link, it may be censored off of Archive as well, but for now anyone can grab the data and mirror it.

All the initial, landmark Pizzagate videos were based off of the research in this thread, though additional links are continually being discovered as well.

As an example, “Ping Pong” is apparently a slang reference for sex, due to the rhythmic motion involved.

The fact that Comet Ping-Pong has many different ping-pong tables in the restaurant therefore becomes part of the “inside joke.”

The Comet Ping Pong menu has a logo of two ping-pong paddles on it that looks very similar to the FBI-identified logo for Child Lover.

The wooden handles form a very clear Maltese / Templar cross, tilted sideways.

There is also a subtle suggestion of a human face that has been blindfolded — the white strip over the two circular paddles — and gagged, as seen in the X.

The “blindfold” over the paddles says “Play. Eat. Drink.” This may be an acronym for PED – i.e. a pedophile. All of this, and much more, can be found in the Reddit archive, though they did not see the Templar connections.

But of course, this is just a tragic example of “how fake news is hurting real people” — so says the New York Times.


The greatest “plot twist” of the 2016 election was when FBI director James Comey announced that 650,000 new emails had been found on October 28th – just three days before Halloween.

Hillary’s campaign manager Huma Abedin was married to Anthony Weiner, who was caught in a months-long online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

The 650,000 emails, thousands of which were Clinton-related , were found in a folder on Weiner’s laptop entitled “Life Insurance.”

So many people who opposed the Clintons died of “suicide,” ever since Bill’s run as the governor of Arkansas, that the term “Arkancide” was coined.

Sensationally, the day before the election, Comey announced that no new evidence had been found in the emails, which have not yet been leaked.

Trump blasted Comey for this ludicrous announcement. It appeared that Comey was caught in between two different groups, both giving him lethal threats.

Just three days earlier, insider Erik Prince had released a bombshell of new information from the NYPD and the FBI.


On November 4th, Breitbart News featured a massively significant article entitled “Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case.”

Many people who formerly worked “on the inside” for the Cabal / New World Order have defected and become whistleblowers.

As the original founder of the Cabal’s own mercenary army Blackwater, Erik Prince definitely appears to have broken away and joined what we are calling the Alliance.

In this groundbreaking article, we read the following:

“Blackwater founder and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince… claimed he had insider knowledge of the investigation that could help explain why FBI Director James Comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email server last week….

“[The NYPD] found a lot of other really damning criminal information [in the 650,000 emails on Weiner’s laptop],… including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said….

“The NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they’ve gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department.”


As we read further in this key Breitbart article, we hear that the mayor of NYC wanted nothing to do with the 650,000 new emails, and the NYPD feels they are proof of “great evil:”

“As for [ Bill de Blasio, ] the mayor of New York City, [Blackwater founder Erik] Prince said he has heard that “de Blasio wants to stay away from this.”

“The [new Clinton email] evidence is so bad, the email content is so bad, that I think even [de Blasio] wants to stay away from it, which is really telling,” he said….

“For any cop that is aware of this level of wrongdoing, and they have veterans in their family… they owe it to them to stand up… and shine the light of truth on this great evil.”…

“This is stuff coming right off a hard drive that was owned by Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin, Hillary’s closest adviser for the last 20 years,” he said of the new bombshells.

“This is not from some hacker or anybody else. This is a laptop seized from a warrant in a criminal investigation.”…

“This kind of evil, this kind of true dirt on Hillary Clinton – look, you don’t have to make any judgments. Just release the emails,” [Erik Prince] urged.

“Just dump them. Let them out there. Let people see the light of truth.”


On February 4th, 2011, Andrew Breitbart tweeted, “How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t [a] household name as [a] world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.”

Then, a year later, all throughout February 2012, Breitbart telegraphed the release of a video that he said would appear on March 1st.

This video, he claimed, would be severely damaging to Obama’s re-election campaign. “Wait till they see what happens March 1st,” he said.

Right before the anticipated release, on February 28th, 2012, he tweeted, “How much longer until they kill me (“heart attack” or “car accident”) or frame me for a crime? Read me while you can.”

Andrew died of an alleged heart attack on March 1st, 2012—just two days later. Coincidence?

The coroner who conducted the investigation died of arsenic poisoning just two months later. It’s not that hard to figure out what happened here.

Blatant stunts like this are intended to scare people off, so they fear the seemingly limitless power of the “monster under the bed” and retreat back into the safety of silence… and ignorance.


Steve Bannon took over Breitbart News after Andrew’s death, becoming Executive Chair in March 2012.

It is therefore very interesting that Trump appointed Bannon to a cabinet-level position as his chief strategist and senior counselor.

Realnews™ outlets are in an all-out panic about Bannon’s new role, doing everything they possibly can to demonize him.

Bannon does have character defects. The media is amplifying them to the point where it seems as if that’s all there is to see.

However, Bannon’s appointment also makes it very likely that Pizzagate arrests will take place some time after the inauguration on January 20th.

On November 22nd, Trump announced that he will not prosecute Hillary himself. He won’t have to. The NYPD and the FBI will probably do it for him.

Our insiders have revealed that if any action were to be taken before the inauguration, Obama could issue pardons to stop prosecution from occurring.

Hence, we are in an agonizing “holding pattern” between now and then.


The archived Reddit thread has much of the initial Pizzagate evidence that generated countless legions of YouTube videos, marching to defeat the Cabal.

Here are the two biggest things missing from the Reddit Pizzagate thread that are likely to be relevant:

1. The owner of Comet Ping Pong’s name, James Alefantis, appears to be a pseudonym cipher designed to resemble “J’aime les enfants,” which means “I love children” in French;

2. The character who performed at Comet Ping Pong wearing a red ski mask, black sunglasses and a blonde wig, “Majestic Ape,” appears to be James Alefantis as well.

James Alefantis is still listed on GQ as the 49th most powerful person in Washington DC at the time of this writing: http://www.gq.com/gallery/50-most-powerful-people-in-washington-dc#49

The hands of Majestic Ape, as seen in the music videos, are clearly male. They have the same size and shape as those of Alefantis, and have no hair, just like those of Alefantis.

The mouth that we see through Ape’s mask looks exactly like Alefantis’ mouth, including the thin lips, noticeable indentions around the philtrum below the nose, and the shape of the corners.

Furthermore, the voice of Majestic Ape, while speaking through the vocoder, sounds exactly like a pitch-shifted version of Alefantis’ voice.


Alefantis’ once-public Instagram posts included an image of a baby hashtagged as “hotard,” and a man wearing a shirt saying “J’ (heart) L’Enfants” (I love children.)

If that’s not enough, how about a creepy all-steel freezer hashtagged “killroom” and “murder”, or a child with her wrists duct-taped to a ping-pong table.

These are only a few of the many disturbing Instagram images that are featured in so many of the Pizzagate videos.

We are not going to post them here, since almost every website that does is suffering aggressive takedowns.

Murals on the walls of Comet Pizza included painted images of women holding the severed heads of children—and winged demons.

The videos also report that a mural in the bathroom had a demonic image that said “Shut Up and F—,” which is very inappropriate for a child-themed restaurant.

Those images have since been scrubbed off the walls, as a video confrontation with James Alefantis revealed on November 22nd.

Alefantis claimed the images had been removed five years ago, but that still doesn’t answer the question of what the heck they were doing up there in the first place.


Hackers on 4Chan claimed to have found a secret area of encrypted videos on the Comet Pizza website’s server.

Although they could not de-encrypt the videos, they were able to extract an image with text on it that provided instructions to those who were accessing the videos.

The instructions used code language to discuss an app that viewers would download and use one time only.

Here it is… if you can handle reading it:

The text from the image, if it is proven true, would be extremely damning in a criminal investigation:

“This month we have five fresh pizzas for your enjoyment. We also have four surviving pizzas from last month’s session.

“All are on sale at an extremely low price, as they are in poor health and not expected to surviv

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