WordPress 4.1 has been a long-awaited release for theme developers. Not only does this version ship with the awesome Twenty Fifteen theme, but also with a number of new functions and features that make theme development faster and easier. In this post, we’ll have a look at these new features and show you how to use them in your themes.
Auto-generated Title Tags
Until the release of WordPress 4.1, each theme contained its own implementation of the <title> tag. This code often varied from theme to theme, making it difficult for plugins — for example SEO plugins — to customize the content of the title tags.
The new, recommended approach is to leverage the add_theme_support() function by declaring support for title-tag:
By declaring theme support, you indicate to WordPress that the title tag should be auto-generated. This is done using the private function _wp_render_title_tag(), which is hooked to wp_head. You can still use the wp_title filter to customize the output of the new auto-generated title tags.
Navigation and Pagination
While WordPress has included functions to generate navigation links between posts or pages of posts for a while, each theme used these functions with different markup and text. WordPress 4.1 provides template tags that output the entire navigation for you.
This allows theme developers to focus on the most important element: styling. Additionally, when using the default strings, these are automatically translated in your theme, because the translations for these strings are included in Core.
Post Navigation
The post navigation functions, the_post_navigation() and get_the_post_navigation(), output a set of links to the previous and next posts. These functions are used on single post views (like single.php).
These functions accept an array arguments:
prev_text: Text of the link to the previous post. Defaults to the post title.
next_text: Text of the link to the next post. Defaults to the post title.
screen_reader_text: Text meant for screen readers. Defaults to “Post navigation”.
Sample HTML output:
Posts Navigation
The posts navigation functions, the_posts_navigation() and get_the_posts_navigation(), output a set of links to the previous and next pages of posts. These functions are used for post listings (like index.php) or archives (like archives.php).
These functions accept an array of arguments:
prev_text: Text of the link to the previous set of posts. Defaults to “Older posts”.
next_text: Text of the link to the next set of posts. Defaults to “Newer posts”.
screen_reader_text: Text meant for screen readers. Defaults to “Posts navigation”.
Sample HTML output:
Post Pagination
The posts pagination functions, the_posts_pagination() and get_the_posts_pagination(), output a set of page numbers with links to the previous and next pages of posts. These functions are used for post listings (like index.php) or archives (like archives.php).
These functions accept an array of arguments:
mid_size: How many page numbers to display to either side of the current page. Defaults to 1.
prev_text: Text of the link to the next set of posts. Defaults to “Previous”.
next_text: Text of the link to the next set of posts. Defaults to “Next”.
screen_reader_text: Text meant for screen readers. Defaults to “Posts navigation”.
Sample HTML output:
Archives are an important feature in WordPress. By default, WordPress supports taxonomy (categories, tags and post formats), author, and date (year, month, day) archives.
Two of the default taxonomies, categories and tags, support archive descriptions. This feature allows users to add descriptions for each term in these taxonomies.
It has become a best practice among theme developers to display these descriptions on archive pages, along with a contextual archive title. WordPress 4.1 introduces two new template tags to help with this.
Archive titles
The the_archive_title() and get_the_archive_title() functions display the title of an archive, as in the term or the date, with a contextual text prefix. The prefix depends on the type of archive:
“Category: ” for category archives.
“Tag: ” for tag archives.
“Author: ” for author archives.
“Year: “, “Month: ” and “Day: ” for date archives.
“Asides: “, “Galleries: “, “Images: “, “Videos: “, “Quotes: “, “Links :”, “Statuses: “, “Audio: ” and “Chats: ” for post format archives.
“Archives: ” for custom post type archives.
Singular taxonomy name for custom taxonomy archives.
Theme developers that want to modify the default strings can use the get_the_archive_title filter to do so.
The the_archive_title() accepts two arguments, $before and $after, that can be used to add additional text or HTML before or after the archive title.
Archive description
The the_archive_description() and get_the_archive_description() functions output the description of a taxonomy. These functions work with categories and tags as well as custom taxonomies.
The the_archive_description() template tag accepts two arguments, $before and $after, that can be used to add additional text or HTML before or after the term description.
Screen Reader Text
When using these new template tags, you might be surprised by extra text being displayed.
This is because these functions include text that provide contextual information for screen readers. This is a very important accessibility feature and it does not impact your theme’s design, as you can remove these elements while still keeping them accessible for screen readers with the following styles for the .screen-reader-text class:
Deprecated Admin Screens
WordPress 4.1 also deprecates the Background and Header screens in the admin. When users click on these links, they are redirected to the Customizer, where they can make changes with a visual preview of the results.
When adding theme support for the custom background feature, you will no longer have to implement callback functions for the admin-head-callback and admin-preview-callback arguments of add_theme_support( 'custom-background' ).
Want to know more?
You might agree these new functions are awesome, but you might be unsure how to use them. I’d encourage you to have a look at the _s (Underscores) starter theme on Github. It is up to date with all the new functions added in 4.1 and provides backwards compatibility for older versions of WordPress. You can also look at the source code of Twenty Fifteen, which leverages all these new functions.
Happy theming!